Are You Insane???



  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSANITY GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I;'ll stop yelling now....:laugh: Time to celebrate!!!:drinker: I don;t feel like retyping it all, so here's the link to the post I started for my completion of Insanity.....

    To all of those who are still in it....keep up the great work. It is totally rewarding, and completely worth the effort!!! You are all doing fantastic!!!

    Yeeeeeeyaaaaa baby! That's how you do it. You rock it aaaaall the way out 9 weeks strong! Grrrrrrr. LOL I didn't get the chance to do it yesterday so I still have one more day lingering and that silly FT. Congrats Skolls. You did an awesome job. You should be super proud of yourself. I know I'm proud of you. *smooches*
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Great job skolls! Very proud of you for completing it and you had great progress! Way to go dude ;)
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    I just ordered insanity asylum, going to start as soon as it arrives!!

    Let me know when you start and I can start with you. I have it already but I'm just afraid of pulling the trigger right now. LOL

    Hey Casey, how are you doing? How's Insanity working for you? Are you making it through?

    Well, I'm off to get in my last day. I was suppose to do it on Saturday but I had a wicked backache and we were out and about all day getting the kids ready for summer at grandma's (Can you say party??? :drinker: ) So I'm off to do Max Cardio and Conditioning or whatever it's called. I think I'm suppose to do the Cardio Abs too....crap :grumble:
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    You can do it road, it's your last freakin day! push through! lol
    Eh, I'm doing ok I'm starting to slack though with it being summertime and everything. You know how it is, kid's home from school, pools open, etc etc. I'm trying to stick with it though, only two more weeks left :D
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Ahh congratulations you two! I am jealous!

    CASEY we got this! I missed my workout Sunday but then decided to just keep going on monday with it and not take a day off (monday will be my day off.)


    And peachtree: let me know how asylum is! I want it!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    You can do it road, it's your last freakin day! push through! lol
    Eh, I'm doing ok I'm starting to slack though with it being summertime and everything. You know how it is, kid's home from school, pools open, etc etc. I'm trying to stick with it though, only two more weeks left :D

    Oh come on Casey...You got this! I've been there...the same routine, the same "dig deeper" speech he gives in every workout--it can get rough, but you've got it. Just think about how many people have tried and quit. How many men who are ripped have tried it and stopped or how many women who already look amazing jumped on board and then fell off. Think about all of the other women who have over 100lbs to lose and they WANT to do what you are doing right now. It's hard, I know. Especially with kids, practice, no school, etc--but don't stop. Now's the time you need to get your second wind. You've made it this far why not finish it out strong? Dig Deeper chica. Hahahahahahaha (I swear if I heard that one more time I might crack up).

    Thanks Jatie :) We kick *kitten*...hard to deny it. Hahahahaha. You are almost done right?
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    DO NOT QUIT!!!!! You are almost there. It is such an awesome feeling to be able to say "I finished Insanity!!!" I know summers here, and you feel like letting go a little bit, but this is what seperates us from everyone else. It's a lifestyle change, and you gotta push through!!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!

    To make you feel a little better......I finished on Sunday...took Monday/Tuesday off, and then did Cardio Power & Resistance and Cardio Abs today. Get back in there and kill it!!!!!

    Oh yeah, sent in my t-shirt request, and got the reply back with all the legal waivers you have to sign. Filled them out and sent them back....8-10 weeks to process (due to the high volume of requests)....really????????? lol
  • angelicazaldivar
    angelicazaldivar Posts: 38 Member
    skolls -- what kind of legal stuff do they make you sign? Im gettin ready to send mine in, but im worried they arent gonna give it to me cuz i bought it on Ebay. :( Hopefully they do tho. :)
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Peachtree: I am on my last week now!!! I leave for my vacation in one week exactly and I am leaving one day sooner than the 60th day-but I am either going to try to squeeze in two workouts in one day (one early and one late) and then do the fit test before I am dropped off at the airport. I REALLY want to be able to say I did every single workout, but as of right now I am just so excited to be this far!

    When I did INSANITY before I didn't make it to the end. I moved, my schedule got messed up, and I just couldn't stick it out. Plus when I did it before, I had way more missed days and make up workouts-this time I have been so diligent and only missed a workout when I was sick, then did it the next day. I've never stuck to something like I have been with INSANITY, and it feels REALLY good to keep it up! I wish I was as strict about what I eat as much as I am about doing insanity every day, but when I am burning SO many calories its just easy to eat more.

    I might do month 2 again when I get back from my trip. It feels so good to be at this level. Like today- I did MAX Interval Circuit and burned 1012 calories. That is RIDICULOUS. I had never done a max workout as hardcore as I did today. When I say hardcore I mean it- I didn't take any breaks, didn't pause it, and made it through each minute of the intervals doing it 100%! I did EVERY SINGLE JUMP with the jump/hook combo, I did all of the squat hooks, all of the high knee obliques, just did it all and felt so good! I kept tricking myself, saying that if I did this whole minute of "whatever" that I would be able to rest a few seconds before doing the next, but then I would start doing the next and repeat that, and I just never stopped.

    It felt good.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Jatie you are just ridiculous with the workout! That's so friggin kick *kitten*! I WISH I had been able to do it non stop--maybe next time. That's really awesome--congrats on the burn and the rocking the entire Max workout.
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    skolls -- what kind of legal stuff do they make you sign? Im gettin ready to send mine in, but im worried they arent gonna give it to me cuz i bought it on Ebay. :( Hopefully they do tho. :)

    It's legal waivers so they can use your pictures and weight info in advertising. Basically, you just say..." can use my success story for you to make more $$$$" lol :laugh:

    I could care less. I would love to be called up and be on the infomercial!!!!! They don;t even have to pay me- just give me a free copy of Asylum!!!!!!! lol
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member

    And.....I think I am going to miss Shaun T when this is done. I was thinking about the fact that when he says things like "dig deeper" or there is one where he says something like "if you are taking a break get back into it" it actually DOES help me keep going. I look at the people in the DVD who are dying also and I keep with it. I've never done a workout that I enjoy as much as this....its really weird.

    But I must complain- BRONCHO JUMPS? Yeah, thats one I look so stupid doing and I don't think i've ever done right. I am thinking the sports training video is my favorite, all except for those jumps. It makes me think of "casey face-plant-pushups" lol!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    lol thanks guys, I'm pushing through! Only 2 more days left this week and then I'll be on my final week! Great job jatie with the kickass calorie burn! I wish I had an hrm, I think if I did it'd make me push even harder just to try to get my calorie burn up lol. I haven't gotten one yet because we're saving money for our trip but once we get home I'm gonna pick one up. And lmao about those broncho jumps, I havne't done my sports training one yet I may have to look at it today you made me curious lol.
    I have to say we should all feel really proud of ourselves for getting through this, I know for me it's a huge accomplishment and its going to feel amazing knowing I've done something that most "fit" people I know couldn't do. I'm taking it with me when I go home this summer because my mom wants to do it and it may be bad to say but it's going to be so awesome for me to watch her struggle (she's a huge skinny/fitness freak) and for her to see that I can do it :) And a little nsv for me, I started this not being able to do one single full regular pushup, always had to do them on my knees, well now I can do 7 before I have to rest, and yesterday just for kicks I just did 25 (in sets). It felt awesome.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    lol thanks guys, I'm pushing through! Only 2 more days left this week and then I'll be on my final week! Great job jatie with the kickass calorie burn! I wish I had an hrm, I think if I did it'd make me push even harder just to try to get my calorie burn up lol. I haven't gotten one yet because we're saving money for our trip but once we get home I'm gonna pick one up. And lmao about those broncho jumps, I havne't done my sports training one yet I may have to look at it today you made me curious lol.
    I have to say we should all feel really proud of ourselves for getting through this, I know for me it's a huge accomplishment and its going to feel amazing knowing I've done something that most "fit" people I know couldn't do. I'm taking it with me when I go home this summer because my mom wants to do it and it may be bad to say but it's going to be so awesome for me to watch her struggle (she's a huge skinny/fitness freak) and for her to see that I can do it :) And a little nsv for me, I started this not being able to do one single full regular pushup, always had to do them on my knees, well now I can do 7 before I have to rest, and yesterday just for kicks I just did 25 (in sets). It felt awesome.

    NICE JOB CASEY! I totally feel ya on the personal victories-each time I can go down a little further on my push ups and now I can get through the crazy 16-in-a-row on the max plyo video. I can't wait for you to see the broncho jumps-they are ridiculous! Hahah. And I totally agree with you on how we should all feel proud of ourselves. It really is such a crazy workout and to even get through month one is an AWESOME accomplishment-but to be able to say I FINISHED INSANITY is just such an amazing goal. We all struggled, moaned, groaned, glared at the tv, made our living room floor disgusting with sweat, and literally pushed our bodies to the max and we can say WE DID IT. We got through it. AHH well I can't say it yet but ALMOST!

    And to skolls, peachtree, all the graduates out there: great job, and thanks for doing it because it helps me keep going.

    I don't think I've ever been happier with my body and with some will power. I thought I completely lacked any will power, but I know now that I have a lot more than an average person. We kick *kitten* guys!!! :)
  • SamiMoe21
    SamiMoe21 Posts: 1 Member
    how did you get the total for cal. burned?
  • AmandaSumalee
    Fit Test Day 1- INSANITY!
    Kicked my *kitten*

    1. Switch Kicks 112
    2. Power Jacks 32
    3. Power Knees 60
    4. Power Jumps 12
    5. Globe Jumps 6
    6. Suicide Jumps 2
    7. Push-Up Jacks 12
    8. Low Plank Oblique 36