


  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I used to use a tanning bed, but when my mom got skin cancer, I stopped. I LOVED it though. So now I use the Jergens lotion that gives you a gradual tan and I will get outside in the sun here and there as well. I will occasionally do a spray tan but I think they are a pain. Oh, and when I did use a tanning bed, I always went in completely naked.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    When its winter i dont really bother unless im going out somewhere, during the summer i spray tan once a week and only wear knickers for it. I wont go on sunbeds or out in the sun as i blister far too easy and i like to look after my skin.

    I spray tan at home as the last time i went to a salon i ended up orange! I like to look healthy rather than like a wotsit which seems to be the fashion around here!!

    "Knickers" Love that.


    in the US, knickers is an amusing word we don't hear often.

    also, what exactly is a wotsit?

    another word we don't recognize...(I don't:blushing: )
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    ^when you see someone and you go WOTSIT??!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I am very fair skinned, but wanted to be tan for my wedding 10 years ago. So I went to the tanning bed for several months before my wedding. A few times sparadically over the next couple of years. Then I started getting pregnant with all my kids so the tanning bed was out for me.
    Last spring I starting laying in the tanning bed for medical reasons. I have psoriasis pretty bad and the tanning bed helped me to get it under control. I was about to start trying to go back again for it soon, however, as you know I am now pregnant with #5 so it will have to be put off.
    I don't usually go to the tanning bed just to get tan, but it sure was a nice bonus looking nice and tan and not having my psoriasis flair up.
    OH, I lay in the old style beds(so that I get the UVA light that I need for my psoriasis), no longer than 20 min, nude.
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    When its winter i dont really bother unless im going out somewhere, during the summer i spray tan once a week and only wear knickers for it. I wont go on sunbeds or out in the sun as i blister far too easy and i like to look after my skin.

    I spray tan at home as the last time i went to a salon i ended up orange! I like to look healthy rather than like a wotsit which seems to be the fashion around here!!

    "Knickers" Love that.


    in the US, knickers is an amusing word we don't hear often.

    also, what exactly is a wotsit?

    another word we don't recognize...(I don't:blushing: )

    Ok so knickers are...Underwear (havent got a clue what you guys call them!!)

    A wotsit is a crisp -


    Think they are like cheetos?? Bright orange!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Tan or pale, by the way, has nothing to do with beauty. There are beautiful women in MFP in every shade imaginable.

    As for the health risk, I am fairly certain that it is the bad sunburns that contiribute more heavily to skin cancer than tanning.

    all UV exposure is doing damage, it's why we freckle and tan. The damage done by a sunburn is a spike in the level of the damage, but all exposure is harming the skin. look at the skin on your backside. That's what all of your skin would look like if it had been protected all your life. The sagging and wrinkling and spotting that takes place on us is not the result of the passing of time, but of the cumulative radiation exposure the skin has endured.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    When its winter i dont really bother unless im going out somewhere, during the summer i spray tan once a week and only wear knickers for it. I wont go on sunbeds or out in the sun as i blister far too easy and i like to look after my skin.

    I spray tan at home as the last time i went to a salon i ended up orange! I like to look healthy rather than like a wotsit which seems to be the fashion around here!!

    "Knickers" Love that.


    in the US, knickers is an amusing word we don't hear often.

    also, what exactly is a wotsit?

    another word we don't recognize...(I don't:blushing: )

    Ok so knickers are...Underwear (havent got a clue what you guys call them!!)

    A wotsit is a crisp -


    Think they are like cheetos?? Bright orange!!!


    This is SO. FUNNY!!!!!!!!
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    I use self tanner. In fact, as I'm sitting at my desk I can smell the Juergens cream for fair/medium skin. :) lol. I recently tried the Kardashian's GEL tanner, too and thought that was good. I have used a tanning bed before - and still will about 5x per year (usually right before a sunny vacation.) My mom had skin cancer spots removed off her scalp, so that has changed my mind on tanning more often than that. Spray tan seems expensive, probably wouldn't try that.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    @xerinx2011 - I liked my answer better. :tongue:
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    @xerinx2011 - I liked my answer better. :tongue:

    Ahhh but im english so if i said that i would sound like a fool!!!

    But now you can run around and shout that people when they are orange :tongue:
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    When I see someone odd (odder than me) I can (in my best english accent) yells WOTSIT!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Fake baking is really bad for you-it causes wrinkles and skin cancer and is much worse than the sun. I do love being tan though, so if it's vacation time I get a spray tan, the one they airbrush on is really pretty good these days, I have done the spray booth and it is not as good, but it is cheaper.
    I also will use Loreal sublime bronze tanner on my legs for a few days for a little color, I think it is pretty natural looking. I found a spray in a can that is good called Sassy tan in a can. The color is good and it goes on bronze so you can see where it is spraying.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    When its winter i dont really bother unless im going out somewhere, during the summer i spray tan once a week and only wear knickers for it. I wont go on sunbeds or out in the sun as i blister far too easy and i like to look after my skin.

    I spray tan at home as the last time i went to a salon i ended up orange! I like to look healthy rather than like a wotsit which seems to be the fashion around here!!

    "Knickers" Love that.


    in the US, knickers is an amusing word we don't hear often.

    also, what exactly is a wotsit?

    another word we don't recognize...(I don't:blushing: )

    Ok so knickers are...Underwear (havent got a clue what you guys call them!!)

    A wotsit is a crisp -


    Think they are like cheetos?? Bright orange!!!


    This is SO. FUNNY!!!!!!!!

    When I was a kid knickers were what is now called Capris.

    I have been reading books lately written by people from the Uk and what not, tho the stories are heart breaking, it's pretty fun reading the way they speak.
  • loro1971
    loro1971 Posts: 135
    love me some tanning.... all year long but only once a week during winter now its time to AMP IT UP!!! nuddddddddddddddddeee!! no spray.......tanning bed.. full amount of time... after a nice hike with my iphone!!! LOVE IT!!
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    Tan or pale, by the way, has nothing to do with beauty. There are beautiful women in MFP in every shade imaginable.

    As for the health risk, I am fairly certain that it is the bad sunburns that contiribute more heavily to skin cancer than tanning.

    There is no difference between tanning in the sun and tanning in a bed. A tan is actually damage to the skin. It gets darker because the melanocytes have to work hard to protect your precious skkin from burning. Regardless of wether it's from the sun or a bulb, when the skin darkens, it has been damaged.

    "The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced today that it has moved UV tanning beds to its highest cancer risk category -- "carcinogenic to humans.""


    Personally, I choose health. I am fine with how I was made and I intend to live happy and healthy regardless of the latest trends in fashion. The girls I know who tan look 10 years older than they are. I'm always mistaken for a teenager and I'm 32. Once, a stranger thought my friend was my mom, and she is 4 years younger than me.

    I'd rather live a full and happy life looking like a pasty. I actually think tanning makes people look ugly. Some people have tanned so much that they no longer tan evenly because their melanocytes have been totally damaged. The skin is the largest, yet most abused organ of the human body. People don't even think of it as an organ. It is there to protect us and keep everything in and out. It is vital to our immune system. If you take good care of your skin, it will take good care of you.

    Thats just my 2 cents.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Tan or pale, by the way, has nothing to do with beauty. There are beautiful women in MFP in every shade imaginable.

    As for the health risk, I am fairly certain that it is the bad sunburns that contiribute more heavily to skin cancer than tanning.

    There is no difference between tanning in the sun and tanning in a bed. A tan is actually damage to the skin. It gets darker because the melanocytes have to work hard to protect your precious skkin from burning. Regardless of wether it's from the sun or a bulb, when the skin darkens, it has been damaged.

    "The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced today that it has moved UV tanning beds to its highest cancer risk category -- "carcinogenic to humans.""


    Personally, I choose health. I am fine with how I was made and I intend to live happy and healthy regardless of the latest trends in fashion. The girls I know who tan look 10 years older than they are. I'm always mistaken for a teenager and I'm 32. Once, a stranger thought my friend was my mom, and she is 4 years younger than me.

    I'd rather live a full and happy life looking like a pasty. I actually think tanning makes people look ugly. Some people have tanned so much that they no longer tan evenly because their melanocytes have been totally damaged. The skin is the largest, yet most abused organ of the human body. People don't even think of it as an organ. It is there to protect us and keep everything in and out. It is vital to our immune system. If you take good care of your skin, it will take good care of you.

    Thats just my 2 cents.

    It is a choice. I am farly certain that the tanning I do each year is less damaging than the burns I would sustain riding my motorcycle. Even with Sunscreen, I burn, when I am on a long run over the summer. I have never had a bad burn since I was a teenager in the late 1960's. I have two bad habits; tanning and cigars. I'm probaly going to tan until I give my motorcycle up. Which means ...Never. And I am going to smoke cigars until someone makes me stop. Which means...Never.

    That's just my 2 cents.
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    @bynskyYep ooompa loompas i seem to use rather a lot too!!

    @becky Strange how knickers can mean soooo many different things. I get confused sometimes when americans use words that mean something completely different over here!
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    When I see someone odd (odder than me) I can (in my best english accent) yells WOTSIT!!

    Now that i would like to see!!!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I've all ready had three places removed off my back, and melanoma did in my father, so I'll stick with my paleness.