Am I missing something?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Why is it if a person does not agree 100% with someone that means they are attacking an insulting them?
    I never saw one thing in this op that showed it was just a haha moment.
    me saying I disagree with it is not being rude.
    why should I not be allowed to post my thoughts or opinions as well?
    this is a public forum.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I wanted everyone to know that with all these really mean things being sad about me, I'll probably be going off of MFP. Thanks for all the motivating energy and positive thoughts for just accepting my opinion or my thoughts or for just leaving it alone. I appreciate all the sense of humor many of these postings but none of what I said was meant to be rude, mean, or ignorant. So while you all were bashing me on here I was out exercising and enjoying the sunshine while you all hijacked my 'ha-ha' moment to degrade the person that I am. Want a clue as to who I am really? Read my blog or get off it. Thanks Winners! I feel brilliant. /sarcasm.

    I hope you feel good about yourselves and wish you luck on cleaning your houses and losing weight doing it! I know it wouldn't work for me...being asthmatic with thyroid problems since childhood, I have my own challenges to bust through and today, you all are not one of them.

    Hon, you need to read back into some of the things that you stated in this forum. There were plenty of things said that really hurt a lot of those people who are using those types of activities as exercises. It is not anybody's place to judge how anybody else is doing their weight loss journey. Eventually they will figure out that it is or is not working and go from there. Just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean that it won't for somebody else. Assuming things really makes for ugly words. You stated something about eating a cookie after walking the stairs... That was found by a lot of people to be hurtful, and when people feel hurt they lash out... it's life. Just a word of advice, if you want to post something like this again, maybe it should be kept in a blog where only your friends can read it. Saying that if someone doesn't agree with you then they shouldn't read your "thoughts" isn't going to work if you post it as a topic for everyone to see. The consequences are obviously greater than you had anticipated, and that should be a reminder next time to think about anybody that might be hurt by what you are saying. I for one, have not lived a very active lifestyle due to surgeries and such... If I feel like I need to log in those calories, I most certainly will. You disagree with that, and you are entitled to your opinion. However, if you chose to voice your opinion on a place like MFP where everyone on here can read it, you are likely to get some pretty bad feedback for it by those who disagree with you. Let's keep it friendly. MFP is a place for people to get support in their weight loss journey, not to get bashed by someone who doesn't agree with how they are trying.

    Well said.

    A ton of hurt feelings on both sides of the topic.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If anyone bothered to read completely through they would see that more people agree than disagree. With that being said, I need to say that I value other's opinions which was why I posted in the first place. I don't, however, value someone's ability to insult me. If you could see the messages I've received being called everything from a saint to a B*tch and a fat cow...than you would understand why, at this point, I am tired of the immaturity. Maybe some people don't understand my sense of humor (majority, I find, do and enjoy it) and decided to jump to assumptions rather than question me W/O the insults. I've never been surrounded by such angry people who are so unaccepting! I agree to that everyone has exceptions to the rules. I've already stated that. I am not arguing the point. The point that I am arguing is the fact that we are entitled to opinions and there is no need to downgrade me for mine. I seen a 19 y/o girl today post that she was quitting MFP because it was a big joke... wanna know why? But she was logging her food and her chores and not losing any weight over a month and not one of her friends bothered to step up and tell her that chores don't count but they waited til she posted and than rudely pushed her out the door for the choices she made but didn't know any better and by the time I could talk to her she was too insulted. She had no knowledge of how weight loss would work for her and needed the support NOT OPINIONS of others. Get off it already. Enough damage has been done here. I was merely trying to start a discussion in hopes that I would gain some knowledge for myself. For people who eat back their exercise calories like myself, I would like to know if I should eat more or less and that includes knowing what exactly counts as calorie burns. Enough.

    It's unfortunate that you've had such a negative experience (or that anyone does.) Sadly, there are immature, mean people everywhere - in RL, online, on any website or social network. But letting them dictate your experience isn't going to help you or anyone else.

    Honestly, your OP (and further responses) didn't sound like you were joking (in a nice way, at least) - it sounded like you were bashing anyone who logs cleaning or cooking or whatever. The approach and tone was what generated the negative responses. Perhaps if you'd made it a bit more of an honest question, rather than seeming to make fun of those who do it, it would have gone over a bit better. I've learned over many, many years in forums that tact and choosing words carefully is even more important than in RL, because tone and intentions are a lot more easily misunderstood in text.

    At any rate, hopefully you got some helpful responses somewhere. I think it's a mistake to write off the whole community based on a few people. But you should do whatever will help you be successful. Good luck to you, either way.

    You always write the best stuff,I love the way you can word things so calm and leval headed sounding.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.

    And yet my mother had 4 children and a 7 bedroom house (maybe that extra room made all the difference) and has never weighed more than 112lbs, even though the house was always a mess and she never did a minute of exercise the whole time I was growing up. She didn't need to because she ate right and was on her feet all day keeping up with us. If your mother gained 150lbs, it was because she ate too much, not because she didn't have enough to do.

    TBH you have admitted to eating junk, so it's not that surprising that you have found the weight creep on DESPITE your active lifestyle.

    again, you didnt read very well.

    Every woman in my family has a thyroid disease. I wish everyone would stop. Everyone has taken it too too far and no one has stopped to read all the postings to even understand the entirety of things. I find it insulting that I'm told that my mother and I ate too much when I know for a fact that things are very different from your assumptions. At this point, none of this matters what matters is that I'm receiving private messages from woman who are much bigger than me and calling me 'a fat pigging out cow' and the only way I could gain weight was to sit around on my 'ugly *kitten* watching soap operas and binging out on potatoes'

    Real classy. Real Support. Great website filled with great people who support the great insults! lol ugh. It's a good thing I do have people supporting my journey otherwise the old me would have logged off and contemplated thoughts of suicide just like the 19 y/o girl is right now as I am speaking to her on the phone. Really. Time for the bullies to stop. Show some compassion. Geez.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    How can typed words have a 'tone'? Can you hear me talking as you read? I don't think. So it's fair to say that all of this is assumptions. We all read things differently and clearly, some people misunderstood but how does it make it okay to continue to be insulted?
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    OMG, please just make it all stop.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    How can typed words have a 'tone'? Can you hear me talking as you read? I don't think. So it's fair to say that all of this is assumptions. We all read things differently and clearly, some people misunderstood but how does it make it okay to continue to be insulted?

    Well, that would be my whole point - it IS difficult to decipher tone in text - sarcasm, joking, etc are very easily misconstrued when they are read.

    No one should be insulting anyone - again, that's my point. In text, it's easy to take things personally and perceive it as an insult or attack when it isn't INTENDED to be one. Everyone has their own "soft spots" which can provoke a defensive response. And of course anything can be taken the wrong way by SOMEone. When we inject our own personal experiences into the discussion (as you and myself and others have done), it's easy to take a statement about "your experience" personally and feel it's a negative comment about YOU, rather than your opinion or your experience.

    Hopefully this can be a learning experience for a lot of people and help us all to remember that what we say AND how we say it can have a big impact on someone else. :smile:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    How can typed words have a 'tone'? Can you hear me talking as you read? I don't think. So it's fair to say that all of this is assumptions. We all read things differently and clearly, some people misunderstood but how does it make it okay to continue to be insulted?

    Yes, typed words can have tones. For example:

    "Please email over the file” vs "EMAIL OVER THE FILE!"

    Not the best example, but the little things in written communication can make a big difference especially when there is no non-verbal communication associated with them.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Maybe not exercise, but your activity level should be something other than sedentary if this is a regular day. It could be counted as exercise if your activity level is set at sedentary

    Exactly! It is your activity level not exercise per say, there is a difference. That’s a pretty angry post you made there for something minor and only affects you. Rarely do people discuss cleaning as valid exercise on MFP so I don't know why this topic kind of pulled out of no where caused you so much grief. Well as I just mentioned moments ago in another thread, everyone has their own pet peeve, mine is people walking on the wrong side (the left) so you are entitled to yours.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    How can typed words have a 'tone'? Can you hear me talking as you read? I don't think. So it's fair to say that all of this is assumptions. We all read things differently and clearly, some people misunderstood but how does it make it okay to continue to be insulted?

    Yes, typed words can have tones. For example:

    "Please email over the file” vs "EMAIL OVER THE FILE!"

    Not the best example, but the little things in written communication can make a big difference especially when there is no non-verbal communication associated with them.

    Precisely :wink:
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    If it's unusual activity, I say log it. My dad always reminded me that calories burned "working out" could just as well mean vacuuming. Wait... :huh:
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    OMG people....

    Step back and stop fueling the fire!!!!

    GET OVER IT!!!

    MOVE ON....

  • DancingYogini
    I dont see the problem with logging your housework as exercise,if it helps people then its a good thing.Its annoying how people just assume they are doing it in order to eat more.
    And the thing is housework IS exercise in its own way.
    If I scrubb the floors thats exercise
    if you have a large house with lots of carpet and your vacuming for 20 minutes or more a day thats exercise
    if your scrubbing the shower thats exercise

    While I was doing all of that, I put on 50 lbs. My mom had 4 kids and a 6 bed room house to maintain for 30 years, she put on 150 lbs. I really doubt that approach will work for me. It might for others tho! So G'luck with that. I wish it could be that easy for me but genetics tell me otherwise.

    And yet my mother had 4 children and a 7 bedroom house (maybe that extra room made all the difference) and has never weighed more than 112lbs, even though the house was always a mess and she never did a minute of exercise the whole time I was growing up. She didn't need to because she ate right and was on her feet all day keeping up with us. If your mother gained 150lbs, it was because she ate too much, not because she didn't have enough to do.

    TBH you have admitted to eating junk, so it's not that surprising that you have found the weight creep on DESPITE your active lifestyle.

    again, you didnt read very well.

    Every woman in my family has a thyroid disease. I wish everyone would stop. Everyone has taken it too too far and no one has stopped to read all the postings to even understand the entirety of things. I find it insulting that I'm told that my mother and I ate too much when I know for a fact that things are very different from your assumptions. At this point, none of this matters what matters is that I'm receiving private messages from woman who are much bigger than me and calling me 'a fat pigging out cow' and the only way I could gain weight was to sit around on my 'ugly *kitten* watching soap operas and binging out on potatoes'

    Real classy. Real Support. Great website filled with great people who support the great insults! lol ugh. It's a good thing I do have people supporting my journey otherwise the old me would have logged off and contemplated thoughts of suicide just like the 19 y/o girl is right now as I am speaking to her on the phone. Really. Time for the bullies to stop. Show some compassion. Geez.
    Ok...this needs to pulled!! You are making veiled suicide threats now, and playing the "poor me" card. You started this, and you made some not so nice remarks to people that choose to log things that you don't agree with. You did mention the thyroid issue, but not until a few pages in, so I am not sure a lot of people saw would explain eating well (or clean) and still gaining weight. Maybe mentioning that in the beginning would have helped people understand you better. But, letting a message board drive you to thoughts of suicide is ridiculous and insulting to the people here that have been affected by suicide (my father, my grandfather) (and if you also have, then I am sorry, and you should know better than to use that on people). And, don't say that wasn't a veiled threat, because just by saying "the old me would have contemplated it" didn't need to be said, unless you wanted a reaction out of it. Sorry...this is gone too far and has hit a nerve that is too close to home for me.
This discussion has been closed.