Eating peanut butter every day . . .



  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I have a special present for you. Powdered peanut butter. more than half the calories.

    How do you turn it into 'creamy' peanut butter? To eat on bread and such. Or is it not for that?
  • Lori07
    Lori07 Posts: 136
    Okay I used to do this all the time and it was sooo good. Peanut butter on a wiener yes that is what I said. A cold wiener out of the fridge a knife and a jar of PB. Put some PB on the end and have a bite repeat process until gone. YUM but wieners have lots of calories and I can not do this any more but my kids do.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Okay I used to do this all the time and it was sooo good. Peanut butter on a wiener yes that is what I said. A cold wiener out of the fridge a knife and a jar of PB. Put some PB on the end and have a bite repeat process until gone. YUM but wieners have lots of calories and I can not do this any more but my kids do.

    OK! I was not going to bring this up but:

    When I was little I ate peanut butter and bologna sandwiches. They were good.

    *Now using brain clean to remove hot dog + peanut butter thoughts... :blushing:
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I have a special present for you. Powdered peanut butter. more than half the calories.

    How do you turn it into 'creamy' peanut butter? To eat on bread and such. Or is it not for that?

    You mix it with water to make te peanut butter. You can get it at whole foods
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I eat 3 tablespoons of all natural PB EVERYDAY!!

    One with my oatmeal in the morning and then 2 with sliced bananas in the afternoon!!

    I won't give it up for ANYTHING!!
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    Hello everyone my name is Achoooo and I'm addicted to peanut butter.
    I'm almost in my mid-thirties, and I've had it everyday of my life since I could eat, except while on vacation.
    So yes, everyday for probably 33 years I have consumed a normal portion of peanut butter.
    I am probably crazy, and most everyone would think I'm crazy, I eat my PB on whole wheat bread with jelly.
    I seriously don't like it when I don't get to eat it, unless I'm away from home.
    If I'm out all day and can't have it and I get home I get all happy cause well, there's my dinner! YAY!
    So far my cholesterol is pretty good, but I have a genetic issue there and I'm fighting it. Not giving up PB, NEVER! :o)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I have a special present for you. Powdered peanut butter. more than half the calories.

    Thanks for the link.
  • naolson
    naolson Posts: 9 Member
    RIght there with you! LOVE PB! :):love:
  • swheeler0602
    swheeler0602 Posts: 110 Member
    I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER! I eat it every weekday for breakfast with a triple health english muffin.

    But watch the calories on the peanut butter you buy. I am a "Skippy" fan personally and bought the Natural peanut butter which I think has less flavor...which usually happens. The only difference (nutrition wise) with "Skippy" Creamy Natural and Plain Creamy PB is Saturated fat is .5g more in Natural and 1g of carbs less in Natural. Calories, total fat, sugars, and everything else is the same. The only difference is the types of oils that are used.

    The difference in Plain creamy vs Plain reduced fat is...
    Reduced fat has 10 cal less, 4g total fat less, 20mg sodium more, 8g carbs more, andf 1g sugar more.

    So just make sure you are eating what is more healthy for YOU and in eat in moderation. I also make sure that my total calories for the day can fit it in. I like to start my day with it, because it's a weakness, and then accomdate the rest of my meals for the day.