Couch to 5K (start 4/4/11)



  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Run first part of wk4d1 run went well. I finished both the 3 and 5 minute runs up and downhill with no problems. I completed the second 3 minute at a slower past doing up and down hills and curves on a running path through the neighborhood. During th last walk I had to add an additional two minutes of walking to catch my breathe. I complete the last 5 minute run without stopping but it was difficult. I keep telling myself that my legs were fine and my breathing was fine. I'm sort of disappointed that I walked an additional two minutes during the walk but my wife told me that I never stopped running during the run phases. I guess that is an accomplishment. She also reminded me that I'm carrying 292lbs up and down hill as she is only 137lbs and we are both keeping the same pace. I guess that makes me feel a little better.

    That is a FANTASTIC first day effort on w4! I'm so proud of you! You always forget to pat yourself on the back for taking on a course full of hills, too. I if I lived where you do, I'd drive 10 miles first to find 3 miles of level ground before I even started stretching! You are a CHAMPION!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I had one of those rough food weekends (husband's birthday and my aunt/uncle's 50th anniversary party full of yummy old world foods) so I struck out on exercise Fri/Sat. However, when I got home yesterday from the anniversary party I decided to run even though I'd just eaten too much 2 hours earlier. I also did a w2 run since I'd struggled with being able to do w3 last week. I was able to do the whole w2 and with a record time/distance for me...I'd never been able to jog every single minute of the w2 program.

    So now I'm going to head out and tackle w3 again. Hopefully by the end of this week I can jump to w4.

    It's nice to have new people jumping in here- welcome! Wish I had time to comment on all of your posts. It's so encouraging for me to read how everyone is working their way through this. I think we're impressive for having stuck to this for more than 3 weeks already!

    Happy running everyone!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    uuggghhh. . .so irritated and frustrated. it's so hard to stay motivated to work out and eat right when i'm the only one in the house who cares!!!

    plus, every time i attempt to do w3, my stupid knee starts acting up again. might be a combination of crooked treadmill (don't know how to fix it) and the wrong shoes (because i can't afford the right ones). in any case, i think i'm gonna drop off c25k for awhile - my body doesn't seem interested in the longer runs. and it's really weird, cuz i can do an hour of 1 minute on, 1 minute off with no problem. maybe i just need more time to build up to it. maybe i'm just nuts. or maybe my sister was right and i'm just a total failure at life. i have no way of knowing.

    i will keep up the treadmill routine, and i will continue checking in here. i think i'm also gonna look into the Conservative c25k, and the C210k. i hear those are easier programs with longer buildups. that might be a bit more like what i'm looking for.
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    ALW65 - Don't worry about this weekend because you will get back into the swing of things this week. Congrats on the W2 run, yea I do forget to pat myself on the backalot. Again thanks for all the support you give it reaaly helps me. I check this site before and after each run also while i'm a work and on my iphone. LOL I'm a MFP junkie. ... Well today I'll be doing my second run of WK4 and I'm dreading it. Mainly because I have a little pain this morning in my knee. Nothing serious more annoying than anything. I will finish WK4 the day before I leave to Vegas. In other news I'm wearing pants that I haven't worn in more that a year. I tried on a pair of 42's yesterday and fit with no problems. Actually I had room to spare. The 40's I have fit but I need about another month to get in the easily. Just goes to show that C25K and MFP are a winning combination. Also the great support really is what keeps me motivated. Keep it coming and the success stories.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    uuggghhh. . .so irritated and frustrated. it's so hard to stay motivated to work out and eat right when i'm the only one in the house who cares!!!

    plus, every time i attempt to do w3, my stupid knee starts acting up again. might be a combination of crooked treadmill (don't know how to fix it) and the wrong shoes (because i can't afford the right ones). in any case, i think i'm gonna drop off c25k for awhile - my body doesn't seem interested in the longer runs. and it's really weird, cuz i can do an hour of 1 minute on, 1 minute off with no problem. maybe i just need more time to build up to it. maybe i'm just nuts. or maybe my sister was right and i'm just a total failure at life. i have no way of knowing.

    i will keep up the treadmill routine, and i will continue checking in here. i think i'm also gonna look into the Conservative c25k, and the C210k. i hear those are easier programs with longer buildups. that might be a bit more like what i'm looking for.

    I moved to c210k on week 4. It's definitely easier - longer time to build up. I'm having to repeat week 5 though. No biggie. If your treadmill is crooked, take your run outside. as for shoes, there's actually a whole "barefoot running" movement going on. (google "barefoot running" and you'll get a kazillion hits). The theory is the shoes we wear ARE what causes the injuries and humans can run long distances without shoes. (visualize african hunters running for days). Interesting concept.

    In all seriousness, give your knees a couple of days to heal. You might be surprised that you'll want to get out and try again. It can be addictive. Hang in there! And don't believe a word your sister says!
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    2nd run of week 4 today for me and my 7YO, unfortunately we both have hayfever and with the high winds the pollen was out in force today, so we both ended up really wheezy and only did the first 3 and 5 min runs. Will try again later in the week after dosing up on drugs first, perhaps in the evening when the pollen might not be as bad.

    It must be the pollen rather than lack of condition as I did level 2 of the 30 day shred an hour later with no problems!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    uuggghhh. . .so irritated and frustrated. it's so hard to stay motivated to work out and eat right when i'm the only one in the house who cares!!!

    plus, every time i attempt to do w3, my stupid knee starts acting up again. might be a combination of crooked treadmill (don't know how to fix it) and the wrong shoes (because i can't afford the right ones). in any case, i think i'm gonna drop off c25k for awhile - my body doesn't seem interested in the longer runs. and it's really weird, cuz i can do an hour of 1 minute on, 1 minute off with no problem. maybe i just need more time to build up to it. maybe i'm just nuts. or maybe my sister was right and i'm just a total failure at life. i have no way of knowing.

    i will keep up the treadmill routine, and i will continue checking in here. i think i'm also gonna look into the Conservative c25k, and the C210k. i hear those are easier programs with longer buildups. that might be a bit more like what i'm looking for.

    Now just stop that! First, you're not a failure at running because you knee hurts, and I'm SURE you're not a failure at life. I bet all of us have sore spots from doing this, and many have had to take a few days off to let thost things heal up. You're probably right that you need a little more time to build yourself up. It's a great idea to try one of the other programs that allows for a build up. After all, one program couldn't possibly be perfect for everyone on a couch.

    Check back in with us an let us know how you're doing. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we'd love to help you move forward and cheer you on - brighter days are ahead!!!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I'm feeling VERY happy about today's run. I tried W3 again (attempt #4) and I was able to do every single second of all of the runs! I really had to push to make it through that last one and my heart rate was up to 187, but it's a great feeling of accomplishment. Now I can run this a few more times and make the jump to week four just a little bit behind schedule. The other cool thing is I managed to do this after cutting grass for an hour (did take a break for two hours though-don't need to put myself into cardiac arrest).

    Good luck to everyone running tomorrow! I have to head to bed early - I'm beat!
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    I did wk4d2 today and got through the first runs fine. The seconds 3 and five minutes very even more difficult than day 1. My knee was very sore I stop running and paused the program to rest during the second 3 minute run and again for 50 sec during the second 5 minute run. I think I really tweaked my knee. It is really bothering me. I think it is because It was sore from running that long distance on Saturday. I should have rested an extra day.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I did wk4d2 today and got through the first runs fine. The seconds 3 and five minutes very even more difficult than day 1. My knee was very sore I stop running and paused the program to rest during the second 3 minute run and again for 50 sec during the second 5 minute run. I think I really tweaked my knee. It is really bothering me. I think it is because It was sore from running that long distance on Saturday. I should have rested an extra day.

    Try icing it 15-20 minutes with ice on, then off for 15-20 minutes - repeat as time allows. And Motrin is always a great things if it's something that you can take. I'd wait until it's feeling better before you start back up, and if it gets worse, check with the doctor. Sorry you hit a bump in the road so to speak :frown:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Not all days are going to be great runs. Today was a perfect example. Hubby pissed me off right as I was leaving. :grumble: (I don't work out well when I'm mad.) I basically quit and went to the grocery store instead. :grumble: Oh well, I'll do it again tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    I moved to c210k on week 4. It's definitely easier - longer time to build up. I'm having to repeat week 5 though. No biggie. If your treadmill is crooked, take your run outside. as for shoes, there's actually a whole "barefoot running" movement going on. (google "barefoot running" and you'll get a kazillion hits). The theory is the shoes we wear ARE what causes the injuries and humans can run long distances without shoes. (visualize african hunters running for days). Interesting concept.

    In all seriousness, give your knees a couple of days to heal. You might be surprised that you'll want to get out and try again. It can be addictive. Hang in there! And don't believe a word your sister says!

    i don't DARE run outside - not in this neighborhood. but i might give some serious consideration to taking off my shoes and running in my socks - cuz public treadmill=gross.

    and i HAVE given my knee time to heal - 3 days the first time, and 4 days the second time. still gets all pbbttt. i think the repetition of the discomfort was what sparked that little rant in the first place. tomorrow is my next treadmill day. by then i will have a plan of attack.

    i'm not giving up on this one. not yet. i've made too much progress already to just let it go like that.
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    my calves have been sore for 6 weeks...i stretch...i ice...i use icy-hot...they are so UN-used to exercise, it's pathetic...i ran 2 miles today and wanted to quit the whole time...but finished...i have to constantly remind myself why i'm doing this...for my health...and my happiness...and because people always act like i can't!
  • suzhawken
    suzhawken Posts: 32 Member
    Living in FL, I have had to take my running the C25K to the treadmill now. I SO MUCH PREFER running outside!!! I'm so bored on the treadmill at the gym - there's nothing to look at and occupy my mind! I wear my headphones and listen to great music, but the scenery is just so BORING! Gotta figure out a way to get through that! Suggestions!?

    I'm doing W4D2 tomorrow - today is cardio on the elliptical machine and leg work. I'm psyched about getting through this week and getting to do W5! Hoo Rah!!!
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    So as i've already posted earlier last week i've been stuck on week 3 for a while now but i am proud to say that today i did the first part of week 4!!! I did the 3 min run followed by the 5 min run and then walked the rest of the 5k after. I must admit the runs were really hard but i was able to do them! The last 5 min is probably the first time in my life that i push myself like that. But now i am so happy i did it!! I now kind of regret not doing the rest of the program.. It's such a mind game!! I think i may attempt to do the entire W4D1 tomorrow!!

    I now know I can do it so no more excuses!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Howdy everyone. It's been a week, but last night.. I finally got back at it, and completed C25k W5D2.

    First 4km lap I did W5D1 to refresh/warm up - and then 2nd lap I did W5D2.
    I couldn't believe it, but I held up 8 min non stop both times.:smile:

    1 month or so ago, I could barely keep 3 mins non stop.
    A great NSV for me today.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • suzhawken
    suzhawken Posts: 32 Member
    Howdy everyone. It's been a week, but last night.. I finally got back at it, and completed C25k W5D2.

    First 4km lap I did W5D1 to refresh/warm up - and then 2nd lap I did W5D2.
    I couldn't believe it, but I held up 8 min non stop both times.:smile:

    1 month or so ago, I could barely keep 3 mins non stop.
    A great NSV for me today.

    Everyone have a great day.

    That is so awesome!!! I am doing W4D2 today and I am SO excited to do W5 next week!!! Call me crazy, but I'm really, truly EXCITED! Someone exam my head!!!

    Way to go thumper44!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I also fell behind on the schudule..It's been a week since I did the w3 day 3 due to the tornadoes in our area last week. I did week 3 again yesterday and it wasn't as hard as I expected but my time dropped. I will be doing the 2 days of week 3 again before moving on to week 4...

    Happy running
  • suzhawken
    suzhawken Posts: 32 Member
    W4D2 done! No stopping!!! It was a little rough during the last 2.5 mins of the last run, but I persevered!! When I say to myself, "I can't do this", I laugh and say back to myself, "oh yes you can!!!". Yes, this is the definition of talking to yourself!!! W4D3 on Saturday!!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Everyone sounds like they're really doing well, and it's really nice to have some 'new' people working through this together. I've had a goofy running week. I'm on week 3 since 4-28. I have one run where I can do it all, then the next run I'm like a slug and can't even get through the first set of 3 minutes. Yesterday was super, today...ugh! But it was so beautiful out that I just kept walking for a long time and enjoyed all the trees in bloom and everyone's flowers that are so pretty. Since we've gotten so little sunshine, I figured I needed to enjoy it. It does seem like I do better when I don't run in the beginning part of the day, which kind of surprises me. I would have thought I'd have the most energy then. Has anyone else noticed they have a better run at a certain time of day?

    I like having my new ticker below and adding the miles each time I go out. It's so nice to see that I've gone 38.5 miles, when less than a month ago I was going ZERO miles!

    The other great news....last Sunday I went below 200# for the first time in ages. I spent most of the week back over 200. Today, I finally am back in wonderland, and hoping to hang out there from now on. I know some people say don't weigh too often, but I'm one of those people that need to see if that number is going up as a reminder to get back on track.

    Thanks to all of you for your support - it's so empowering to read about what great strides (pardon the pun) we're all making!!!

    Happy Mother's Day to those of you with kids and pets!