*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Did my mile 10:31

    Still need to do the others. Ill be back
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Really REALLY discouraged right now. I bought a new scale yesterday because I was worried our old one was starting to go. It didn't have decimals anyways I wanted it to be a bit more accurate. I knew there was going to be some fluctuation between the two, but this morning I weighed myself on the old scale and it said 164, which is up 2 lbs from yesterday but I'm not surprised as I drank some wine last night... oops :) But anyways weighed myself on the NEW scale and it said 172.4!!!!!!!! I had my husband get on both scales and there was a difference of about 7 lbs between the two for him.

    I know there are a bunch of different variables involved here, I didn't weigh in at the normal time that I do, but still an 8lb difference between two scales?? I don't know what to do, how do I account for this on here? And I feel horrible because it's going to screw up our numbers as a whole... Not to mention that I'VE WEIGHED MORE THAN I THOUGHT THE ENTIRE TIME!! I really just want to chuck both scales into the river by our house right now. Ugghhh.... Help please!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Finally did my mile run! Completed my mile with a 6.6 mph pace in 9:03

    Going to do the 4 minute challenge next and if my body/lungs are up for it I'll also do Insanity later...don't wanna do too much...want to hit it hard come Monday when spring break is over and I can go back to my normal routine!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Finally did my mile run! Completed my mile with a 6.6 mph pace in 9:03

    Going to do the 4 minute challenge next and if my body/lungs are up for it I'll also do Insanity later...don't wanna do too much...want to hit it hard come Monday when spring break is over and I can go back to my normal routine!

    4minute challenge complete. Are people posting their numbers or do I give them to Kerri or just keep them for my own tracking???
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hey ladies!

    So... starting weight 148.2
    yesterday 147

    I genuinely haven't been at all good for the last few weeks so I have no idea how I have lost but I'm not going to question it!

    Also for the 1mile run challenge my time was 7:27. My fastest ever mile!! Whoop whoop!
    Still needing to do the 4 min challenge but got some personal stuff going on right now :(
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I know I am extremely late on my into, but I had a busy week trying to get my taxes done. Well, now they are done, so I have been catching up with everybody.

    My name is Barbara, and from the looks of reading everyone's posts, I am the oldest in the group. :( Fortunately, my mind is that of a 20 something, but I have the widsom of a 40 something! lol

    My screen name is due to my passion and lifestyle of travel. I am homeless. Yes, literally homeless! I have two kids, a 24 year old who lives in Colorado and a 19 year old who is a Senior in college in CA. I am from the Bay Area in California. I have been married to my best friend for almost 26 years and am still madly, crazy, horribly, in love with him. He is from MI, which is why I think it's so cool that a lot of you are Michiganders. We have family there and visit quite regularly.

    Now, back to being homeless. When my husband and I first got married, he was in the military. When he got out we had purchased a Harley and were going to ride across the country, just to get away. We've always had the travel bug. But, the day were were supposed to pick up our Harley, I found out I was pregnant, so we returned the Harley, and put our travel plans on hold. I quit my job and became a stay at home mom. Home schooled both my kids before it was popular, or acceptable, and just loved being a mom. As our last one got into high school, we decided we were done with being "responsible", so we sold our house and rented until he went away to college. When he left, we packed up everything we wanted to keep into storage, and have been traveling ever since. During all this preparation, my husband took a job where he would get paid to travel and I went back to school and got my travel agent certification. So, whatever his work doesn't pay for, I can get at a deal while we travel! It's a win-win for us. My kids didn't like it at first, but since we've only been at this for 2 years now, we've spend Christmas in Vancouver, Canada, Denver Co, and this upcoming Christmas we are looking at Puerto Rico and/or Caribbean. Now my kids love it! lol

    As far as my weight goes, I was always average. Not heavy, but not skinny. Happy and consistent. BUT, the years we have been traveling, I gained 70 pounds eating everywhere we went! So my challenge is going to be losing weight, while traveling, which for all of you that would be like trying to lose while on vacation. But, it's okay. I've lost 28 pounds since the middle of Jan and I feel great.

    I am excited to be a part of this challenge because all you girls motivate me like you wouldn't believe.

    I love sports, Sharks, A's, Rams, Warriors. But I'm partial to Michigan teams because of the hubby and Cleveland teams because he had his high school years there. Because we travel year round, our goal is to see as many stadiums/areas as we can. My favorite sport is football, and I am a freak! I have rocked my fantasy league and if anyone is interested, I am down for a league of our own, if we have a season. When you plan a Tigers game, I am so up for it! And when we are all ready to visit Lorraine in Ireland, I will hook us up with tix!

    I have a travel blog with my facebook, so if you want to follow me, friend me at facebook Barbara Simens or http://www.facebook.com/b.simens I would totally love to know you all! Just let me know that you are an mfp'er. ;)

    Right now I'm doing P90X and loving it. Also doing cardio with it. I've got about 40 more pounds to lose. I'm at 180.4 right now. I'll be in Hawaii at the end of April and want to be at least 175 by then. I am also a June baby and would love to be down to 165 by then, but we'll see how it goes.

    Enough blabbing for now. Super excited to get this going. I'm just learning how to use this thread, so I may have comments, but will have to learn to copy/paste, etc. lol

    Ciao, Barb
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Really REALLY discouraged right now. I bought a new scale yesterday because I was worried our old one was starting to go. It didn't have decimals anyways I wanted it to be a bit more accurate. I knew there was going to be some fluctuation between the two, but this morning I weighed myself on the old scale and it said 164, which is up 2 lbs from yesterday but I'm not surprised as I drank some wine last night... oops :) But anyways weighed myself on the NEW scale and it said 172.4!!!!!!!! I had my husband get on both scales and there was a difference of about 7 lbs between the two for him.

    I know there are a bunch of different variables involved here, I didn't weigh in at the normal time that I do, but still an 8lb difference between two scales?? I don't know what to do, how do I account for this on here? And I feel horrible because it's going to screw up our numbers as a whole... Not to mention that I'VE WEIGHED MORE THAN I THOUGHT THE ENTIRE TIME!! I really just want to chuck both scales into the river by our house right now. Ugghhh.... Help please!

    Did you try putting something with a known weight (like a dumbbell) on the scale? That should tell you if one isn't calculating correctly I would think.... Hopefully it is the new one that needs to be calibrated!!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Really REALLY discouraged right now. I bought a new scale yesterday because I was worried our old one was starting to go. It didn't have decimals anyways I wanted it to be a bit more accurate. I knew there was going to be some fluctuation between the two, but this morning I weighed myself on the old scale and it said 164, which is up 2 lbs from yesterday but I'm not surprised as I drank some wine last night... oops :) But anyways weighed myself on the NEW scale and it said 172.4!!!!!!!! I had my husband get on both scales and there was a difference of about 7 lbs between the two for him.

    I know there are a bunch of different variables involved here, I didn't weigh in at the normal time that I do, but still an 8lb difference between two scales?? I don't know what to do, how do I account for this on here? And I feel horrible because it's going to screw up our numbers as a whole... Not to mention that I'VE WEIGHED MORE THAN I THOUGHT THE ENTIRE TIME!! I really just want to chuck both scales into the river by our house right now. Ugghhh.... Help please!

    Did you try putting something with a known weight (like a dumbbell) on the scale? That should tell you if one isn't calculating correctly I would think.... Hopefully it is the new one that needs to be calibrated!!

    Yeah, the new scale read my dumbbells exactly at 6lbs.. so I know it's correct. I'm so bummed. I mean I know I've still lost 16lbs, but I THOUGHT I was SO close to hitting my pre-pregnancy weight and now I'm 15lbs away :(
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Really REALLY discouraged right now. I bought a new scale yesterday because I was worried our old one was starting to go. It didn't have decimals anyways I wanted it to be a bit more accurate. I knew there was going to be some fluctuation between the two, but this morning I weighed myself on the old scale and it said 164, which is up 2 lbs from yesterday but I'm not surprised as I drank some wine last night... oops :) But anyways weighed myself on the NEW scale and it said 172.4!!!!!!!! I had my husband get on both scales and there was a difference of about 7 lbs between the two for him.

    I know there are a bunch of different variables involved here, I didn't weigh in at the normal time that I do, but still an 8lb difference between two scales?? I don't know what to do, how do I account for this on here? And I feel horrible because it's going to screw up our numbers as a whole... Not to mention that I'VE WEIGHED MORE THAN I THOUGHT THE ENTIRE TIME!! I really just want to chuck both scales into the river by our house right now. Ugghhh.... Help please!

    I had this problem when I changed the batteries in my scale. The batteries had been dying so it was measuring accurately. When I changed batteries I gained 7 lbs. We checked it and it was accurate. Unfortunately, I had only lost 3 lbs instead of 10 lbs. It was extremely discouraging. Just try not to let it get you down. The weight will come off again and you will get to your pre-preg weight soon!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Okay, Confession/ VENT time.

    On Friday I decided that I was going to let loose and have a me day! I figured I deserved it. I made a good decision for breakfast and lunch and then it all went down hill from there. I went to Plymouth and was walking around the shops and found a creamery. I got a large root beer float (and boy did it taste good). Then we found a little candy store and I bought a bunch of candy. Then I found a winery and did a wine tasting and ended up buying 3 bottles of wine. After I got home, my hubby and I went to dinner and I got a haddock augratin with rice and grapenut pudding for dessert and had a beer to wash it down with. No big deal, I new it was going to be a bad day (although I didn't plan on going that far off track.

    Which brings me to yesterday. I vowed to get back on track. I did great. I went for a run, I made smart choices when I was out. Then I came home and my hubby cooked dinner. Just a basic spaghetti and meatball (Jenni-O turkey meatballs). I get my serving and there are 8 meatballs on my plate. So I asked my hubby if he checked the serving size and he said yes, meatballs. It sounded like a lot and I was hungry so I ate them. Then I logged on here to enter it in and a serving size is 3 meatballs. I double checked the bag and sure enough, the serving is 3 meatballs and there are servings in the bag. He read the wrong line! So in my defeated state, I figure the day was blown so I drank half a bottle of wine and topped it off with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

    Okay, I didn't need to react that badly but I was pissed and wanted to eat. So I need to get back on track today. I need to remember that I should check things before I eat them so that I know that I am eating the right amount. I was totally pissed that food plan was ruined because of hubby so then I splurge even more instead of taking just a meatball or two over my count. I think I need to work on my personal control when I am mad.

    Thanks for listening. Hopefully today will be a day of good decisions. I hope this weekend doesn't do too much damage.
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    Hello girls!! Here is my work out schedule for this week. Since my husband and I are trying to conceive, I am going to be keeping my work outs to a maximum of 60 minutes. We have been trying for almost 11 months with no luck, so I hope my exercise does not affect my ability to conceive! This week I am going to try and watch my carb intake. I am going to cut down on my creamer in the morning and snacking of cheese. I LOVE cheese. I did not too bad this weekend. I did pretty bad on Friday, but I made up for it on Saturday and today. Hope you all have a great week. Keep up the hard work!!

    Work Out Schedule
    Week of 4/10/2011
    Sunday: Running/Walking
    Monday:Xtreme Trainer/Ab Blast/Legs
    Tuesday: Rest
    Wednesday: Xtreme Trainer/Running/Ab Blast
    Friday: Xtreme Trainer
    Sat: Running/Ab Blast/ Legs
  • sabell82
    sabell82 Posts: 43
    Really REALLY discouraged right now. I bought a new scale yesterday because I was worried our old one was starting to go. It didn't have decimals anyways I wanted it to be a bit more accurate. I knew there was going to be some fluctuation between the two, but this morning I weighed myself on the old scale and it said 164, which is up 2 lbs from yesterday but I'm not surprised as I drank some wine last night... oops :) But anyways weighed myself on the NEW scale and it said 172.4!!!!!!!! I had my husband get on both scales and there was a difference of about 7 lbs between the two for him.

    I know there are a bunch of different variables involved here, I didn't weigh in at the normal time that I do, but still an 8lb difference between two scales?? I don't know what to do, how do I account for this on here? And I feel horrible because it's going to screw up our numbers as a whole... Not to mention that I'VE WEIGHED MORE THAN I THOUGHT THE ENTIRE TIME!! I really just want to chuck both scales into the river by our house right now. Ugghhh.... Help please!

    Did you try putting something with a known weight (like a dumbbell) on the scale? That should tell you if one isn't calculating correctly I would think.... Hopefully it is the new one that needs to be calibrated!!

    I have to buy one soon and that is what is stopping me....I'm so scared of what the new one would say :(
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi girls!

    Well this weekend was a success! It was insanely tough given the nature of the weekend. I drove my boyfriend and our friend cross country on Friday and when we stopped for petrol on the way, the guys went to get McDonalds...but I stayed in the car eating my ready-prepared tuna salad :)
    Then when we landed on Achill Island our host had cooked a MASSIVE dinner with creamy beef stew and potatoes and cheese and big loafs of tigerbread...but I cooked my own chicken, pasta and spinach dinner which I pre-portioned and packed before I left my home friday morning. I DID sneak in a slice of Tigerbread though....it was insanely yum!
    Then a big gang of us went down the pub for the night everyone was drinking rounds until 2am...I decided to have some coffee and get my water intake in!
    Then the next morning everyone had hangovers and wanted to go to the restaurant up the road for a big durty Irish fry! Sausages, eggs, beans, chips, hash browns, bacon, pudding, mushrooms - you name it, it was there....I had my blueberries and some oatmeal biscuits before I left the house and left my purse in the car so I couldnt buy anything! So I sat there watching them eat and smelling the food! It was absolute torture!!!
    On the way home, we had another petrol stop and of course, ANOTHER stop at McDonalds! Again I ate my tuna salad which I made at my friends house before we started the journey home.
    After my 5 hour drive I was STARVING! I was staying in my boyfriends house for the night and they were ordering pizza, chips, garlic bread an soda when we got there...I was soooooooo tempted to get some too! It was 9.30pm and I thought I was going to crack! BUT we passed by my house on the way back so I popped in and picked up some healthy ingredients for me to cook a his house. So I ended up having Salmon, veg and spinach while they teased me with pizza and chips!

    So it was a very torturous weekend food wise and I was really tested to the max! I almost broke a couple of times but I was thinking of having to explain myself to you guys on Monday morning about why I failed my Weekend Pact and it help me pull through!

    And now Im happy on a Monday morning which hasn't happened me in quite a while! Im ready to kick butt this week!
    I hope those of you who made a weekend pact with me were able to pull through also or at least tried your best!

    I was thinking we should make weekend challenges on this journey also. I found it very motivational having told people that I was going to be good and then I felt like I couldn't let myself down by failing. So it really helped to tell you guys what I was doing.
    I tend to get the most out of this site on a Monday to Friday basis and then things kind of go fuzzy at the weekend. I dont watch my food or I dont exercise etc.

    So maybe we should set weekend challenges for ourselves...even if the challenge is just to stay on track and log everything and eat healithy. It would help me alot to know that people keep me accountable at the weekends if I tell them Im going to try and do a certain thing. Otherwise I'll just fall off the wagon and none of you would know why.

    I see sooooo many status's on MFP saying "Had a terrible weekend need to get back on track Monday morning" I DONT WANT TO POST THAT STATUS ANYMORE!!!!!

    So who's up for making the 'Weekend Pact' a weekly thing? :smile:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member

    So maybe we should set weekend challenges for ourselves...even if the challenge is just to stay on track and log everything and eat healithy. It would help me alot to know that people keep me accountable at the weekends if I tell them Im going to try and do a certain thing. Otherwise I'll just fall off the wagon and none of you would know why.

    I see sooooo many status's on MFP saying "Had a terrible weekend need to get back on track Monday morning" I DONT WANT TO POST THAT STATUS ANYMORE!!!!!

    So who's up for making the 'Weekend Pact' a weekly thing? :smile:

    I think this a great idea. Weekends are the worst for me. Since I have been in MFP I have managed to not completely go off plan on the weekends once. A weekend challenge might help me stay more focused. At least it would hold me more accountable when I do go off plan.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Weekends are actual easier for me. Normally my husband keeps us so busy that there is no time for overeating. Like yesterday, we had breakfast and he was ready to get out the door! We took our boat to the shop where he works to get it ready for the season. And we ended up there ALL DAY. We took bottled water and a couple protein bars for a snack, but I had no idea we would be there until after 8pm. So there was no lunch! I was starving! So I had him stop at Wal-mart on the way home and pick up one of those Market Fresh pizza's...the thin crust canadian bacon really isn't too bad on calories. At this point I was craving pizza! But anyway we get home and I get it in the oven, and the next thing I know he walks in with blood pouring from his forehead! I looked at it and he HAD to have stitches. So forget eating...off to the ER! Another two hours later I got to eat! And yes that's normally how my weekends go. My husband can go all day without eating and it doesn't bother him at all. He gets busy working on a project and just forgets about food. He doesn't have to take breaks to go and eat. I try to take things to snack on when I know there won't be any food around. But like yesterday, I didn't know it would be an all day ordeal.
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Hi girls!

    Well this weekend was a success! It was insanely tough given the nature of the weekend. I drove my boyfriend and our friend cross country on Friday and when we stopped for petrol on the way, the guys went to get McDonalds...but I stayed in the car eating my ready-prepared tuna salad :)
    Then when we landed on Achill Island our host had cooked a MASSIVE dinner with creamy beef stew and potatoes and cheese and big loafs of tigerbread...but I cooked my own chicken, pasta and spinach dinner which I pre-portioned and packed before I left my home friday morning. I DID sneak in a slice of Tigerbread though....it was insanely yum!
    Then a big gang of us went down the pub for the night everyone was drinking rounds until 2am...I decided to have some coffee and get my water intake in!
    Then the next morning everyone had hangovers and wanted to go to the restaurant up the road for a big durty Irish fry! Sausages, eggs, beans, chips, hash browns, bacon, pudding, mushrooms - you name it, it was there....I had my blueberries and some oatmeal biscuits before I left the house and left my purse in the car so I couldnt buy anything! So I sat there watching them eat and smelling the food! It was absolute torture!!!
    On the way home, we had another petrol stop and of course, ANOTHER stop at McDonalds! Again I ate my tuna salad which I made at my friends house before we started the journey home.
    After my 5 hour drive I was STARVING! I was staying in my boyfriends house for the night and they were ordering pizza, chips, garlic bread an soda when we got there...I was soooooooo tempted to get some too! It was 9.30pm and I thought I was going to crack! BUT we passed by my house on the way back so I popped in and picked up some healthy ingredients for me to cook a his house. So I ended up having Salmon, veg and spinach while they teased me with pizza and chips!

    So it was a very torturous weekend food wise and I was really tested to the max! I almost broke a couple of times but I was thinking of having to explain myself to you guys on Monday morning about why I failed my Weekend Pact and it help me pull through!

    And now Im happy on a Monday morning which hasn't happened me in quite a while! Im ready to kick butt this week!
    I hope those of you who made a weekend pact with me were able to pull through also or at least tried your best!

    I was thinking we should make weekend challenges on this journey also. I found it very motivational having told people that I was going to be good and then I felt like I couldn't let myself down by failing. So it really helped to tell you guys what I was doing.
    I tend to get the most out of this site on a Monday to Friday basis and then things kind of go fuzzy at the weekend. I dont watch my food or I dont exercise etc.

    So maybe we should set weekend challenges for ourselves...even if the challenge is just to stay on track and log everything and eat healithy. It would help me alot to know that people keep me accountable at the weekends if I tell them Im going to try and do a certain thing. Otherwise I'll just fall off the wagon and none of you would know why.

    I see sooooo many status's on MFP saying "Had a terrible weekend need to get back on track Monday morning" I DONT WANT TO POST THAT STATUS ANYMORE!!!!!

    So who's up for making the 'Weekend Pact' a weekly thing? :smile:

    First off, AMAZING job this weekend!!!
    That is some tremendous willpower!

    and I am totally in for a weekend pact...my birthday is next Monday, and here's the deal, if I want to eat junk, I need to earn it....

    Let's do this weekend thing!!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Well after I got over the shock of my new scale being correct and me actually being 8lbs heavier than what I thought (it took all of Saturday to do this), Sunday was a really good day. I ate a lot, but I burned a lot too. I know weekends are hard for a lot of people, me included. But I feel that even if I don't eat completely healthy, as long as I burn the calories I'm over I'm okay with it. I did A LOT of walking this weekend. Used it as my rest time, even though walking 5 miles with a 14lb baby strapped to me isn't really resting :) Lukas loved walking around and he loved wearing his sunglasses too hehe.

    This weekend coming up, my husband has 4 days off in a row and we are all headed up to Bellaire, MI to visit with my family. I'm very excited to get away for a bit!! I'm nervous though because it's different than my "routine" at home. I just need to make sure I exercise while I'm up there. Bringing up the laptop so I can do the Shred in the mornings. Hopefully it will be nice and we can go on hikes too!

    My goals this week:
    - Keep drinking lots of water, I have a feeling my TOM is coming up here soon. Though I'm not sure if I will be on the same schedule as before pregnancy.
    - Eat healthy and be under on calories everyday.
    - Workout at least 30 minutes each day (burn at least 2000 calories this week)
    - Complete C25K week 3.

    I hope by eating healthy and working out a ton I can at least maintain this week. I would not be surprised if it seems that I gain this week since switching scales. I had to redo my weights on the weeks I lost, I just added 8lbs to each number, since I still technically lost 16lbs, it just was at a higher starting weight.

    Hope you all had a great weekend and thank you for keeping me motivated :flowerforyou:
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Hope you all had a great weekend and thank you for keeping me motivated :flowerforyou:

    awesome attitude Lindz!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    hey everyone. I hope to be back on track this week with exercise. I'm finally feeling much better after my go-a-round with whatever was going on with me last week (acid reflux, vertigo, stomach bug, etc). I actually did pretty good on calories as I was able to at least eat partial meals during this time. I probably went over on Saturday (didn't finish logging) and only over by a bit yesterday, which was pretty good with no exercise and it being my daughter's birthday weekend.

    I'm going to be working more on toning this week, hopefully, at our fitness center downstairs, and do my cardio with Jazzercise (and finally get my mile run in too this week).
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Hi ladies, I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. I thought I was feeling better from my bronchitis, but then went home on friday from work! oh boo, BUT...(cross my fingers not to jinx myself) am feeling a bit better like I can breathe on my own again. haha. I didnt eat much this weekend as I was pretty much sedentary and sleeping the sickness off. Unfortunately, I didnt get my 4 minute challenge in last week!!!!

    Just wanted to let everyone know this week and next are about to be CRAZY busy for me, my 2 final projects of the semester are coming up and I have meetings scheduled and practice runs etc..So if i'm not super gabby, that is why! I'll still be plugging away over here trying to maintain/tone, and drop a few!!

    :) Happy monday all!