*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • pamelaplt
    pamelaplt Posts: 12
    Okay, So I'm heading out of town to Colorado Springs today and thought I should get my 4min challenge out of the way for the day.

    Jumping Jacks 61
    Girly Push ups 25
    Mountain Climbers 62
    Sit up's 26

    Probably won't be longing much this week unless I can figure out how to do all this on my phone. (I'm not tech savoy) LOL Hope everyone has a great week!!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Have a great time in Colorado! I'm still working on getting my big boss to send me there to conduct training (north of Denver though), then another training session in Oregon.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member

    Ok Lindz, your dog is seriosly adorable! I cannot WAIT to graduate and be out of school so I can get a running buddy. Right now I know I don't have the schedule to really give a dog the attention they need but I'm super excited to get one soon! She really runs on the treadmill?! :laugh:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies! I hope you are all having a great wednesday. I just wanted to share a huge success I just hit. I have mapped out a few runs in my neighborhood and decided that since it is above freezing today I would do the shortest of these runs. I call it the Duval block. It is a 2.91 mile route. It is pretty hilly and difficult (at least for an amatuer running like me).

    I first did this route back in the summer of 2009 when I was running. The best time I ever had on the route back then was probably 42-43 minutes. I set out today to do this route and was hoping to do it in less than an hour. I did this run in 38 min 30 seconds WHILE pushing a jogging stroller. I was shocked. It kicked my but and my body feels like jello but I totally exceeded my expectations. It is amazing what you can do when you don't like yourself get in your own way.
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    @ Drcarrier! Yayy for your and your personal best! Those days when you accomplish something like that are truly the best! It helps make you realize you really can do ANYTHING!! I'm excited for you, and thanks for sharing!

    @Caity, I'm sure its fine if you need to do your mile on the elliptical. You know how hard your body can be pushed! The point is, you're working at it... as we all are! So, keep track of your times/numbers this time... and try them again in 2 weeks or whatevs.. when you notice an improvement you will be on top on the world!!

    Everyone: I'm digging all the positive encouragement on this board! I'm not always on to read/catch up, but I'm totally liking this 'flab to fab' challenge! :-) And, I'm pumped to see what we all can acheive while pushing one another! Yayy for summer! It FINALLY feels like spring here in MN! (And, I just get to look outside from my office) hehehe... xx
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Hey ladies! I hope you are all having a great wednesday. I just wanted to share a huge success I just hit. I have mapped out a few runs in my neighborhood and decided that since it is above freezing today I would do the shortest of these runs. I call it the Duval block. It is a 2.91 mile route. It is pretty hilly and difficult (at least for an amatuer running like me).

    I first did this route back in the summer of 2009 when I was running. The best time I ever had on the route back then was probably 42-43 minutes. I set out today to do this route and was hoping to do it in less than an hour. I did this run in 38 min 30 seconds WHILE pushing a jogging stroller. I was shocked. It kicked my but and my body feels like jello but I totally exceeded my expectations. It is amazing what you can do when you don't like yourself get in your own way.

    Congratulations!! Well done!

    @ Linz - your doggie is precious! How sweet is that face?

    Sooo ... I did my jumping jacks today, and I have to say, I have a huge belly pooch I'm working to get rid of, and it SERIOUSLY hampers my ability to jump up and down! It bounces up and down so much, my pants actually fell down when I was almost done! Awful! Jumping jacks - 49

    My walk-run mile was 16.5 minutes. I'm not much of a runner, and I have a pretty painful achilles tendon problem, so I'm ok with that time. I will look forward to improving it!

    Sit-ups - 13 - (not even sure I had very good form!) I decided to see how many crunches I could do in a minute, because I could barely do 4-5 when I started in January. I ended up doing 24 reverse crunches.

    Push-ups were a joke, too. I have terrible wrists and bad knees, so a whopping 8 bent-knees-on-a-pillow push-ups. LOL!

    Great work so far, ladies! Keep it up!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Everyone: I'm digging all the positive encouragement on this board! I'm not always on to read/catch up, but I'm totally liking this 'flab to fab' challenge! :-) And, I'm pumped to see what we all can acheive while pushing one another! Yayy for summer! It FINALLY feels like spring here in MN! (And, I just get to look outside from my office) hehehe... xx

    I agree! We have an awesome support group on here!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Ok ladies, I have a special request. My brother's girlfriend (who is a major sweetheart and like my little sis) text me today about my opinion on a weight loss pill. I talked her into joining MFP instead and I would really really love if she could join the challenge (or at least if you all could friend her to give her some healthy encouragement). I know she missed the sign up by a week but this is her first year of college and she's gained 20 lbs and its really affecting her. I'm trying to show her a healthy way to lose weight and want to make sure she learns it now instead of going through all the fad diets and pills that I know a lot of us have tried.

    This is really up to Kerri since she is the one keeping the spreadsheet but I wanted to get everyone's input on it before I mentioned the group to her. Her screenname is torie121 if you all would kindly add her for support! Thanks ladies!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Ok ladies, I have a special request. My brother's girlfriend (who is a major sweetheart and like my little sis) text me today about my opinion on a weight loss pill. I talked her into joining MFP instead and I would really really love if she could join the challenge (or at least if you all could friend her to give her some healthy encouragement). I know she missed the sign up by a week but this is her first year of college and she's gained 20 lbs and its really affecting her. I'm trying to show her a healthy way to lose weight and want to make sure she learns it now instead of going through all the fad diets and pills that I know a lot of us have tried.

    This is really up to Kerri since she is the one keeping the spreadsheet but I wanted to get everyone's input on it before I mentioned the group to her. Her screenname is torie121 if you all would kindly add her for support! Thanks ladies!

    I will friend her now! :)
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member

    Ok Lindz, your dog is seriosly adorable! I cannot WAIT to graduate and be out of school so I can get a running buddy. Right now I know I don't have the schedule to really give a dog the attention they need but I'm super excited to get one soon! She really runs on the treadmill?! :laugh:

    Thank you :) She LOVES the treadmill. If I turn it on for her while I'm doing laundry she will run on it without me being near her either. She's the athlete of the family :laugh: I trained her to walk on the treadmill the first winter we had her because she's short haired we couldn't go on walks when it was super cold out.

    And good for you for recognizing that right now you won't have the time for a dog! Sooo many people don't and the poor dog gets neglected, or worse turned in to a shelter. I see it all the time.

    I wanted to thank all of you. You girls are kicking @$$ and it's keeping me motivated to continue at a time when I probably would normally give up! When I was doing Couch to 5K this morning, I felt like I was going to die towards the end and I had one more 90 sec jog to do. I almost talked myself out of it, then I thought about you guys and pushed through it!!! Thanks so much for all of your encouragement!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hey ladies! I hope you are all having a great wednesday. I just wanted to share a huge success I just hit. I have mapped out a few runs in my neighborhood and decided that since it is above freezing today I would do the shortest of these runs. I call it the Duval block. It is a 2.91 mile route. It is pretty hilly and difficult (at least for an amatuer running like me).

    I first did this route back in the summer of 2009 when I was running. The best time I ever had on the route back then was probably 42-43 minutes. I set out today to do this route and was hoping to do it in less than an hour. I did this run in 38 min 30 seconds WHILE pushing a jogging stroller. I was shocked. It kicked my but and my body feels like jello but I totally exceeded my expectations. It is amazing what you can do when you don't like yourself get in your own way.

    Congrats Dani! That's an amazing improvement! AND you were pushing a stroller?! Very impressive indeed! :noway:
    I bet you feel a million dollars right now!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    I wanted to thank all of you. You girls are kicking @$$ and it's keeping me motivated to continue at a time when I probably would normally give up! When I was doing Couch to 5K this morning, I felt like I was going to die towards the end and I had one more 90 sec jog to do. I almost talked myself out of it, then I thought about you guys and pushed through it!!! Thanks so much for all of your encouragement!

    I agree with you Lindz, I definitely use you guys for motivation to get me to workout and make good food choices. If I even consider being lazy or piggy out then I just think "What would my Flab to Fab girls do?" And I dont want to let you guys down cos that would be embarrassing! So I just get out there and do the right thing. And you know what, I feel brilliant at the end of the day when Ive done good. And its all thanks to you guys.

    You're all amazing in your own little way! THANK YOU!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies! I hope you are all having a great wednesday. I just wanted to share a huge success I just hit. I have mapped out a few runs in my neighborhood and decided that since it is above freezing today I would do the shortest of these runs. I call it the Duval block. It is a 2.91 mile route. It is pretty hilly and difficult (at least for an amatuer running like me).

    I first did this route back in the summer of 2009 when I was running. The best time I ever had on the route back then was probably 42-43 minutes. I set out today to do this route and was hoping to do it in less than an hour. I did this run in 38 min 30 seconds WHILE pushing a jogging stroller. I was shocked. It kicked my but and my body feels like jello but I totally exceeded my expectations. It is amazing what you can do when you don't like yourself get in your own way.

    Congrats Dani! That's an amazing improvement! AND you were pushing a stroller?! Very impressive indeed! :noway:
    I bet you feel a million dollars right now!!

    Thanks! Mentally I feel like a million dollars. Physically, not so much.. I was already sore from yesterday so I should be extra special sore tomorrow.. But it is a good kind of pain if that makes sense.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Lots of impressive numbers!!! I'm hoping to do the challenge tommorow (: promise it won't be later than Saturday though.

    Ahh i gotta catch up with everybody :) so much still to read. I gotta say since so many of you have friended me I am impressed with all of the support ! What a great group we have here :-D

    My week has been good so far.
    Worked out Monday - check!
    Kick butt workout Tuesday - check! 1 hr 15 min
    AM Wednesday - wanted to workout in the morning but wasn't feeling it after working out so hard late in the day Tuesday
    Thursday --- planning on it after work :)
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Oh I meant to post, if you'd like to see a video of Roxy on the treadmill go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8LCKI4QfE

    It's loud so turn down your volume :)
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    I LOVE OUR FLAB TO FAB GIRLS... YOU ALL ARE AMAZING INDIVIDUALS! I honestly do not know any one on here except from communication via MFP and you all are my support system! Thank you so much. DOing ok this week. I did not get to work out last night due to my need to sleep lol. Some days I am literally just DRAINED!! Here are my results from our challenges for the week thus far.

    Jumping Jacks 70
    Situps 29
    Mountain climbers 110
    Pushups 28 (regular)
    * Did not run today I did Insanity instead

    Jumping Jacks 75
    Situps 32
    Mountain Climbers 112
    Pushups 30 (regular)
    Mile Run: 7:46

    Keep up the great work and again Thanks for your support and motivation. You all are my FAB fit MFP Family =)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    OK....decided to just do my mile on the treadmill tomorrow at lunch, if I'm feeling better. I'm sure I'd get a better time on the sidewalk, but this weather is bumming me out.

    Thank you all for your support. I'm hoping to make more positive posts in my status updates soon. I think my original weight loss challenge at work drained a lot out of me so I'm sort of in a rest period.
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    OK girls. I have been contemplating doing this so I decided to just do it and get it over with. Here is me in my suit I bought for this year. VACA is in 2 months and I want to rock it!! LOL I am sorry for how pale and ucky I look, but that is why I am in this challenge! This motivates me to work harder and especially work on my core and legs =(
    Week 1 ~~~4/6/2011 Weight: 129.6

  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member

    IT didn't work... I'll just e-mail =)
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    TA-DAH!! (and may I just say, you already look like you're rocking it because I would kill to look like that in a bikini!)