*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Good plan Tash!

    I will be sending out an e-mail tomorrow (Monday) as soon as I get to work. I guess I can't get into my work e-mail from my laptop without a special card.. I didn't know this! oops!! Anyways, I also wanted to enclose some workout ideas in the e-mail but I figured I'd post here as well in case anyone wanted to plan for Monday.

    I know we all are of varying physical levels. I think it is important to see where we are at now! Let's just try these 5 activities and gather some data.

    1. run or walk a mile--- You can use a local track, treadmill, or (and I've done this before) drive your car from a starting point and watch the odometer until it gets to 1.0; get out and walk or run back to the start or remember that location and do it from the beginning. NO excuses!!!!
    2. Do as many of the following as you can in ONE minute---jumping jacks, mountain climbers (google if you are unfamilar), pushups and sit ups! that is it! 4 minutes out of your day. Get a timer or a clock and a pen. Report these five numbers to me asap.

    These are the typs of challenges and ideas I am going to have throughout the challenge. IF you feel like you don't want to participate in things like this then please let me know and I can remove ya =) I love all the girls I asked to participate but I want this to be interactive, fun and worthwhile, I do not want to track numbers!!!! THANKS =)

    Finally, if you guys want to post your upcoming week schedule like Tash did, that is a great idea! I don't every plan anything but I think I might start. It may give others ideas too. Do what might work for you. You can report your week ahead plans and then check in daily to tell us how it went. We might eat up the alloted space for the thread but I will quickly start a new one. Don't worry! =) I know it's a lot of reading but I think it's all good stuff. Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Ok, today we're off to Disney, so I'm not going to get my exercise in other than walking all over the place, but I will be back on the exercise wagon tomorrow. For my weekly workout plan, I'd like to:

    - Do my elliptical for a minimum of 30 minutes, and hopefully get up to 45 minutes at least twice this week.
    - Do the 5 challenges Kerri posted and get my numbers in. I have issues with my wrists, so I'm not too sure how I'll do on the mountain climbers or the push-ups, but I'll give them a whirl.
    - Stay under my calorie goal - might be a little challenge since I've been on vacation, but I think I can reel myself back in in short order. I have a big function on Thursday morning, but I'm going to make it happen!
    - Track my water intake more accurately. I usually don't have a problem drinking enough, but some days I'm not too sure and it might be close.

    So, I'll catch up with you all soon. Enjoy your Sunday, ladies!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Love the Activity challenge ideas. I will definitely be participating and will post my results as soon as I do them!

    My workout plan for this week:

    Sun- Run/walk- hoping to do 3-4 miles but we will see how I do once I get outside
    Mon- 100 push up challenge week 1 day 3, activity challenge from this forum, and additional time on the treadmill
    Tues- Rolling strollers class, swim lessons with son
    Wed- 100 push up challenge week 2 day 1, run/walk outside or wii boxing depending on weather
    Thurs- Jillian Michaels yoga meltdown
    Fri- 100 push up challenge week 2 day 2- run/walk
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Did my 1 mile run today. I managed to run 1 mile in 10 min 45 secs. THis was a personal best for me. When I started running in January it took me 14 min 45 secs to do a mile so that is a huge improvement! I will do the other challenges and post tomorrow.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Didn't do well this weekend...as usual! Whenever Im hanging out with my boyfriend and his friends I just totally lose the run of myself and I cant help it :cry: Im safe in the comfort of my own home where Ive only bought healthy food and that's all I can eat during the week. But when I go to his house, I have to buy food on the go or they'll cook a big meal for everyone and it wont be on my menu!:grumble:

    Anyway. Tomorrow is, yet again, another fresh start and Im gonna kill it this week.

    Thank you for the physical challenges this week Kerri, Im really looking forward to doing them. I usually run 3.5 miles to my gym but Im gonna see how fast I can do the first mile tomorrow. That will be interesting to see :smile:

    I will also do the 4 minute challenge. The ones involving arm strength will probably be hardest for me to do in a minute! Even though my job requires me to hold a long pole with a heavy microphone at the end, extended into the air for long periods!!! So you would think I would have good upper body strength!!:laugh:

    My exercise schedule for this week will look something like this:

    Monday: Kerri's 4min challenge + 25 mins run + 30 mins Circuit Training + 15mins Abs/Toning + 50 mins brisk walk

    Tuesday: 25 mins run + 30 mins Circuit Training + 15mins Abs/Toning + 50 mins brisk walk

    Wednesday: Kerri's 4min challenge + 30mins Biggest Loser-Strength & Fat Burning Workout + 40mins moderate cycling

    Thursday: 25 mins run + 30 mins Circuit Training + 15mins Abs/Toning + 50 mins brisk walk

    Friday: I will be visiting a friend down the country

    Saturday: Kerri's 4min challenge + 30mins run + 30mins Biggest Loser-Strength & Fat Burning Workout

    Possibly working all day Sunday but if not I'll try and get something in then.

    Fingers crossed I can stick to this for the next week. I think it might actually be a good idea for me to plan out my exercise for the week like Im starting to do with my food. That might help me stay on track more and help me to keep a bit of variety in my workouts. Dont want to be seeing the dreaded PLATEAU anytime soon!!!

    Best of luck this week everyone! Hope it's a great one!! :flowerforyou:

    4 WEEKS AND COUNTING until my family wedding in Spain!!!! YIKES!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Alright, finally started feeling better Friday! Thank goodness, I could hardly breathe out of my nose and I love my yoga so that killed me! I have started Couch to 5K, I really really REALLY want to be able to jog without feeling like I'm dying after a minute. I have asthma caused by allergies, my doctor advised me to be careful with the Couch to 5K and to redo any days that seemed tough. I haven't had to use any inhalers in over a year (really didn't want to use them while pregnant), so I'm hopeful that I can continue with that!

    That being said, my mile running time is about 17 minutes right now. SO not good!! I really hope to improve that a lot! I will post my 4 minute challenges tomorrow.

    This week my challenges for myself are:
    - Complete week 2 of C25K
    - Complete Kerri's 4min challenges
    - Drink 100oz of water a day
    - Workout at least 30 minutes each day

    I also got my husband to do a challenge with me. Starting tomorrow we will be doing the 100 push-up challenge! I'm excited I have gotten him involved, at least a little bit :)

    Goodluck on everyone's beginning challenges!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Hi ladies, some of you might be aware from my profile status today, I have bronchitis! Yucky! Sooooo, with that said, this week will have to rely heavily on my food choices, rather than exercise! I will, WILL for sure do the 4 minute challenge at some point this week, (hopefully by tuesday/wednesday my meds kick in and i feel a bit better)!!! I'll be checking in often, just not sure what i should put down for my workout expectations this week, being that i weeze to breathe just sitting here typing this, haha!!

    Good luck everyone this week, and we can do it!

    So here are some goals of mine for the week

    1 -Up my water intake, I havent been getting in as much as i should...averaging only about 6 glasses, I'd like to get back to my 10 glasses

    2- take ALL of my medicine ( haha, personal goal, but wheneve i am sick, i always take my meds until i feel better and then stop..) Hrmm...kind of sounds like my old habit of...reaching a goal and then quitting my changes ( NOT THIS TIME) :)

    3- Kerri's 4minute challenge at some point this week

    Happy sunday, i'm grabbing a fat free popsicle and calling it a night!!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Good Sunday evening everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend.

    My work out plan for this week:

    Sunday--Jazzercise and Ballet Body. Completed
    Monday--Hoping to at least get Kerri's 4 minute challenge in. I don't know when I'm getting home from work and can't work out at lunch....would like to get a DVD in.
    Tuesday--Strength training at lunch, Jazzercise in the evening
    Thursday--Lunch work out, DVD evening
    Friday--Express Jazzercise and Ballet Body
    Saturday-Step Jazzercise

    Getting the mile run in will depend on the weather. I don't feel enough in control on the treadmill to be confident of my time.

    I need to get control of my sodium intake and keep my good water drinking consistent on the weekends. I'm only on cup 5 and it's 9:30.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm in a new challenge to get 350 minutes of exercise a week so I'm really hoping to be able to stick to this so I can get my weight loss back into gear. Here's my plan for the week:

    Monday - Timed mile
    Tuesday - C25k, 30DS or Cardio Max
    Wednesday - C25k
    Thursday - rest day
    Friday - C25k, 30DS or Cardio Max
    Saturday - C25k, arms & back, 4 min challenge
    Sunday - C25k, legs & abs, 4 min challenge
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Hello Everyone!! Finally time for my introduction, sorry it's late but I was on holiday in Mexico last week and I'm still playing catch up

    My name is Michelle and my screen name is nothing special just my initials and my last name (boring I know)
    I am Canadian and I live on the east coast in Lake Echo, Nova Scotia. Any other Canucks in the challenge??

    My husband and I have been married for 15yrs (together for 23yrs). We have 2 children Jarrett (boy age 14) and Logan (girl age 11 on the 15th of this month). They keep us very busy.

    I am a registered dental assistant and have been at my current job 19 years. I'll probably retire at this job as i love it so much and my boss is great and we have a fantastic relationship. He is actually taking me to Vegas in October for the ADA Convention. Can't wait it should be a lot of fun.

    As for hobbies and interests we have an old camper in a very small campgroud on the ocean and we try to spend every weekend there from June 1 to Sept 30. As the kids get older this is gettting harder to do every year. We have a boat there and go fishing or just out for a cruise.
    Hubby and I also belong to a recreational dart league. Have been playing darts for 20+ yrs and still can't hit the broadside of the barn most nights. It is totally a for fun league so it doesn't matter.
    I also love to travel. So far I've only been to all inclusives in the caribbean. DR once, Cuba once, Costa Rica once and Mexico the last 4 years in a row. I love it there. I usually travel every year (lucky me) girls one year and couples the next. This last trip was couples and next year the girls are planning on going to Jamaica. You all can join me if you want. What a way to reward ourselves for all of our accomplishments. That sound like way too much fun. Hubby and I have an agreement about me travelling. He is a recreational hunter and fisherman. He goes away every weekend for 6 weeks in November and is away fishing most weekends from Apr 1 to June 1. That leaves me home with the kids so I've totally earned a week of fun in the sun with the girls. We do go fishing as a family sometimes at our shack (it really is a shack) in the woods on a lake. Totally isolated from everything no running water or electricity. So quiet and peaceful.
    We also like to garden. Just flowers and shrubs because we are away most weekends in the summer.
    I like to read too. I need to take more time to do this as it some times takes me a few months to finish a book because I'm too busy.
    As for a sports team I don't really have one. We follow NASCAR but my favorite driver (Dale Jarrett) retired a few years ago and I really haven't followed it like I once did. Can you guess who our son is named after?? We follow hockey a bit but only because Sidney Crosbey lives very nearby. Went to the homecoming parade the year the Penguins won the cup and it was awesome.

    Now for my weight. I was always a skinny kid growing up. My kids are too so I guess there is a skinny gene there (my hubby doesn't have it). My son at age 14 is 100lbs (I don't believe him) and my daughter age 11 is just over 50lbs. They are tall too. I wish I had that skinny gene back. After I left home my weight quickly rose. I weighed 98lbs when i left and in the first 4 months of college I gained over 20 lbs. I've always been an emotional eater. So when things are rough or stressful I eat. I've been a lifetime member of WW for almost 20 yrs. So based on that I know how to eat right. I still base my daily eating habits on their old points system even though I haven't attended a meeting since 2002 when I lost 47 lbs. My highest weight was 165 and I went down to 118lbs. Even though this was considered a healthy weight for me I was way too thin. I'm only 5'3". I set out to gain back 8 lbs which took almost a year. As I've aged (I'm 43) losing weight is getting harder and harder. I also don't think that the low low weights associated with the BMI charts are healthy so I've set mine on the higher end of the scale.

    I also need help getting my husband to eat better. He has never been a small man. Right now at age 47 and 5'6" he is 205 lbs. I can talk till I am blue in the face but it doesn't seem to sink in. I am very worried that he will die early due to his weight. He doesn't have any medical problems but I'm sure they will come due to his weight. PLEASE HELP.

    Counting calories with MFP is alot harder than I thought it would be but I love this site. It is very time consuming entering everything.I was never aware before of how many calories I was eating or what a healthy amount was. I am not athletic at all and I HATE EXERCISE. SO PLEASE HELP ME!! I can lose the weight but I need to move so I can be healthier and set a good example for the kids.

    I am up for this challenge but I'll need some help along the way. But that is what friends are for. Thanks for helping me achieve my goals. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Posted pics to my profile. First set is from 1.5.11 (182.4 lbs) second is from 4.4.11 (169.6)
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    So excited to time my mile.. i haven't done that since high school.. I know the time will be bad but I'm looking forward to seeing it improve!

    Yesterday (Sunday) I got back on Couch to 5k plan.. nearly died... plus it was 91 degrees outside here so that didn't help matters.. it was discouraging but I'm just going to keep working hard. I don't really have a plan for the rest of the week except to definitely DO something! And I'll get the 4min challenge done and finish out the first week of c25k woot woot!

    im walking a 5k in may and hope to be running one in July... supposedly it's one of the hardest 5ks to do.. so i better get training!

    My goal is to stay under calories this week (NOT eating exercise calories) and REALLY up my water intake! good luck ladies!
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    So excited!

    Monday: 4 minute challenge- sort of an off day cause i'm still sore from my race
    Tuesday: timed mile, elliptical, abs
    Wednesday: 3 mile run outside
    Thursday: Spin, elliptical, weights
    Friday: off- school
    Saturday: Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    Sunday: Time 3.1 mile outside
  • Kcham817
    Kcham817 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm ready to start this challenge and I'll make sure to get in my mile 2moro.
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    This week will be a test for me! I started Insanity this morning with my husband. Today was just the fit test but that was a butt kicker! Tonight is the start of week 5 of the C25K program. Crazy! I want to keep going with the running as I have a few races I want to do with my kids this summer. I am planning on doing the 4 minute challenges tonight after the gym and I will time my mile tomorrow on my "off" night of the c25k. Thank goodness my husband is my "silent partner" in this 3 month challenge...whatever I am doing he is doing with me! He is a great motivation as he has lost 95 pounds in the past 15 months! Here is to a wonderful week! CHEERS!
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Hi everyone and Happy Monday! :flowerforyou:

    I decided that I would try to start planning my workouts for the week too. I think it will really help me. Lately I have been really addicted to spinning and I think it has been detrimental to me. As much as I like it I have been doing it too much and I need to switch it up a little bit. Here is my new plan for this week. I'm going to try some different things instead of spinning EVERY DAY AHHHHH!

    4 minute challenge

    4 minute challenge
    vinyasa yoga (55 minute class)
    walk 40 minutes on an incline at 3.5 - 4.0 speed (definitely will cover the challenge)

    4 minute challenge

    4 minute challenge
    weight training
    elliptical 40-60 minutes

    4 minute challenge
    (yes spinning twice Fridays because I love both teachers this day and yay for Fridays!)

    weight training
    elliptical 40-60 minutes

    I'm going to NYC so I will be walking around all day. :)

    I also increased my activity level on MFP yesterday so I have more calories to play with. I hope this works for me. I have not been losing as fast which I know is normal but I feel that since I'm still in the obese range I should be losing a bit faster than I am. Maybe this will help me still reach at least a 1200 NET with all this exercise I am doing.

    Have a wonderful week, everyone!
    Good luck with the challenges! I will keep checking back here. I bet Kerri is right and we will fill up this thread really fast.

    :heart: Caity
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Did my 4 minute challenge. First off I would like to say the moutain climbers are EVIL! I had never done them before so it was quite an experience to do them.

    Here are my results:
    Jumping jacks- 67
    sit ups- 37
    Mountain climbers- 34 (sets counted each time my r foot was in start position, so 68 steps)
    Push ups- 27 (done from my knees. If I go from my toes I think my number would be 1 :-)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Kerri--It is sets of mountain climbers, or do we count each step?
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Kerri--It is sets of mountain climbers, or do we count each step?

    Lori, each step! =)

    and Dani, I can't do ONE real push-up!! Modified from the knees is good!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Kerri--It is sets of mountain climbers, or do we count each step?

    Lori, each step! =)

    and Dani, I can't do ONE real push-up!! Modified from the knees is good!

    If we are counting mountainclimbers by each step than my number should be doubled, i counted every time my right foot was back in start position.