*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Kerri--It is sets of mountain climbers, or do we count each step?

    Lori, each step! =)

    and Dani, I can't do ONE real push-up!! Modified from the knees is good!

    If we are counting mountainclimbers by each step than my number should be doubled, i counted every time my right foot was back in start position.

    Everyone could just make sure they do it the same way next time! Just send me whatever you've got. Sorry for the confusion!
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    I just did my 4 minute challenge.

    Sit ups - 26
    Jumping Jacks - 65
    Push ups - 55 (girly push ups all the way baby!!!) (Ps I tried a real push up and fell on my face. hehe)
    Mountain Climber - 65
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    Just wanted to check in- I'm going out of town for a course but will be doing my challenges on Friday!

    Have an awesome week!

  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I just did my 4 minute challenge.

    Sit ups - 26
    Jumping Jacks - 65
    Push ups - 55 (girly push ups all the way baby!!!) (Ps I tried a real push up and fell on my face. hehe)
    Mountain Climber - 65

    LOL Jen. :-) But good job on the girly push ups.
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    grrr....the scale has not budged at all in the last 10 days! (maybe it's broken? lol). time to step it up!

    plan for the week:

    Monday: 60 minutes with personal trainer
    Tuesday: 50 minutes of spinning in the morning, 60 minutes of Zumba in the evening
    Wednesday: 60 minutes with personal trainer
    Thursday: 60 minutes of Zumba in the morning, 60 minutes of BodyJam in the evening
    Friday: 60 minutes with personal trainer
    Saturday: 60 minutes of either BodyPump or BodyStep class
    Sunday: 60 minutes of either BodyAttack or BodyCombat class

    I`m also going to start taking my kids for walks in the afternoons now that the weather is above the freezing point and the snow is starting to melt...my kids got a wagon for Christmas and my 2 year old has been dying to use it!

    nutrition goal this week is no days over 1800 calories, and under my sodium every day!

    oh-other big news! my husband told me yesterday that he is going to try to quit smoking TODAY! I`m so excited-he`s smoked for like 16 years, so I`m sure it won`t be easy-I hope he can stick with it. I HATE smoking, so I would be thrilled if he actually quits for good!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    4 minute challenge...I agree with Dani, MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS = DEATH!!!!

    Ok here are my numbers:

    Jumping jacks 65
    Mountain Climbers 66
    Push ups 28
    Sit ups 43

    And for my timed run, I ran one mile in 8min 47sec :happy:

    Not a bad day for me today. Although its 8.30pm and Im still well under most of my categories in my food diary due to my workout today. Think I may need to start eating back some exercise calories but its hard to do...

    Completed all my goals today I think...

    1117 cals burned doing 35min run + 30min circuit training + 50min brisk walk
    4 minute challenge DONE
    Timed 1 mile run DONE
    100+oz water drank
    Under on everything in food diary (possibly not a good thing...)

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday, the start of the week is always the worst for me! And well done to everyone who has completed this weeks mini challenges already. They were great, thanks Kerri! Im gonna try and do them a few more times during the week :noway:

  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, you guys really kick butt!

    I'm starting out doing what I can, baby steps...drinking more water, really watching the calories, trying to cut back or cut out alcohol. I try to do chair marches at work. I ride a stationary bike a few nights a week, but can still only go a few minutes. I'll try to jump in with your challenges, but I need to do what I can without having a coronary, ya know? lol.

    I'll be on my bike tonight after we get home from shopping. I can't walk a brisk mile yet, but I'll try to start 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, etc. as time permits so I can go a mile without sounding like an obscene phone caller.

    I'm still with you, just going it at a slower pace. I'm 38 and close to 300 lbs. I've done every diet there is. I have to change my life to succeed. I need to be realistic and I fear that if I try to go all out again, I'll give up. Starting out small with life changes is the way for me to do it this time.
  • sabell82
    sabell82 Posts: 43

    1. run or walk a mile--- You can use a local track, treadmill, or (and I've done this before) drive your car from a starting point and watch the odometer until it gets to 1.0; get out and walk or run back to the start or remember that location and do it from the beginning. NO excuses!!!!
    2. Do as many of the following as you can in ONE minute---jumping jacks, mountain climbers (google if you are unfamilar), pushups and sit ups! that is it! 4 minutes out of your day. Get a timer or a clock and a pen. Report these five numbers to me asap.

    Sounds good I will do these tonight! Also I will try to plan my week too. Hard to do with an inconsistent baby but I will try!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member

    Sounds good I will do these tonight! Also I will try to plan my week too. Hard to do with an inconsistent baby but I will try!

    Yea there is no way I could plan my week right now! Lukas is fairly scheduled (he takes after me in that way) but his naps are still really inconsistent. I do what I can when he naps. I also found some strength/tummy exercises to do with your baby that I'm trying out. Lukas laughs at me during one of them when I have to try and squat while lifting him up in the air haha. I'm trying to convince myself to get up a little earlier than him and my husband to do a real good workout, buuttt that hasn't happened yet :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member

    And for my timed run, I ran one mile in 8min 47sec :happy:


  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    WELL...I was going to do the timed mile tonight but mother nature thinks otherwise seeing as we have a tornado watch and severe storms headed this way and I get out of class right in the middle of it. Looks like I'll be doing the 4 minute challenge and 30DS tonight instead. I'll do the timed mile later this week, hopefully tomorrow. My goals for this week:

    1) Exercise 350 minutes
    2) Drink AT LEAST 72 oz of water everyday
    3) Complete 4 minute challenge
    4) Complete timed mile
  • Caroline9252
    Great job!!!! YAY!!!! :)
  • Caroline9252
    4 minute challenge...I agree with Dani, MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS = DEATH!!!!

    Ok here are my numbers:

    Jumping jacks 65
    Mountain Climbers 66
    Push ups 28
    Sit ups 43

    And for my timed run, I ran one mile in 8min 47sec :happy:

    Not a bad day for me today. Although its 8.30pm and Im still well under most of my categories in my food diary due to my workout today. Think I may need to start eating back some exercise calories but its hard to do...

    Completed all my goals today I think...

    1117 cals burned doing 35min run + 30min circuit training + 50min brisk walk
    4 minute challenge DONE
    Timed 1 mile run DONE
    100+oz water drank
    Under on everything in food diary (possibly not a good thing...)

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday, the start of the week is always the worst for me! And well done to everyone who has completed this weeks mini challenges already. They were great, thanks Kerri! Im gonna try and do them a few more times during the week :noway:

    Great job!! Speedy!!!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member

    And for my timed run, I ran one mile in 8min 47sec :happy:



    Great job!! Speedy!!!!

    Thanks! Im running 3-4 days during the week so I had no problem running the mile itself but Ive never timed myself doing it. Was actually surprised with that time even though I did push myself to go faster than I normally do for the first mile of my run. I wonder if I'll get any quicker than that at the end of this challenge! Will be interesting to see!!!

    Great job everyone!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member

    Looks like I'll be doing the 4 minute challenge and 30DS tonight instead.

    Im dying to try out this 30 Day Shred that everyone is talking about on here!! I never heard of it before MFP. Might do some DVD purchasing soon!! :happy:
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Hey everyone,

    Lke Kerri I dont necessarily plan my workouts out, but I do try to meet theses requirements:
    1) 2-3 weekday workouts min 30 min each, longer if possible (1 down today! Big one planned tommorow)
    2) 2 HR workout on saturday

    Im in for the 4 minute challenge. I will get you my numbers asap.

    Other challenges for myself:
    -under on cals daily
    -min 10-13 glasses of water every day
    -watching fat, sugar and sodium
    - get my protein and fiber daily
    -take my vitamin daily
    -training for the 5k
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Here's my number from the 4 min challenge:
    Jumping jacks - 69
    Mountain climbers - 112
    Push-ups - 30
    Sit-ups - 27 (need some major work in this area, ab strength has always been my weak point)
    Im dying to try out this 30 Day Shred that everyone is talking about on here!! I never heard of it before MFP. Might do some DVD purchasing soon!! happy

    Its pretty good, I haven't actually stuck to the 30 day plan like you're supposed to but I use it as a quick workout sessions on nights that I have classes because it's only 30 minutes. I actually ended up doing Cardio Max tonight instead.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    My numbers:

    Mountain Climber= 79 (even with my dog trying to figure out what I was doing)

    sit ups= 56

    jumping jacks= 62

    push ups= 31

    I'm surprised my wrists let me get 31 pushups in. I had to stop a couple of times.
  • Kladyga
    Kladyga Posts: 4

    Ok, doing Kerri's challenge tomorrow, and probably all week. Will NOT be loggin anything OR working out on Friday due to Opening Day, this will be MY cheat day.... LoL. By cheat I mean LOTS and LOTS of beers ;-) So, until then I NEED to kick *kitten*!!!!!!
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member

    Ok, doing Kerri's challenge tomorrow, and probably all week. Will NOT be loggin anything OR working out on Friday due to Opening Day, this will be MY cheat day.... LoL. By cheat I mean LOTS and LOTS of beers ;-) So, until then I NEED to kick *kitten*!!!!!!

    I love you Kas!!!