*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    My numbers:

    Mountain Climber= 79 (even with my dog trying to figure out what I was doing)

    sit ups= 56

    jumping jacks= 62

    push ups= 31

    I'm surprised my wrists let me get 31 pushups in. I had to stop a couple of times.

    I had a loving baby climbing on me during my sit ups. LOL.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    I thought I would share this. I don't have the money in our budget to buy a gym membership, not to mention the fact that the nearest gym is probably 20 minutes away from our house. But I do have a trainer, she sits right next to me as I run on the treadmill and can do a 7 minute mile on the treadmill (not joking). Everytime I workout, she is always staring at me with a look on her face like "really, I could do that in my sleep!" Her name is Roxy, she's one of my dogs :O)

  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    I ran my mile in 11:35. Slow, but steady. I'm going to try to get the next 4 challenges done tomorrow before my workout. I think I may try to do this challenge weekly so I can improve. Practice makes perfect! lol

    Have a good night friends!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member

    My work out plan for this week:

    Sunday--Jazzercise and Ballet Body. Completed
    Monday--Hoping to at least get Kerri's 4 minute challenge in. I don't know when I'm getting home from work and can't work out at lunch....would like to get a DVD in.
    Tuesday--Strength training at lunch, Jazzercise in the evening
    Thursday--Lunch work out, DVD evening
    Friday--Express Jazzercise and Ballet Body
    Saturday-Step Jazzercise

    Ammending my work out schedule:

    Monday--4 minute challenge and No More Trouble Zones
    Tuesday--Jazzercise only. (I need to get an oil change despirately at lunch today :embarassed: )
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member

    Looks like I'll be doing the 4 minute challenge and 30DS tonight instead.

    Im dying to try out this 30 Day Shred that everyone is talking about on here!! I never heard of it before MFP. Might do some DVD purchasing soon!! :happy:

    I have the 30 Day Shred but haven't done it for 30 days straight. I use it to fill in on days when I need to get a quick work out in due to fussy child or when Wii Boxing just doesn't sound like fun. It is a pretty decent work out and you can control your own intensity so you can get what kind of burn you want out of it. I am usually pretty sore for a day or two after (especially my arms and abs).
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member

    Ok, doing Kerri's challenge tomorrow, and probably all week. Will NOT be loggin anything OR working out on Friday due to Opening Day, this will be MY cheat day.... LoL. By cheat I mean LOTS and LOTS of beers ;-) So, until then I NEED to kick *kitten*!!!!!!

    Will you be down there?!?!? OPENING DAY IS MY CHRISTMAS!!!! I run a tailgate.. this year we've got 60+ rsvp'ed.. We have 2 half barrels, 3 grills (my cousin is the GM of famous daves and brings alllll their goodie meats).. I will DEF NOT BE logging on Friday =) I've actually been working out since Jan so that I could look cute in a top that I bought! Silly motivation I know.. last year at OD my boyfriend and I took a million photos and we both looked horrible. HE told me a couple weeks ago he wants to take tons this year because we both look so much better. God I love that man!!!

    CAN'T WAIT!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member

    Ok, doing Kerri's challenge tomorrow, and probably all week. Will NOT be loggin anything OR working out on Friday due to Opening Day, this will be MY cheat day.... LoL. By cheat I mean LOTS and LOTS of beers ;-) So, until then I NEED to kick *kitten*!!!!!!

    Will you be down there?!?!? OPENING DAY IS MY CHRISTMAS!!!! I run a tailgate.. this year we've got 60+ rsvp'ed.. We have 2 half barrels, 3 grills (my cousin is the GM of famous daves and brings alllll their goodie meats).. I will DEF NOT BE logging on Friday =) I've actually been working out since Jan so that I could look cute in a top that I bought! Silly motivation I know.. last year at OD my boyfriend and I took a million photos and we both looked horrible. HE told me a couple weeks ago he wants to take tons this year because we both look so much better. God I love that man!!!

    CAN'T WAIT!!

    Oooh what's Opening Day?! Sounds like great fun! :drinker:

    Please take loads of pics, I want to see your cute top!!! :)
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Mountain climbers - 112

    Robin!!!!! That's an amazing number! I pushed it to 69 today and I was nearly crying at the end! :laugh:

    I did the 4 minute challenge again today. Managed to add a few more repetitions on :)

    Jumping Jacks (Day 1) 65, (Day 2) 72

    Mountain Climbers (Day 1) 66, (Day 2) 69

    Push ups (Day 1) 28, (Day 2) 34

    Sit ups (Day 1) 43, (Day 2) 48

    Every little helps!!!:glasses:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Opening Day is just the home opener for our major leauge baseball team, the Detroit Tigers =) It is basically the entire city partying and hanging out hours and hours before the actual game starts (3 pm this year).. It is SO much fun. We are going to the game this year too which is awesome! I can't wait!! For me, it's all about hanging out with my family and different groups of friends. if I plan it I get to invite whomever I want! =) I will take 1,000,000 pics =)
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    I tried so hard to get tickets for opening day on Friday! I am so sad about not going. I have never gone and this year I was hoping to make it. 2 of my really good friends got tickets but not me. :(

    Ok. Enough of that pity party!

    I have some happy news though...I weighed in this morning and so far I have lost 6.2 lbs! That has been in just 2 weeks and 1 day. I have never stayed dedicated like this and it is paying off! Woo-hoo!!
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Wow you guys are all doing SO WELL! I am embarrassed at my numbers. I am going to keep trying for another day or two to see if I can improve a little bit and then I will post them.

    Stupid asthma. I had to stop a few times during the mountain climbers and jumping jacks. I feel pretty pathetic. As for the pushups and situps I really have no upper body or core strength so I have to work on that too. Maybe I can improve over the course of the week if I do them every day so even if I can do that it will be nice to see an improvement in my own numbers! :)

    Also, I have a bad ankle so I am wondering if I can do my 1 mile on an elliptical instead because it's low impact on my ankle. I can only go slowly on a treadmill but I can go way faster with my ankle on an elliptical. I am still trying to do more on a treadmill though because the more weight I lose the easier it is on my ankle, too. I think I will try both.
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    ok, I just did my four minute challenge. here are my numbers:

    Jumping Jacks: 73
    Sit ups: 37
    Pushups: 24- 8 of those were from my toes, and then I was too fatigued so I did 16 from my knees
    Mountain Climbers-52

    I know I walked at least a mile yesterday afternoon, but I was pulling a wagon with about 50 lbs of kids and infant carseat in it and trying to avoid puddles, so I wasn't going very fast! lol. I'll try to do a timed mile tomorrow morning.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Mountain climbers - 112

    Robin!!!!! That's an amazing number! I pushed it to 69 today and I was nearly crying at the end! :laugh:

    We used to do Mountain Climbers for soccer everyday so my leg strength is not an issue :laugh: it's the abs that need all the work. I have NO core strength, I got the lowest number of anyone on situps lol. You're doing great!
  • Caroline9252
    You girls are doing GREAT!!! I need to get my butt in gear and do these challenges. I was so mad at my husband last night so I just left the house and went running outside.

    I am going to for sure do them this week and post my numbers! heheeh!!!

    Just wanted to tell all of you how impressed I am !!!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I just went through and read a few pages of posts and man you ladies ROCK!!! :drinker:
    I was ill yesterday as you all know so I am playing a bit of catch up. I will start tonight with the 4 minute challenge then Zumba (dvd).

    Tomorrow I will do my timed walk with the hubby as it should not be so darn windy. I about got blown away at lunch time and was only able to walk 1/2 a mile.

    I am really thinking about starting the C25k but then again I am getting my bikes delivered to the house later this week.

    Tues - Zumba/4 minute challenge/drink plenty of water 8+ glasses
    Wed - Walk with the hubby/4minute challenge (if I fail miserably on tues)/drink plenty of water 8+ glasses
    Thurs - Zumba class (yay)/drink plenty of water 8+ glasses
    Fri - Walk with the hubby (or some other exercise)/drink plenty of water 8+ glasses
    Sat/Sun - not sure as it is too far out/drink plenty of water 8+ glasses
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    My challenge results:
    1 mile run- 8:56
    Jumping jacks- 70
    Mountain climbers- 65
    Push up- 3 real, 18 on knees
    Sit up- 18
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Mile time - 9:33
    I'm pretty excited about this considering I haven't run a mile all the way thru since late sept. My goal was under 10 and I got it but I'm definitely looking forward to improving it tho because I couldn't go much longer than that.
  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    Did my jumping jacks today. 64 Tomorrow I will try to get the last three done. I'm trying to work them into my workout. :/
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    You all are doing so great! I wish i had more time to read through everyone's posts/emails and respond :( Hopefully next week.

    1 Mile: 8:03! :happy:
    26 sit ups (im more of a bicycle crunch girl)
    33 push ups (on knees)
    70 Jumping jacks
    93 Mountain climbers= death!:grumble:

    It felt good to get back to working out after taking a few days of rest after my 5 mile race. I ran, did 30 mins of elliptical and some abs as well as my challenges.

    Wed: 3 mile run
    Thurs: Spin, elliptical, upper body
    Fri: off
    Sat: Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    Sunday: 3.5 mile run
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Is anyone having trouble getting foods to populate from the database this morning? I can add my own foods or frequently used foods but when searching on the database, they don't load. Anyone else having this issue?