*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Sorry I am coming to this a little late!

    I'm Susan, I'm from just outside of Glasgow, Scotland. I'm 26 (27 at the end of the month) and getting married in September this year. I live on my fiances farm with our two jack russel terriers Finn and Lily and about two hundred and twenty cows!

    I am an equine vet and unfortunately perhaps a bit of a workaholic, and work a lot of evenings and weekends on call. I've just moved jobs and now coming into my busiest time at work. I'm also studying for an extra post-grad qualification, so between that, work, planning a wedding and trying to ride my horse I'm kinda busy!

    About my weight, I've never been a thin girl. I've always been bigger since I was about 18, before that I was pretty average. Through uni I piled on the weight altho I did lose quite a bit in my last 18 months of my degree. Once I met my fiance, I managed to put a fair bit back on until last Christmas when I realised just how big I'd got... and I never want to be like that again. I'm only 13lb away from my ultimate goal but honestly it feels a long way away at the moment as the last 5-8 lb have come off very slowly. I'm training for a 5k at the start of June and I'm spinning a couple of times a week. Considering getting a personal trainer as birthday present to myself!

    I really need this last push to get the last bit off so even though I might now manage the whole thing in three months my three month goal will be 135lb.

    Come on ladies! We can do this!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Hey everyone :)
    I'm very excited about our challenge too! My name is (if you hadn't already guessed) Becky . My screen name is that wit part of my address (very creative I know lol) I came up with it not long after I moved in with my boyfriend and at the time I used it for the phone app, not knowing of the huge MFP community and all the fun names. I must say when I discovered the community I was thrilled. When I started building a friend base of great supportive friends that I got along with it was even better!!

    I've been on MFP since august but I have been faithful and truly in it since January. I started after i hit yet another tearful breaking point about the weight I'd put on and the suits I could not fit into for client meetings at work. Since starting a new job in advertising in July 09 I had put in a solid 20+ pounds and it was NOT cute.

    I did ok at first, crazy restrictive on my diet and then letting go losing and gaining back the same 5-7 pounds over and over again. Last time I quit was after someone made a very rude comment about my diary. I'd had a day that was not great and she made some sarcastic remark that it must've been a cheat day for all the garbage I was eating. That got me really discouraged and beating myself up. So I gave up again.

    When I got back on around Christmas I saw how much weight people had lost since I was gone. So many that started around the same time s me had lost 30-40lb!! That got me thinking and believing more in myself (: I set realistic goals and now I'm working out a minimum 2 days during the week (often 3 or 4) plus a two hour cardioathon as I call it every Saturday! It's not a class, just me doing all sorts of cardio and the time flies by and I feel fabulous after (:

    I work in advertising (thus my shame for a screen name lacking creativity! Haha) I started at a new agency in January after a year and a half somewhere else. Before that I was a district manager for McDonalds, a job that I loved too :) I went to Michigan - Go Blue!!

    My fav team is the Tigers (of course!) because Im a metro Detroiter too, from the downriver area.

    I have a boyfriend, no kids. (: I want to get back to the fabulous feeling I had when I was a figure skater, I did that in my teens and I must say that was the most comfortable ive been in my skin. Around 135-140 lbs, toned, size 6/8 depending on the clothes. I want to have energy and be healthy and feel good :)

    I'm running my first 5k may 21st , race for the cure Detroit ! Looking forward to it :) can't wait to get to know everyone. I started reading on here and I have lots more to catch up!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Ok, girls, how do you resist cravings? Let's hear it. People are ALWAYS bringing treats in to my work. Some days I can resist and other days I can't. Particularly right before or during my period...like today. I totally gave in and ate a donut that I resisted all morning. I'm within my calories and but still feel yucky. It totally wasn't worth it and if anything I should have had half. Lately it seems like everyday I'm determined to eat clean all day and then I KEEP giving in.

    I can't say I always do resist,but I'm getting a lot better. We have a lot of treats at work too and I just try to stay in the mindset of its really NOT worth it, and not let myself entertain the thought of the flavors etc. If i feel obligated to have some (like at a recent work baby shower) I eat a small amount (like at that I split the piece of cake in half). Or this morning with breakfast at work, just had some small things and fruit and didn't finish it.

    Planning helps alot. Then there's not this empty space for bad food to fill. It's already filled with the healthy stuff, helps me stay on track. But I'm getting a lot better at making the best of situations that come up unexpected.

    Good luck and feel free to post onyour status when you are tempted and we encourage you!
    I almost forgot the most important part! When I do mess up I try not to stress and think about. Just move on and I try to do better!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I heart downriver girls!!! =)

    Ok ladies I am still missing about 10 weights and measurements but almost all of them have messaged with a reason. So as soon as I get everyones I will send out an email!! For those that joined the challenge and haven't responded to my few emails, I will probably delete from the list. :-( sorry

    I hope everyone had a somewhat enjoyable time taking measurements. At the minimum we can look back and see where we came from! I also recommend taking a pic of yourself from the front, side and back. I know it seems like a horrible idea now but it's going to be your "before" picture! :-) I wish I had taken some "before pics!"

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    One exciting thing about my life that I wasn't going to share on MFP yet is...I'm GETTING MARRIED! I just got engaged Tuesday night...yes, 2 days ago!!! We're planning a June 2012 wedding so that's even more motivation to keep on pushing!!!


    Omg congratulations !!!! :-D
  • pamelaplt
    pamelaplt Posts: 12
    Hi everyone, my name is Pam. I'm 29 and live in Clawson, MI. Currently, I am on SPRING BREAK!!!!!! I teach English as a Second Language (ESL) K-8. Love teaching my students and attempting to learn Spanish along the way. I am very excited about this challenge. I did Kerri's first challenge and glad she is having another. Kerri is also the only person I REALLY know. I love to workout with her because she is pretty much a personal trainer. =) I ran my first 5K on Thanksgiving 2010 in Detroit and LOVED IT. So I ran another in Feb. and March. I am also signed up to run Race for the Cure in April (Lansing, Mi) and Race for the Cure (Detroit), MI in May.

    I have been married almost 2 years to my best friend (Anniversary is on MONDAY). My husband and I have a dog, Bruno 2 years old (German Shorthair Pointer). If you don't know (GSP), they are a very high energy breed dog. Now that the weather is getting nicer instead of taking him to the dog park and standing around, I'm going to try to start taking him on more walks and runs. I also love to travel and since I'm on spring break this week I am leaving on Wednesday night to fly out to Colorado Springs for a few days. I'm staying with a friend and outside her backyard is a gorgeous view of Pike's Peak. So I will not be logging much later this week b/c I won't have a computer but I'm hoping to try to get out a few days and run while I'm there and enjoy the scenery. I am by no means a runner, even if it may sound like it, but I'm working on changing that. I enjoy going to the gym, zumba, and playing tennis. Hoping to play more tennis this summer with my husband. I love it, yet I don't play nearly enough. I used to be really good in high school and my husband has never played until he met me and I always tell him he play street ball (tennis) because when he first started playing his rules were pretty much anything goes b/c that's all he knew. (He has come a long way)=)

    The best part about being a teacher is SUMMER TIME!!!! (my favorite season) I LOVE being OUTSIDE! Planting flowers, kayaking, taking the dog to different parks, camping, BBQ's There is nothing like grillin' in the summer. SO YUMMY (This is one reason why I'm here LOL ) pretty much just love the outdoors.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member

    I'm running my first 5k may 21st , race for the cure Detroit ! Looking forward to it :) can't wait to get to know everyone. I started reading on here and I have lots more to catch up!

    I'll be there too...not sure about the running part or not. My brother and SIL will be running. I know Kerri is going to be there also. Anyone else going to be at the Detroit Event??
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I am Stephanie! I am 36, from Arkansas. I am married to a wonderfully supportive man. I have an amazing 14 y/o son. I work in agriculture. I am SUPER busy in the Spring. Most of my work is right here in front of this computer, 10-12 hrs a day this time of year. Sitting on my booty has been my downfall. So I am really trying to stop the munching and eating out of the snack machine and letting the guys pick up unhealthy lunches for me when I get swamped!

    I have lost this weight twice before and let it creep back up. This will be the LAST time! I need to lose 15 lbs and keep it off! I am making exercise a priority this time. In the past I haven't. If I will just keep that as part of my lifestyle then I should't have a problem keeping it off this time.

    My main goal is to be hot in a bikini this summer!! We will be spending a lot of time on the river and I want to be comfortable enough to wear a my bikini and not worry about how I look in it the entire time. I have a picture in the one I just bought...so I will have something to compare it to when this challenge is over!

    I am looking forward to this challenge and getting to know all of you better!

    Thanks Kerri for putting this all together! AND I WANT TO GO TO IRELAND TOO!!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    I just need to share this with some supportive people...Last night while shopping at Target ( LOVE).....I did something.....I bought a YELLOW BIKINI........now, before I get too excited, I probably wouldnt feel comfy strutting on the beach this very moment in it...But i'm going to hang in my room....and by the end of the challenge, I want to wear it, at least once....even if it is at a private pool with just myself and my boyfriend...a BIKINI......I've NEVER owned one....NEVER...haha, I cant explain to you how excited I am.... I tried it on, and it really, doesnt look THAT BAD right now...My mom was so excited for me last night she started crying, and said..honey, it's a bikini....a BIKINI...look how far youve come!!! :)

    **Just wanted to share with you, b/c I am still riding on the high from buying it!!! It's BRIGHT YELLOW!! and SO cute :)

    Totally amazing!!!!
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    I forgot to say.....I am in for Ireland! LOL. :)
  • pamelaplt
    pamelaplt Posts: 12
    I'll be running the Detroit 5K too!!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I took some progress pictures this morning. I'll try to get them in my profile later today. Anyone else take and post yet?
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    OK...I did it...posted pictures to my profile, January 18th, and today.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I will take pictures tomorrow or Monday and post. I will have them from Jan 5th and now. They will probably be of just my mid section as I do not have a full length mirror at home.
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    sorry I'm so late everyone-rough couple of days!

    anyway, I'm Heather, I'm 27 and I have a two year old daughter and a 4 month old son. I'm currently on maternity leave until September, but in my "real life" I'm a junior high band teacher. I joined MFP on December 28th 2010, because I was having trouble losing weight after baby #2. in the past 15 weeks I've lost 31 lbs! I'd like to lose another 20-25 lbs still though.

    I'm going to post a 'before' picture and a 'current' pic... (i'm not calling it "after" just yet!)

    the first pic was taken on December 23rd-5 weeks post partum, and I weighed 187. this is 5 days before I joined MFP:

    whew! that was embarrassing, but I'm really challenging myself this year to do things I normally would be scared or uncomfortable doing.

    ok, here is a pic taken today, at 156 lbs:


    so I am a work in progress..but I'm determined! look forward to getting to know everyone better!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Kacylaine - Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. I had one before I got pregnant with my daughter, so it's tough. I'm really happy you are pregnant again so soon!

    DreeDub - Congratulations on your engagement! How exciting!

    Sooo ... I am Bridget, I live in Orlando and I'll be married 6 years in July to an awesome, totally supportive man. Second marriage, finally got it right. I have a daughter who will be 5 in June and a son who will be 4 in December. I also had 2 miscarriages. One before my daughter in 2005, and one just last year in October. I absolutely adore my children, and I loved being pregnant, but man, I do NOT love the weight I put on carrying them, or the "pooch" I got from two c-sections. Things weren't so bad with my first pregnancy, because I had horrible morning sickness for months and I only put on about 10 lbs. But when I was pregnant with my son, I put on about 20 lbs, and then he was colicky and a terrible sleeper, and I'm fairly certain I had some mild PPD after he was born. Sleep deprivation is a very bad thing, especially for me, because I have a hypo-thyroidism, so I'm already tired a lot anyway. Being so exhausted all the time really had me making some poor decisions food-wise. Having an under-active thyroid means its that much easier for me to pack on the pounds, too.

    My screen name is leftover from high school. My maiden name is Shanahan, (Irish) so a lot of people called me Shanny Shamrock - for some unknown reason. All it takes is one bozo to start a nick-name in high school, and it sticks. I guess it's better than what my ex-husband's family used to call me, "la Gordita" - the fat one. The 40 in Shamrock40 is because I will be TURNING 40 IN SEPTEMBER!! Yes, for all you little youngsters about to turn 30, I'm here to tell you ... stick with it and get healthy now, because it doesn't get any easier when you're older!

    My dream is to do some combination of the following:

    - Go to culinary school and/or learn to cure my own meats and make cheeses and bake breads
    - Open a salumi or an Italian deli and sell sandwiches and healthy, nutritious prepared foods ... and wine(?) I'm such a wine-o!

    Anyhooo ...

    Right now, I've had amazing success since I started logging on MFP on January 3rd. I am still having issues with my achilles tendon, but we bought an elliptical for our house, and after being away this last week, not exercising and not logging, I gained a pound, so I'm getting back to work tomorrow!

    I finished reading everyone's intros, so I'm totally excited to be a part of such a great, interactive challenge. I love that everyone is so into this. I truly hope the enthusiasm doesn't die down. We can do this, ladies! We have a great support group right here!

    Oh, and my starting weight for this challenge is 218.6 from yesterday. My goal weight is to be under 200 lbs by the end of the challenge. I can't "weight" to kick butt! (ha ha ha!)
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Hola Ladies!! Just back from Mexico today but wanted to let everyone know I've not dropped off the face of the earth. Will post details about myself, etc,etc, tomorrow when I've recovered from the jetlag. Had a great time and hated to come home. Hard to leave mid to high 30's feel like temperatures and come home to freezing temperatures and snow/rain mix. On the bright side our flight was delayed for 6 hours so we had 6 extra hours of fun in the sun. I'm running on empty, have been up for 36 hours and really need to get some rest. Nighty night till tomorrow. :yawn:
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    haha OOH even better idea to take a picture of myself in it!!! , so i know where I started and where I'll be at the end of the challenge! :)

    you definitely need to take pics NOW! lol
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    Ok, girls, how do you resist cravings? Let's hear it. People are ALWAYS bringing treats in to my work. Some days I can resist and other days I can't. Particularly right before or during my period...like today. I totally gave in and ate a donut that I resisted all morning. I'm within my calories and but still feel yucky. It totally wasn't worth it and if anything I should have had half. Lately it seems like everyday I'm determined to eat clean all day and then I KEEP giving in.

    Honestly I try to convince myself it's not worth it, and then i distract myself with other things. If that doesnt work and I find myself picking that tasty little treat up, i might take one bite.. throw it in the trash & walk out of the room or find something else to think about. The other night at church, we had a dinner and my plate (not made by me) was piled high. I KNEW if i sat down next to my husband i'd eat every bite, because he's my comfort zone. instead i walked over to a friend of mine who i knew is also trying to lose weight and i started chatting with her about weight loss. that made it a lot easier to throw a dirty napkin on my plate once i felt satisfied lol
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey girls!! Here is my work out plan for this week. I think this will help me accomplish my goals =)
    Work Out Schedule
    Week of 4/3/2011
    Sunday: Walking Intervals/Yoga
    Tuesday: Xtreme Trainer/Running
    Wednesday: Zumba/Boxing
    Thursday:Insanity/Xtreme Trainer/Running
    Friday: Insanity
    Sat: Xtreme Trainer/Running

    I get bored....so I like to do different things!
    ~ We just booked our vacation for June 21 = I need abs and to look good in my suit. Going to take a pic of myself in my suit and I will put the comparison photos up later. Hope you all doing well.

    ****I challenge you all to do something active for 30 minutes EVERY day**** We can do it!
    Have a great week!!