*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Heeeellllooooo, everyone!!!

    It's awesome to see that so many of you are from Michigan. How cool is that? I'm excited to be in the group with so many people from various parts of the US.

    My real name is Jillian. I chose JillyBean as a name because I've been called that by friends since high school and it sounds like 'Jellybean'. I live in Oak Park, MI which is located in southeast Michigan near Detroit. I am currently unemployed due to a recent budgetary lay-off a month and a half ago at a major bank, which shall remain nameless. This should be the bank's logo ----> :devil:
    Beause I hated my employer, I had already been in the process of looking for another job when I was laid-off so I was excited that the company basically paid me to leave. It was frigging awesome. I am just now starting to look for work again as an Executive Asst. since my severance checks will cease in about one month.
    I had already promised myself that this year two things were going to happen for certain...I would find a better job/employer and I would achieve my goal weight once and for all. One down, one to go! :drinker:

    I am 5'4" and I currently weigh 176.2 lbs. I weighed 125-130 lbs in high school and my first 2 years in college. I gained a lot of weight in college at Michigan State Univ. by going to many parties drinking tons of beer and eating pizza and other garbage late at night. If I could take a time machine back to my Sophomore year I would find myself, smack my past self, and tell my past self to join a gym and lay off the beer & snacks. My goal weight for now is 140 though I wouldn't mind being 5 or more lbs smaller than that.

    For fun I like going out with friends for drinks at local bars, going to the movies, watching movies at home, playing 'Angry Birds' on my phone (see profile pic), playing video games on my PS3 & Wii, playing softball, bowling, surfing the internet, and of course stalking people on MFP (lol).

    My favorite MLB team is the Detroit Tigers (see the green pig's hat in my profile pic).

    I don't have any hidden talents or at least I don't think I do, lol. I am a funny, humorous person and like to say silly stuff on the MFP message boards so don't be surprised if I say something silly to you guys :tongue:. You'll never have to worry about any negativity coming from me. I'm never negative towards ANYONE on this site because I feel that it is mean and unecessary. I will always be positive and offer support to each one you.

    I'm excited to be a part of the group with all of you. We are going to burn calories, kick *kitten*, and take names. I can't wait to see how much we've all progressed by the time the challenge is over.
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member

    I just found out I'm pregnant! I'm due December 3rd.

    Congratulations!!! I don't have any babies yet, but I am a Labor and Delivery nurse...I may have some ideas and tips for you when you get to the end of your pregnancy journey! ; )
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    (First, thank you SO much, Kerri, for putting so much time and effort into getting us all together!! It is sooo appreciated!)

    Hey girls!

    I'm Elisabeth, and I am really excited to be a part of this challenge!
    I am originally from Royal Oak, MI (love all the Michiganders on here!!), and am of course, a Wings fan, and Tigers too!
    When I was a kid, my family moved to northern NY, to the beautiful Thousand Islands region (where Thousand Island dressing was made!). It's a super rural area compared to Detroit, but I loved growing up as a kid in the country. I went to school in Syracuse, got my first job in Rochester, NY where I currently live with my amazingly wonderful husband (who is so supportive and loves me no matter what I weigh!!). We've been together for 4.5 years, married for 1.5 years so far! No babies yet...my job is my birth-control. See below!

    I'm a Labor and Delivery RN, and I loooove what I do! I love helping moms in labor, and meeting all the precious little ones that enter the world! My husband and I dream of eventually living overseas as missionaries, working with orphans, and the lost and forgotten of this world...we're thinking Madagascar or Mozambique...God willing!

    As far as weight, I was never a huge kid, but I remember being 8 years old, and realizing that I was just a little bigger than all of the other skinny girls around me. Thanks to our society's perception of thinness=beauty, obviously, I became very self-conscious and thought there was something wrong with me...So, I've always had to watch what I eat, my mom, sister and I alike. I have always loved the outdoors and playing sports, etc., but after gaining a little in college, then getting married, I began to eat like my husband...bad idea. So, at 5'6 and 183, enough was enough.

    I joined MFP last summer, lost about 8-9 pounds, but used the site sporadically and didn't join the amazing community on here until this Feb...and, wow, what a difference!! I feel motivated and so excited, and I actually believe in myself for once when it comes to weight loss. I can actually beat this. I am bigger than my body. Make sense? ; )

    CW: 169.2
    GW: 150 (maybe more later!)

    oh! my screen name! When we were little, but brother couldn't say "Elisabeth" very well, so he called me "Eleba" which became "bitabee"...All of my family and friends call me Bit! I know, close to the other word.

    Sorry this is long!
    Can't wait to get to know all of you amazing women! I am SO pumped about looking smokin' this summer! We can do this!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    What do I owe you for putting me first on the list ;) lol

    And as I would love to add new members to this team, it just truly isn't feasible at the moment. These are our current team members->

    Thanks for understanding fellow MFP'ers =)
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello, another Jill here. :) For me, this challenge is yet another attempt to get somewhere with my weight loss. At this point, I don't really care how far I get. I just want to get somewhere....

    I wrote this blog post last night. It describes pretty well where I'm at right now:


    I live in Shelby Twp, MI, not far from some of the other chickies in here. :) I am 5'6" and around 185 lbs., though I think after this last binge it will be slightly higher.... I guess I'll find out Friday morning when I weigh in. Oh well.

    I am currently learning how to be happy and positive when stuck in bad situations. It's quite challenging at the moment, but I'm doing all right.

    I also love God and seek to put Him first in my life. Throughout my struggles, I've tried to continue putting my faith in Him. That's another thing I'm working on. :)

    I was thinking, maybe someday us local ladies could get together for a little pow-wow at a local pub or something? Just a thought since there are at least a few of us in metro Detroit.

    Looking forward to the challenge. Every person that's vowed to be my workout/support partner in real life has bailed on me! I'm not exaggerating, either! So even though you all aren't with me in real life, I will just pretend you are. I'm good at that! :glasses:
  • Caroline9252
    I first want to say that I'm happy to be here ;)

    My name is Caroline, and I live in Shelby Twp, MI - and yes it looks like I have some very close neighbors! The 9252 is the last four digets of my in laws phone number. Nothing special ;)

    I am a mortgage loan underwriter, so an all day desk job....

    As for my journey.... I started at about 160, on my 5'5 frame and my lovley pare shape is was catching up to me. My pants went from a 4 to a 12.... I can remember being in the fitting room one day wondering what had happened to me. I wasn't happy with myself, and I needed to make a change.

    I was so tired of all the crazy diets I had tried. One of the ministers at my church had lost a ton of weigt so I asked him how he did it. He said "there's this great app called MFP" .... Needless to say I downloaded the app and have been using it sice mid Jan.

    I'm now down to 142 and a size 6 - 8 and it feels amazing!!!! I want more than anything to get back down to my wedding weight of 124, and for the first time it feels possible!!!

    I want to say that I love my husband! He is one of those men that have been in great shape his whole life. Even when I was at my highest weight he never said anything other than he wants me to be happy!

    I could go on and on.....

    Thank you everyone for all the support!!! This has been a huge sucess for me and I'm so happy to have all of the support!

    One more tid bit!!! I'm gluten intolerant not sure if any of you are but if you are please share!! I need new food ideas ;)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hello ladies, I am starting this thread a couple days early as I thought it'd be a great idea for our group to get to know one another! I am feeling very gushy and mushy today. You guys are all SO awesome and I am so excited for the "challenge" to begin on Friday! Feel free to post ANYTHING about yourself that you'd like. Ideas: real name; what your screenname means; your dreams&goals; where you're from; what you do; what you love to do for fun; what your favorite MLB team is--the season starts tomorrow!; what you love about yourself; your hidden talent; etc. . . . . . be creative and be positive! =)

    Hello Everybody :)))

    I'm SUPER excited to get this challenge started tomorrow! I'll have to make sure I get all my measurements done tonight and weigh in first thing tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what to expect on the scale because I haven't worked out since my volleyball tournament last Saturday. I've been sick since Saturday morning and today will be my first attempt at a workout since being sick! It's not fair...we work so hard to get healthy and into shape and then a sickness bogs us down...UGH! I guess that's what I should expect being a teacher :) So there's the first little bit about me. I am a K-2 special education teacher. I teach students with cognitive impairments in a self contained classroom but I do however push my students into the general education classroom as much as I can :))) It is a challenging job but rewarding as well. I get to spend 3 years watching my students grow before having to send them on to the next classroom. Sometimes having the same students for 3 years can be difficult when they have severe behavior problems...but either way...I love each and every one of them :)))

    What else did we want to share?! My name....my name is Andrea and I live in Lansing, MI. Oh boy, my screen name...it's the most random thing ever...my nickname since I was a little girl was Dree Dree b/c my cousin who is only a month younger than me could never say Andrea. So once in a while people still call me Dree. One day my youngest brother (I have 3) said "Hey Dree Dub in a Dub Cake" when I walked in the room. I instantly stopped b/c I was so confused, amazed, intrigued by what he had just said. This wasn't like when he was 5 or something...nope...it was only a few years ago...he was probably 19ish?!?! So yeah...ever since...it's been shortened to Dree Dub so I tend to use that as a user name when needed ;-) Told you it was random!!!

    Things I like to do for fun:
    *play volleyball
    *go for walks
    *lay in the sun
    *go camping with my family (up north michigan :)))
    *ride bikes
    *spend "girl days" with my oldest niece (she's almost 6)
    *spend as much time with my older brothers family (sis in law is my bff and they also have 2 girls (almost 6 and 1 1/2) and a boy (4)...gotta love the nieces and nephew)
    *read (books of my choice...not text books)
    *hang out with friends
    *take road trips

    Favorite MLB team..the TIGERS of course :))) Is there any other? ;) j/k

    One exciting thing about my life that I wasn't going to share on MFP yet is...I'm GETTING MARRIED! I just got engaged Tuesday night...yes, 2 days ago!!! We're planning a June 2012 wedding so that's even more motivation to keep on pushing!!!

    As far as my goals for this challenge go...I'm still reaching for 125 (maybe 120 but definitely nothing under that) and once I hit that will start to tone more. I'm nervous about 'toning" only because I build muscle VERY easily and it's always BULKY muscle...not lean. So I have to some how find a way to build "lean" muscle! Not sure what that even means at this point!

    Ok....enough of this..I have to start working and eat my breakfast too! Again...I can't wait to start this challenge with all of you and i have to get caught up on everybody's bios! It's so good to "meet" all of you and really find out about the people I'm taking a journey with :)))

    Let's get FAB :))) Love you all...have a great day :)))
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    That is right. On May 17th I will turn 30! I am probably the only person I know who is stoked to turn 30. I love life and look at each birthday as a blessing. After all it is another year you have lived!

    I too will be turning 30 this year...not long after you...my birthday is June 23! My fiance and I are hopefully planning a trip to Vegas as a celebration...but with all the planning that will be taking place...we may just celebrate here in MI with family and friends...either way... I too am CELEBRATING turning 30 :))
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member

    One exciting thing about my life that I wasn't going to share on MFP yet is...I'm GETTING MARRIED! I just got engaged Tuesday night...yes, 2 days ago!!! We're planning a June 2012 wedding so that's even more motivation to keep on pushing!!!

    Congratulations!!! How wonderful!!
  • mixmastermolly
    SOOOO...My goals will have to change, and they will differ from yours! Here they are:
    -Gain an APPROPRIATE amount of weight.
    -While I'm sure I am going to eat some not-so-great stuff, I want to be getting the vast majority of my diet from whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and veggies.
    -Maintain a healthy excersise routine.
    -Drink all my water, and drink NO caffeine.

    P.S. Felisha--Ryan and I have considered Rhiannon as a girl's name. "Rhiannon" is my favorite Fleetwood Mac song, and I'm a HUGE Stevie Nicks fan :)

    Those are wonderful goals and I love Rhiannon, too! Putting those healthy nutrients in your body will benefit you and your baby SO much!
  • mixmastermolly
    Hello everybody! My name is Lindsay, my friends tend to call me Lindz and before I was married my last name was Fisher, so that's just about every username I use was created. I "8" a fish :) It's been with me for quite a while now.

    I am 25 years old and have lived in Lansing, MI for a good part of my life.

    Hey, Lindsay! My sister lives in Lansing, too. :) I visit there often. Congrats on your baby boy. I'm hoping to adopt a rescue pup in the next few years when I'm done with school and home more often. I'd LOVE a large breed!
  • mixmastermolly
    Hello everybody! My name is Lindsay, my friends tend to call me Lindz and before I was married my last name was Fisher, so that's just about every username I use was created. I "8" a fish :) It's been with me for quite a while now.

    I am 25 years old and have lived in Lansing, MI for a good part of my life.

    Hey, Lindsay! My sister lives in Lansing, too. :) I visit there often. Congrats on your baby boy. I'm hoping to adopt a rescue pup in the next few years when I'm done with school and home more often. I'd LOVE a large breed!
  • mixmastermolly
    Now for a little (or maybe a lot) about me!! My name is Jennifer.. I'm a homeschooling mama... Travin & I just finished his preschool year and are currently in transition mode (school jus a few days a week) until we start our kindergarten year in July.

    **secret:: I'm thinking very seriously about getting certified to be a personal trainer. not many people know that becuz they'd probably have a good laugh lol buut i'm very serious about it. itd be a good lil side job and a nice motivator to keep my weight off.

    My mom homeschooled my siblings during elementary school and me for just one year. She would have continued but had to go back to work when my dad was laid off. Good for you. :) Although, I work for public schools so maybe I shouldn't say that in writing! ; )

    If you want to be a personal trainer then you should absolutely do it! This is your life and the only thing you'll regret is not trying the things you want to try!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Real name: Lucy

    Screen name: first name, last name initials (yes I have two last names because in my culture – I’m latina – we are given both of our parent’s last names)

    From: Virginia/DC

    What I do: IT Specialist

    Things I’m working on right now: Project management certification and building a website for my hubby Dave who is a photographer. Having my hubby photograph me for our wedding anniversary. The plan is for me to put my gown own again

    What I do for fun: love spending time with hubby in any way shape or form, hanging out with close friends and family, reading, working out and hanging out at the gym (while working out) with my gym buddies

    Dreams and goals: I’ve been married for almost a year, yes I’m still a happy newlywed , and would like to finalize my wedding album, print all the pictures we need to print and finish decorating our place. Didn’t think it would be such a task but it is! Also, I would like to get down to my lowest weight EVER! 150lbs!!! Funny thing is I thought I was still fat then … but when I see 150 again, I’ll be sooo happy and will embrace every moment. I’m having a hard time getting to the 70s right now soooo … I’ll will keep on keeping on :)

    More later ... have to get some work done!
  • mixmastermolly

    One more tid bit!!! I'm gluten intolerant not sure if any of you are but if you are please share!! I need new food ideas ;)

    I'm not gluten intolerant but was considering going gluten free for at least a week.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I didn't want to be the first to talk about myself so I waited a day -- hehe, sneaky sneaky.

    My name is Kerri.. I am 28, and I will be 29 in 3 months and a day! (June 1.) I live in Waterford, Michigan which is just a bit north or Detroit. I grew up south of Detroit though on a little island called Grosse Ile. It's a small town and it was a pleasure growing up there! I went to Western Michigan Univ for my undergrad and Wayne State Univ for my Masters. I loved college! I am a HUGE dork and I love studying and learning. I love the brain. I am a speech & language pathologist. It's a very small field and I have two specialties and they are swallowing disorders and language impairment as it relates to dementia. I recently got a new job working for two counties and I see special needs folks in their homes/group homes/workshops/schools. I do my diagnostic testing and make recommendations. It's kind of sad because I never really get to see follow up, which is something I miss from working in a nursing home for 5 years! Oh well!

    I just want to say that I am the HAPPIEST I have ever every been in my life. Not that I wasn't happy in the past ever, but I always had a million other things I was not happy about that bogged me down. I was in a relationship for almost 4 years that I was not happy with, was not proud of and didn't want to be in. We were married for a whopping 4 months. It's all kind of sad because I have so much guilt over it. I knew it wasn't right but I wasn't strong enough. I had seen a complete change in him as he went from a cool college bf to becoming a cop and SWAT team leader. He ate, breathed and slept COP. It sucked. Fast forward over 2 years and now I have Tj. I know that if I didn't go through everything I went through in the past I would not have met him. We met on Match.com, it's a super crazy wonderful love story and he is my everything. We have a house together (it's his moms but she moved to Florida--lucky duck) and have 2 dogs. Buster Bronco (hence, BB after my screenname) who is a 2 yo yellow lab and Lincoln who is a 10 year old Japanese Besenji.

    I LOVE sports. Watching, playing, following, fantasy, you name it. I LOVE golf (play and watch) and baseball (GO TIGERS!!!!!) But honestly anything that's on I will watch. I am about to win big $$$ for the NCAA bracket that I made, which is awesome because over 130 people filled them out! Go me! I also like to scrapbook, hang out with my friends, attend local events and smother my boyfriend with love and affection! ;)

    I am sick of my up&down, up&down, up&down with my weight. For the last 10 years I have bounced between 160 and 210. I am damn good and losing weight but I can't keep it off. I like the competition within myself to lose it then once I "win" I just stop. It sucks and I do it EVERY YEAR! I think that this time though I am in a good state of mind, I have most my ducks in a row and I'm ready to just make the change for my life. I've become more active overall and I love the gym now. I get upset when I can't make it to the gym (like yesterday) and I kinda like that feeling.

    I feel like one of the reasons I was put on this earth was to help people. I know that sounds silly but it's true. I am a rehabilitator by trade but it carries over to all other aspects of my life too. I really really want others to succeed, even before me, I've always been like that. I would study with friends in college to help them out and then not study for my own tests. I will workout with someone else even if it's not what I had planned on doing that day. I will want to run an entire half marathon but stop to walk with girls who look like they are struggling. I just really really want people to do well. I have a lot of knowledge and experience and I want to share! I know there are others like me out there and this is why this group is going to do so well. It's all about support and helping others succeed. I hope you all find it to be a rewarding experience. The only person I "know in real life" is pamelaplt, she is married to my boyfriend's friend Kurt. I think it would be AWESOME if anyone wanted to get together for a night out, dinner, Tigs game, whatev! I actually have an idea for the end of this for the Detroit-local girls, but I'm going to keep it a secret. =)
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Ok ladies, I am going to write a brief note so you don't think I fell off the challenge wagon already. I'm up in VA visiting family for a few days with my sweet, precious little girl, so I haven't been logging my food or anything, although I have been checking in. I started reading some of the intros, but I don't have time! My little princess and I have a flight to catch this afternoon and I haven't packed a thing yet! Aaagh! I also will need a day to get my measurements in once I get back. I am really psyched about this challenge, I nearly won the last one, so watch out, girls!! I'm in it to win it! LOL, actually I'm in it to get healthy and support some awesome women in their journey. I look forward to kicking some *kitten* with you gorgeous girls!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Ok ladies, I am going to write a brief note so you don't think I fell off the challenge wagon already. I'm up in VA visiting family for a few days with my sweet, precious little girl, so I haven't been logging my food or anything, although I have been checking in. I started reading some of the intros, but I don't have time! My little princess and I have a flight to catch this afternoon and I haven't packed a thing yet! Aaagh! I also will need a day to get my measurements in once I get back. I am really psyched about this challenge, I nearly won the last one, so watch out, girls!! I'm in it to win it! LOL, actually I'm in it to get healthy and support some awesome women in their journey. I look forward to kicking some *kitten* with you gorgeous girls!

    Have a safe flight Bridget!! =)
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm excited to be back in a challenge with most of you!

    My name's Diana, 22 years old, Nashville, TN!
    Just graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science and getting my Master's in Sustainability at Lipscomb University. I also work in administration for medical research grants at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and i LOVE Nashville!

    I love being outside and learning about the environment and ways to be sustainable! I'm having a hard time adjusting to a desk job and being sedentary most of the time. I also have school every other weekend and have to study most nights to it's hard to find time to do fun things and work out, but I try.

    I love sports (Titans and the Braves!), going out with friends, and hanging out with my wonderful boyfriend!

    I've been working out and eating well since about September of last year.
    In the last 7 months I've lost 8 lbs and 11.5 inches over my whole body!

    I'm almost down to my goal weight so my goal for this challenge in to MAINTAIN!

    What i've been watching lately is my protein, carbs, and water intake!

    I'm running a 5 mile race this saturday and a 5K in two weeks, wish me luck!


    -Diana :)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I really wish MFP had thread memory! The next few days at work are going to be crazy so I probably won't be able to check in until the weekend then after Monday.

    Looking forward to starting up tomorrow (officially).