*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member

    Week 0: 156lbs
    Week 1:155.8lbs

    0.2lbs loss but given my situation that I described above, Im happy with that! (Technically going from last Monday (160lbs) its a 4.2lbs loss this week:smile: )

    I managed to sneak in a 30minute run this morning in the beautiful sun. Im now off to visit my friend so I probably wont be back on here until tomorrow night or Sunday morning but I will DEFINITELY be following my Weekend Pact to the MAX!!!!!!!!! Whoop!

    Have a great weekend ladies and best of luck in all of your weigh ins today!

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    4/1- 170.8
    4/8- 169.0

    I lost 1.8 lbs this week. I am happy with this number. I like to shoot to lose 1-2 lbs per week. I worked hard, ate right, drank my water. My work showed on the scale. I had so many amazing physical accomplishments this past week that even if the number hadn't been as good I would have been proud of my week. I think it could have been a little more but it is TOM and I am definitely retaining some water (eventhough I ended having 100+ oz yesterday).

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    4/1 126.0
    4/8 127.0

    I knew last weeks weigh-in was only bc I had been sick with no appetite for a whole week so now this week looks a little more realistic even though it shows a 1 pound gain! I'm trying to not let it bother me...but I feel bad that it doesn't help the whole group's total loss :(.
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    4/1 152.4
    4/8 150.0

    I sort of know how this happened, but since I barely worked out this week, I'm surprised it was so much....especially since I upped my calorie intake.

    Now to hit the 140s...I don't remember when I was last there, maybe shortly after college? I didn't weigh myself much back then.
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    4/1 288.9
    4/8 288.0

    I would've done better if I was able to move more this week. Had a medical procedure that prohibited me from exercise. That, and an awesome birthday dinner for my boyfriend's daughter at The Melting Pot. Tough to make a good choice with a pot of cheese and another pot of chocolate (although I did well with the salad and veggie main dishes).

    Have an awesome weekend all!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    04/01 : 170lbs
    04/08 : 170lbs...

    Maintained....I guess I cant complain. I weighed in at work after breakfast, but I'm house sitting this week and I couldnt find the scale, haha. I'll weigh myself this weekend when i get home and see if that makes a difference!

    Feeling better, hoping to get my 4 minute challenge in tonight! Have a good weekend ladies!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Lost 1.2 Lbs this week. Very happy. Worked my behind off this week and it paid off. :)
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    04/01: 189.6
    04/08: 187

    I have been playing around in the 180's for years, particularly the mid- to high 180's. So this week's loss is not an earth-shattering event for me, though I'm glad it went down instead of up. Funny thing is, I only worked out twice this week. But I did keep very good control over my calories (except for last Sat. and Sun.). My head cold helped with that.

    I'll be excited if I lose weight (any number) for the next 2-3 consecutive weeks instead of this yo-yo stuff that I keep going through.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    WEIGH IN -

    04/01 - 135.5
    04/08 - 128

    I am chalking such a big loss up to my fantastically fun woman time finally leaving and taking her bloat and water with her. I don't even REMEMBER the last time I was in the 120s. I am having a hard time believing that was my actual weigh in #! LOL.

    Congrats to all you girls. You're all doing great. We're a great group of chicks if I do say so myself! :) Keep up all the hard work.
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Woah everyone is doing so well!

    not a big loss for me, but thats okay- my goal for this challenge is to maintain!

    4/1- 137
    4/8- 136.6


  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    Great job on the losses, ladies. Way to blow all your goals out of the water!

    As for me, well I've had another gain, and a huge one at that! Grrr!!! I have literally not gained a pound since January 3rd when I started on MFP. So two gains in two weeks has me majorly ticked off!

    3/25 - 217.4
    4/1 - 218.6
    4/8 - 221.4

    I have no one to blame but myself. I didn't have a great week, but I didn't think I'd gain THAT much!

    It really sucks to lose the same weight over again. I now have to lose 4 lbs to get back to my lowest weight. My vacation really set me back!

    Well, no more of that. I will not be gaining another ounce, thank you very much!

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and keep kicking *kitten*!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Weigh In:
    4/1 168.4
    4/8 168
    So I had a .4lb loss. My body is feeling good, and feeling stronger! This is 20 lbs down for me since Christmas, so I'm proud of myself, and it gives me the courage & motivation to keep moving forward: one day at a time!

    Enjoy the weekend all!! xoxo
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Ok so confession time...

    Last weekend was utter crap. I ate loads of chocolate, forgot all about my water and had soda for the first time in ages, I had a big heartattack sandwich with mayo and cheese AND I had chinese. Needless to say, I completely let go for just 2 DAYS (Sat & Sun).

    Monday morning I hopped on the scale to see the damage and BAM Im up 4lbs just like that. Dont know how it always happens to me, I go bad (but not overly bad when compared to my old eating habits) for just a day or 2 and I can put on 7lbs in a heartbeat but I have friends who do the same thing and they might even LOSE a pound! Im one of the unlucky ones I guess.

    Anyways, this has happened me 2 weeks in a row. Once I weigh in on Friday I think I must blackout or something because I just start to eat everything I see and it's like I don't even know its happening!! hahaha

    So both weeks I have spent the entire week working off what Ive put on. And its sooooooo frustrating! So my weigh in tomorrow morning will probably show me back somewhere near my starting weight of 156lbs (HOPEFULLY!)

    So Ive made a pact with myself that Im NOT going to go down that road AGAIN this weekend! Im going to visit a friend tomorrow who lives on the beautiful Achill Island which is off the east coast of Ireland and I will be there until Saturday night.

    I have decided to plan out my food diary for the next two days so that I HAVE to stick to it. Im bringing healthy foods from my house that are packable to eat for the next 2 days and Im not spending 1 CENT on food once I leave the house tomorrow morning! And Im bringing my water bottle so that I can drink all the water that God can give me.

    I am so determined to be good this weekend because every weekend seems to be a disaster for me and I really need to cop on and stop treating this lifestyle change as a Monday to Friday thing.

    So this is my Weekend Challenge and it starts at 9am tomorrow morning!!! I HAVE to have a loss by the end of next week or I will cry!! I cant keep yo-yoing around the same numbers because of my weekend binges. I am only 2lbs away from my second goal which will put me in the 'NORMAL WEIGHT' BMI category for the first time in my adult life and I think I will cry when I get there! Its so close!

    So wish me luck girls, I will definitely need your help this weekend as it really will be a challenge for me, especially when Im out of the comfort of my own home!!

    Join me in making a 'Weekend Pact' if you wish as I would imagine weekends are hard for alot of people to stay on track. So who wants to join me in making an EXTRA SPECIAL effort this weekend? :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for listening ladies!!


    Lurayne, I am so, so with you...down 2 pounds last week, back up two pounds this week. As you said, it's a lifestyle change, which does not include healthy living mon-fri, and binging on the weekends...I am with you, this weekend!!
    Good luck! Can't wait to see our numbers next Friday!!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    You all are doing tremendously well!!! I am so proud of everyone on here and all your determination and success!!
    Well, last week I was pretty sick, and had a pretty decreased appetite, and I thought the scale was going down too fast...
    Last weekend I was over my calories a little bit each day, but I worked out every weekend day and thought I did pretty well, and this week I've been under cals each day...
    But for some reason, this week, I just knew I'd have a gain...It's my first gain in about 4 weeks, and it's discouraging. However, instead of in the past, giving up at this point, eating a bunch of junk and throwing in the towel, here's my attitude...
    Weight fluctuates and changes...but what I will allow to motivate me, is: How amazing I am feeling these days, compliments from co-workers, how my new clothes fit, how I look, how much energy I have....

    If someone were to say: You'll lose this weight, but it'll take about another 35-40 weeks or so...would I give up then? Or would I finish the race slowly and consistently?! I'm not saying I'm trying to go slowly, but the change is in my attitude...

    I'm sorry there was no loss for me today, so I can't add to the groups' numbers, but I promise there will be one next week!!

    4/15 challenge:
    Turn up the heat and intensity of my workouts...
    Be under my calories every single day....
    Continue to drink 2.5-3 liters of water a day...

    Florida is six weeks away from today...!! And my birthday is in 10 days...let's see what I can do by then, so I can truly enjoy it!!!

    Mile: 9:09:47
    Pushups: 30 (girly style)
    Situps: 24
    Mountain Climbers: 47 (KILLER!!!)
    Jumping Jacks: 64

    3/29 169.2
    3/31 168.2
    4/1 167.0
    4/8 169.2

    Back at 169...next weeks goal- 167!

    Just read all the posts from the last few days...all of you ladies are incredibly inspiring and SO motivating...keep up the amazing work!!!

    Oh and congratulations, Kerri!!!!!!!!!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Everyone is doing AMAZING! Look at all the losses we've had alreayd!

    Only a 0.4 lb loss from last week but its still moving in the right direction and TOM came yesterday so I'm happy with that. All the water I drink now helps keep the bloating under control. Another problem is I always go to my Dad's for dinner on Thursday night and they only have junk food so it affects my weigh-ins the next morning. I'm going to keep pushing though, great work everyone.

    Challenge GW: 150
    4/1: 162.6
    4/8: 162.2
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    still at 156 today-scale hasn't moved in two weeks! I was actually at 155 yesterday, but back up again today (could have something to do with the pizza I had for supper!),

    on the positive side though, I redid my mile challenge this morning and did it in 10:18-one minute faster than on Wednesday! and I also cleaned up my basement today so that I have enough room to start using my WiiFit again.
  • Caroline9252
    4/1 = 141.0
    4/8 = 139.8

    I am really happy about this becuase I have not seen the 130's in over 6 years. Here are my number for the challenges:

    Mile Run: 9 min 59 sec
    Jumping Jacks: 81
    Mountain climbers: 69
    Pushups: 12
    Situps: 26

    Looks like I have some work to do :smile: I have bever been very "explosive" when it comes to working out, but I guess you gotta start somewhere.

    I want to thank everyone here again for all of the support. MFP is the first thing I've done that has worked, and I think having the support makes all of the difference.
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Weigh In!!

    3/25 137.72
    4/8 141.46

    That's all the good food and drinks while on vacation, and now TOM. So that is good, all things considered. Time to get back to the grindstone.:wink:
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Challenge goal 125

    04/01 139.8
    04/08 141.4

    Up 1.6 this week! Been a stressful week. But I am gonna get my focus back on my goals and do this!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey girls...yes, I am a stranger!!! My name is Jamie, I'm 31 years old and I am a part of this challenge!!! I am super excited and can't believe how many AMAZING women there are here!!! All the better to motivate ME!!!

    Here are my stats on the challenge for this week:
    Jumping Jacks-72
    Mountain Climbers-45
    Push-ups- 33 (these are only modified, I have a bad back..and full ones KILL me!)
    Sit-ups- 21

    I feel my potential is much greater than this...but I really only have an hour to workout daily and that is usually in some sort of class at the gym. I hurried and knocked these out while getting my kid ready for school...AFTER my workout at the gym...I was TIRED and SORE!!

    Thanks for being you girls...and I hope you all have a FANTASTIC day :)

    Just gotta say ladies....this is my very best friend in the world! She is AMAZING!! So glad she joined the Challenge with us!