Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Confession time eh?? Soda or as us native northerners call it pop--I would drink over 100 oz a day. And salt, I put salt on everything; pizza, hamburgers, already salted french fries, you name it, I salted it. I can honestly say, I have not had any soda in about 70 days, only water, and rarely do I add salt to anything, maybe once or twice since I have started this journey have I added salt to anything.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Pizza... Oi.. used to eat whole pizzas in one sitting.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Candy Candy and more gummi candy!
  • FlashBang
    FlashBang Posts: 136
    I still do the french fry thing every Tuesday! I add tonasco to the ketchup as well as a little salt Did not know I was such a baddie. I still believe I can eat it all and so far it is serving me, my vices came in amounts. Eating ice cream right out of the container was my big deal, not just once, but all day until it was gone, lasted about a day day and half. I would often just replace a meal with it, now that is bad. I now have a scoop that serves up a single serving, no more whole buckets of ice cream.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Oh if only there were just 1! My favorite was to take a block of cheddar cheese (yes the really creamy rich full fat kind) and grate it up and a big tub of popcorn and dip one hand in the cheese and one hand in the popcorn and combine in my mouth! Heaven on earth....
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I used to eat butter and sugar sandwiches....fries with mayo instead of ketchup, or dipped in icecream. I could easily drink a 12 pack of soda a day (yes, a soda for every hour between 8 am-7 pm). so sad.....
  • amarie35
    amarie35 Posts: 338 Member
    :bigsmile: My hubby and I would go to Applebees, Red Lobster, Chilis, Olive name it, we ate it. Olive Garden use to be my favorite and I'd eat like 2 or 3 salads, at least 2 breadsticks, & as an entree, I'd eat whatever I wanted & then top it off w/ an Italian Margarita. When we would eat fast food, say McDonalds, I'd eat a Big Mac, Large fry, & a Cherry Pie. With lots of ketchup & barbecue sauce for my fries & tons of salt. Yep, I have always been one to eat like a pig. I still eat like that.... on occasion...but thanks to MFP, when I do, I can make it up by eating healthy for the next few days. :happy:
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I ate waaaay too much red meat. And pasta. And sugary stuff. Ugh.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Candy, cookies....a handful here and there, but it adds up. Also, I ate what I wanted, b/c I thought that since I was working out, I could "eat whatever I wanted". Well, maybe that worked 20 yrs ago, but not now.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Oh besides the obvious burges and fries bad foods,..... I would have to go waaaaaay back, but (keep in mind I grew up in the South).... but I would fry 2 slices of bologna, 2 slices of Spam, 2 slices of cheese, on bread with a little mayo and lettuce...... show of hands how many are laughing and grossed out at the same time?? :-)
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Oh gosh, I love Chick-Fil-A. I would order a chicken sandwich meal with a large lemondae and waffle fries, but would also order the six piece nuggets to go with it. And a container of ice cream could never win in my house. At Christmas I was going through pints of Peppermint Bark ice cream, about two a week.
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I would eat a bagel with cream cheese and THEN ANOTHER piece of cheese on top of it. For dinner, I would eat a bagel and like 2-3 bowls of pasta with loads of ketchup on it. I also used Ketchup on everything I ate. EVERYTHING! . I also was thinking about last summer and EVERY morning I would get a medium iced coffee with milk and EXTRA SUGAR, and an egg and cheese english muffin or croissant. For some reason, I thought that just cuz I didnt eat red meat, I could load up on carbs!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Before MFP i was known to eat a candy bar for breakfast with coffee (lots of cream and sugar) then have lunch of a bag of chips , italian sub sandwich , and another candy bar, and a coke. then come home and cook dinner 2 cheeseburgers, french fries (baked) my attempt at being good. Then having a pint of Ben and Jerrys Pfish food ice cream. then a bout an hour before bed I would eat a bowl of frosted flakes (really big bowl) and a dutchloaf sandwich.
    Makes me sick to think about it. So glad I started this journey:)
  • TonyTrinch
    Oh besides the obvious burges and fries bad foods,..... I would have to go waaaaaay back, but (keep in mind I grew up in the South).... but I would fry 2 slices of bologna, 2 slices of Spam, 2 slices of cheese, on bread with a little mayo and lettuce...... show of hands how many are laughing and grossed out at the same time?? :-)

    Not laughing or grossed out, fried bologna and spam sandwich was a fav of mine too. :( Reading these makes me remember more and more and more bad habits.

    Taco Bell - Two Chalupas, supreme with extra guacamole, plus a 7-layer burrito, side of cheesy potatoes, and a caramel apple empanada.

    Sonic - Two orders of Frito Pie (yuuuuuuuuummmm) plus order of tator tots and a chocolate shake.

    Krispy Kreme Donuts - One entire dozen of fresh hot donuts in the car on the way home, the second dozen to split as a "treat" for my roommates. They didn't know about the first dozen I woofed down on the way home. :(
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I LOVE (and still love them) McDonalds and Burger King's breakfast sandwiches. My mom used to bring a bunch home for all 4 of us and I'd eat 3 or 4 for breakfast at a time with hashbrowns. YUM!
  • yenohamk
    yenohamk Posts: 117
    -Snickers. I. LOVE. SNICKERS!!! I could eat a whole king size, and my teeth would be hurting and my stomach would be upset while eating it, but I wouldn't stop until it was done. When I went to the store, I usually bought two so that I could share with my dad. I really WANTED to share with my dad, but after awhile I got so greedy that I would just hoard it for the next time I wanted a Snickers.
    -Once everyone was asleep, I would sneak out and find the nearest McDonald's or Jack in the Box and get a burger, fries, and a shake.
    -I liked eating Ritz crackers by the pack. I could down a whole bag of Oreos (original or golden) so long as enough milk was around. All that milk...:sick:

    I think the worst part of it was the sneaking. I always felt guilty, like I was cheating on someone.
  • heathernsugar
    When I was eating red meat I used to eat 2 BIG MACS all by myself! I do not eat red meat of any sort for four years now!!
    I even would eat a MEDIUM pizza and about 3/4 of a 2-Liter of Mountain Dew by myself too. I no longer drink soda and it will be five years this December 31st (2011) since i have had any soda of any sort!! I drink lots of water now along with unsweetened TEA!!
    It just makes me sick to think of ALL my bad food habits. I kicked all processed foods out of my diet--I can't stand to eat out.
    If I do eat out--I really do enjoy a Burger King SIDE SALAD!! If I really feel hungry and haven't eaten enough for the day a Grilled Chicken Ranch Taco Salad from Taco Bell.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    -A Mcgriddle Combo, and an extra one on the side
    -Ranch dressing on everything

    When i was in the military AIT (post boot camp training), we exercised so much I ate this in one sitting:
    -4 glazed donuts (With the white cream inside)
    -waffles w/ syrup and butter
    -3 scrambled eggs
    -biscuits n gravy
    125 pounds.... to be young again
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Dreyer's Maxx Butterfinger Pint.

    Had one today. :laugh:

    But...hadn't had one in a long while. OH well! Worth it for me. :)
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Not eating enough during the day.