At Least I Don't Eat ...



  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Mayo/Miracle Whip. It's Gross.I don't eat condiments in general though. I don't even keep ketchup and mustard in the house

    I agree with you on this. I think my main problem is I've never found a food I didn't really like, but Mayonnaise...I have no problem avoiding.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Things I can do without,

    * Steak or any red meat, unappealing and looking at it makes me want to gag. (Though I love Chicken, Pork, Fish - etc)
    * Chips. I like them, but don't crave them, .. I buy them thinking I will eat them but then they just about hit their expiry date.
    * McDonalds. Never crave it, can live without. Only do-able thing is their Milkshakes but even then I have it like once every 5 months for one of those.
    * Pie. Pie is.. Okay, I am more of a cake person but try and cut my sliced in half, half. Lol.
    * Icecream - this is one of those phenomenons. I DO like it, but don't necessarily crave, crave it. But it's 50/50

    'Nuff said.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Coconut. Hate it.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Coconut. Hate it.
  • skinnyjeans13
    You guys are making me so jealous! I crave all that stuff (cakes, cookies, candy, chips, cheetos... oh man) but luckily I'm finding it okay avoiding them.

    Easiest thing for me is soda, I barely ever had a diet soda as it was so now it's fine not having any at all! Same thing for juice!