WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone...
    A Saturday....finally!! I had a great tutoring student this morning. He had a great session so that's a good beginning to the day. The rains are supposed to be coming but I got myself to the gym rather than rationalize that I could work in the yard.....I could do both...heaven forbid! Today's workout was a good one...felt like it went by faster than what I thought it would!

    Michele....I am not sure if the Baked Lays have more sodium but I just know there is no nutritional reason for me to get them. We just got into the habit of getting them them when we go to subway so that's another habit that needs to go. Thanks for info.....sometimes what we are doing is right in front of us and we miss it!

    Mary...I hope the winds have calmed.

    Have a good day all!
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hello! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Not raining, yay! Heading out for a walk with my big doggie. It has been pouring lately here in the Willamette Valley so she hasn't gotten a walk all week. I'll take her out when it's raining but not when it's pouring like this week. It is my favorite way of getting my hour of aerobics in. I call it a twofur. She gets her exercise and so do I!!
    I wiegh with my TOPS group on Monday evenings. I'm a little nervous about this weigh in. I've been having trouble not eating to much in the evenings. It's always been a problem for me since my husband works swing shift and I always have to fix him something to eat when he gets off late. He has no weight problem at all thank goodness for how late he eats dinner. I'm not usually hungry at that time but I've been nibbling while dishing his food up this week. It's after I've posted my MFP tracking too. Anyway this is another week and I've pinpointed my problem now I need to NOT EAT after my dinner and posting with MFP!!
    It will be fun to get to know everyone here! This is only my second post on this thread. Have a great MFP day. Hugs.
  • glendaaus
    glendaaus Posts: 27
    Hi everyone, just to let you know that some of us type 2 diabetics can loose weight - and take the medication! I lost nearly 4 pounds this week, and I have been working at this since September 22, 2010 (again, again, again, etc etc), but I decided then I wanted to live for my 9 year old - I was scared I was going to croke it too early!!

    Anyhow, I eat basically mediterranean - I log everything that goes in my mouth on here - and I exercise 7 days a week - I have just discovered Zumba for Wii - AMAZING - fun - the time just flies - and you sweat. I love to dance - so it is quite the pleasure for me - I play against my daughter - we laugh our heads off while we are doing it - and it is so good for us both.

    Natalie, just to tell you I take 4 x metformin a day and 1 x shot of victoza - quite a bit - but hey - you can still loose weight on that stuff!

    Lorri - I hear ya - I don't know who I like now - I'm not into that country stuff - but I appreciate talent. My husband and I are working musicians and we both come from fairly accomplished musical families - I am quite the critic - but I always give credit where it's due. I miss Simon too - he called it like it was. Thankyou for the career advice too - there are probably alot of things I can already do - that I have forgotten too - you made me think of that!

    I appreciate you ladies on here - your all gorgeous and makes me happy to have people to share my 4lb loss with - husbands just don't get it - although he keeps telling me I am really looking "HOT" - I say , "well what about before" hahaha! have to keep them on their toes!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    We are having unbelievable storms and the lights keep blinking so we're prepared for electricity to go out. We've heard there's all kinds of electrical lines down one county over from us. :ohwell: Thought I'd get a quick note off and submit my diary. Because the rain has been torrential pretty much all day, we decided to stay home. I ended up spending the whole afternoon on the computer "cleaning". I haven't done that in a long time and boy, oh boy, did I find a lot of unnecessary stuff! It's amazing.

    I have two Type-2 diabetics in my family and both have lost weight and gone off meds by following the diabetic lifestyle of counting carbs etc. From what I hear, counting the carbs is the key. Best of luck to those of you who have to deal with that. I do know there's so many hidden things in processed food that undermine the progress of diabetics. It's scary!

    I sure am glad to be inside snuggled down in a warm room with my kitties. It's unbelievable how hard the rain is falling and how noisy it is!!!!

    Have a nice evening.

    Dee :flowerforyou:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Altarose: Good to hear from you. Willamette Valley Pinot Noirs are my downfall...and favorite red wines. Also, sounds like such a lovely part of the country! Glad you got out for your walk, finally!

    Glendaaus: Way to go on your 4 pounds. That's a LOT in a week!!! The Wii Zumba sounds fun. I dont' have a Wi, but think I might have to look into that. Fun is GOOD. (I am envious of your musical talent. None here!!!)

    Dee; Hope the storms stayed away...we missed them, but barely, it seems. LOTS of wind, but no wind or, thankfully, tornados!!

    Sally: Good for you getting to the gym first thing! I know that I did my morning walk/run and thought that I should also do the shred video...didn't happen! We didn't do bad for a Saturday!?

    Night' night, All. Kackie:heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Glenda, a big congrats on 4 lbs gone. Woo hoo! I love your signature, btw. I promise not to cook bacon naked. What a sight that would be. :laugh:

    Dee, I'm glad you're nice and snug.

    I went over calories today but not too badly - and no junk (a little chocolate but that's definitely not junk!)

    Here's to progress and one day at a time. :drinker:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Here's what George Mateljan has to say about drinking water:

    Can you give me some tips to help me meet my water consumption goals?
    How many times have you been told to make sure you drink eight cups of water each day? Yet, how many days have you actually finished eight cups? Ensuring that you drink adequate amounts of water can be challenging.
    But since high-quality water is definitely a cornerstone of nutrition, and about 60% of our total body weight, I wanted to share with you some easy-to-follow tips to help you reach your water intake goals and ensure that you are benefiting the most from your water consumption. When following these tips, however, always try to keep in mind how critical it is to start out with high-quality water!
    In most cases, "high-quality" means filtered water, spring water, or natural mineral waters. Mineral waters can provide special benefits for the exact reason implied in their name-you'll find calcium, magnesium, and several other minerals to be supplied in significant amounts by these waters. What "high-quality" almost never means is plain, unfiltered tap water. Plain tap water may contain a variety of contaminants, including pesticide residues and heavy metals, although quality varies between municipalities. With this critical water quality step in mind, here are some easy-to-follow tips:
    Bring filtered or bottled water with you whenever you will have to sit for prolonged periods of time. These include times at work or movies, on car trips or commutes to and from work, bus rides, or just TV watching. Sip continuously during these times.
    Maximize water drinking at times of excessive water loss. For example, if you perspire after yard work or exercise, that's a perfect time to follow your thirst and increase your water intake.
    Be consistent, and keep your water intake adequate on a morning-afternoon-and-evening basis. Although the exact amount of water needed each day may vary, you can use a general guideline of about 13 cups of water each day for men and 9 cups for women, matching the suggestions set by the National Academy of Sciences in its Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommendations
    Be careful drinking too much water too late in the day. Experiencing sleep interruptions because you need to wake up to go to the bathroom will not help your overall health.
    Think of water as a nutritional necessity-the same as vitamin C, or calcium, or protein, or any other nutrient. It's equally essential!
    Although it's possible to drink too much water, it's highly unlikely that you will do so! "Water intoxication," as it's commonly called in the medical world, usually involves imbalance in some of the body's physiological systems and not just excessive intake of water. Therefore, drinking more than eight glasses of water each day, if following the guidelines noted above, should be fine for most people.
    Welcome momzcamp. You've come to a great place! Best of luck to you in your fight against diabetes.
    As for Easter - so far we don't have any plans, no one coming over. Jessica is here this weekend, of course, Bryan can't get here, Denise won't be. So it looks like just the cats and us....lol
    Took 30 min class in totally toning. Really, I'm not all that crazy about the gal who leads the class, it's too much for beginners. Then I took an hour of yoga. Tomorrow I'll do an hour on the Wii hula hoop (I'll get it yet)
    Tonight I have to serve at the mass and then we have a Newcomer social to go to. I already took my appetizer to the lady. I made stuffed celery. Bet they don't go over real well, they aren't full of fat or sugar or salt! Update: forgot that today is Palm Sunday which means that they read the Passion of Christ so the gospel is extra long. Didn't get out of chuch until about 15 minutes later than I usually do, by the time I got home, changed, and we got there it was a little after 7. Glad I took my appetizer early! As expected, it didn't get eaten. I was surprised, there wasn't nearly much food at all. By the time we got there, most of the food was gone. And a lot of the things I had no idea what they were. I did have two pieces of what I believe was bbq chicken (I think she got it from KFC), someone brought a veggie salad but it had A LOT of oil in it, had a few of my celery bites, a small bit of what I think was some sort of chicken roll up, some grapes, 2 Triscuit crackers, some cookies when I got home and a few animal crackers. I also had 16 more oz of water. Had lemon in the water and that stopped my desire for more cookies.
    Hey, anyone know these things about Facebook? You know when you log in to see your friends, it automatically defaults to listing only those that you've recently interacted with. Yes, there is a drop down menu where you can see all your friends. Is there a way that I can make it so that it would automatically default to showing me all my friends? I don't have that many.
    Another thing about Facebook, has anyone ever had someone "unfriend" them? If you're "unfriended", does Facebook send you a notice that you've been "unfriended"? I've sent a message to this lady a few times and have never gotten any response. That's why I'm wondering if she "unfriended" me and I just don't know it. I don't think so because I'm still seeing her posts.
    I think Vince is considering going bowling tomorrow then around 3:30 Lynette is supposed to be here, then we're going to eat out at CiCi's pizza before the concert. Then Mon I have a Food for Thought meeting at my house (still working on cleaning it, which is lots of fun with Jessica here). Made spinach/cheese topping for the appetizer I'll make, just have to put it on the crackers and then bake it Monday. Then Tues night I'm supposed to go to bunco. Gotta research a good appetizer to take with me, then make it.
    Hope everyone has a great evening.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Mini-Mac wants an Easter basket but she wants money in it. I'm inclined to indulge her as she needs to start eating better so doesn't really need the candy.

    I am doing the same thing on Easter Sunday I do most Sundays once it's warm enough... go swimming in open water. In this case, we're going to my favorite lake and I will probably ride my bike afterwards.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Another thing about Facebook, has anyone ever had someone "unfriend" them? If you're "unfriended", does Facebook send you a notice that you've been "unfriended"? I've sent a message to this lady a few times and have never gotten any response. That's why I'm wondering if she "unfriended" me and I just don't know it. I don't think so because I'm still seeing her posts.
    Yes, I have been unfriended. You do not get a notice. If you are still seeing her posts, can write on her wall, and she still is on your friends list, you are still her friend.
    Your water article was interesting. I do have to say that having worked for many years in the mental health field, I have seen many cases of water intoxication, and it does not always involve a physiological problem. It can be a psychiatric or behavioral problem which leads to it.
    Our weather was beautiful today - very little wind. Hallelujah! Have a good Sunday all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we are safely home from our trip:bigsmile: :sad: but we can't pick our pets up from boarding until Monday so it is very quiet here :sad: :sad:

    :bigsmile: I am so eager to get back to predictable healthy eating starting with an Isagenix cleanse day tomorrow:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: yesterday we arrived at our hotel after almost ten hours of driving through northern California, Oregon, and Washington in the rain and were handed a key card with a beautiful picture of a pizza and the number to call for delivery:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: what a clever marketing technique:laugh: we were able to resist but I'm sure that a lot of people weren't

    :drinker: we don't celebrate Easter which is a relief because after all the recreational eating we did on this trip, we have decided to get back to basics for the next month or more

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight :bigsmile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    On the subject of weather: ours is nasty today. Wind is blowing at 50-60 mph. It is cold and this morning it was raining/sleeting/snowing. An electrical line had blown down in our yard this morning and it was blowing around sparking and smoking. I had to call 911 and they came and disconnected it. Glad it didn't start a fire while I was sleeping.

    I have sent a message to someone that I suspect may be Lynn with her account name changed again. I'll let you know if I hear back. If it isn't her, someone is going to think that I am pretty strange!

    I am so glad that you are safe and sound. It has been windy here but nothing like what you had...or in the South
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    Natalie, just to tell you I take 4 x metformin a day and 1 x shot of victoza - quite a bit - but hey - you can still loose weight on that stuff!

    That is alot, I take 5 metformin a day, 1 januvia and 2 glybyride... want to get off all of it except the metformin which I think they would keep me on some even if I do lose the weight and get the blood sugar down to near normal...
    I am working on it, finished DAY 2 of the 17 day diet.... on to Day 3...
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :frown: :frown: You never know what's just around the corner do you! Shortly after I'd posted on Thursday I was bitten by our dog.

    It was partly my own fault, I should have known better than to reach down and try to remove something from his nose (a bit of paper or something) it was a lapse of judgement on my part, but he knows me now, so there was no need for him to react so violently. He caught me on my right arm so I wasn't able to do much with it. I had to go to A&E (ER) and have it cleaned out and bandaged.

    We think he's extra stressed out, having the windows fitted all the noise and new smells etc, but it's still no excuse, I honestly didn't think he'd go for me. We are all so upset and wonder what the best thing to do with him. He's like a ticking time bomb. We don't want to put him to sleep, but wonder how many chances we give him before we say enough is enough, we've tried our best with him. But, as I said it was a lapse of judgement on my part, I'm normally very careful not to reach towards him, but to call him to me first to either give him a treat or to get him out of the way. I wish I could turn the clock back!!

    :smile: I weighed in and have actually lost a couple of pounds. Hope I don't put it back on with all the stress.

    Welcome to all the newbies, I've caught up with about 4 pages of posts so can't remember you all individually, but look forward to getting to know you.

    Plans for Easter, not sure yet, hopefully we'll get to see our grandson, I went to his birthday party yesterday, it was at his kick boxing place the kids had great fun running around, and had a half hour introduction to kick boxing/martial arts they loved it.

    Well I'd better get some work done, now my arm is feeling a little better I can't get out of doing any work!

    Take care everyone and I'll chat again soon

    Viv xx
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi Barbie, glad to see you got home safe! That door pass ad sounds absolutely irresistable! Well done!
    Viv, so sorry to hear about your accident with your dog! It's a hard one to deal with, isn't it? Hope he settles down...
    Mary, glad to hear the wind has dropped! I was beginning to be reminded of Dorothy in Wizard of Oz! We haven't had
    very strong winds over here... Is it a seasonal thing where you are?
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning everyone! :flowerforyou: I'm joining you with my first cup of coffee this morning because we have a packed day and I won't be back on until tonight. It is a gorgeous, fresh morning after all the storms. The clouds are unbelievably beautiful. Since it is still quite breezy, they are scudding across the blue sky.

    Viv, I'm so sorry about your dog. It's hard to know what to do in a case like that. You see the goodness in him, but if he can't be trusted to even be gentle with you (his meal ticket) then what? I am an animal lover, so I feel your pain.:cry:

    Barbie, welcome home. :flowerforyou: I love getting away, but I'm such a homebody and routine person, that I'm always so glad to get home. I like having the first day or two after getting home, AT home so I can just putter around and get back into my old routines. I'm sure it is really strange not have the dogs there. One of the trips we'd like to take after DH retires is the one you just took. I've never been to the west coast and I sure hope to some day. DH has 2-4 years left before retirement.

    Cherub, you asked what we were doing for Easter. We have a tradition that started when my son married. We go to early church and then to his inlaws for brunch. If we're lucky and have a nice day, we do an egg hunt outside, but if it's ugly out, we do a jellybean hunt inside. We hide plastic eggs with little goodies inside. We colorcode the eggs so it's fair for the little ones. :happy:

    Linda, you mentioned how much you love honey.....I am not allowed to use artificial sweetners, so I use honey. I even use it in my coffee and it does the trick.

    I'm training my bluebirds to come at mealtime. I ring a little bell when I come out with their mealworms. I'll let you know how it works.:noway:

    Gotta go. We have Sunday School and church this morning, and Sam's 10th birthday party this afternoon. Since my son still lives in our old neighborhood, I'll get to walk there today. That'll bring back wonderful memories.:smile:

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    What a beautiful day here. McMadame so glad to hear from you. Missed you. Michelle yes they can un-friend you, however facebook has also been know to delete peoples friends. Maybe send her a private message asking if something happened. that happened to me once. someone I used to see post was gone. When I sent her a message asking if I had done her something she replied that most of her friends has gotten deleted and she could not remember all of them to add back.
    Barbie glad you are home safe and sound. Have a good cleanse. LOL. I am waiting for Lowes to open so I can go get some more tile and flooring. I will be done with that today. Only grout left. kind of scared to start again but I will. Kenneth comes home from work at noon and then we will start preparing for our family get together for today. not sure if kids can swim, kind of cool here but I know they will want to. Have a great day. Glad the weather is over for some of you guys. We did not have it bad this time.
    vicki M
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Dee - your bluebird stories are delightful! Keep them coming! You make me wish I had some too so lovely!
    I'm off to work soon - Today has been light on exercise which means, of course, light on eating too! It's going well so far but less easy at work. Wish me luck!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: GOOD LUCK!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: good morning. It is so good to be home. I was happy to be able to get on my scale again this morning until it told me that I had gained more than five pounds since I weighed the morning I left :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: the good news is that hubby gained weight too and is committed to going back to our old faithful eating and exercising that we did when we first lost all the weight:bigsmile: today's cleanse day will be a great beginning.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Dee, besides all the love and entertainment with the pets at home, I get a lot of exercise walking the dogs and taking them to the dog park and a lot of exercise getting up and down to open and close the door to let the cats in and out dozens of times:laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Natalie, glad to hear that your 17 day diet plan is going well:bigsmile: one day at a time and you'll see the results you want :bigsmile:

    :sad: Viv, I feel so sad for you and your dog:sad: that happened to some friends of ours and they continued to be careful and patient with their rescued dog and the long term results were good for all:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I admire all your home improvement skills......many of us are able to do none of the things you've been doing
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning...well, Afternoon here!

    It's great to read the posts every day...you all give me such motivation to keep on trying! Thanks.

    Barbie....glad you are enjoying being back home. Today is a good day for a cleanse. Your attitude is great!

    Viv..... So sorry about the dog bite. I have always loved my dogs and it is so upsetting when something like this happens. My old job was with an organization and we put together a program for little ones on dog bite prevention. Things just can happen so fast. I got to work with a wonderful animal behaviorists and she was so helpful in dealing with people in that situation. She also evaluated dogs in terms of temperment and that helped some people too. I hope it all goes well for you and your dog.

    I was feeling like a slug but after reading your posts, I know I need to get moving......