Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Hello all! I'm a newbie and would love to join the April Challenge! My goal is to lose 10lbs in April! Let's kick some *kitten* and make April ROCK! :)
  • lemmyhead
    lemmyhead Posts: 116 Member
    Hey guys,
    Hope its not too late for me to join in with some April goals....I kind of went off the MFP radar in February and since then the scales have been sneaking up....time for me to try again!

    Going to keep it simple....log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.

    Its heading into winter in my part of the world, so the running will be the hardest for me to get motivated about, which is why I am giving myself so much time to start preparing! I figure if i sign up for the run now, I can't talk myself out of it later!

    looking forward to seeing all of our successes! good luck :-)
  • WanderLaura
    WanderLaura Posts: 135
    Count me in! :)
    My goals for April:

    Lose 10 pounds
    Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef)
    Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :)
    Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week!
    Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)

    I'm excited! :) I've been waiting to join this the twenties!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Tara: 130’s twins! Way to go for you too!! We shall rock the crap out of April!
    Melissa: Way to rock the ½!!! I’m sooo psyched that you completed! AND under 10 min/mi!! Man that’s awesome!

    Jenn, Lemmy and Laura - Our challenges don’t really "close" so you are always welcome to sign up, but you should add your goals to the list. (I will add them here but going forward if you come back for May, June etc, copy the whole list and add yourself to the bottom).
    I also want to take a moment to hit on our (now kind of regular) new month advisory AGAINST very high goals. For some, aiming high works because they acknowledge early on that reaching those goals is unlikely, but reaching high is inspiring.

    For most though, setting 10 lbs in a month, just leads to disappointment/discouragement. Safe weight loss puts you at roughly 8 lbs in a month MAX. And unless you are quite overweight, even that is asking a lot of your body. Much safer and more realistic goals are between 4 and 8 lbs. Ok, advisory over.

    Here’s the list, updated
    smashlee1984-curb fastfood eating, complete ripped in 30 (6x/week for 4 weeks), make an effort to be thankful and happy and make healthy (fitness and lifestyle choices)
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family
    alwhisler-drink 64oz daily, lose 5 lbs, work out 3x/week, no beer.
    halina20-lose 5 lbs, finish insanity, stay away from jammy dodgers, run 30 mins straight, drink lots of water.
    kvr414-Lose 2 lbs, continue limiting fat intake to >45g/day. Increase a low carb/low GI lifestyle. stay committed to this thread!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Lose 7 lbs, strength train at least once a week (we're going to start easy), and run 3 times a week.
    springstorm: Lose 7 lbs, drink water 64 oz/day, exercise 3x/week, No binges, log everything, sacrifice soda.
    crystalfaith: workout at LEAST 4 days a week, continue progressing through the C25k challenge, drink more water!
    ngoat: (nancy) lose 3lbs, work out 3x/week and drink more water
    spellbinder25: (1)Lose 4 lbs, (2) Run 3 times/week, (3) Run 3 miles on the treadmill by the end of April, (4) Do strength training 3 times/week.
    shannonaufman: lose 6 pounds, walk 50 total miles, drink 64+ oz of water daily, continue C25K, run an entire 5K
    meagalayne- maintain between 125-128lbs; continue with YogaFit once a week; increase my H2O consumption to at least 6 cups a day; quit my job by May 1st; take time every day to feel happy and enjoy the journey!
    Rachellynch83: drink at least 64oz of water a day, keep up with c25k, finish 30 Day shred, increase outdoor family activities
    missjaygraham87 (Jay): Lose 7 lbs, do pilates 3x/week, walk the dog daily, start C25K, drink 7 glasses of water daily.
    edryer123-GW 138, and to get in a 10 minute mile by the end of the month.
    tjradd73-to lose 8lbs, drink 70ozs of water/day, 3 days/arms, 3 days/abs, >90minutes cardio/week.
    hroush-break 190, workout 3+ days a week.
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)-Complete 30 day shred, Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, 1000 crunches 3x week, Lose 8lbs, Weight lifting class 2x week
    silhouetted25 (Samantha) -1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, but would like to hit 5 times 2. Cut out most white flour products/pastas/breads & eat mainly whole wheat or gluten free 4. Eat more grains and lentils 5. Go on a hike 6. Balance work and working out effectively
    terrilien21 - Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day, get in at least 4 workouts a week, have one cheat day a week (saturday), no beer, stay positive!!
    fitmommy2012- lose 6 lbs, P90x everyday, at least 6 cups of water a day, be happy with self, stay motivated
    Sambloid - Lose 10 lbs and be able to do 50 push ups
    Meggonkgonk- To reach 137lbs, to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383- start and stick with ChaLean Extreme, bust out of the 150's, continue to work on my running, cook more often, and stop making excuses!
    Finncmh- loss on scale, get back to lifting, run 2-3 times a week, complete 5k April 17th, walk to work at least 3 times a week, better presence on thread than March
    lizzymaez - eat healthier/watching calories, start riding 2-3 times a week, cardio/running at least 3 times a week, and yoga at least twice a week.
    jennro7781 to lose 10lbs
    lemmyhead: log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.
    WanderLaura: Lose 10 pounds; Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef); Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :); Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week! ; Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Welcome again to the "new" newbies!

    Melissa-CONGRATS on your 1/ did a great job and had a great pace...not only should you be very proud of your daughter (which is so cool!) but you should also be very proud of yourself!! You rock!!

    Gonks-Hehe!! We are awesome!!! same height and same weight...too weird!! Now let's keep it goin shall we?!

    AFM-got in another great workout today, STILL doing well with my eating, had some yummy turkey tostadas for dinner and am chillin for the night...unless I get called into work! Ha! Let's keep rockin it this month ladies and gents!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Tara~ Great job on you loss! I just got into the 130's too this month. It's pretty exciting.

    Melissa~ Awesome job on your run! I'm glad you got to share that time with your family, and running with your daughter. You should be proud of being such a great role model. :smile:

    AFM~ Today was my daughter's birthday. I made sure to get my c25k run in this morning. It was beautiful here, and I got to run it outside. Then we had her party and played monster mini golf with our whole family. It was a lot of fun. My daughter just turned 8, and every year on her birthday we have had great weather. It always signals the start of spring for me. :love:
    I'm trying to get up the nerve to sign up for a 5k this month. I know I can run one, but I always get so nervous doing an actual "race". When I ran cross country and track in high school I always did it for exercise. I never enjoyed running as much as I do now. I wasn't a great competitor, and before every race I would get so nervous I almost felt sick. :noway: I love running now, so I'm hoping I can get over the fear of the race. I wouldn't be competing with anyone else anyway just my own time. I have to see if I can get up the nerve.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Rachel-seems a lot of us are hitting the 130's this month!! cool!! as for the can do it!! You may be nervous for the first one, but each one after will get easier and more fun...definately worth it! go get it girl!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome to the new Kick-*kitten*-ers! :bigsmile: It's always nice to see fresh new faces around here. And thanks Gonks for the friendly reminder! Setting attainable and healthy weight loss goals will help you all stay motivated and avoid discouragement. It's so easy to lose sight of what's important when the scale is our greatest motivation. Make sure that getting healthy is #1 on your list of "to dos" !

    Rachel/Gonks/TJ - 130 club!!! :drinker: Wow!! You guys are amazing :bigsmile: I am really psyched for you all. Breaking that 140 mark is a huge mental and emotional WIN so revel in it. You all deserve it! You're all working so hard. I'm really proud of you :bigsmile:

    Rachel - 5K race? Just do it. Races are the best part about running! Bite the bullet and just go for it. Once you sign up you can't take it back. You know that you're trained well enough to do it, the adrenaline from the race and all the other runners will definitely propel you forward, and you'll have a wicked kick-*kitten* time and so much fun. If I could race every weekend, I would! It's just a damn shame the races are so expensive... The only concern you should have about it is getting the race "bug" and wanting to sign up for every single race you see in the future :tongue:

    Melissa - Incredible! :happy: I don't know what else to say. You're SO money, woman. And your running posts are so inspired and incredibly sweet. I really, really wish I could have finished this training with you but I am still incredibly happy to see how far you've come and that you had such a wonderful experience on race day with your family. Amazing time/pace, too. You are so inspirational!

    Tara - Water is mostly just a pee-ing issue... I'm not big on those flavour packs or anything. Plain water is fine with me. I just drink so much tea/coffee (vice - eep - I know!) and have major emergency pee-ing situations regularly.... I feel like I'm 80 some days. I try to drink as much as I can at home, where I know there's a washroom readily available, but at work its just a tense situation. Ah well - I'll make due! Thanks for the suggestions girl :happy:

    Life's good here. We finally found an apartment for Tyler after a long month of searching and spending nearly all our spare time doing it. Thank goodness. It's such a cute place and I am pretty confident that he'll be happy there. It's about 2.2kms from my place, as well, which is awesomely convenient - and there's a MASSIVE backyard with a patio just for us. Yay! Nothing new exercise/food wise to report, really. My foot is just as bad as ever and I haven't been exercising at all... It's definitely tough but I am making due.

    Much love, folks. Keep it up! :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    As Tara said welcome to all the newbies in the group!!! There is lots and lots of good discussion, advice, and sometimes there may be times when we say stuff you may not like to hear but know that it comes from a place of wanting to see everyone succeed. There are some amazing ladies in this group that are either in maintenance or are coming close to it. They have a lot of great words of wisdom to share so listen. As with any thread or group only you know yourself best so listen to them, think about what they are saying, and then decided whats best for you! Just something I have learned along the way!

    Tara- Its great that you carry around a big jug of water I bet that helps a lot. I know a lot of people say crystal light can help with the flavoring. I think Meag was trying to get away from the sweeteners (wrote that before she responded). So here is something I do that may work for both of you if you want to change it up even more (Meag I dunno what brand you have up there I get something called “Just Pomegranate Juice by R.W. Knudsen) 32oz glass bottle usually runs around $6. So its expensive but one bottle lasts me about 2 months. I just use a little bit of that to sweeten my water when I need to change it up. So the calories are EXTREMELY minimal. My ratio is usually 1oz juice to 15oz of water. They also do it with cranberry juice but I think that is blegh! Just another idea for you ladies. Its great this time of year when it gets warmer and you want something refreshing!!!
    PS- nice job breakin in to the 130’s!!!! You are starting this month off right!!!

    Melissa- I almost jumped for excitement for you when I read this post. And it only got better and better as I read about your daughter’s excitement finishing up all of her hard work over these months! Hope you enjoyed every bite of that ice cream!

    Gonks- as always your advice is spot on! You always say what I am thinking but in a MUCH better way.

    Rachell- just do it. Just sign up! You can do it. If I can do it after 8 years of no running and still being about 40lbs overweight you so can. Try and find a smaller fun run just to get you out and run in a race. I just did a 2 miler last month and I am so psyched to do my first 5k now. I was freaking out about running and it went really well. Just get in your own little zone. There are so many shapes and sizes out there running that everyone just does their own thing! I KNOW you can do this!

    Meag- so glad to hear about the apartment. That is one HUGE stress off your shoulders. Not lets get you a job!!!!!!! As for the pee-ing thing it really does straighten itself out once your body gets used to having more water all the time and doesn’t feel like it needs to hold on to it.

    AFM- Just a beautiful sunny Sunday at work. Quiet morning so far in the shop, but its all good. Just got a phone call from my sister and mom. I had signed up to do a 5k with them today but then couldn’t get coverage at work. Wasn’t too upset that I lost the registration money because the money went to a great organization near us that raises money for autism awareness (a cause near and dear to my heart since I worked as a behavior specialist for years and years). And I was able to find another 5k in two weeks so its all good. Anyway, got a call from my sister telling me that I ran the race and won my division. They were running late and grabbed all our registration packets and forget that mine was in there. My sister walked the race with a friend and her baby so my chip got put in the baby's stroller. Hahahaha I almost peed my pants. It was a very small 5k though cause their walking time of 58 minutes and change gave my chip the winning time for females in my age group. Man if I had run it I would have really won that. Kind of cool to think. Anyway, off talking in a stream of consciousness again. Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday! I am planning on getting in a run this afternoon after work!

  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Well as I said in some of my previous posts March was not my best month. Let's just leave it at that. :) I didn't gain any weight though which I'm grateful for. I only lost maybe a pound- but when I think back to how crazy this month has been I should be grateful for even a one pound loss. Now that I've started that bootcamp program I'm hoping that will help stabilize my schedule a little more in April. So my goals are to make sure to attend bootcamp 3-4 times a week, lose 5 pounds, get more sleep (less stress! if that's possible with my wedding a little over 2 months away) have my water bottle full and available at all times. Good luck with your goals everyone!

    smashlee1984-curb fastfood eating, complete ripped in 30 (6x/week for 4 weeks), make an effort to be thankful and happy and make healthy (fitness and lifestyle choices)
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family
    alwhisler-drink 64oz daily, lose 5 lbs, work out 3x/week, no beer.
    halina20-lose 5 lbs, finish insanity, stay away from jammy dodgers, run 30 mins straight, drink lots of water.
    kvr414-Lose 2 lbs, continue limiting fat intake to >45g/day. Increase a low carb/low GI lifestyle. stay committed to this thread!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Lose 7 lbs, strength train at least once a week (we're going to start easy), and run 3 times a week.
    springstorm: Lose 7 lbs, drink water 64 oz/day, exercise 3x/week, No binges, log everything, sacrifice soda.
    crystalfaith: workout at LEAST 4 days a week, continue progressing through the C25k challenge, drink more water!
    ngoat: (nancy) lose 3lbs, work out 3x/week and drink more water
    spellbinder25: (1)Lose 4 lbs, (2) Run 3 times/week, (3) Run 3 miles on the treadmill by the end of April, (4) Do strength training 3 times/week.
    shannonaufman: lose 6 pounds, walk 50 total miles, drink 64+ oz of water daily, continue C25K, run an entire 5K
    meagalayne- maintain between 125-128lbs; continue with YogaFit once a week; increase my H2O consumption to at least 6 cups a day; quit my job by May 1st; take time every day to feel happy and enjoy the journey!
    Rachellynch83: drink at least 64oz of water a day, keep up with c25k, finish 30 Day shred, increase outdoor family activities
    missjaygraham87 (Jay): Lose 7 lbs, do pilates 3x/week, walk the dog daily, start C25K, drink 7 glasses of water daily.
    edryer123-GW 138, and to get in a 10 minute mile by the end of the month.
    tjradd73-to lose 8lbs, drink 70ozs of water/day, 3 days/arms, 3 days/abs, >90minutes cardio/week.
    hroush-break 190, workout 3+ days a week.
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)-Complete 30 day shred, Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, 1000 crunches 3x week, Lose 8lbs, Weight lifting class 2x week
    silhouetted25 (Samantha) -1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, but would like to hit 5 times 2. Cut out most white flour products/pastas/breads & eat mainly whole wheat or gluten free 4. Eat more grains and lentils 5. Go on a hike 6. Balance work and working out effectively
    terrilien21 - Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day, get in at least 4 workouts a week, have one cheat day a week (saturday), no beer, stay positive!!
    fitmommy2012- lose 6 lbs, P90x everyday, at least 6 cups of water a day, be happy with self, stay motivated
    Sambloid - Lose 10 lbs and be able to do 50 push ups
    Meggonkgonk- To reach 137lbs, to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383- start and stick with ChaLean Extreme, bust out of the 150's, continue to work on my running, cook more often, and stop making excuses!
    Finncmh- loss on scale, get back to lifting, run 2-3 times a week, complete 5k April 17th, walk to work at least 3 times a week, better presence on thread than March
    lizzymaez - eat healthier/watching calories, start riding 2-3 times a week, cardio/running at least 3 times a week, and yoga at least twice a week.
    jennro7781 to lose 10lbs
    lemmyhead: log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.
    WanderLaura: Lose 10 pounds; Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef); Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :); Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week! ; Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)
    emmarie1630-lose 5 pounds, bootcamp 3-4x/week, more sleep, less stress, tons of water
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everyone!! Had a great Sunday morning eating a picnic breakfast at the Tidal Basin with all of the Cherry Blossom trees in full bloom. They started blooming last weekend and they last for a little over a week so they turned white from pink and are just super pretty. I just wanted to say Hello :) and I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thanks girl!! super stoked about the 130's!!! Yah!! sorry about your "peeing" issue but you're a smart girl, so I am sure that you will find ways to fit it in! Otherwise CONGRATS on the apartment...that should def free up a lot of your time AND it will great having him so close!! BOO about your foot, as always, keeping my fingers crossed that it heals soon :)

    Cait-thanks for the tip, I will give it a try!! Too funny about the 5K...maybe you can place in the one in 2 weeks!! good luck, and keep up the great work!

    Emmarie-March was a little rocky for most I think, great job getting back into it and posting some great goals for April!!

    AFM-not much to update on my cals in cals out...but I can say that I am still doing great, and I made it through the weekend(which is my toughest time) and I can't wait for my first WI on Wed!!! April is gonna rock!
  • Well, I had my first weigh-in of April... looks like I'm starting out at 175. So, given my goal loss of 6 pounds, that would put me in the 160s by the end of April. I'm still truckin' with the C25K program, finished W4D2 today, to add another 2.2 miles to my monthly total. I'm trying hard with the water thing, and it's been going ok so far... about 64 ounces a day. When I'm in my office, I drink closer to 80+ ounces... for some reason when I'm at home I just forget to drink it.

    Anyway, I'm loving April so far. Beautiful weather here in Memphis, and definitely happy to be kicking some serious *kitten* with y'all!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Shannon-WTG!! you seem very motivated for April!! I bet you will for sure see the 160's this month!! keep up the good work, and we will all be right here to kick some *kitten* with ya!!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    hello everyone!

    I am late reposting about march goals, but I knew I would be a few days late with busy work.

    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.

    Well I lost about 3 lbs. Tried 1 yoga class. Check on my strength training and check on trying new clean eating recipes.

    Overall I had a great March! But I am also ready for SPRING!!! I want to be able to go outside more and not worry about freezing or being cold. :]
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Now for my April goals:

    smashlee1984-curb fastfood eating, complete ripped in 30 (6x/week for 4 weeks), make an effort to be thankful and happy and make healthy (fitness and lifestyle choices)
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family
    alwhisler-drink 64oz daily, lose 5 lbs, work out 3x/week, no beer.
    halina20-lose 5 lbs, finish insanity, stay away from jammy dodgers, run 30 mins straight, drink lots of water.
    kvr414-Lose 2 lbs, continue limiting fat intake to >45g/day. Increase a low carb/low GI lifestyle. stay committed to this thread!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Lose 7 lbs, strength train at least once a week (we're going to start easy), and run 3 times a week.
    springstorm: Lose 7 lbs, drink water 64 oz/day, exercise 3x/week, No binges, log everything, sacrifice soda.
    crystalfaith: workout at LEAST 4 days a week, continue progressing through the C25k challenge, drink more water!
    ngoat: (nancy) lose 3lbs, work out 3x/week and drink more water
    spellbinder25: (1)Lose 4 lbs, (2) Run 3 times/week, (3) Run 3 miles on the treadmill by the end of April, (4) Do strength training 3 times/week.
    shannonaufman: lose 6 pounds, walk 50 total miles, drink 64+ oz of water daily, continue C25K, run an entire 5K
    meagalayne- maintain between 125-128lbs; continue with YogaFit once a week; increase my H2O consumption to at least 6 cups a day; quit my job by May 1st; take time every day to feel happy and enjoy the journey!
    Rachellynch83: drink at least 64oz of water a day, keep up with c25k, finish 30 Day shred, increase outdoor family activities
    missjaygraham87 (Jay): Lose 7 lbs, do pilates 3x/week, walk the dog daily, start C25K, drink 7 glasses of water daily.
    edryer123-GW 138, and to get in a 10 minute mile by the end of the month.
    tjradd73-to lose 8lbs, drink 70ozs of water/day, 3 days/arms, 3 days/abs, >90minutes cardio/week.
    hroush-break 190, workout 3+ days a week.
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)-Complete 30 day shred, Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, 1000 crunches 3x week, Lose 8lbs, Weight lifting class 2x week
    silhouetted25 (Samantha) -1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, but would like to hit 5 times 2. Cut out most white flour products/pastas/breads & eat mainly whole wheat or gluten free 4. Eat more grains and lentils 5. Go on a hike 6. Balance work and working out effectively
    terrilien21 - Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day, get in at least 4 workouts a week, have one cheat day a week (saturday), no beer, stay positive!!
    fitmommy2012- lose 6 lbs, P90x everyday, at least 6 cups of water a day, be happy with self, stay motivated
    Sambloid - Lose 10 lbs and be able to do 50 push ups
    Meggonkgonk- To reach 137lbs, to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383- start and stick with ChaLean Extreme, bust out of the 150's, continue to work on my running, cook more often, and stop making excuses!
    Finncmh- loss on scale, get back to lifting, run 2-3 times a week, complete 5k April 17th, walk to work at least 3 times a week, better presence on thread than March
    lizzymaez - eat healthier/watching calories, start riding 2-3 times a week, cardio/running at least 3 times a week, and yoga at least twice a week.
    jennro7781 to lose 10lbs
    lemmyhead: log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.
    WanderLaura: Lose 10 pounds; Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef); Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :); Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week! ; Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)
    emmarie1630-lose 5 pounds, bootcamp 3-4x/week, more sleep, less stress, tons of water
    shelsab- lose 5 lbs. run 3xweek. limit my sweets.

    I will be starting my 1/2 marathon training in May...I am sooo excited!!! But for this month I am just going to keep running the usual around 3-6 miles.
  • JessYas
    JessYas Posts: 21 Member
    Hahaha soooo yeah, like Meag said, March was a bit of a derailment for me, but hey, it was my BIRTHDAY! Gunna do April right. Im not at my goal of 133, but I am at 137, so that was an overall loss. I also didnt incorporate strength training into my workouts like I had planned, so here we go, my April goals are essentially my March goals: 100 PushUp Challenge and lungs at least 3x/week, and get down to a scale weight of 133. Also, I'm cutting out alcohol again! Yes! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    GREAT GOALS so far everyone!!

    smashlee1984-curb fastfood eating, complete ripped in 30 (6x/week for 4 weeks), make an effort to be thankful and happy and make healthy (fitness and lifestyle choices)
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family
    alwhisler-drink 64oz daily, lose 5 lbs, work out 3x/week, no beer.
    halina20-lose 5 lbs, finish insanity, stay away from jammy dodgers, run 30 mins straight, drink lots of water.
    kvr414-Lose 2 lbs, continue limiting fat intake to >45g/day. Increase a low carb/low GI lifestyle. stay committed to this thread!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Lose 7 lbs, strength train at least once a week (we're going to start easy), and run 3 times a week.
    springstorm: Lose 7 lbs, drink water 64 oz/day, exercise 3x/week, No binges, log everything, sacrifice soda.
    crystalfaith: workout at LEAST 4 days a week, continue progressing through the C25k challenge, drink more water!
    ngoat: (nancy) lose 3lbs, work out 3x/week and drink more water
    spellbinder25: (1)Lose 4 lbs, (2) Run 3 times/week, (3) Run 3 miles on the treadmill by the end of April, (4) Do strength training 3 times/week.
    shannonaufman: lose 6 pounds, walk 50 total miles, drink 64+ oz of water daily, continue C25K, run an entire 5K
    meagalayne- maintain between 125-128lbs; continue with YogaFit once a week; increase my H2O consumption to at least 6 cups a day; quit my job by May 1st; take time every day to feel happy and enjoy the journey!
    Rachellynch83: drink at least 64oz of water a day, keep up with c25k, finish 30 Day shred, increase outdoor family activities
    missjaygraham87 (Jay): Lose 7 lbs, do pilates 3x/week, walk the dog daily, start C25K, drink 7 glasses of water daily.
    edryer123-GW 138, and to get in a 10 minute mile by the end of the month.
    tjradd73-to lose 8lbs, drink 70ozs of water/day, 3 days/arms, 3 days/abs, >90minutes cardio/week.
    hroush-break 190, workout 3+ days a week.
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)-Complete 30 day shred, Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, 1000 crunches 3x week, Lose 8lbs, Weight lifting class 2x week
    silhouetted25 (Samantha) -1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, but would like to hit 5 times 2. Cut out most white flour products/pastas/breads & eat mainly whole wheat or gluten free 4. Eat more grains and lentils 5. Go on a hike 6. Balance work and working out effectively
    terrilien21 - Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day, get in at least 4 workouts a week, have one cheat day a week (saturday), no beer, stay positive!!
    fitmommy2012- lose 6 lbs, P90x everyday, at least 6 cups of water a day, be happy with self, stay motivated
    Sambloid - Lose 10 lbs and be able to do 50 push ups
    Meggonkgonk- To reach 137lbs, to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383- start and stick with ChaLean Extreme, bust out of the 150's, continue to work on my running, cook more often, and stop making excuses!
    Finncmh- loss on scale, get back to lifting, run 2-3 times a week, complete 5k April 17th, walk to work at least 3 times a week, better presence on thread than March
    lizzymaez - eat healthier/watching calories, start riding 2-3 times a week, cardio/running at least 3 times a week, and yoga at least twice a week.
    jennro7781 to lose 10lbs
    lemmyhead: log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.
    WanderLaura: Lose 10 pounds; Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef); Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :); Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week! ; Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)
    emmarie1630-lose 5 pounds, bootcamp 3-4x/week, more sleep, less stress, tons of water
    shelsab- lose 5 lbs. run 3xweek. limit my sweets.
    JessYas-100 PushUp Challenge and lungs at least 3x/week, and get down to a scale weight of 133. Also, I'm cutting out alcohol again! Yes! :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Fellow *kitten* Kickers!!

    This morning I did 2.5 miles on the treadmill. Did .5 miles at 5.5 mph and another .5 miles at 6mph which is a big deal since I normally run at 5 mph. I also did this at the end of my run, so I am interested in starting out at 6 mph and seeing how far I can go. Maybe since running faster will make the time I spend on the treadmill less I should do this! hehe I know I have to work up to it, but just being able to run even 1/2 a mile a 6 mph is a big deal to me :)

    So far having an awesome monday! Hope you all are too!!

  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Hi I'd like to join this April Challenge. My challenge to is to get into the 130's this month (currently at 140 even). My goal is to lose 4lbs this month. I am ordering Insanity Wednesday and hopefully this will help me reach my goal pf 136.
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