"Atkins Flu" SUCKS



  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    there is a pressure point between your eyebrows as well. If you push there for 30 seconds that will relieve a head ache too. Or you can massage the point where your headache is centered. Both are temporary solutions, but seem to work. You can also try taking an Aleve. I understand about you wanting to do the Atkins plan because of your being on the borderline of being diabetic. I am not on that kind of plan, but I am on a Low Glycemic Index plan that I will be sticking with for the rest of my life as I have Insulin resistance due to poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. My body doesn't like caffeine or sugar, they both make me sleepy and sometimes I get horrid stomach aches if I eat too many carbohydrates. Don't let anyone get you down, girl.
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member

    I just keep thinking it must be nice to know EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY's body and how it works...and how to compensate when it isn't working. Haha.

    I'm sorry to hear about your PCOD. I've had 5 failed pregnancies in the past 2 1/2 years, so my body's hormones are severely out of whack.

    The headaches are usually mild and always temporary, so the pressure points are a great idea. Thanks again!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Isn't that kind of proof it's not good for you?
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    Okay, I definitely don't need to "do more research"-- I'm studying Nutrition in University, they teach us a thing or two about properly eating and fueling your body. I never said you were adding salt to your diet or eating potato chips and ice cream--- but the "junk" I was referring to-- the JImmy Dean sausage, Velveeta Cheese, the Atkins brand stuff?? All that is either high in fat, high in salt or both, not to mention that the velveeta cheese and the Aktins foods are highly processed "fake" food.

    You asked about remedies for your headaches; I responded because the fuel that you give your body is intrinsically tied to the way that your body will feel. Don't eat properly and you won't feel great. Just saying.

    What a shame! I think some "reading" needs to be incorporated into you studies at University. she asked what to do about headaches. I could see you needing to respond if she asked, "I am considering a low-carb" diet, what are your opinions on this?", but she didn't so I don't see why you are even commenting on this thread.
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Headaches are a normal part of withdrawal. It only proves that I was addicted to sugar and carbs and my body wants what it wants. I'm choosing instead to give it what it needs. Trust me I have plenty of carbs stored on my tummy right now to survive 2 weeks.
  • SamRu
    SamRu Posts: 7
    Good for you Beth!

    I did Atkins about 10 years ago and lost over 50 lbs (and kept it off until very recently). It really worked well for me. The first 2 weeks were hard, but every day it got a little bit easier. I had more energy, slept better and for fewer hours each night, and was generally in a better mood than I had been in years.

    I too got headaches, but It was from the caffeine withdrawal. I was used to drinking sugary sodas all day and cut them out completely. Once I realized that was the problem I learned to love diet drinks and the headaches went away. I didn't drink nearly as many as before, maybe 1 a day, but it really helped.

    also, the sugar and starch cravings drove me crazy, but after 2-3 weeks I didn't want them anymore. If I started craving chocolate, 1 Hershey's Kiss would do the trick - it was awesome!

    Hang in there! It really does get easier, I promise!
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    Don't let people thinking that they know better, give you another headache! But if it does, take it from a chronic migraine sufferer, Excedrin is the best! Probably because it contains all three common pain killers (asprin, acetametaphine, ibuprofen) as well as caffine!
  • fitzthecool
    My own experience with Atkins was not a headache near the beginning, but a general feeling of weakness and light-headedness about 3-4 weeks in that made me give it up. I lost around 15-20 pounds in that timeframe, but I could not have sustained the diet, and I gained the weight back.

    I don't claim to be an expert, and I realize everyone is a little different. But, if people feel they suffered during their Atkins experience, or were taught at school that it's unhealthy, they're not exactly attacking you. They think your headaches are a result of you eating the wrong things. It's an opinion. You asked for advice. You can take it or leave it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    When my BIL went low/no sugar he got headaches so bad he started blacking out, and ended up in hospital several times being checked for brain tumours. He was also banned from driving due to the blackouts. As soon as he started eating normally again, he went back to normal.

    I just think common sense suggests that if you are eating too much sugar and processed carbs then of course you should cut down, but cutting them out almost completely is a bit overkill. I don't eat any wheat, potatoes, rice, no starchy food, but my carbs on here are always around 100 just from fruit and vegetables, which is less than half what it should be, but still 5 times more than the Atkins diet allows.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm very sorry for your losses. I was actually told my whole life that I would never be able to have kids so imagine my surprise when a month after the worst event in my life I discovered I was pregnant. My son is a miracle and it was amazing that God took such a horrible event and gave me something so special. I never especially wanted kids, but now that I have my son I wouldn't give him back if you paid me. I have been hypothyroid for my whole life and wasn't diagnosed with PCOS until 2007, but I think my doctors always knew it was there and never tested me for it. My son was born in 2004. He is seven now and even though he has some problems himself (hypothyroid and autism) he is amazing to me. I actually have headaches because of my metformin that I take, so I have used all the pressure point things. Mine are severe migraines that take me out for days at a time. It has actually gotten worse this past week because I cut out all diet pop and am drinking only water and a little grape juice each day. The juice helps me get down my horse pills without gagging.
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    I wonder if you all would recommend a drug addict to continue drugs just b/c they got a headache during withdrawal. There's only one way to kick an addiction: cold turkey. And Atkins does not recommend 20 carbs a day. They recommend 20 NET carbs a day for the first 2 weeks. That means I'm eating at least 2 times that amount in total carbs. And this is only for 2 weeks.

    Obviously, as recommended by Atkins and my doctor, if I begin to have extreme reactions to the diet, I will discontinue. I definitely wouldn't go past a mild headache every once in awhile that I can't cure with a simple fix. Not trying to torture myself, people. LOL.

    Also, I did not ask for any opinion on what people thought about WHY I'm having headaches. I simply asked how to make them go away. Telling me how you feel about low-carb diets doesn't really make my headache any better. The only person who I felt attacked by was Ral. Everyone else stated an opinion with limited information. My responses were an attempt to give them more information so they could better understand my situation.

    When you are still studying a specific subject, you may think you know everything, but the big picture has not been formed yet. There is not only 1 way to get things done. That's not an insult...it's just the truth. I don't like for someone to tell me that their way is the way I should do it or I'm essentially making bad choices. It shows a lack of maturity or wisdom and not only am I unlikely to take that advice or respect that person, but I'm going to continue to share MY opinions on MY life choices as well.
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    lcouter, I'm also prone to bad migraines. Maybe that's why a mild headache is not that big of a deal to me. I find that extra strength rapid release tylenol works best for me, but I'm not a huge fan of taking medicines if I can avoid them.

    Thanks for the encouraging story. I know that my time will come in God's time. :-)
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    Wow. You seem awfully, awfully defensive. You did realize there are a lot of people, including doctors (although you say yours is on-board) who condemn the Adkins diet, correct? This should not have been a surprise to you that people would suggest you reconsider. It is not an "attack" as you claim, but advice. Isn't that why you came here? Advice?
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Once again, I'm not saying people. It was one person. I welcome intelligent conversation. The way I was addressed was not from a person who legitimately cares about my health or my choices. They just wanted to criticize them. Advice sure, Criticism...not so much.

    Yes I realize a lot of people condemn Atkins. If I didn't realize how much so before this post, I do now. And trust me I won't make the mistake of asking for help from any of the "open-minded" sources on MFP in the future. Bummer that we can't just be encouraging of each other to reach the goal. If you see me eating too little calories to sustain myself, please let me know. But I'm not starving myself.

    I often tend to go a different route than everyone else, so I'm okay sticking out like a sore thumb. But geez people, you'd think people would understand my desire to be spoken to as an adult making adult decisions for herself. You'd also think that a few more questions would be in order to understand before being so quick to judge my personal decision.
  • SamRu
    SamRu Posts: 7
    The thing that angers me is the people who condemn Atkins the most are the ones who understand it the least. People hear "Atkins" or "low-carb" and immediately freak out. ZOMG NO CARBS! YOU'RE GONNA DESTROY YOUR KIDNEYS! That's not how the diet works.

    For the first two weeks, you can have as much protein and fat as you want, but only 20g of carbs a day, in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Oh sure, in the first few days you go crazy with the sausage and Velveeta, but believe me, you get really sick of all that fat really quickly. You then start looking for leaner protein sources. The severe carb restriction of the first two weeks is important for two reasons: a) going cold turkey on sugar and junk food is the best way to rid yourself of cravings, and b) you lose weight quickly in those first 2 weeks, which encourages you to keep it up.

    After the first two weeks, you slowly add more and more carbs (once again in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, not Doritos and frappucinos). When your weight stabolizes and you're neither gaining or losing, you know you've hit the sweet spot and that's the way you need to eat for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. This is not a quick fix. This is not temporary. It is a lifestyle change.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    You said your body does not react normally to sugar... are you diabetic or something in that line?
    That's my area that I love, and probably should but have not cut back on... sugars...
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    Wow... A lot of defensive folks on here. I say do what's best for you! I do not have any advice on the headaches though. I do not suffer them.

    Personally, I enjoy a good variety of healthy eating, including plenty of complex carbs to fuel amazing workouts. I am about at my goal weight so I have shifted into lowing the fat percentage and increasing the muscle mas. Lookout sixpack abs by this summer.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    So I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. It is Day 3 of Induction on Atkins and my body is FIGHTING to get more carbs and sugar. The mild headache started yesterday afternoon, but it is really BAD today. I don't feel like doing anything. Any home remedies that won't bust my diet?

    Chammomile tea or green tea. It will pass.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    When my BIL went low/no sugar he got headaches so bad he started blacking out, and ended up in hospital several times being checked for brain tumours. He was also banned from driving due to the blackouts. As soon as he started eating normally again, he went back to normal.

    I just think common sense suggests that if you are eating too much sugar and processed carbs then of course you should cut down, but cutting them out almost completely is a bit overkill. I don't eat any wheat, potatoes, rice, no starchy food, but my carbs on here are always around 100 just from fruit and vegetables, which is less than half what it should be, but still 5 times more than the Atkins diet allows.

    The 20 grasm of carbs is for a mere 2 weeks to detox and get rid of the sugar and starch cravings, then more and more veggies are added in, then fruit, then nuts, alcohol, beans / legumes, dairy and then grains.

    When someone can answer the question of what is unhealthy about eating proteins and green leafy veggies, then I will change my stance on low carb, until then I will continue to urge and encourage each and every one that says Atkins is unhealthy to actually read and research the LIFESTYLE CHANGE PLAN.

    Have a good night!!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    This has got nothing to do with your headache ...

    Have you tried Canadian bacon? It's leaner and slightly less processed than the sausage would be and pretty tasty, IMO. You could heat it up in some olive oil for healthy fats.
    Pork tenderloin is a nice alternative too.

    I don't follow any type of diet in particular but I do try to keep processed carbs to a minimum. I feel better for it.
    Even being as heavy as I am, my sugar levels are excellent as are my cholesterol stats. Getting rid of most processed foods is the reason, I believe, NOT fat.
    I'm fat 'cause I eat too much! :drinker:

    Anyway, good luck with your program and hope you don't suffer any more headaches during the withdrawal process. :flowerforyou: