PLEASE educate yourselves!



  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    So agree with this post. Thank you for posting.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I'm not suggesting sugar coating anything, what I am suggesting is taking a broader approach to giving your advice. If your intent is to really help someone who could be making a serious error in judgement, especially in regards to their health, you might be better served by taking the insult out of it.

  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I agree with a few of your points....but what a shame you felt you had to insult the MFP audience to get it across...

    One of the great facets of MFP and MFP forums, is it gives a voice to those who might not ask questions otherwise. Not everyone is in the medical field, and many may not be accustomed to doing research. I would even venture to say that you will find many who don't have medical coverage or primary doctors or avenues which will allow them to address their potential or ongoing health issues. That being said, branding certain people as "dumb" and insulting them, only takes away another opportunity to take charge of their health, or seek out the answers they need.

    I understand where you are coming from, just think you might have been able to reach a lot more people if you would have taken some of the sting out.

    Maybe you should read ALL of the posts that I made in this topic... I'm pretty sure it's quite obvious that I don't believe in sugar coating anything... sugar coated advice has NEVER saved a life or made a difference. Truth is hard and matter of fact, and the only way to tell the truth is to tell it like it is. If someone is offended by what I had to say.... then maybe they should talk to my grandmother who once told me "If the truth hurts, change it!"

    I'm not suggesting sugar coating anything, what I am suggesting is taking a broader approach to giving your advice. If your intent is to really help someone who could be making a serious error in judgement, especially in regards to their health, you might be better served by taking the insult out of it.

    I never said I was giving advice, if someone reads this and it serves as a much needed wake up call then THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!!

    But I very clearly stated I was ranting. Ranting typically includes... you know... ranting. so umm... Have a nice day to you as well!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    While I am not a doctor in real life, I often play one in the bedroom, and I support this message.

    Seriously, I work at one of the largest DOD Medical facilities in the US, and I hear it over and over again about the virtues of listening to your doctor and seeking expert advice.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    While I am not a doctor in real life, I often play one in the bedroom, and I support this message.

    Seriously, I work at one of the largest DOD Medical facilities in the US, and I hear it over and over again about the virtues of listening to your doctor and seeking expert advice.

    LMAO!!! If I ever run for... well for ANYTHING, wanna be my campaign manager?!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    While I am not a doctor in real life, I often play one in the bedroom, and I support this message.

    Seriously, I work at one of the largest DOD Medical facilities in the US, and I hear it over and over again about the virtues of listening to your doctor and seeking expert advice.

    LMAO!!! If I ever run for... well for ANYTHING, wanna be my campaign manager?!

    Absolutely.. we will start with a grass roots campaign then move to a viral media onslaught utilizing memes and mass media outlets like Chive. We will also need to get you a lap giraffe. That will ensure epic win!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    While I am not a doctor in real life, I often play one in the bedroom, and I support this message.

    Seriously, I work at one of the largest DOD Medical facilities in the US, and I hear it over and over again about the virtues of listening to your doctor and seeking expert advice.

    LMAO!!! If I ever run for... well for ANYTHING, wanna be my campaign manager?!

    Absolutely.. we will start with a grass roots campaign then move to a viral media onslaught utilizing memes and mass media outlets like Chive. We will also need to get you a lap giraffe. That will ensure epic win!

    Holy falling out of my chair laughing, Batman! I have ALWAYS said I NEEEEEEED a lap giraffe! Now I know WHY!

    Now I just need to pick a public office to run for. But I have standards... I need to be certain I'm going to be offending people every time I make a public appearance, because if not, what's the point?! Secondly, there has to be good coffee and people with a great sense of humor to fetch it for me (yes, I said fetch!). Finally... I can NOT ever be asked to be at work before 9am.

    I see the beginning of something beautiful!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Wow... You have a valid point about people needing to go to the Dr.s If something is wrong with them. In the country I live in that is easy to do as we don't pay for our healthcare. Of course that doesn't mean Dr's or nurses for that matter are always right.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion, most people are not stupid. Desperate maybe, frustrated perhaps.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I LOVE your post. One reason I love my kids Pedi is he has told me on several occasions "if you think something is wrong with your child then something is probably wrong". His thinking is I spend more time with my children than he does in a Dr visit so I will be the first to notice a change. He has NEVER made me feel crazy about calling or showing up at the office w/o an appointment!!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Wow... You have a valid point about people needing to go to the Dr.s If something is wrong with them. In the country I live in that is easy to do as we don't pay for our healthcare. Of course that doesn't mean Dr's or nurses for that matter are always right.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion, most people are not stupid. Desperate maybe, frustrated perhaps.

    We pay for our healthcare through our taxes. It isn't "free".
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks for that. Very cathartic.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Wow... You have a valid point about people needing to go to the Dr.s If something is wrong with them. In the country I live in that is easy to do as we don't pay for our healthcare. Of course that doesn't mean Dr's or nurses for that matter are always right.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion, most people are not stupid. Desperate maybe, frustrated perhaps.

    We pay for our healthcare through our taxes. It isn't "free".

    Americans pay taxes too.....The point.....not everyone can afford health care.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member

    Your body lets you know when something is going on. You just have to listen to it.

    Some of us lost the ability to listen to our bodies, if we ever had it - or maybe we never learnt to - or maybe our bodies are just confused. Whatever the reason "listen to your body" doesn't work. That's why I'm recording food intake and energy expenditure - so I can learn what's right for my body and how it tells me so (or possibly so my body gets the hang of what it needs).

    I do know I need to stop drinking artificially sweetened drinks - if I'm tricking my body into thinking it's getting more calories than it is, how can I expect it know what's what.?
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Great post, but at the same time doctors STILL don't listen to patients and only follow what they have read in a book. After seeing an ENDO and explaining to him that ever since my phyiscian prescribed me Armour after tryiing both Synthyroid and Levo for months, I am finally feeling better than ever before- no mutliple long naps a day, night terrors, anger issues, ect. Finally seeing some results in all my hard work with working out, ect.

    What does he do- takes away my Armour and says he is putting me BACK on levosynthyorid because doctors don't like to prescribe it because it is hard to get dosage right! Yes, that is right- after the past 2 months of finally not napping all the time, having the energy and want to spend time with family and friends and getting my life back on track and getting sleep- he is ONLY listening to what is in his stupid books and not listening to ME and how I FEEL. He even had the nerve to tell me that the weight I am finally seeing drop has "nothing to do with all of your working out or diet, it is 100% because of Armour"! I wanted to punch his lights out

    That is why people are fed up with doctors! We don't all fall into the model of the examples they come across in their books and in their school internships. Patients need to be treated as individuals and how they are feeling needs to be listened to
    **warning** This is probably going to offend some people... you've been warned, so do NOT proceed to tell me off, ok?!

    I have been reading through random blogs and posts in the forums lately and, as a nurse, I am completely SHOCKED at how (pardon me) dumb people are! I completely understand that not everyone has had any sort of formal medical training, but some of this stuff is common sense people!
    You have to take care of YOU! You're doctors and health care professionals are not going to seek you out and beg you to let them do an exam! If you're having a problem, GO TO THE DOCTOR. If you're not getting the answers you're seeking, ask yourself if you're asking the right questions or if you've been totally honest with your provider.

    As doctors and nurses it is not our job to tell you what is wrong with you, it our job to listen to what your saying, and THEN test and work from there to find an answer... if you're not saying anything/the right things/getting checked out at all... how do you expect to get any answers??

    The top 3 things I've seen in blogs and posts repeatedly that blow my mind are:
    1. TOM is all messed up, cycles are screwy/too short/too long/not happening at all and the women, and the people who respond to them just say things like "oh well, I guess it will work itself out!" REALLY?! When something is going wrong, it's your body's way of telling you it can't fix it on its own. GO TO THE DOCTOR. These could be signs of SERIOUS health problems! THINK PEOPLE!!!

    2. "I don't take my blood pressure medicine cuz I don't like the way it makes me feel." REALLY?! Are you gonna like the way you feel when you have a stroke and die?! Seriously people, if the doctor puts you on a med for something, no matter what it is, TAKE THE DAMN MEDICATION. You can NOT just blatantly stop taking a med because you don't feel like taking it! SERIOUSLY! The effects of abruptly stopping a medication can be dangerous! LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTORS PLEASE!

    3. "My doctor doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm just gonna do my own thing" (obviously that's more of a paraphrase but you get the idea) Thos eof you who say that will probably be the same person to sue the doctor when you have a stroke/heart attack/go into a diabetic coma/or whatever else because you're always the ones that blame EVERYONE else for your own mistakes! They don't hand out medical degrees at the McDonalds drive through people. You're doctor is an educated person... odds are if he/she is telling you something/prescribing a med or treatment, it's probably in your best interest to follow the doctors orders. If you don't, FINE, but don't ***** about it when you are sicker/worse off in a couple months then you were when you started!!!

    and one more thing... all of you diabetics and people with high blood pressure, just because you take your medicine doesn't mean you don't have to change your eating habits and lifestyle! So you took your metformin this morning like you're supposed to... that does not mean it's ok to have a freaking candy bar at lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sorry, but it's SO frustrating, almost impossible, to be a healthcare worker and NOT scream and yell and throw a fit when you see this stuff!!!!!

    End rant.
  • emiliabeth
    UK health care is free at the point of service - so for people that can't pay taxes it is :)
    Wow... You have a valid point about people needing to go to the Dr.s If something is wrong with them. In the country I live in that is easy to do as we don't pay for our healthcare. Of course that doesn't mean Dr's or nurses for that matter are always right.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion, most people are not stupid. Desperate maybe, frustrated perhaps.

    We pay for our healthcare through our taxes. It isn't "free".
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    hate it when nurses and doctors are over weight....not a good example!......
    u.s doctors are the worse....they like to pump $$ out of sick people doing stupid test that never lead to anything...
    especially teaching hospitals, this happen to my mom she had to go to her country el salvador to find out she had kidney problem get cured twice cuz u.s docs are...mmm stupid??....she would have died here.... maybe mcds is handing out degrees! ..and it cost way less than here, along the way my dad lost our house because of medical bills that lead to NOTHING!!!!!! rant done!!....
  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    i couldn't agree more with your post. I'm studying pharmacy and it's so frustrating to go into clinicals or the pharmacy and see this same thing come up over and over! Most of the time, when the doctor is "wrong", it's because the patient hasn't given 100% of the information!

    I had a patient who neglected to tell his doctor that he was on viagra while he was complaining about high blood pressure. The doctor prescribed meds simply for the high BP - but the drug would have been extremely harmful in combination with the viagra! Thankfully he goes to the same pharmacy for all his meds so I caught this. I can only imagine the lawsuit that would have happened had I not - and it wasn't the doctor's fault!

    I mean seriously, tell your doctor everything! And ask them questions! Get second opinions (from other doctors - not from your friends or from the internet or friends on the internet!) Ignorance is NOT bliss.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    No offense to the few of you that have had bad experiences with doctors, BUT I must say, from my experience with those types of situations, it usually always boils down to a patient simply not understand why a doc did what he or she did, or the patient simply not saying what needs to be said... no matter how brilliant a doc is, no matter where he or she went to school, they can NOT, I repeat, can NOT read minds. If you don't open your mouth and say the right things, they can't do anything about it.

    As far as a med change, there could be 5 million reasons he changed your meds... was your blood work matching up with the way you felt? If not, then the med wasn't working. Was your thyroid flipping out and over dumping TSH and that caused the weight loss/energy boost? If so, the med wasn't working right. there could be 5 million reasons why that med was changed, sometimes the things that we as patients see and hear are not what the doctos is actually saying, but people tend to only see and hear what they want...

    before everyone goes off about what terrible doctors they are, they also need to be sure they are being 100% honest with themselves and their doctors!

    I'm not saying medical mistakes don't happen, because they do, but as it's been said, doctors ARE human. And I'm sure all of you are just as perfect as you expect them to be... right?!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    in response to shreddingit:

    because being a doctor or nurse automatically makes them immune to the same things that happen to "regular" people?

    Because I'm a nurse I somehow magically should have never gained the weight I did? Really?! Does what your saying even make a damn bit of sense... think about that for a minute. You gained weight for whatever reasons, thats why you're here, right? I'm sure you didn't want to be over weight, I'm sure you never pictured that for your life, but it happened right?

    Same here... I'm a nurse, and I am definitely over weight! Know when I gained most of my weight? Nursing school! Know why? Because I sat in a class room with my nose in a book for 8 hours a day. Then I went home and studied for 4 or more hours a night... I graduated at the top of my class, I excelled in school... But I gained ALOT of weight because I was sitting and studying, I ate at my desk, I ate late at night when I was cramming for exams, and I really neglected my body because I was REALLY focused on school... so if you ask me, that makes me a DAMN GOOD NURSE. I LEARNED and kicked my own *kitten* in school to be sure that I KNEW what I was doing before I ever got my hands on a patient!

    Not to mention I've had 2 kids, cancer, and (like thousands of other NORMAL people) I eat when I'm stressed... my husband is active duty Army, you think I ever get stressed out and reach for a cookie? You bet your *kitten* I do!

    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!
  • dzdncnfzd
    Amen!! You are right on!:wink:
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