What DON'T You Count?



  • wilyz
    wilyz Posts: 37
    Raw fruits and vegetables. Why should i be penalized for eating an apple?
  • TheNettis
    TheNettis Posts: 22 Member
    It becomes to tedious sometimes but I don't log:

    Crystal Light
    Sweet Peppers
    Pretty much anything healthy that I put on a salad, other than the chicken and the dressing. They arent that many calories and I dont see them as a burden. Its all good stuff I guess lol
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I don't log plain tea of any sort. I wouldn't log coffee if I drank it black, but I add milk and sugar so I log it all. I don't log spices if I'm just putting on a few sprinkles (or even that 1/4 tsp of cinnamon in my coffee or oatmeal), but I do add them to recipes because some have significant calories in the amounts I use there. I don't always log the 1 Tbsp or less of skim milk I add to scramble an egg. I usually, but not always, log the mustard I put on a sandwich.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I often don't log things like ketchup or burger toppings (lettuce, tom, onion) etc.

    But I do keep them in mind and if I have had a bunch I just quick cal in somewhere between 25 and 100 cals to cover it.

    There are some days or strips of time where i am being SUPER diligent (like on a plateau) where i log EVERYTHING but as long as I am not gaining and am slowly losing, I try not to be too super anal about logging.
    Raw fruits and vegetables. Why should i be penalized for eating an apple?
    I definitely log fruit though - it has a lot of calories sometimes. A large orange and you could be missing 150 cals from your diary. That's a big difference! A calorie is a calorie! Same goes for big salads etc - I log them, though I might not log lettuce and tom on a burger.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I never log water because I always drink plenty. I have one or two Altoids a day and don't log them. It works out to only 3 calories per mint. I used to log spices (not seasoning blends, I don't use them and also some have oil added- check your McCormicks labels!). As someone else mentioned it is way too fussy for me to sustain and when I did log them it was working out to ridiculous numbers, like 8 calories of thyme in a giant pot of soup.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    nothing - i try to log everything i put in my mouth:smile:
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    sugar free gum...which I've cut back on a lot, in the past I prob had like 1/2 pack of that stuff a day at least! lol if I still did thatttt I'd prob add it lol but a peice every now and then or once or twice a day...don't log it...
    spices - to me thats just overdoing it, I stopped with adding salt, but pepper n other stuff...I dunno...I know it has sodium...but yeah...I just try not to use too much of it
    cooking spray - never really thought to try to look it up, n I only use a lil for my eggs or chicken sumtimes
    spray butter - tryin to cut back on this too...cuz I'm sure it cant be good for u either lol n I know I typically use more than jus like 5 sprays :ohwell:

    other than that I try to add everything I eat, all fruits n veggies cuz trust me they add up....esp in sugars and carbs! blech...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I count everything. Including spices. Some of those spices are higher in calories than you might think. Plus, I was surprised to find that many of them contain potassium. I'm not perfect in my logging, but I don't have any across-the-board "freebies."
  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    I log absolutely everything, calories or not. That way I can look back at week I did well and figure out why. For example: I could eat the exact same things and drink diet coke, which is 0 calories, and not do as well as the week I drank water. If I had not journaled it I would have forgotten I even had it.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Tea and sugar free gum
  • newbeautifulme
    I don't log:
    Black Coffee

    If I use more then a couple packets of Splenda (like in a recipe) I log it. If it is a packet here and there, I don't worry about it.
    I try to log spices, but if the barcode scanner doesn't pull up the right thing, I am don't log it.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    I dont log garlic, stock cubes or cooking spray. I know the cooking spray is like 30 cals, but over a dinner that serves 4 or 5 people it's very little, plus don't get back the calories when I have to share my meals with my little girl.

    I also dont log the swigs of my husbands beer I occasionally have.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hats off to those of you who truly log everything!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    the daily serving of birthday cake I have

  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't log diet soda, sugar free sweeteners, fish oil tablets, MVI, spices. If I am not sure about what I am loggin I go over on calories and under on exercise. Safer that way.....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think cough drops and Dayquil are the only things I didn't log.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I count EVERYTHING......even 3 calorie gum.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    I dont log Spices and I never log Mustard
  • LaLa2469
    LaLa2469 Posts: 3
    Sugar free Jello. Its 10 cals. I don't log it.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Diet soda, a splash of juice for my water, spices, vanilla in recipes, black coffee, gum and the occasional piece of sugar free hard candy. I pretty much log everything else. If I know we are going to have a veggie tray with dinner, I might log just 2 cups of broccoli or something rather than log each veggie individually, though. I am not too worried about veggie calories