One food you wont give up?



  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I will not give up on my V8. I am addicted to this, and I love the taste of it. The sodium kills me every day, but I love the stuff!!!! (And low-sodium WILL NOT cut it!!!)

    I could think of worse things to not give up lol! I like the spicy kind :D
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Peanut Butter...and PopChips!
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    I, too, love the flavored creamer..I almost always buy the Breve Creme. I only have one cup of coffee a day, so the most I get is 40 cals from that a day.

    I wish i can stop at 1 cup a day.

    I will NOT give up my coffee with flavoured coffeemate either!!!!!!!!!!But I am stopping at one cup lately :)
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    1 TBSP of sugar in my coffee!!
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I haven't given anything up. I know if I give up food/drink I enjoy I won't stick to this long term. I just make smarter choices about how much I eat.
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    creamer in coffee (i never thought of this as an indulgence though!), Nutella!!!!!!!!!!!!!, peanut butter, cheese. there's a lot more i won't give up that are "bad" whoppers, pb candy cakes, etc. i'm also a firm believer in portion control...
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Cheese. From Wisconsin, go figure, lol!
  • beelouise5
    Coffee! It feeds my soul :)
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Nothing... everything in moderation even if I have to find off the wall recipes and even then only eat 3 or 4 bites and walk away I don't intend on giving up anything entirely in my lifestyle change. The only thing I am giving up is my feast or famine mentality.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I haven't given anything up. For me, it's all about portion control. One ounce of cheese vs two, two ounces of pasta vs four, and so on.

    I agree I haven't given up much either I try to keep my portions under control and it's been working.
  • rdy2begin
    rdy2begin Posts: 170
    Cheese. LOL I don't eat it as often as I used to, but I still have it several times a week. I just make sure I cut back on other stuff so I stay within my calories. :)

    I'll never give up cheese. Nevarrrrr!!! LOL
  • tellybelle
    tellybelle Posts: 144
    right now I would have to say Artic Zero vanilla maple with no cal caramel on top.
    Peanut butter, yummy protein shakes come in pretty close

    and oh how I love cake! Ok starting to go downhill....I better stop! LOL
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I haven't really 100% given anything up... I just watch my portions


    Movie Theatre popcorn. I eat as much as I want, every time I go to the movies. I refuse to portion control that, I know it's horrible, but I don't care I love it way to much and it keeps me sane. Haha.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Diet Coke, coffee, chocolate, peanut butter and cheese -- all in moderation (except for the Diet Coke, maybe! )
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    definitely cheese :)
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    CHOCOLATE. hands down. i can even give up ice cream for frozen yogurt!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Peanut Butter!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I haven't really 100% given anything up... I just watch my portions


    Movie Theatre popcorn. I eat as much as I want, every time I go to the movies. I refuse to portion control that, I know it's horrible, but I don't care I love it way to much and it keeps me sane. Haha.
    I've tried to portion control movie theatre popcorn... I don't think it's physically possible hahaha
  • thomalr6180
    thomalr6180 Posts: 94 Member
    I refuse to part with my 20 oz coffee with powdered flavored creamer. I have it most days. I don't think this is too bad considering I don't really eat any sweets and I usually burn at least 700 cals when I work out. And it helps me get my water in even though I don't struggle with it.
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't given anything up. For me, it's all about portion control. One ounce of cheese vs two, two ounces of pasta vs four, and so on.

    Same :smile: Except that I weaned myself off fastfood...

    If I absolutely have to choose something - it'll have to be chocolate... :noway: