SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    UGH! 1.4 lb gain... I knew that 3 lb loss last week was too good to be true. I got comfortable, and enjoyed myself on too many days. I'm starting to feel demotivated again, tired, and always hungry. I have to get out of this funk. I tried Jillian's Shred last night, and now I have a huge knot in my shoulder & neck owwwwwww. I think I need a massage... :grumble:
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi everyone, well I had a bit of a blah week this week, but I managed to lose .9 this week. I felt hungry all the time and ate all the wrong things. I did'nt feel like working out but I still did it - just not as hard as I usually would!! I don't know why but my motivation is really starting to fail me :sad: So I had a little loss which is better than the gain I thought I would have and have been seeing on the scales since a bad weekend!! The last couple of days I have just drank heaps of water and I think that is what bought me back down again. Heres to a better week next week :smile:

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 153.4
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: .9
    Total Pounds Lost: 15.6
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I totally forgot to weigh myself this morning! LOL!!! I swear that's a new one, usually I'm dying to get on the scale every day. So, I'll use yesterday's number, which isn't great since I just got back from Jersey, TOM is a pain, and I'm sore from my workout... but alas, 151.3 it is...
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Hi everyone, well I had a bit of a blah week this week, but I managed to lose .9 this week. I felt hungry all the time and ate all the wrong things. I did'nt feel like working out but I still did it - just not as hard as I usually would!! I don't know why but my motivation is really starting to fail me :sad: So I had a little loss which is better than the gain I thought I would have and have been seeing on the scales since a bad weekend!! The last couple of days I have just drank heaps of water and I think that is what bought me back down again. Heres to a better week next week :smile:

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 153.4
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: .9
    Total Pounds Lost: 15.6

    What about taking a week off? Sometimes I find that I get unmotivated and don't workout hard enough because I've been pushing too hard. Maybe if you do a week of maintenance calories (still eating healthy, just eating more) and low intensity workouts (i.e. walking), you'll find you have a lot more energy and are able to stick with the diet again. Just a thought, it has worked for me in the past.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    UGH! 1.4 lb gain... I knew that 3 lb loss last week was too good to be true. I got comfortable, and enjoyed myself on too many days. I'm starting to feel demotivated again, tired, and always hungry. I have to get out of this funk. I tried Jillian's Shred last night, and now I have a huge knot in my shoulder & neck owwwwwww. I think I need a massage... :grumble:

    Same as my "advice" to Amanda :)
  • KristinAshli
    Hi Ladies! Week 8 Chart is in! It's okay everyone...Memorial Day Weekend will do this to us sometimes...PUT US AT A HAULT! But get back on the weight loss wagon! We can all do this! If you need any support, write on our thread and I guarantee someone will give you adive, tips, support, anything! Congrats to the losers that lost anything this week! Want to say Congratulations to SusanJackson for losing 20 POUNDS WITH SHORTY'S CHALLENGE!!!!!! So happy for you girl, way to kick some @$$!!!! hehe :happy:

    Week 8 Chart & Results:


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Great job everyone! I feel better that I'm not the only one who is up a bit from the long weekend (and I might not be up as much as I have there since I didn't weigh this morning). I'm starting to reconsider my decision to get down to 140. It's a goal I set at the very beginning and now that I see how my body looks and I've gotten myself at a comfortable routine to stay around 150, I might take a step back and not drive myself crazy trying to get to that goal. I'll still workout 4-5 times a week, keep running, keep strength training, definitely keep eating right, but I'm not gonna bend over backwards trying to lose weight.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Hi Ladies! Week 8 Chart is in! It's okay everyone...Memorial Day Weekend will do this to us sometimes...PUT US AT A HAULT! But get back on the weight loss wagon! We can all do this! If you need any support, write on our thread and I guarantee someone will give you adive, tips, support, anything! Congrats to the losers that lost anything this week! Want to say Congratulations to SusanJackson for losing 20 POUNDS WITH SHORTY'S CHALLENGE!!!!!! So happy for you girl, way to kick some @$$!!!! hehe :happy:

    Week 8 Chart & Results:



    Thanks for posting Kristin, great job to all of you, you guys are awesome. Cannot wait to start another challenge because this one has really helped Thank you Shortys
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Thanks Kristin:) And as always, great chart!!
  • Kraziekay89
    Good Morning Ladies! I have found my motivation again! I lost 4.2lbs this week. I know I'm posting a day early but I'm really excited and wanted to share. I started running, as well as have been doing WW.

    Now I am not 100% strict with this weight watchers. I go over on my daily points and into my weekly points, I eat out still, but not as often, and I enjoy myself.

    If anyone has lost faith in losing weight, keep up the hard work, and try changing small things until you see change! You CAN do this!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I have found my motivation again! I lost 4.2lbs this week. I know I'm posting a day early but I'm really excited and wanted to share. I started running, as well as have been doing WW.

    Now I am not 100% strict with this weight watchers. I go over on my daily points and into my weekly points, I eat out still, but not as often, and I enjoy myself.

    If anyone has lost faith in losing weight, keep up the hard work, and try changing small things until you see change! You CAN do this!

    WOW! Awesome job!!! I am nervous for what turns up tomorrow... I started Ripped in 30 last week and I have been feeling all sore and bloated. But thanks for the encouraging words! Sometimes I feel that I'm not getting anywhere, but hearing stories like yours really inspire me not to give up. Congrats on your loss! :drinker:
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Yeah, a better week for me this week with a loss of 2.6, was hoping for a little bit more though. We have a long weekend here this coming weekend and we are going away, it is my Mums 60th Birthday so there will be a party, not much chance to eat well and no gym now until next Tuesday. So not expecting good things for next week :sad: lets just say I will be happy to maintain next week!!

    I can't believe that I am almost to my goal for this 12 week challenge, and almost under 150 whoohoo!!

    Good luck with weigh in everyone :smile:

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 150.8
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: 2.6
    Total Pounds Lost: 18.2
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I weigh in this morning at 156.4. I was getting concerned I wouldnt have a loss this week, the scale didnt seem like it was moving earlier in the week and I was afraid I was hitting a plateau. So I was very happy to see movement this morning!! Everyone have a great Thursday!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Well, I'm back down below 150, for the bajillionth time! hahaha. But I'm happy to be there, and I've been extra good this week. I had my 5K on Sunday morning (35:26!!!), and then I had training on Tuesday and I did some Chalean Extreme yesterday. Plus I've been having protein shakes for dinner, too hot for firing up my oven to cook!

    This morning's weigh in: 149.6! I'll take it! And I'm hoping it goes lower, I have kickball tonight, my boyfriend is coming with me, so I need to eat a decent dinner and keep the drinking to a reasonable amount.
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Okay I'm feeling really bad about my weigh-in ~ a gain for the second week in a row +0.8 lbs (156.4 lbs) :angry: I only have myself to blame for getting off track. I don't think I'll be reaching my 12 week challenge goal, and I'm really angry at myself since I was so close just 2 weeks ago <sigh> But today is my 100th day anniversary for signing up on MFP, and I am making a renewed commitment to move forward with weigh loss and start exercising with a purpose. Any inspiring words are welcome, and feel free to harass me on a daily basis to make sure I'm staying on track.

    Great job to all of the ladies who have stayed strong! :flowerforyou:
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I am up 1 lb from last week 148.5 but TOM also came to visit and I knew it was coming since I have been 148.5 since the beginning of the week. I will not record this weight gain on MFP since I am going to contribute it to TOM. I will weight again next week and hopefully be down
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Well, I worked my toosh off and ended up with a gain. I'm back up to 172.6. Ugh. :grumble: Maybe it's b/c I started Ripped in 30 & 6W6P last week? I dunno. I'm a little bummed, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'll see some movement again this coming week.

    Keep it going, Shorty's!! :drinker:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Well, I worked my toosh off and ended up with a gain. I'm back up to 172.6. Ugh. :grumble: Maybe it's b/c I started Ripped in 30 & 6W6P last week? I dunno. I'm a little bummed, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'll see some movement again this coming week.

    Keep it going, Shorty's!! :drinker:

    Every time I start a new JM dvd I have a weight gain first, then start dropping. Hopefully this will be the case for you. Keep up the good work!
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    ok so I havent really got discouraged during this challenge even when I gained I knew why I did it and just said I'd get back on track and the following week Id lose what I gained plus after this week i am beginning to get discouraged...I felt like for the most part I did good this week I went to zumba, I went swimming and this week I weighed in at the same weight 151.6

    I work in a hospital and normally Im only scheduled 4 hour shifts 5 days a week and I work overnights every other weekend, but this week I have been scheduled alot of hours and when I come home my feet and ankles are sooo swollen, so I'm wondering if from being on my feet alot and it being 95 degrees outside I am retaining fluid, also a few weeks ago I had an ovarian cyst burst and since than I haven't had my period and I feel really bloated Im 2 weeks late on my period so Im wondering if maybe that has had some effect. If anyone has any advice on what I could do please share it. i would really like to work my butt off this week and have a big loss to make up for these last 2 horrible weigh ins.

    goodluck shortys!!!!
  • Kraziekay89
    At my weight watchers weigh in this week I had dropped....... drum roll please...... 4.2lbs:noway: !!!!!! I was sooo suprised and excited! I'm trying to keep myself on board this week. I ate McDonalds for lunch yesterday:cry: but its ok because I just used some weekly points, problem is I have 9 "extra" points to last me thru this coming Monday night! SHOOT! and actually not even that many cause I haven't added my glass of milk yet! Sheesh. I have three points. Wish me luck!