Twenty Pound Somethings Week 3



  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hi pals!
    So, yesterday I at close to a whole box of cereal throughout the day hahahahahaha. I was feeling really crummy & the cereal was tasting soooo good haha. I know that's bad, but at least it was a whole grain puffed Kashi cereal & i was using trim soy milk, so I guess that's better than chowing down on pizza all yeah, I stagger my calories so I considered that my "up day" and today I'm going to cut down to around 1,100 calories for a "down day"...let's hope it regrets though...i think girls need to have a little splurge for those few bad days every month. As long as us ladies can learn the right things to splurge on there's no harm.

    Anyways, today I started off with a bowl of Kashi puffed cereal and a 1/2 cup of trim soy milk.
    Lunch-egg whites & toast with organic peanut butter
    Dinner-Spinach salad with strawberries, almond slivers, raspberry vinegrette
    snacks-light hot chocolate mmmmmmmmmmm (for only 45 calories for a huge drink it's sooo satisfying)

    Good luck today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Yay Kristin on your relief!! Woo HOO!!

    Thanks! I feel WAY better!:drinker:

    I just got back from lunch with the co-workers and I ate a grilled chicken salad with fat free italian dressing (about 1 tbsp). There were a few baby tomatos on the salad and some sliced cucumber. There was some shredded cheddar cheese and bacon bits which I kinda pushed to the side so probably only got about 1 tbsp of each. And I have about 1/4 c. fried rice (from my sisters plate) and one of her pieces of orange chicken (tablespoon size). There were no nutrition facts on this stuff so looked up what I could in our database and it ended up being around 400 calories for everything. SO...not too bad! And with my workout this evening...I should still have enough calories remaining for a evening snack! Doing good!!!

    Artschoolgirl--I'm glad you aren't regretting your choices yesterday. I agree that we all need our "up" days. :wink:

    Pedalhound--So glad to hear your financial issues may actually be okay. That's GREAT!!!:flowerforyou:

    Ynot--Pedalhound is takes time and patience. You will get there. I don't know what number on the ticker will be better for you. It's a personal choice I think. Just stick with it! You'll get there!!:flowerforyou:

    Everyone else...KEEP AT IT!!!!!:drinker: WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    So. Big changes as I mentioned. I've had an online retail store for organic, natural, fair trade products. BUT, it looks like I'm going to be all but closing down the retail aspect of my store which I'm feeling really good about. The whole financial thing I've mentioned caused a really great, deep conversation with my best friend yesterday and it brought a lot of things to light for me. I put everything about fitness on the back burner when I got pregnant with my daughter over 4 years ago, but the truth is that health and fitness is always where my passion has been. I've been a dancer all my life, I've always LOVED working out and being involved in that world. Part of why I keep saying this process has been "easy" for me is that it's a lifestyle I love so much and that's not new. I just sort of lost my personal place within it. Anyway, I think what I'm going to do is allow myself to focus more on this area as my path rather than my store. I've been a teacher for a long time (tutoring language for years, teaching dance and courses, we're homeschooling our children...) and connection with people, being emotionally supportive and encouraging, and helping people is something I've always been drawn to. I did my personal training 4.5 years ago because I love this and I'm going to refocus on getting back into that in a couple of years when my children are a little older. I feel really excited about these decisions and ideas because it really fulfills me. When I do decide to start doing individual personal training again I'll have to do some re-certification but that's okay. And in the mean time I'll keep teaching stroller fitness and making those connections again in my life.

    I'm not a big investor in fate but I do know that in the course of my life the times that are the most frightening and the most daunting always bring about the most useful epiphanies and the most solid sense of direction. This case is the same, and is definitely why I tend to look optimistically at tough times that come my way. So far, I've ALWAYS ended up glad they happened.

    So that's my little novel for the day :wink:

    Stroller fitness was GREAT today. I put together a heck of a strength component and I was really sweating. Kristin, I LOVE bodypump and all of the BTS classes and today my strength section was totally modeled after that style. Have fun at yours tonight!!

    Good luck today guys!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So. Big changes as I mentioned. I've had an online retail store for organic, natural, fair trade products. BUT, it looks like I'm going to be all but closing down the retail aspect of my store which I'm feeling really good about. The whole financial thing I've mentioned caused a really great, deep conversation with my best friend yesterday and it brought a lot of things to light for me. I put everything about fitness on the back burner when I got pregnant with my daughter over 4 years ago, but the truth is that health and fitness is always where my passion has been. I've been a dancer all my life, I've always LOVED working out and being involved in that world. Part of why I keep saying this process has been "easy" for me is that it's a lifestyle I love so much and that's not new. I just sort of lost my personal place within it. Anyway, I think what I'm going to do is allow myself to focus more on this area as my path rather than my store. I've been a teacher for a long time (tutoring language for years, teaching dance and courses, we're homeschooling our children...) and connection with people, being emotionally supportive and encouraging, and helping people is something I've always been drawn to. I did my personal training 4.5 years ago because I love this and I'm going to refocus on getting back into that in a couple of years when my children are a little older. I feel really excited about these decisions and ideas because it really fulfills me. When I do decide to start doing individual personal training again I'll have to do some re-certification but that's okay. And in the mean time I'll keep teaching stroller fitness and making those connections again in my life.

    I'm not a big investor in fate but I do know that in the course of my life the times that are the most frightening and the most daunting always bring about the most useful epiphanies and the most solid sense of direction. This case is the same, and is definitely why I tend to look optimistically at tough times that come my way. So far, I've ALWAYS ended up glad they happened.

    So that's my little novel for the day :wink:

    Stroller fitness was GREAT today. I put together a heck of a strength component and I was really sweating. Kristin, I LOVE bodypump and all of the BTS classes and today my strength section was totally modeled after that style. Have fun at yours tonight!!

    Good luck today guys!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: are seriously such and inspiring person and your attitude makes me LOVE this site more and more every day. Even though it's all cyber and we never see each other, we really can create bonds that help motivate us! You are totally a motivator to me! Thank you for always being open enough to share these "novels" as you call them. :flowerforyou:

    **And I will for SURE have fun in BodyPump tonight!!!**
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey guys!! So I had my first re-evaluation at my doctors today for my weight loss.. and officially Im down 17lbs this 1st month- unofficially (from my at home scale's readings) Im down 21lbs for this month..Im SO happy :) Ive been working hard and really changing how I eat and incorporating more exercising. This weekly challenge is also really helping me, I love it!

    Yesterday was my break day from exercise and I ate raisin bran crunch cereal and skim milk for bfast- 1 slice wheat bread and 1 tbspn PB and 1 cup grapefruit for lunch with crystal light mix in water- dinner was a mixed baby greens salad with 2 oz lemon pepper porkchop and 1 cup steamed munchies were some mixed nuts, and a stalk of celery and then of course tons of water during the day!

    Today for bfast was raisin bran crunch and skim milk, lunch was mixed baby green salad and 1/3 cup egg beaters all egg white...plenty of water through out the day...not sure what dinner will be.
    Exercise for today was an hour on the treadmill at various mph's and 25 min on the exercise bike...
    and crystal light strawberry energy mix in water while before I exercised..

    So it seems like we twenty pounders are doing well overall!! Im so proud of all of you :):drinker: Even if you had a bad day or week just remember- we still have plenty of time to make up for it!! Everyone needs an off day or so every now and again :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good for you Katy! And you're totally right...we all have our bad days! And we still have 10 more weeks! Let's keep at it!!!:drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    That's a really uplifting thing to hear Kristin, thanks!! I appreciate it :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's true Pedalhound!

    SO...I didn't end up having the Soy chicken as planned. We had some unexpected guests and a little 2 year old so I made some HomeMade Creamy Mac and Cheese. Very yummy! And it's only 283 calories per 1 cup...I had 2 and some grilled corn on the cob and am still within my calories for the day. AND full. No snacks this evening except some green tea. Tomorrow night then the hubby and I will have Soy chicken. (It's already marinating!)

    Hope everyone's having a good evening! Time to do some dishes and then to bed for me!!! Talk to you all tomorrow!!!:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    That's good on cals for Mac & Cheese - recipe please!! lol
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Doing the morning check-in tonight since I never have time to post my meals in the morning!!
    I'm going to try planning my days in full more often. Here's Thursday's meal plan:

    breakfast: organic oatmeal w/ blueberries, flax, soy nuts, natural peanut butter & 1/2 sm banana. 1 serving of North Coast Naturals Apple Berry Greens powder.

    lunch: 1/4 baked salmon filet, 0.5 cup mashed yam, 0.5 cup organic apple strawberry sauce

    supper: 3/4 grilled chicken breast, 3/4 baked sweet potato, 1.5 cup broccoli & 1 tbsp light sour cream

    snacks: 3oz organic dark bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 North Coast Naturals chocolate whey protein drink.

    If I work out I'll have to find a way to add something in but that sounds like a lot of food to me.... hmm.

    Well, after my marathon work outs today I'm finally feeling pretty darned tired. Time to hit the hay!
    Let's do our best for the day to come, folks!! :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    That's good on cals for Mac & Cheese - recipe please!! lol

    HomeMade Creamy Mac & Cheese

    1 (16 oz.) box whole wheat macaroni
    2 tbsp fat free margarine
    3/4 c. chopped onion
    2 tbsp flour
    2 (14 oz.) cans fat free chicken broth
    1 (10 oz.) can campbells cheddar cheese soup, undiluted
    8 oz. velveeta light sheese, cubed
    1 tsp dry mustard
    1 tsp pepper
    salt to taste

    1. Preheat over to 350. Cook macaroni according to box. Drain and set aside.
    2. In medium pot, combine margarine and onions and cook over med-low until onions are tender.
    3. Whisk in flour and then chicken broth, soup, velveeta, mustard, and pepper. Cook until cheese is melted and mix is creamy.
    4. Spray 9X13 cake pan with non-stick spray.
    5. Combine macaroni and cheese sauce and pour into pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until thick and bubbly, stirring half-way through baking time. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

    Serves 10 (1 c. each)
    Per seving:

    It's SO yummy!!!!

    Okay friends...sorry for such a late post today. I've been working out in the field all morning and had to get out there early to beat the heat. First, let me share some frustration. So...the scale says I'm up to 169 again this morning! I swear it's 167 one day, 169 the next, then 167 again...and so forth! My BMs are still not normal and that's annoying...and I'm being SO good about staying in my allowed calories and exercising daily! ARgh!:explode: I just want things to go back to how they were...I was feeling great, had a regular metabolism, and was consistently losing. Sorry for the vent...had to!

    Here's the meal plan for today:

    1 c. Multigrain Cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 c. sliced strawberries, 1 med. banana, 8 oz. Plumsmart Light Juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    Soft-baked Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar. **No coffee since out in the field!**:sad:

    Turkey&Cheese sandwich (2 sl. Village Hearth wheat bread, 1 sl. Fat free American cheese, 3 sl. turkey lunch meat, 1 tsp. mustard), 14 baby carrots, AE Yo Lite Yogurt, diet coke.

    Afternoon Snack:
    1 c. green grapes, 2 Multigrain Brown Sugar Rice Cakes, Nature Valley Pecan Crunch granola bar, 8 oz. green tea.

    HomeMade Soy Chicken, Broccoli with Black Bean-garlic Sauce, 1/2 c. wild rice.

    PM Snack:
    Chocolate granola bites, 1 c. fresh pineapple.

    Workout plan--45 minute Step class, 15 minute Ab workout, Week 2 Day 2 100 Pushup challenge. should be good. I really hope to see the scale move DOWN tomorrow! Who knows! I just keep on keepin on!

    Have a FABULOUS day friends!!!:drinker:
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    KRISTIN have you though about adding more fiber or an "apple a day" personally i think pears work better. or maybe even a prune a day. i have Irritable bowel and i chose natural stimulant over drugs my body can adjust to the natural things. just a thought

    i am having the bestest salad ever right now and i made it myself--left over taco stuff from last night minus the sour cream and shells its only 250cal yummy!!!

    have a good day everyone
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    KRISTIN have you though about adding more fiber or an "apple a day" personally i think pears work better. or maybe even a prune a day. i have Irritable bowel and i chose natural stimulant over drugs my body can adjust to the natural things. just a thought

    I'm trying. I already eat LOTS of fiber...usually around 30-35 g. daily. I do eat an apple ALMOST every day. I've recently started drinking plum juice every morning and green tea every evening. I just going to keep at it for a while and maybe my body just needs to adjust. It's really only been about a week and a half that I've been having this problem. And I've really only been back to this "good" lifestyle since July not even a month. Maybe my body just needs some time? What do you think?? All of you friends out there? Any ideas for me?
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Where is everyone today?? I hope you're all doing well. I'm TIRED! It's been a LONG day for me. I think working in the heat this morning did me in. But I'm getting ready to leave work here in just a few and head to the gym for my workout! Then I need to get dogfood, make dinner, do dishes...and THEN the couch is calling my name! I'm hoping I get done early enough to watch a movie or something. But who knows...maybe just the tv for a bit or something. My whole body is just so ready to crash!
    Glad tomorrow is Friday!:wink:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey guys..
    breakfast- fiber one and skim milk
    lunch- grapefruit and granola bar and small salad with about 1-2oz ckn
    snack- apples, 2 tbspn yogurt!

    Tonight Im gonna be bad and have some pizza:tongue: will be veggie pizza on thin crust, and maybe one piece of supreme on thin crust. I may have one or 2 breadstix with marinara as well.

    I havent exercised yet today, - havent had time! I worked all day then came home to a very fussy child:sad: who I put down for a nap and she is still asleep..I am going to try to squeeze in a 30 min walk at the park after dinner:ohwell: ..If I dont, well then tomorrow if i have time I will just go an extra 25 min on the exercise bike and extra 20 min on the treadmill to make up for lack of exercise today...

    Hope everyone is doing well :) TGIF-tomorrow lol!!

    :flowerforyou: Katy

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lietee
    lietee Posts: 189 Member
    well for my week two weight loss i still have 17.5 lbs to loss with only a 0.5 lbs loss i have 77 days to loose so i am hopeing my loss will pick up
    start weight 183.5
    current weight is 146.5
    weight loss total 37 lbs
    goal weight is 129
    best of luck to everyone

  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hey Everyone
    So today goes like this:
    Breakfast: Kashi Whole Grain Puffed Cereal w/ 1/2 cup trim soy milk & frozen blueberries
    Lunch: 1 slice flax bread, egg whites w/ slice of light cheese
    Dinner: Spinach salad with strawberries & raspberry vinegrette
    snacks: light hot chocolate, bowl of Kashi puffed cereal w/blueberries, and depending on how many more exercise calories egg whites on a slice of toast!`
    Exercise-Riding my bike for an hour! FUN!
    Anyways, good luck today!:smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, I may be tempted to talk to my Naturopath at this point. You know you're getting enough fibre, water and so on.. you're doing everything you "should" be.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I know I am...that's what makes it so frustrating!!!:grumble: And I can't even go to my doc because I don't have health insurance for the time being. So...I just tough it out. But it's uncomfortable and annoying as heck with the scale moving up and down, up and down...
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's Friday! And I'm VERY happy that it is! Here's the meal plan for today:

    1 c. Multigrain Cheerios, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 c. sliced strawberries, 1 med. banana, 8 oz. PlumSmart Light Juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. Sugar Free Caramel Vanilla creamer, Soft-baked Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar

    Tuna Salad Sandwich (2 sl. village hearth wheat bread, 1 single can tuna in water, 2 tbsp. reduced Hellmans mayo, 1 sl. Kraft Free American cheese), 14 baby carrots, 1 AE YoLite Yogurt, diet coke.

    Afternoon Snack:
    1 med. apple, 2 Chocolate Crunch Rice Cakes, Nature Valley Pecan Crunch granola bar, green tea.

    1 c. leftover homemade Creamy Mac&Cheese, 1 med. corn on the cob, sliced cucumber.

    PM Snack:
    Depends on calories left for the day.

    Exercise plan--1 hour on the elliptical at the gym.

    So, that's the plan for today. I'm feeling kind of down today...scale is moving up! And I feel like I am trying SO hard. I just don't know what to do. I'm REALLY hoping that I'm just gaining muscle. I know that it weighs more than fat. But it's hard to see the scale move up. I was 167 on Wednesday, 169 yesterday, 170.5 this morning! Arrrgh!:explode: I just want to scream!:sad: I think I'm going to avoid the scale again until next week. Maybe there will be a loss. This weekend should be okay. Tomorrow morning I'm going to my spinning class. And hopefully on Sunday I can get to the gym again for a bit. Sundays are usually my day off. So, we'll see how I feel. My sister is staying over Saturday, but I think I can make good choices, and honestly, even the thought of alcohol or greasy food makes me want to vomit. I think that's just the frame of mind that I am in right now. May be a good thing. I think tomorrow I am going to try and make this new Chipped Beef Gravy and pick up some reduced fat Pillsbury Biscuits. This might be a good dinner. We'll see.

    I hope everyone has a good Friday!!