Twenty Pound Somethings Week 3



  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    Ok twenty somethings... I have a question for ya.

    I have been so bloated it hurts. I have been looking at what I am eating and my sodium intake is not high so I am not sure what is causing it. Any suggestions?

    Breakfast: one egg with whole wheat toast plain.

    Snack: gala apple

    Lunch. 1 cup of dirty rice and 1 cup of mixed veggies.


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ok twenty somethings... I have a question for ya.

    I have been so bloated it hurts. I have been looking at what I am eating and my sodium intake is not high so I am not sure what is causing it. Any suggestions?

    Breakfast: one egg with whole wheat toast plain.

    Snack: gala apple

    Lunch. 1 cup of dirty rice and 1 cup of mixed veggies.



    I have NO idea. I wish I did. Are you having Or is it close to your TOM?
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    Ok twenty somethings... I have a question for ya.

    I have been so bloated it hurts. I have been looking at what I am eating and my sodium intake is not high so I am not sure what is causing it. Any suggestions?

    Breakfast: one egg with whole wheat toast plain.

    Snack: gala apple

    Lunch. 1 cup of dirty rice and 1 cup of mixed veggies.



    I have NO idea. I wish I did. Are you having Or is it close to your TOM?

    Not the TOM and now that you mention it my BM have been off. I wonder if it is because I was on a liquid diet for a couple of days after my surgery.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ok twenty somethings... I have a question for ya.

    I have been so bloated it hurts. I have been looking at what I am eating and my sodium intake is not high so I am not sure what is causing it. Any suggestions?

    I have NO idea. I wish I did. Are you having Or is it close to your TOM?

    Not the TOM and now that you mention it my BM have been off. I wonder if it is because I was on a liquid diet for a couple of days after my surgery.

    This could be. As you may have read, I've been having some major issues with this and my stomach feels like it could explode some days. So...this may be the reasoning for you also. I haven't found something that works for sure, but I've been given lots of suggestions. Upping Fiber is a big one...that may help. Hope you figure it out!:flowerforyou:
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    Ok twenty somethings... I have a question for ya.

    I have been so bloated it hurts. I have been looking at what I am eating and my sodium intake is not high so I am not sure what is causing it. Any suggestions?

    I have NO idea. I wish I did. Are you having Or is it close to your TOM?

    Not the TOM and now that you mention it my BM have been off. I wonder if it is because I was on a liquid diet for a couple of days after my surgery.

    This could be. As you may have read, I've been having some major issues with this and my stomach feels like it could explode some days. So...this may be the reasoning for you also. I haven't found something that works for sure, but I've been given lots of suggestions. Upping Fiber is a big one...that may help. Hope you figure it out!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much. I think that I will try that. Your description couldn't have described any better (more so at night than during the day). You all are so great on this site. Truely an inspiration.

    Have a great day.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ok twenty somethings... I have a question for ya.

    I have been so bloated it hurts. I have been looking at what I am eating and my sodium intake is not high so I am not sure what is causing it. Any suggestions?

    I have NO idea. I wish I did. Are you having Or is it close to your TOM?

    Not the TOM and now that you mention it my BM have been off. I wonder if it is because I was on a liquid diet for a couple of days after my surgery.

    This could be. As you may have read, I've been having some major issues with this and my stomach feels like it could explode some days. So...this may be the reasoning for you also. I haven't found something that works for sure, but I've been given lots of suggestions. Upping Fiber is a big one...that may help. Hope you figure it out!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much. I think that I will try that. Your description couldn't have described any better (more so at night than during the day). You all are so great on this site. Truely an inspiration.

    Have a great day.


    I try my best!:wink: Let me know how things work out for you!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    For both of you guys, making sure you give a try for a week or so to only whole foods may be a big help. So this would mean nothing processed, nothing with artificial sweetners or colours or flavours... That and add in a probiotic supplement for that week and see if it helps. It can honestly make a huge difference. I do know, though, that that may mean a big shift in your usual products but for one week and likely some relief, it could really be worth the "trouble"

    Poor both of you. No good!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    For both of you guys, making sure you give a try for a week or so to only whole foods may be a big help. So this would mean nothing processed, nothing with artificial sweetners or colours or flavours... That and add in a probiotic supplement for that week and see if it helps. It can honestly make a huge difference. I do know, though, that that may mean a big shift in your usual products but for one week and likely some relief, it could really be worth the "trouble"

    Poor both of you. No good!!

    Thanks! I was able to "go" a bit this morning...but not much so can't really count it. My stomach has been SO weird the past week. I think I'm going to just wait it out a bit and see what happens in like another week, but if things don't change, I'll have to take some major action!!! Thanks for the advice. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "probiotic" supplement?
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    For both of you guys, making sure you give a try for a week or so to only whole foods may be a big help. So this would mean nothing processed, nothing with artificial sweetners or colours or flavours... That and add in a probiotic supplement for that week and see if it helps. It can honestly make a huge difference. I do know, though, that that may mean a big shift in your usual products but for one week and likely some relief, it could really be worth the "trouble"

    Poor both of you. No good!!

    Thanks so much ... I will give it a try.
  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    For both of you guys, making sure you give a try for a week or so to only whole foods may be a big help. So this would mean nothing processed, nothing with artificial sweetners or colours or flavours... That and add in a probiotic supplement for that week and see if it helps. It can honestly make a huge difference. I do know, though, that that may mean a big shift in your usual products but for one week and likely some relief, it could really be worth the "trouble"

    Poor both of you. No good!!

    Thanks! I was able to "go" a bit this morning...but not much so can't really count it. My stomach has been SO weird the past week. I think I'm going to just wait it out a bit and see what happens in like another week, but if things don't change, I'll have to take some major action!!! Thanks for the advice. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "probiotic" supplement?

    Hey Kristen

    I was wondering the same thing so I looked it up. I found this website that provided some very informational material. (type in probiotic if it doesn't tell you right away).

  • dthughes
    dthughes Posts: 39
    For both of you guys, making sure you give a try for a week or so to only whole foods may be a big help. So this would mean nothing processed, nothing with artificial sweetners or colours or flavours... That and add in a probiotic supplement for that week and see if it helps. It can honestly make a huge difference. I do know, though, that that may mean a big shift in your usual products but for one week and likely some relief, it could really be worth the "trouble"

    Poor both of you. No good!!

    Thanks! I was able to "go" a bit this morning...but not much so can't really count it. My stomach has been SO weird the past week. I think I'm going to just wait it out a bit and see what happens in like another week, but if things don't change, I'll have to take some major action!!! Thanks for the advice. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "probiotic" supplement?

    Sorry Kristin... I spelt your name wrong :embarassed:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Acidophilus cultures and other beneficial bacteria that help make sure the intestinal flora are all healthy and help correct imbalances that may be causing digestive issues. That alone may really help. Udo's brand makes a decent one. Check healthfood stores and talk to the people who work there. They'll have great tips!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ha! I'm a sceince major. Probably should know this. Although...never took nutrition so this may be why. :wink: Thanks guys! I will FOR SURE look into it!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Happy Saturday!!! Hope everyone is well! I'm just home from my Saturday morning Spin class! My legs are TIRED! Going shopping with my sister's tax-free weekend! Not sure about ALL I'll be eating today, but here's the plan for now:

    HomeMade fruit and yogurt parfait (1 AE YoLite Yogurt, 3/4 c. Whole Grain Total cereal, 1/2 c. sliced strawberries, 10 red raspberries), 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite Juice, 1 multivitamin, 1 Kashi TLC Oatmeal and Dark Chocolate cookie.

    AM Snack:
    Soft-baked Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar, 2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar free creamer, 1 med. banana.

    Egg salad sandwich (2 sl. village hearth wheat bread, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tbsp Hellmans reduced fat mayo), 14 baby carrots, 1 med. apple, diet coke.

    Afternoon Snack: ?????

    HomeMade Creamed Chipped Beef (let me know if you want the recipe), 1 or 2 reduced fat Buttermilk buiscuits, and probably a fresh greens salad with spritzer dressing.

    PM Snack: ?????

    Workout--1 hour Spinning-->DONE!

    So, that's the plan for now. Should have no problems today...not much going on! I hope everyone has a FABULOUS Saturday! And I'll check back tomorrow!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Sounds like a fun day ahead of you K!

    Here are my meals as I know it:

    bkfst: oatmeal w/ 1/2 banana & 1/2 c blueberries

    lunch: veggie wrap

    supper: homemade spicy peanut pad thai

    snacks: kashi dark chocolate cherry granola bar, hard boiled egg, protein shake

    work out: hopefully tae bo.

    Happy saturday everyone!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey all..

    Yesterday exercise was awesome.. an hour on the treadmill that burned almost 600 cals and then an hour on the bike which said it burnt 1300 cals!!

    Breakfast/lunch was a protein bar (I had to work didnt have time to eat)
    Dinner was 2 soft beef tacos with lettuce and light cheese only...

    Bfast- fiber one cereal and skim milk
    Lunch- went to my grandmothers and ate small portion of corn, greenbeans, spoon of meatloaf, spoon of fried okra. It was great but I made sure to eat just a very very small amount bc it is southern homecooking..I couldnt just not eat it bc my grandparents would have been severely it was they were kinda miffed since I had such small small portions..
    Dinner- 6" teryaki chicken sub with all the veggies except pickles, jalapenos, and banana mayo or anything like that.. it was 370 cals.

    Didnt get any real exercise today as Ive been busy with the fam.. we went to some humane societies and were "testing out" kittens to see how our daughter acts with them...we found 2 lil boy kittens named Hugh and Hef we fell in love with... we will be adopting them hopefully in about 2 weeks if noone else has adopted them!!

    Tomorrow I will be walking in the park at the very least but may go to a friends house and go to the fitness center they have access to!

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday :)

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ok, were is everyone??? i had an all you can eat weekend. i am back today to begin again. i just got off the treadmill after 45 mins and 575 cals burned. now i can have my taco bell. i was feeling yucky after eating crap all weekend. i was surprised at the scale. didn't move much. i was moving bricks all weekend in 100 degree heat, that may have had something to do with it. LOL. that's when i kick myself and say "why didn't you stick to your eating and the scale really would have dropped", no have to eat more than what i needed. done over with. lets begin again.
    """"WAKE UP"""":yawn:
    check by later.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning!:yawn: Just got to work....a little late. Well, I'd like to say I learned a lesson yesterday, actually 2 lessons. My morning yesterday was fine...had some coffee, a bowl of multigrain cheerios with strawberries and banana. My sister was still over so we decided to be lazy and watch a movie...which was fine. BUT...grabbed a bag of flour tortilla chips and instead of counting out the 14 chip portion size, I ate from the bag. AND OMG! I ate TONS! SO...not doing that again....EVER! 1st lesson learned! So...feeling kind of guilty, I convinced my sister to go out for a run with me in the 100 degree, extremely humid weather. we went, ran maybe a 1/2 mile and my sister looked like she was going to die! (She doesn't work out like at all). So we walked the remaining 1.5 miles of my path. Then we headed toa friends house to jump in the pool. Hung out there all day. Came home, I ate an apple and my sister left. I started weeding my backyard (which I have been procrastinating on since it's been so hot) and after only a while I was dripping sweat, my hubby came home from fishing and decided to be a sweetheart and make us some dinner. He made a macaroni salad and FRIED fish. I was starving, and although I knew these were not very healthy selections, I scarfed down what he had prepared. And OMG I thought I was gonna get sick afterwards! Apparently my stomach doesn't like the grease! That was all I could taste the rest of the evening! SO, no more greasy food for me...lesson 2!

    So, this morning is a new day, and after my slip up yesterday, I am ready to make some good choices! Here's the meal plan:

    1 c. Multigrain Cheerios, 1/2 c. milk, 1 c. sliced strawberries, 1 med banana (can you tell I LOVE this!), 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite Juice, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    Soft-baked Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar, 2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. Caramel Vanilla sugar free creamer.

    1/2 c. fat free cottage cheese, 5 reduced fat Ritz crackers, 1 YoLite Yogurt, 14 baby carrots, diet coke, 1 c. green grapes.

    Afternoon Snack:
    2 Chocolate Crunch Rice Cakes, Nature Valley Pecan Crunch Granola bar.

    Dinner: ????? I have NO idea. The hubby is home sick (maybe from the greasy fish:laugh: ) and so I will see how he feels when I get home. If he's not hungry, I can just make myself a big salad or a tuna sandwich or something. Just don't know yet, but it won't be anything bad.

    PM Snack:
    Probably some Fat Free Sherbet and cool whip free.

    Exercise Plan--1/2 hour run and 1 hour BodyPump.

    So, it should be a good day. And tomorrow we start a new week, a new post, and a new weight!!!:bigsmile: Have a FABULOUS day everyone!!!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    good morning everyone

    i had a pretty good weekend worked out hard saturday and stayed within my calories even with a frozen pizza.

    sunday i took my kids to the beach and relaxed but did some time on the boogie board with my son we had a great day. stayed within my calories too

    i think this was the first weekend in months that i behaved!!!!! :happy:

    i also stayed away from the scale all weekend.

    breakfast bananna and a tlc bar
    lunch lean cuisine bowl fiber bar

    dinner chicken breast aith cucmber and tomato salad

    snacks grapes and skinny cow
    lots of green tea and water, its hottttt!!!

    exercise 60 min treadmill and 15min arm weights.

    have a great day everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey guys!! New week tomorrow, yay!

    bfast: fiber one and skim milk
    lunch: healthy choice minestrone soup- the microwavable bowl ate about 1/2 of it
    snacks: strawberries, all bran fiber mix in water
    dinner: protein bar
    exercise: 40 min on treadmill at various speeds..

    Today so far..
    Breakfast and snack: protein bar
    Lunch: maybe a lil bit of healthy choice soup
    Dinner: maybe a small salad
    Snacks: strawberries, fiber mix in water
    Exercise: probably treadmill for 30-60min and exercise bike for 15-20 min.

    Not sure if I will actually eat all this or if I will exercise.. Im not feeling too good, sore throat and stomach feels weird. :frown:
    Ive been munching on my protein bar since 9am and still havent finished it!

    Hopefully tomorrow I will see a 2-4lb weight loss :happy: Thats what I am crossing my fingers for anyway!! We shall see!!

    I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend and I will check in later :)

    Kistinbee- I totally know what you mean about the greasy food thing.. whenever I eat something greasy or too heavy afterwards I end up with horrible stomach cramps and just feel awful about it. I can tolerate it if I dont eat alot of it, like maybe just a spoonful of the food! I dont think this is a bad thing either lol...Makes me think twice on what foods I choice to "cheat" with.