What makes you feel sexy/attractive??

BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
Here is a topic for you, maybe could even be considered motivational if you like. What is it that makes you feel sexy/attractive/handsome?? With weight loss, when a member of the opposite sex (or same) says something or pays you a compliment, it is usually a morale booster or a motivational boost.

for me personally--
*my wife
*or when my wife points out that someone was checking me out


  • cjreesejr
    cjreesejr Posts: 22
    I'll be honest not too many things lol. I think when most ppl look at me they are intimidated by me because of my size and tattoos. Id say what does make me feel attractive are these three beautiful young women in my life.lol before ppl go on and think Im a manwhore two of them are my daughters and the third knows who she is(hopefully).I will be honest it is a incredible feeling when you hear people say your kids are beautiful and they look like you..lol
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    the company.................................feeling sexy and attractive on your own is a little big headed i feel......:laugh:
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    When people stop and actually stare at me now......but in a good way....or that I see peoples heads turn.....Now I just have to learn to believe it.....:wink::blushing:
  • chrisallcock
    the company.................................feeling sexy and attractive on your own is a little big headed i feel......:laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    not a lot really
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    When people stop and actually stare at me now......but in a good way....or that I see peoples heads turn.....Now I just have to learn to believe it.....:wink::blushing:

    Yeah you should learn to believe it--:wink::flowerforyou:
  • gino88
    gino88 Posts: 12
    I'll be honest not too many things lol. I think when most ppl look at me they are intimidated by me because of my size and tattoos. Id say what does make me feel attractive are these three beautiful young women in my life.lol before ppl go on and think Im a manwhore two of them are my daughters and the third knows who she is(hopefully).I will be honest it is a incredible feeling when you hear people say your kids are beautiful and they look like you..lol
    This def made my day and I really need to put some thought into this.I have no time to tackle this issue this morning,as for what I would like to reply but when someone steps up to the plate like this they need around of applause...way to go guy,Thanks I needed that and I shall return later to actually take time to reply more !!!
  • Staceyj85
    Staceyj85 Posts: 20
    Nothin makes me feel sexy at all ive got no confidence wat so ever but im hopin the more weight i lose that i might start to like myself a bit more!x
  • Foxerlina
    Foxerlina Posts: 51
    This is going to sound weird....but I feel the most attractive when I'm in my gym gear and working out!
  • gino88
    gino88 Posts: 12
    Nothin makes me feel sexy at all ive got no confidence wat so ever but im hopin the more weight i lose that i might start to like myself a bit more!x
    You are what you want to be and never believe you are not beautifull or sexy...never let anyone take that away from you !! I understand the thoughts and why,but the person inside you makes the outside..!!!!!
  • aleeroley
    aleeroley Posts: 14
    When I'm getting ready for work, (naked or in bra and panties) my husband still checks me out all the time and makes me feel sexy. And our four year anniversary is this month! :love:
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Nothing :indifferent:
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    personally, I think the word sexy is too often linked to sexual appeal for the purpose of having sex.

    that said, I prefer to be seen as a whole package and not just a physical being. of course I know this is difficult for most of us to do because vision is one of our strongest senses and we are genetically wired toward physical attraction for the purpose of survival of species. still, knowing that I'm being checked out is not something I'm comfortable with.

    and yet, when a man is being discreet in his checking me out, I have great respect for that. not sure why.

    as for what makes me feel attractive? I'd have to say, with great Eros vanity, the image I see in the mirror when I'm liking and accepting it. when I'm not liking or accepting my reflection, I'm the last person I want to see lol!
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Nothing :indifferent:

    Your HAWT.....you make me drool.....you have an amazing personality....i totallly lust i mean love you!!! :blushing: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    This is going to sound weird....but I feel the most attractive when I'm in my gym gear and working out!

    Doesn't sound weird at all, I feel the best when I am getting my sweat on, knowing that I am working on improving me
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Nothing :indifferent:

    You are awesome QT, that in itself makes you sexy, so there:tongue::flowerforyou:
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    This might sound a little wierd at first haha but bare with me I'm sure you'll undersand by the end...

    Last Friday I needed a pound coin for the shopping trolley so I went to the kiosk in the supermarket to buy a lottery ticket to break a ten pound note. Whilst waiting in the queue, some silly little boys (about 16 by my guess) walked up to the other till on the kiosk and started s******ing and mock wolf whistling and giving me the evils as it were. Of course I saw and of course I heard, but it was more irritating than anything else. The kiosk staff looked a little embarrassed on my behalf, but I guess by this point in my life it doesn't really even register anymore, it's one more thing that blends in to the background.

    Unfortunately for those little boys trying to play it so big and clever, someone did register what was going on., and they were very upset by it all They didn't realise that despite the fact that I, a morbidly obese woman, was stood all alone in the kiosk queue...I was not in fact there on my own at all.

    My husband had gone to look at the news paper stand so he was out of the way of the queue that was building up around the kiosk at that time, and he saw everything as it happened. He didn't do anything rash and he didn't shout. He put the news paper he'd been perusing down and slowly made his way up to the kiosk till he was stood right behind the offending young fellows with a look like thunder on his face. He later related to me that at this point, while I was in the middle of my transaction, the man stood behind me caught their eye and pointed out my husband stood behind them. They turned around to see him and err...well they never got whatever it was they wanted to buy because they were too cowardly to wait around at that point.

    I don't know why. All he did was stand behind them. He didn't even say anything ^_^;;

    But yes...having a REAL man to stand up for me, even when I barely register what's going on, against the silly little boys who presume to try and embarrass me over my size in the middle of a busy supermarket...now if that doesn't make you feel sexy, I don't know what else will :D
  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    Not a whole lot right now...my partners very supportive but his always said from day one that he find girls from about a size 12-16 most attractive. I was a size 12 when we met but was nearing a size 20.

    In the last couple of years theres really only been one standout occasion. I was really down and talking to another male friend of mine about my weight, he pulled out a magazine featuring girls many different sizes, stopped on the page that he said was his favourite and explained why and I could see and believe his reasons. He then pointed out that she was a very similar weight and built to myself.

    That might not make much sense but I guess its knowing that despite being a big girl, there are guys who genuinely will still find me attractive.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    My daughter is 7 and in her "painfully truthful" stage. She used to think I'm fat, but now she thinks I'm not fat and not skinny, and often will say that I look good before I leave the house. This child would not lie. Trust me.

    And I like it when boys talk to me..
  • ashmo1785
    ashmo1785 Posts: 117
    Nothin makes me feel sexy at all ive got no confidence wat so ever but im hopin the more weight i lose that i might start to like myself a bit more!x

    I feel exactly the same as you