What makes you feel sexy/attractive??



  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    Actually mine has nothing to do with my looks. I feel the most attractive when I can make my friends laugh so hard they almost pee themselves!! And I find people who can make me laugh just as hard sexy as hell!!!

    want to hear a good joke???
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    My husband definitely! He has always been wonderful about that no matter how much I weighed, but just last night he again told me he was proud of me, and thanked me because the weight loss has definitely added to our relationship, mostly due to my self confidence going up, and not hiding myself from him.

    (It just so happens to be our Anniversary today, I am truly blessed)
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Not much, my husband tells me daily, but I don't believe him :( But it sure is nice when you catch someone looking at you :)
  • ♥jewel♥
    ♥jewel♥ Posts: 839
    My husband definitely! He has always been wonderful about that no matter how much I weighed, but just last night he again told me he was proud of me, and thanked me because the weight loss has definitely added to our relationship, mostly due to my self confidence going up, and not hiding myself from him.

    (It just so happens to be our Anniversary today, I am truly blessed)

    Happy Anniversary!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    sexy is a state of mind - Im just getting that figured out. I feel most attractive in a cute pair of jeans and a low cut top. Shows of my... curves.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    This is going to sound weird....but I feel the most attractive when I'm in my gym gear and working out!

    That's the answer I was going to give, man when I finish a good workout, I feel sexy sounds crazy but its true.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Random strangers checking me out makes me feel attractive. TBH I am not a sexy person, and I pretty much never feel sexy. I think I am pretty asexual by nature, which is weird as I have a figure most people think of as very feminine. I am not. I am very uncomfortable with the idea of people finding me sexy tbh.
  • robbiedolly
    My attitude!! I know I'm not slim, I know I'm curvy, but men don't care about these things as much as we think they do! and in the um 'heat of the moment' they aren't thinking about our excess cargo!! Alot of men like women who aren't rail thin, They like real women!! I know what I am, and I know how far I have to go to acheive my goal, but I'm not doing this to feel beautiful, or confident! I already feel beauftiful (most days) and I have confidence, took me alot of years to gain this self worth, but I'm not gonna let it go again! EVER. It's kind of along the lines where you have to act it to believe it!! lol so even if you're not, act it and soon enough you will feel it!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    I painted my toenails red :)
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    There is nothing that lights my fire like that look in my guys eyes that say he sees only me, and what he sees he likes. *shudder* Oh what a feeling! :smooched:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    When a man (strangers) catch my eye and smile...I'm married, but it still makes me feel good!

    The way my husband is still crazy for me and cant get enough of me

    Wearing a cute pair of boyshort panties. I've got a good a** and I know it. haha.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I think you need ot feel good about yourself before you can really accept compliments from others (positive feedback the way it was intended)
    I love a great pair of tall (below the knee) boots with a nice heel and dark skinny jeans

    I also like ripped jeans and a tight white t-shirt.....casual can be sexy too
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    The kind words of my MFP friends. :smile:

    This is a big help. Who knows, maybe they are just being polite, but compliments on here always give me that warm and fuzzy feeling!!
  • djnelson1024
    When people mention that I look great or a woman SMILES at me as I am walking along even when people say wow what happened to you, I knew you had it in ya somewhere that always is heard from my old friends it feels really good.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    This might sound a little wierd at first haha but bare with me I'm sure you'll undersand by the end...

    Last Friday I needed a pound coin for the shopping trolley so I went to the kiosk in the supermarket to buy a lottery ticket to break a ten pound note. Whilst waiting in the queue, some silly little boys (about 16 by my guess) walked up to the other till on the kiosk and started s******ing and mock wolf whistling and giving me the evils as it were. Of course I saw and of course I heard, but it was more irritating than anything else. The kiosk staff looked a little embarrassed on my behalf, but I guess by this point in my life it doesn't really even register anymore, it's one more thing that blends in to the background.

    Unfortunately for those little boys trying to play it so big and clever, someone did register what was going on., and they were very upset by it all They didn't realise that despite the fact that I, a morbidly obese woman, was stood all alone in the kiosk queue...I was not in fact there on my own at all.

    My husband had gone to look at the news paper stand so he was out of the way of the queue that was building up around the kiosk at that time, and he saw everything as it happened. He didn't do anything rash and he didn't shout. He put the news paper he'd been perusing down and slowly made his way up to the kiosk till he was stood right behind the offending young fellows with a look like thunder on his face. He later related to me that at this point, while I was in the middle of my transaction, the man stood behind me caught their eye and pointed out my husband stood behind them. They turned around to see him and err...well they never got whatever it was they wanted to buy because they were too cowardly to wait around at that point.

    I don't know why. All he did was stand behind them. He didn't even say anything ^_^;;

    But yes...having a REAL man to stand up for me, even when I barely register what's going on, against the silly little boys who presume to try and embarrass me over my size in the middle of a busy supermarket...now if that doesn't make you feel sexy, I don't know what else will :D

    What a great story and what a wonderful guy you have there!

    I was gardening yesterday and I'm all sweaty and dirty, my hair is all over the place, no makeup on and two guys getting into their car made sure to get my attention, smile, and wave. Made me feel pretty good.

    PS. My underwear is fitting better too.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Great fitting jeans and stilettos, good music, catching someone's eye walkin down the street...
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    There is nothing that lights my fire like that look in my guys eyes that say he sees only me, and what he sees he likes. *shudder* Oh what a feeling! :smooched:

    Oh yeah! That's the ticket. I'm still trying to comprehend that the man I love thinks I'm sexy.

    Other than that, when I'm at home in soft, cliingy pj's after my evening workout and shower.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    I'll tell you in about 6 months when I hit a few of my goals....lol...

    Now, I guess a well fitted suit (not a cheap off the shelf one)
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    That is so sweet! I do that to my husband. i am not feeling the attractive part yet! I hope to soon!