Gotta Move it to Lose It (Closed Group)



  • Princessa1982
    You will LOVE and hate the gym! I love popping onto one of the elliptical machines and just going (i am not a runner, but with the arm movements it is as close as I will ever get) I find group fitness classes are great too, though i do get intimidated (or used to, now a days nothing is going to stop me from having my babies and the weight i should be) except those all dressed chips i ate today... and the 2 cream eggs that are staring at me, that I am about to eat!!!! lol
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Alicia, thanks for sharing your plan! I'm so happy that you are seeing such great results. I'm going to check out your food diary (hopefully I won't see those cream eggs on there....LOL). Counting calories is a new concept for me, and I am continually going over my allowance. I need to learn proper portion sizes...and of course find a cure for my sweet tooth :wink:

    Have a good night all....weigh in tomorrow morning for me :tongue:
  • kelseyfaith
    Hi Guys looks like you are all doing sooooo well and thats brilliant xx
    SO I am supposed to get weighed today so it can get logged but I am feeling a little scared..... you see my normal weigh day is sunday and I am scared that if I get on the scales and havnt lost anything I will lose my motivation for the weekend eeeek help xx
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am weighing in at 205.5 this week ! I believe that i lost a pound this week !
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Kris well done,

    Kelsey if you'd rather wait til sunday i can easily add your weights on a sunday, i dont want you to have to be stressed or scared about it!

    - Confession - i did not weigh today, because the batterys in my scales died, so it said i weighed 2 stone (i know i dont lol) hubby is out fetching new battery's and i will weigh in first thing tomorrow, sorry! (or i could log the 2 stone and have lost 16st this week, but i dont think i want that kind of a gain for next week! lol)
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Good morning! I weighed in at 181 this morning, so .5 loss. Not great, but I'll take it!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    well done dawn, a loss is a loss x
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    233lbs as of first thing this morning (yay!) That's 2.5 lbs since last Friday (yay again!!) Sorry I have been so quiet but I have got so much work on at the mo. Well done everyone, great to meet you all...
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    awesome work!
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    I think I might reduce my cal intake a bit from Monday (still having a ponder). I would like to try and creep up to an average loss of 3lbs per week but not at the expense of feeling hungry. I reckon a simple adjustment might be to keep on doing what I'm doing but quit my omnipresent dry roasted peanuts (yum). This way I will instantly be around 500 cals per day better off.

    A bit of experimentation is in order methinks...

  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    ... or i could log the 2 stone and have lost 16st this week, but i dont think i want that kind of a gain for next week! lol)

    Now THAT would be a good week!!!!!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    lol i think it would be more than a good week if i did that!

    My weight today is... 261.5 meaning a 4.3 loss this week :) yay

    I think dropping 500 cals a day is a brilliant idea, that should give you an extra lb lost a week (talking science terms) if you're looking for an extra 0.5lb lost, try cutting 250 cals a day, but see what works for you!
  • Princessa1982
    well, i think I have to drop out of this group, boo..

    But I am pregnant!!!!!... so the test says, it is faint, but my period is not due till monday so it would be... I have had multiple miscarraiges and the loss of my son at 28 1/ 2weeks, so i am terrified. But here's to hoping.
    I am still going to log my cal everyday, but I amnot sure how much i am going to eat, ill chat with the doc on monday about that... But i can not imagine I will be losing much weight anymore!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    So happy for you alicia! you truly deserve it! stay around in the forum with us though to keep us updated?

    Congratulations x
  • GumbyAnne
    GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
    My weight for Friday was 189, so a loss of 2lb this week. I was hoping for more but that's not too bad!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Alicia... Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you. I have also had multiple miscarriages...but now I have a beautiful 3 month old daughter. I will be praying that this is your sticky bean :smile:
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    My weight today is... 261.5 meaning a 4.3 loss this week :) yay


    You must be absolutely thrilled with that! So happy for you. WELL DONE!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Thanks guys, have had a lot of ppl not weigh in this week, so am going to post results as of tomorrow evening (uk time) unfortunately anybody who has not weighed in by then will have to be missed this week.

    If people do not weigh in 2 weeks in a row, i will remove them from the table, as it makes no sense to have empty rows, sorry x
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    ************ WEEK 1 RESULTS ***********

    Firstly i would like to congratulate everybody on doing amazingly this week!

    Our winner this week is AliciaBerrette who lost a massive 6lbs! Unfortunately for us, but fortunately for her she has had to drop out due to getting a positive pregnancy test, but we are still hoping to see her on the thread keeping us all updated.

    Exact losses are on the webpage, and i am pleased to say that nobody gained this week!

    As our winner dropped out this week, our Challenge remains undecided, so let me know if you have any ideas, also how did last weeks challenge go for everybody??
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    I am staying the same for this week....MN this week, holding lots of water...:):):)