Gotta Move it to Lose It (Closed Group)



  • Princessa1982
    wooo hooooI WON I WON... Just so you all know, if I was not pregnant i would continue to kick all of your butts lol

    I am doing good, stressed out of course, the stupid pregnancy tests do not seem to be getting any darker (sad i know) The doc is sending me for bloodwork every 2 days to see if the HCG rises and it will be a viable pregnancy.... Oh my nerves are shot already...

    As for this weeks challenge, well... What about pushing yourself that extra minute? Like at the gym on a machine, instead of 20 mins go for a extra min or 5... Up the level on the machine by 1 or 2 to trick your body. Jogging, speed up for the last few minutes to really get your burn on.... and for diet, how about trying to cut out all seasoned with salty foods... They sell wonderful spices with no salt whatsoever now and i know I feel much better after making that change!

    Good luck everyone, I am here checking in. I have not been tracking what I am eating, but I am on track. It just annoys me a tad to log it when i know it is not low enough to make me lose weight (but for such a good cause...) I may log today, but i have yet to eat....shame on me...
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    well keep us posted alicia, my fingers are crossed for you, apparently you need an extra 300 cals per day for a pregnancy, i dont know if that helps lol.

    i think the dont add salt to anything for the week would be a good challenge, its so difficult to not buy anything with salt in, but definately not adding it, i'll add it now lol also if you look on the web page there is a little trophy pic for you in the hall of fame lol
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    wooo hooooI WON I WON... Just so you all know, if I was not pregnant i would continue to kick all of your butts lol

    That's fightin' talk!!!

    Busy, but still here. Walked 12 miles at a very fast pace yesterday, up and down hills and dales. My feet are destroyed, so I am taking it a bit easier today, eating right up to my net cals.

    I am hoping (aiming) for a 3lb loss this week. This would bring me to exactly 230 lbs. That would then mean I would have just 2 lbs to go until I have reached a total loss of, wait for it, FOUR STONE!!!

    I am in awe of this prospect and feel like I may dance naked up and down the street (I won't!).

    Weigh Day Friday - best of luck everyone!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    lol as long as you avoid my street Neil, you can do whatever you like, Weigh in's between now and Sunday please guys, so i can post results Monday evening UK time x

  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Friday 15th April: 228 lbs (5 lbs this week). Am I overjoyed? YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost another pound this week weighing in at 204.5 this morning ! I am getting so close to Onederland !
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! I am 179 today, so down 2 lbs :happy:
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Well done all of you who have weighed in, weighing closes in about 10 hours and results will be posted tomorrow!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    ************ WEEK 2 RESULTS ***********

    Firstly i would like to remind everybody that weigh ins need to be given between friday morning, and sunday evening uk time, (unless you've agreed otherwise with me) i'm sorry but if you miss 2 weigh ins in a row, i will remove you, if we drop below 10 members, i'll advertise out to the boards again for more members!

    Our winner this week is GutWatch who lost a whopping 5lbs!!!

    Exact losses are on the webpage, as well as the hall of fame!!!! so do check it out!

    I'm not sure who's doing the challenges, i know i am, and so Neil this week its your choice of mini challenge, so let me know

    Well done all, good luck next week
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Mini challenge:


    You may know that I am a bit of a cardio freak, so much so that I have turned off my cardio alerts (I am worried people think I am lying or something - I'm not!!!) Just try and do more cardio (if you can), which will allow you to eat more (as you really should eat back your exercise calories IMO). Or, only eat back HALF of your exercise cals if you feel better that way.

    Any good??

  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    awesome challenge, i will be opting out, but will do an extra 5 mins per session on top :) this should really crank up the results :) good luck all!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    wishing everybody the best of luck for tomorrows weigh in's!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I weighed in at 178.5 today. I think that is a .5 lb loss from last Friday, even though I weighed in lower earlier this week.
    Have a great weekend everyone. Stay strong if you will be celebrating the Easter holiday!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i think easter weekend is going to be bad for me lol!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    ************ WEEK 3 RESULTS ***********

    With only 5 Weigh in's this week out of 11 active members, there has not been alot of competition, the board has been deathly silent, and i'm guessing were all feeling a little guilty about our easter indulgences!

    So lets get back on this guys, Unfortunately i have removed a couple of people who have now missed 2 weigh ins, let me know all if you still want this challenge to run!

    Officially i won this week with a 2.6lb loss, with LadyChi306 Close behind with a 2lb loss!

    Exact losses are on the webpage, as well as the hall of fame!!!! so do check it out!

    Challenge for next week is posted, good luck all!!

    Well done all, good luck next week

    again i would like to remind everybody that weigh ins need to be given between friday morning, and sunday evening uk time, (unless you've agreed otherwise with me) i'm sorry but if you miss 2 weigh ins in a row, i will remove you, if we drop below 10 members, i'll advertise out to the boards again for more members at the beggining of the month.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i'm away til monday guys, so please post weights, but i wont be updating til monday, have fun!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am sorry i forgot to weigh in last week. Down to 199.5 this morning !
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Congrats Kris! Happy Onederland!!!!!!

    I weighed in at 177 this morning
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    Sorry for my lack of input. I had an Immensely busy week at work and took a last minute holiday. Got back late last night and hit the diet straight away today. I ate far too much whilst away and hardly did any exercise so I am itching to get back at it.

    Charli, I am so sorry but I didn't get weighed on Friday. Can you put me down as holiday (or the same weight as before?). Hopefully I will have shed a few pounds by this Friday...

    Love the Hall of Fame on the Google site :wink:
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    congrats on the losses guys, Neil no problems at all, were all aloud breaks, can everyone let me know if they want this challenge to run through May, we've lost quite a few people, but i'm still happy to continue, and recruit a few more people if you guys want, will post results tommorrow some time for last week, and for the month as a whole! x