Lets start a group for Mom's needing to lose 50+ pounds!!!!



  • walkingitoff
    Sounds great would love the support! My goal is to lose 50. I could use all the support I can get!!
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Working mom of a 1 year old and I am totally in. My weight loss goal is 50 pounds and I have lost 1 whole pound. I would love to stay motivated with you guys!
  • ams1986
    ams1986 Posts: 7
    I would love to be part of this group, Im Amber im 25 with 4 wonderful children (8-6-5-2 ) I also have 50 pounds I would love to lose ! I need all the love and support I can possibly get and I will do my best to pass it along to you.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I would love to join! My boys are older, I have a 17 year old and a 15 year old and need to lose the 50lbs i gained back after i quit smoking. every little support helps!!
  • lkyeomans
    lkyeomans Posts: 52 Member
    I'm in....three kids (15,7 & 6) and at least 100 lbs to lose.
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in. I'm 278 pounds and I'm dying to leave the 200 pounds. I will be so happy the day I see the scale scream "YOU ARE 199LBS" !!!!
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm in too! I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter named Kelby and an 8 month old daughter named Kamrynne. I am hoping to lose about 75 pounds. My short term goal is to lose 30 pounds by July 10th. That's when we are going on vacation. Good Luck everyone!!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm a 26 (for a few more months!) year old wife, student, and mom of 2 kiddos. My son is 5, and my daughter is 3.

    When I started, I had 50lbs to lose. I'm down 13, and anxious to kiss those last 37lbs goodbye!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had to get up WAY to early this morning! I have another busy day today and Im wishing I could crawl back into bed!
    I guess I will tel a little about myself: Im a 26 year old wife of Jody and Mom to Mckenzie who is 9 and Cody who s 6 (yes we started young). We live in a small town in Oklahoma. I have been trying to lose this weight for about 6 years but never really stuck to anything. I a hoping with all of the support I will stick to this!!!!!
    So is everyone just counting calories or are any on different diets? How are you losing weight? Whats working for you? I would love to hear suggestions!

    Staring tomorrow I will start a new post eveyday and call it Mom's losing 50+, is that ok with everyone?
  • ams1986
    ams1986 Posts: 7
    that sounds like i great Idea to me !
    I also as well started my family earily...
    Im going to start counting my calories watching what i put in my mouth trying not to binge eat or stress eat and make all around better choices.
    Im also planing on excersising at least 5 days a week at least 30 mins to a hr a day.

    I would love any help or suggestions anyone has .
    This week has been very long and stressful and i havent done good at all on any of my Goals. I have desided that Im going to take a few days off to rest and get things togeather and start FRESH and NEW on Sunday :)

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • abarton1
    abarton1 Posts: 4
    Hi! I am totally in! I am full time working mom to three beautful kids. Jadon 11, Kenna 10 and Kadence 3. My husband works long crazy hours and it is time to make my life about me! Let's support each other. My goal is 85 pounds total. I would love to lose most of it by my 34 birthday in October.:laugh:
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I'm a little confused - if every day you are going to start a new thread - how will we find it???

    I think it will be easier than going through the old thread to find the new stuff but want to make sure I can find it!!!

  • Bride2B090812
    I would love to join this support group. My name is Trista and I am a 32 year old mother of 2 girls ages 13 & 10. I am divorced, but live with my boyfriend of 5 years. I have approximately 78 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight.
  • chantihayes
    Hi, Can I join in?! I am a 26yr old married mom of 3 beautiful children- 2 boys (6 & 3) and a brand new baby girl , born 2/15/11. I went overboard and gained 65lbs during this last pregnancy, and while 35 has come off easily, I am just now adopting healthy eating.. I breast fed for a while and had to fill up with calories, but now I'm done and can actually cut back (because the whole BFing and losing weight thing did not work for me ever.. lol). I started last week with low carbs and tons of fresh veggies/fruits, and whole wheat (when carbs are included), and lost about 2lbs. I've not been faithful to any exercise, although I'd like to start using my free weights, lat pull and get serious with crunches. I currently just do slow walking with the kids and leg lifts (100/leg) at night after work (I sit in at a desk all day...). This has been my first week back to work and so far I've stuck faithfully to my healthier food choices... I'm ready to lose 70lbs!

    SW:213 4/1
    CW: 211 4/7
    GW: 145
  • mnchkn0408
    mnchkn0408 Posts: 35 Member
    Good morning!
    I'm really looking forward to this group. I think mfp is great and the support is wonderful. I really do think it has help motivate me to lose all this wonderful weight I gained while prego (80lbs!). That was over a year ago!!!! I am a sahm to my wonderful baby girl Gianna who turned one in March and married to my high school sweet heart who doesn't know how to really be supportive (MEN! ugh). I'm just trying to watch my calories and do 30min of cardio a day, which I wish was easier because I'm a total binge eater! I would love to know what everyone is doing to lose and get healthy for our kids!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I guess we can just check in here everyday instead of starting a new thead (This will probably be easier anyway). I wasnt planning on having a busy day today but things change lol. I was planning on cleaning my house today, since I have a house cleaning business I dont usually have time for deep cleaning at my own house. I am doing the low cal. diet and just trying to make healthier choices. I have also tried to start excercising more also. I just do random things like going for a walk in our pasture with the kids and sometimes the Hubby when I can get him to go. He doesnt need to lose weight so he see's it as a waste of time lol.

    @mnchkn Dont feel bad my "baby" is 6 and I havent lost the weight, I gained 60 with my first baby and lost about half and then gained the same with the 2nd and didnt lose much after. lol

    I hope everyone is having a GREAT day and I will check back as soon as I can!!!!!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    I'm feeling great today! I'm doing the low calorie diet with MFP and adding excersise has help me a lot! I've been overweight for almost a decade have done many diets some of then worked, but then got tired and went to my old "eating whatever I want whenever I want mode" and gaining every pound I lost back plus more. I am 278lbs today but a year ago or a bit more I did the weight watchers diet and lost almost 60lbs and was in 229lbs (i was feeling like a model) but got tired of counting points and doing it alone (i never asisted to the weekly meetings) didn't have the money nor the time.

    But this time I got YOU to support me and to see your progress helps, I've only been using MFP for 17 to 20 days or so and I'm feeling like this is something I can do to get there. This time I'm not trying to lose 7pounds a week just a normal 1 to 2 pounds and that way i dont have to starve myself.

    Glad to be part of this group! Have a great active day!!
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    I'd like to join also mom of 2 . 7 yrs old and 4 yr old. Having trouble staying motivated. Need to loose about 50 lbs or more. Also feel free to add me::)
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope everyone is having a Good day so far!!!!! I finally got all of things done and now Im waiting to go pick the kids up from school. Im so happy that tis group is coming together, cause I know I need a lot of support from people with the same goals!

    @Albanydia: I have also been on the WW plan! I like the plan just never stuck with it very long and like you never went to the meetings.lol

    Happy Happy Thursday Everyone!!!!!!!
  • ams1986
    ams1986 Posts: 7
    Hi Guys Just checking in for the day still down and depressed and havent been getting much sleep ...

    Most of you guys Know that Im going to Be start counting my cals and excersiceing on SUNDAY and my nevers are all a mess beause of this i have always stuggled with weight and never have been skinny but THIS needs to happen ... I have FAITH that i will get the motivation and support oh here.,...

    But im going to try and get some much needed sleep ...