Lets start a group for Mom's needing to lose 50+ pounds!!!!



  • SunnyDuckz
    SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
    Too late to join??
    I'm a SAHM of 3 kids and would like to lose 50 lbs. I just started MFP last week. I have good days and bad days. Today was aweful... ate crap and ran around all day with no time for excersize. I hate to miss a day, seems to go downhill after that.

    Here's to tomorrow! (heck, it's already tomorrow, lol. Off to bed now).
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    Can I join? I am a SAHM of 3 children, a 7 year old DD and twin 3 year old DSs. When I started a few months ago I needed to lose 49 lbs..As of today I have 31 lbs more to go to reach my middle idea weight range of 125.
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Im Robyn and I am a wife and have 2 kids. I was wanting to start a support group for Moms an their weight loss journey. Who's in?

    is it too late to join??.. i had previously lost the 50lbs 3 yrs ago. i quit smoking and it creeped up on me again. would love to join. all my info is in my profile page. how does this work anyway??

    No its not to late, everyone is welcome!!!! :)
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm in too! 36 year old married mom of a 2 year old and 7 year old in the Chicago suburbs. I've lost 31 lbs. so far, but have 90 to go.
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone!! I havent been posting , I ve been battleling a little.. last monday's weighing was awful. No weight loss. Luckily someone posted some recomendations and i've been following then, now, it's only thursday and i've already lost 1 pound. yay!
    So here it goes , i hope it helps some of you:

    Check your nutrients chart for

    *Keep it 1000 sodium a day
    *Keep it to 100 carbs a day (Im making and effort so, its been like 150 which is good to me i think)
    *Make your Protein Goal
    *Drink all your water
    *Use your calories in non-processed food -that means no sugars, simple carbs, flours and LEAN MEAT.

    i know! it sound like a diet to me too! But its not. It s a new life style. A healthy one. So i am eating fresh veggies and fruit. Salads with my foods are a must have and my carbs are whole grain.
    I love brown rice, and Natures Own 100% whole grain bread.
    I also love yogurt and tea (chai tea, green tea and ginger tea w/ almond milk **all of them)

    And last but not least, DON'T STARVE YOURSELF!! that doesnt work!
    Eat every 2 to 3 hours a day!!! Plus excersise.

    I'll tell you how Im doing with this *mAGIc PoTiOn** lol jaja
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Good morning everyone

    Today, my plan is to roast two whole chicken - one for dinner tonight and the rest for leftover lunches and protein bites!!! I think I'm going to try and make a little curried chicken salad, some other items loaded with veggies and chicken.

    Also, my newest yummy discovery - Thomas English Muffins - Light Multigrain - 100 calories for a muffin and a delicious change from the 90 calories Sara Lee Wheat bread (2 slices).

    Have a great day... plan on 45 minutes of Zumba today too... probably in the evening while dinner is cooking as its off to work now!
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    I'd love to join also! I've still got 25 lbs to lose, but when I started I had 80 lbs to lose. I'm a mother of 5 children ages 14, 12, 10, 6, and 4. Would love the support and to be supportive of other mothers needing to get healthy!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Helllo Everyone!!!!

    Sorry I havent really been posting the last few days. Life has been busy!!!! I have been staying somewhat on track for the last week, but not much exercise though! Trying to incorperate more in starting today though.
    Glad to see all of the new people joining and glad to see everyone is doing well.

    ngr1973: I love the thomas english muffins!!! Dinner sounds good too!!! :)

    albanydia: Thanks for the tips, I will try to stick to them as well!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies!!!!
  • suffy7
    suffy7 Posts: 11
    Not very good at posting.... I have lost almost 6 lbs over the past couple of weeks. I find it hard to fit in exercise. I am a high school cook and after work I am usually going to one of my 5 kids' sporting events. I have dropped pop from my diet completely, even though I usually drank diet. Maybe if it would warm up a bit in Minnesota I could actually get outside and walk!!! Gotta love our weather -- 70 degrees two days ago and today it is 43 and even snowed a bit! Sheesh!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    thanks Cherrie!!!
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    I'd like to be a part of this group too. I'm almost 45 and a single mom to a 10 year old boy. Someone earlier mentioned that they have trouble finding time to fit everything in and boy, do I feel your pain. It seems that every night there is a different "mandatory performance" of some sort, from my son's activities to homework to family birthdays, etc...

    I'm trying to make this a true lifestyle change though, so no slacking is allowed. On the plus side, I've lost 12lbs in 3.5 weeks! Only 58 more to go to reach my goal!
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    thanks Cherrie!!!

    No Problem! I also bought a Sportline Pedometer from Walmart today for $15 that counts steps, tells you how many calories you burned, has a timer and tells you how many miles you have walked during the day. It also keeps the info in the memory for 7 days so you can go back see how you did for the week. That way when you are out running errands those steps count and you know how many calories you have burned. I just wish I learned all this info 10 years ago.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Good morning

    So lost 2 lbs this week but it doesn't really feel like a win since I gained 2 lbs last week!!! So frustrating but I feel like I've hit a plateau ... I can't seem to get under that 212 mark. I haven't been the best with my eating nor my exercising so I know why - just need to renew my determination!!!

    I have a desk job so I think that a pedometer might be a great idea for me... I have already started walking around my house while on the phone but I can't be huffing and puffing because obviously they're work calls!!!

    How are other moms handling things when they sit all day at work? Trust me = when work is over I don't sit at all but it just doesn't seem to be enough.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I am glad to hear they sell those pedometers at walmart, because i really have been curious as to how much calories I actually burn walking the 1/4 mile to my office from the parking garage at work...well it seems like a 1/4 mile anyway. I needed to get to walmart today to get a kitchen scale anyway, so I will definitely look for that while I am there!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    @sherriewilliams: I am so in on that pedometer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Selliea
    Selliea Posts: 7
    Hi I would like to join!

    I am 35.I have two children a 3 year old girl and a 5 month old girl. I need to lose 160lbs and would love the support.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I got a pedometer at lunch, and I burned 60.5 calories from lunch until I took it off at about 8pm. So it's not a lot, but to me, it's motivation to take more steps, like stairs maybe (yuck!). Anyway, I had a pretty good week. Three more days to go until weigh in, and a super busy day tomorrow. I'm taking my super punkin to get her Easter pictures at the mall, and I intend to get a really early start. I will have to pack snacks for both of us, if I intend to stay good! Ya'll have a good weekend :)
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I'm in... if you all wouldn't mind?

    I have a 21 month old son Memphis. I also have a 5 month old daughter Penelope (Penny). They are my world!! I'm in college for nursing but only going part time so I have more time at home with my kids. I'm going to be in college until I'm 40 it feels that way anyways lol (I'm 26). Married since I was 20 years old to my high school sweet heart. He works full time to support us and is so wonderful. He also is tall, thin, and can eat over 3000 calories every day and not gain a pound. So needless to say he doesn't understand this "healthy lifestyle" I'm trying to live. He is trying though.

    So I need support from you guys!!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I am glad to hear they sell those pedometers at walmart, because i really have been curious as to how much calories I actually burn walking the 1/4 mile to my office from the parking garage at work...well it seems like a 1/4 mile anyway. I needed to get to walmart today to get a kitchen scale anyway, so I will definitely look for that while I am there!

    What is a pedometer? Is it like a heart rate monitor? Where do you find the food scales? I'm looking to buy one of those also.

    Also does anyone know what kind of strength exercise videos are good? I can do cardio all day long but I'd like to switch it up. I don't exercise much though, should I buy weights? How heavy? I need exercise ideas and motivation... I can stay under calories all day long but I never feel like exercising.
  • Brroookkkkeeeee
    I would love to join! I'm trying for a 65 pound weight loss