Lets start a group for Mom's needing to lose 50+ pounds!!!!



  • michelegbowman
    I'm in.

    I have twins that weight 40 pounds each and I could literally lose that amount of weight.

    Each time I pick just one of them up I think "Gosh, I need to lose his whole weight and his twin brothers' too."

    Now wonder I am so tired.

    I've lost a few now and am on my way.

    Would love to join the group.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    So I have a moment and I thought I would share too... I'm Natasha - mom of Jack, wife of Scott... both my husband and I are determined to lose the weight year- I have about 100 lbs to lose which is totally intimidating.

    I'm a working mom so time is tough and on top of it - I'm a corporate chef so food is my life!!! I write about it, recipe test, etc. Not the easiest job in the world when you are trying to avoid fat and naughty food... BUT my commitment is to make this a life style change not ever a diet.

    If you look into my diary you'll see I'm not really giving up anything - I'm simply changing the way I make it. My goal is to take this journey, and make my cookbook (the one I have started and dreaming about for years) into a reality. With healthy DELICIOUS foods for families to enjoy.

    I'm finally starting to love exercising ... I'm actually going to do my second round of exercise after this as the boys are at Karate practice and I have some alone time!!! It used to be that I would fill this time with laundry, cooking, housework, etc. But I know it is more important to make me a priority and exercise than it is to have all the cloths folded and put away!!! I can do that later tonight!!!

    I'm an older mom of a 5 year old (37 yrs old) so I really want to be able to keep up with him and stay active with him...

    Good luck to all of us and if you ever need support - drop me an email! I rarely sleep!!!!
  • natie73
    natie73 Posts: 10
    Hi! I'm Natalie. I am a SAHM to 3 girls (8 and 2 yr. old twins). I'm definetaly in! I have a lot of weight to lose. I need some support so this sounds great!
  • nickylcg
    nickylcg Posts: 7
    I am new to this site.. how do I join. I need to lose 85 pounds, to start.:blushing:

    I am a working mom, an 11 year old and a 2 year old.

    I have a huge weekness to sweets. I am looking for motivation to get moving and tips for better snacking. (Less cookies)

    My goal is high, but I am looking at an average of a pound a week if possible.
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't really had time to post but I will in the morning! Good luck ladies! Together we will do this!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    It's 10pm in PR and I went a little over my caLOries well not so lilltle 460 calories (STUPID CARAMELL ICE CREAM) but ladies I decided to not go to sleep like this !! I am going to march in place for 1 hour while I enjoy the company of my husband, cause son is already sleeping so i will tell you if I made it or not in the morning!!

    See you!!!

    don't give up!
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I came in under my calorie goals, so I am going to have a glass of milk. I don't really have much of a problem with sweets - I'm just a chronic over-eater. I started working out every day beginning this past Monday, so I am now on day four of better calorie choices, and working out every day. Even though the work out I do is only for 20 minutes, it's still pretty challenging. My baby is also cutting her lower incisors, so we have not been getting much sleep around here either, which is frustrating, and makes me feel pretty cranky, but I still did the work out and after my milk, I think I am going to try and get some rest. I feel really worn out.

    I am only doing my weigh - ins once per week, since I don't own a scale. I am considering purchasing one for our house, but I'm afraid I will obsess over every ounce if I do. Anyone else have that same problem, and if so, how do you deal with it?
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    Feeling a bit down today, Ive cut soda completely out cut calories, thought i was doing great stepped on the scale nothing... Guess Rome wasn't built in a day right. Hopeful my walk today didn't mess with my routine tomorrow just happened to twist it while walking... grrr

    Also to previous post dont keep the scale where you go alot, i do that seems to keep it out of my mind. I hide mine under my bed shhhh lol
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    Well i own a scale and weigh my self everyday everytime i visit the b-room but i decided to not weigh my self no more only On MONDAYS. So i hid it on the closet. And i havent weigh myself since yesterday. Yay me!!!!
    I say its more fun to workOut, stay in our calorie budget n wait for our beautiful monday! :) but that's just me!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    I walked for 54 min !!!!!!!!! I did it!! It was only an emergency. I hope i dont ever have to over excersise because i over ate ever again. It was fun though! NAH !! It wasn't that fun!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm in too! Lot's of us mom's on here, this is great! A little about me - I'm a SAHM with 2 children, DD is 2 1/2 and DS is 8 mos old. I'm 24 and have been happily married for 5 yrs. My husband and I have both gained about the same weight, but he was underweight before and just filling out some, I didn't need to gain anything! So, here I am!
    Here's a question for the group - how do you fit workouts in with young children (when they're too young for school, so therefor home all day, and needing a lot of supervision)? I find I can only get a workout in if I wake up really early. What do other mom's do?
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in! I just joined yesterday and I love this website. My name is Cherrie and I am 36 and have 3 kids ages 9, 11 and 17. I need to lose 70 lbs of "baby fat" to be back at where I was before having children.
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Morning All!

    @Knighty: I have been at this almost a week and no change also. I think I need to hide the scale too, because I keep getting on and it makes me depressed! So Im hiding it and only bringing it out on Sundays!!!!

    @Albany: 54minutes!!!!! I should have done the same last night because of the extra calories I ate!

    @Swillis: When my kids were younger I would have to go at like 5am to the gym or just put them in stroller and go for a walk during the day.

    @Cherrie: I think we all have a little "baby fat" to lose lol!!!

    Starting over today after my chip frenzy last night. For some reason I couldnt make my self stop eatin the chips lol.
    Made good choices all day up until my after school snack time. Anyway oh well I know I can start over today!
    HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!!!!! I cant wait for the weekend!!!!!!!!!!
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Morning all! I weighed in at 264 this morning. I actually weighed myself 5 times to make sure the scale wasn't playing with me. The weird thing is that I weighed myself again like 30 min later and it was 1lb heavier. Grant it I already have had 2 glasses of water and I was eyeballing the breakfast.
    @ Swillis--I try to use the Wii or my Biggest Loser Yoda DVD. You actually burn a ton of calories just doing stuff around the house. Like yesterday, I vacuumed under the bed and dressers; hauled all the winter coats and boats upstairs (many trips!) and put them away; finished turning the garden over by hand and planted some beans. I think MFP told me I burned 800 cals. I felt it! I've found that you don't need a gym to do this, you just have to be creative in your ways of exercise! Good luck!
  • knighty
    knighty Posts: 62
    Do the heart rate monitors that tell u how many calories uve burned rly work? i think id like to get one but weary about them.
    @albanydia grats! that's great that u was able to enjoy the food u liked and work off the calories later, walk that long bout kills me lol
    @robynham84 should we all try to add everyone do u think it would be easier to hold the group on ur page? just an idea and welcome to all the new moms! nice to meet you all
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I walked for 54 min !!!!!!!!! I did it!! It was only an emergency. I hope i dont ever have to over excersise because i over ate ever again. It was fun though! NAH !! It wasn't that fun!

    Its absolutely awesome that you did it... I did the same last week - took the dog for a walk! Made me sleep so much better not being in the negative!!!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in as well. I work full-time and have 2 children, almost 4 and almost 2. 50 pounds would be awesome to lose...more is even better!
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I'm in too! Lot's of us mom's on here, this is great! A little about me - I'm a SAHM with 2 children, DD is 2 1/2 and DS is 8 mos old. I'm 24 and have been happily married for 5 yrs. My husband and I have both gained about the same weight, but he was underweight before and just filling out some, I didn't need to gain anything! So, here I am!
    Here's a question for the group - how do you fit workouts in with young children (when they're too young for school, so therefor home all day, and needing a lot of supervision)? I find I can only get a workout in if I wake up really early. What do other mom's do?

    To swillis - My little guy (5 years old) does daycare / preschool because I work BUT what I used to do and sometimes still do when he's home are the following:

    -Stroller walks... pushing 2 kids in the stroller is work if you moving fast

    -Dance Party - that's our current favorite one and we all get hot and sweaty... I don't allow myself to stop until its been at least 20 minutes and I truly feel like my heart is going to stop

    -Set up mommy time - my guy is home 2 days on the weekdays with me and then of course on weekends and the reality is we all need time dedicated to us (probably for a lot of us - we have given to everyone and that's one of the reasons we're battling this) - so if you can set them up with a few toys / puzzles / books and say for the next 30 minutes - its mommy time and you have to play on your own.

    OK - forget the last one because I just realized how young your kids are !!!!

    Counting games - you do pushups/ situps/ etc and make the 2 1/2 year old count with you... the little one can you put him next to you in an exercise saucer

    AND lastly (and this might seem the silliest) but its exercise - they have some fun kids exercise DVD - I remember doing one with Elmo and one with Grover when Jack was about 2!!! He'd follow along and laugh and laugh at mommy and elmo!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    lol!! I'm feeling really motivated and supported. Thank you everyone!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    @NGR1973 that's awsome excersise!! At my house we do the Dance party. But I'll consider the other once. Thanks.