Your Never Ending Spats



  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Toilet seat up/down.

    Putting the new roll of toilet paper ON the roll, not just on the back of the toilet.

    Taking kitchen utensils to the garage to use as tools. Grrrrr.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    we don't argue...i relent because the brick wall never gives.

    1) Put your dishes in the the dishwasher - honestly is it that hard?? I cook and clean and you can't do that much??
    2) Laundry in a pile on the floor by the bed instead of in the basket at the end of the bed.... sigh...
    3) Balled up socks so he can throw them at the dogs because it's funny... but i get the pleasure of pulling the dirty socks out straight before they go in the laundry - dude, really?
    4) always his car comes first.... always...

    okay.... that's it for now... LOL
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member

    Taking kitchen utensils to the garage to use as tools. Grrrrr.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh HECK no!!! I would be SOOOOO MAD!!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Why do brides wear white wedding dresses?

    So the dishwasher will match all the other appliances!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    3) Balled up socks so he can throw them at the dogs because it's funny... but i get the pleasure of pulling the dirty socks out straight before they go in the laundry - dude, really?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    3) Balled up socks so he can throw them at the dogs because it's funny... but i get the pleasure of pulling the dirty socks out straight before they go in the laundry - dude, really?

    I broke my hubby of keeping his socks balled up by washing them EXACTLY how they are... after a few loads of still dirty socks... HE GOT THE HINT!!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    LOL! I've tried to convince my DH to towel off in the shower to avoid the wet bath mat situation but he just can't be changed on that one. So I compromise and make sure not to put socks on my feet until I'm ready to head out the door. Good thing I like walking around barefoot!

    The only other thing we really spat about is our ideas of cleaning. We pretty much can't clean the house together or we'll end up not speaking to each other for a week - seriously, it's that bad. He has his way and I have my way and we both think the other one is wrong...leads to lots of hurt feelings. So we decided he'll just be in charge of outdoor chores and I'll be in charge of indoor chores and if either of us notice the other needs to do something, we'll mention it and leave it at that. Seems to work a lot better that way.

    So.... What your trying to say is; that if someone were to jump from the shower soaking wet with shampoo in their hair, and Chase you around the house yelling " WOO! WOO! WOO!" You would be upset?
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Why do brides wear white wedding dresses?

    So the dishwasher will match all the other appliances!

    :laugh: :laugh: but :mad: but more :laugh: :laugh:
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    To they guy with the jokes... I would rather think of it THIS WAY!!!

    some of us like black appliances!!! Maybe that means the HUBBIES should be the dishwashers because they wore a BLACK tux to the wedding!!!
  • Whos turn it is to buy groceries and gas. That is always a fun one.
  • We just moved into our own place, so we are still working out a lot kinks.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Oh man! My fridge is black! Can I just throw 'em out and buy all new stuff?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    We just moved into our own place, so we are still working out a lot kinks.

    After 13-years, we're still working out kinks too. :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    When I was married...I was the never-ending putter backer!!! :tongue: :laugh:

    A canister from the wall is pulled out and left out.....I pushed it back.

    Plastic wrap left out of the drawer......I put it back

    Dish soap left on the counter.......I put it back.

    Cereal out of the cabinet.....I put it back.

  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Everything. If it's not done exactly her way, it's just ****ing wrong. I stopped even trying to load the dishwasher because I got tired of getting 'that look' like I'm stupid and she just went and rearranged everything anyway. Now I just get b****ed at cuz I don't ever load it. So I got that to look forward to every day. Pretty much applies to every possible task. Yup, never-ending is about right.

    Oh that's how it is at my house...he knows all and does everything right! His way or it's wrong!
  • I'm a picker so it can be almost anything, I'm gettting better though
  • not leaving the instruments sitting on the couches and chairs or propped agains the wall when they arent being played. there are instruments stands for a reason! plus. is it really that hard to put it back ON the stand rather than leaning on the wall next to it??
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Oh man! My fridge is black! Can I just throw 'em out and buy all new stuff?

    Well you could... but that's not exactly financially responsible... unless you have that kind of $$$ to throw out!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139 husband is a serious coffee drinker. When I make his coffee (he usually makes it himself) I always manage to either not grind enough, not put enough water, or too much, not make the grounds the appropriate size or whatever. Idk, it's just something. Well he isn't a jerk but he always makes snarky remarks about my dedication to not figuring it out so i never have to make it :grumble:

    Our schedule for dinner, putting the kids to bed, waking the children in the morning. I am upset the kids get to bed so late (his job) he's upset because he thinks its my fault for making dinner later vs earlier but I feel that he's never ready for dinner earlier in the evening! <-- see how circular this can go? It's like a never ending epic water tornado in the ocean! It will occupy us until our children are in college and then I guess I'll have to start doing something else like an incompetent so he can have something to be mad at me for :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member husband is a serious coffee drinker. When I make his coffee (he usually makes it himself) I always manage to either not grind enough, not put enough water, or too much, not make the grounds the appropriate size or whatever. Idk, it's just something. Well he isn't a jerk but he always makes snarky remarks about my dedication to not figuring it out so i never have to make it :grumble:

    Our schedule for dinner, putting the kids to bed, waking the children in the morning. I am upset the kids get to bed so late (his job) he's upset because he thinks its my fault for making dinner later vs earlier but I feel that he's never ready for dinner earlier in the evening! <-- see how circular this can go? It's like a never ending epic water tornado in the ocean! It will occupy us until our children are in college and then I guess I'll have to start doing something else like an incompetent so he can have something to be mad at me for :laugh:


    I'm the coffee maker in our house. You could patch holes with hubby's. :laugh:
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