Your Never Ending Spats



  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Yanno, the arguments where you both dig your heels in and no one gives... :tongue:


    Our dishwasher is mediocre at best, you HAVE to rinse off the dishes before you put them in or else they won't get washed properly. My hubby won't do it because "that's the dishwasher's job." :explode:

    I've rewashed so many dishes (and it's such a joy after the food has been baked on there :indifferent: ) that it's insane. :angry:

    What's your spat? :tongue:

    We don't have any spats, but I like yours. I notice that my wife feels the same as you and I feel the same as your husband. When I do the dishes, I do it the way my wife likes, because life is too short to debate over the dishes. It's a small price to pay for someone that does so much more for me than I can ever do for her.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    the cleaning... my husband seems to be under the illusion that the way his mother did things when he was a kid is the way that it should be done... my side is, I have three kids that are 14 months apart each... and she had three kids that were 4 years apart each... She never had more than two home all day at once... I have three mess makers home all day every day.

    And another one: hubby thinks what I do isn't a job... I think that it is 24 hours on call... no vacay, and really crappy pay!
  • rockabyesarojane
    the cleaning... my husband seems to be under the illusion that the way his mother did things when he was a kid is the way that it should be done... my side is, I have three kids that are 14 months apart each... and she had three kids that were 4 years apart each... She never had more than two home all day at once... I have three mess makers home all day every day.

    And another one: hubby thinks what I do isn't a job... I think that it is 24 hours on call... no vacay, and really crappy pay!

    NOT A JOB???? oh that is some BULL****!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Why do brides wear white wedding dresses?

    So the dishwasher will match all the other appliances!

    So should my honey wear a white tux? :huh: He does the dishes and laundry 90% of the time. :blushing:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    This thread makes me nervous.
    Me and the bf don't have any of these and we've been living together for 3 years.

    I'm super ocd tho and I know its my own problem so I try really hard not to bug out when he does stuff he would normally do, but I wouldnt.

    Besides, when he gets home from work everything is magically clean and organized. Im sure he thinks Im a cleaning fairy of sorts.

    OH OH I got one!

    We can never agree on how far from the entertainment center to put the couch. I like lots of room between for exercise and gaming and for the surround sound, he likes to be real close.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    needing a new / clean glass every time he goes for a glass of water ... why is it so hard to understand that it is OK to use the same glass more than once!?

    that any my entire family putting their dirty dishes on the counter ON TOP of the dishwasher
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    we don't argue...i relent because the brick wall never gives.

    1) Put your dishes in the the dishwasher - honestly is it that hard?? I cook and clean and you can't do that much??
    2) Laundry in a pile on the floor by the bed instead of in the basket at the end of the bed.... sigh...
    3) Balled up socks so he can throw them at the dogs because it's funny... but i get the pleasure of pulling the dirty socks out straight before they go in the laundry - dude, really?
    4) always his car comes first.... always...

    okay.... that's it for now... LOL

    Wash the socks balled up, put them back in his drawer that way - tell him you were trying to save him time for the dogs. :smile:

    Ours is the toilet paper. He insists it be on the roll, but if it runs out at 3 a.m. I could give a rip where the new one lands. And the kids never care. I can tell when he gets tired of taking care of it, because he'll hang it on the roll going "under" and he knows I prefer it "over."
  • mes1921
    mes1921 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm the OCD one of the two of us and my boyfriend is so chill he'll usually just let me do it and help when I ask for it (almost never :laugh: ). Even if I get mad about something he can make faces or do something stupid/obnoxious until I laugh and can't stay mad. It's worked for 3 years so far (though not living together)!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Ohh! thought of another one.

    This is a typical conversation held every night.
    What do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
  • glendaaus
    glendaaus Posts: 27
    This really made me laugh. I have had a few husbands (must be my issues), but without a doubt they all have not been able to change the toilet roll, cannot fill up the water jug or Brita or put out the garbage. Probably have allowed these little habits - and it works both ways I probably do things that upset them too. I don't argue about these habits - I just make the same remarks like "must be your turn for the garbage" - still doesn't work.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Boyfriend has knack for missing the poopy diapers.

    I read about this app that "decides" who has to do the baby change for you (I guess in a "heads or tails" kind of way)...I thought about downloading it but somehow I think i'll still get the short end of the stick. :grumble:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Ohh! thought of another one.

    This is a typical conversation held every night.
    What do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Same here!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm not married and don't have a boyfriend but my son lives with me. I have issues with the dish washer also. My son insists on washing dishes in the dish washer and they never get completely clean. I can't stand it! Also he always leaves his shoes all over the place instead of putting them by the front door. I'll call him into the room where the shoes are laying and just look at them until he gets the message. Luckily for both of us we each have our own bathroom because there would most definitely be issues there too. :laugh:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    his opened mail cluttering up my already limited kitchen counter space... ARGH!!!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Ohh! thought of another one.

    This is a typical conversation held every night.
    What do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?

    LOL husband irritates me and simultaneously amuses me with his responses to this. I feel like a dork because I will plan dinners all day and all week long. It's a challenge to make something that my kids will enjoy while being sophisticated enough for myself etc. So I usually have to have something I can 'dress down' for the kids or give them a complete alternative meal.
    When I ask my husband what he wants for dinner he responds "Something good" lol, or "whatever you cook" LOL or "I can't think about that right now" or "I just ate and I don't can't think about food right now" LOL. Or he'll shoot down every single option I give him. I almost always arrive at "ok so you'll just eat whatever I cook right?". He agrees heartily to this, so I want to know what HE wants, what HE craves!!!! I want to cook something he will love!! I want his damned input!
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    Socks shoes and t-shirts. When DH comes home from work he flops down in either a kitchen chair or on the couch and proceeds to strip off his shoes and socks and his outer shirt (he keeps the undershirt on) and there they sit until I pick them up, usually later that night or the next morning. Sometimes I will throw the socks at him as a reminder and he apologizes but he still does it the next day. Oh well, small sacrifices for a happy marriage! 14+ years!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member

    3) Balled up socks so he can throw them at the dogs because it's funny... but i get the pleasure of pulling the dirty socks out straight before they go in the laundry - dude, really?

    OMG! Hubs does that too. I think they are just trying to drive us crazy!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    This thread makes me laugh and count my blessings to be single again! :laugh:
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    do not get me started i could be here all day :bigsmile: main ones are shaving over the sink and not cleaning up afterwards i mean come on how long does it take to clean the sink out, walking over anything that has fallen on the floor , ie my coat fell of the hanger earlier on and when hubby walked past he just stepped over it grrr and seriously dishwasher come on he puts the dishes ontop of teh counter over the dishwasher but they never quite make it into the dishwasher :mad:
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Ohh! thought of another one.

    This is a typical conversation held every night.
    What do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?
    I dunno, what do you want for dinner?

    We used to have this argument... now whoever doesn't pick up the kids from daycare after work (30 minute drive) is responsible for dinner - they are responsible for deciding what to cook, actually cooking it, and cleaning it up.

    I prefer to pick up the kids, he prefers to cook and make the kids clean it up... lol