Get Fit by the Summer (July 2011)



  • dtw2abz
    dtw2abz Posts: 5
    I think you definitely have the right attitude Lou05!! You just have to stick with trying your best and not revert to old habits. I was on a total plateau for the past month since starting this challenge so missed out last week updating... And now this past week the scale is finally starting to move a bit as am down almost a kilo. Really hoping I can drop another bit before next week's weigh in.

    Oh, have also really upped my water intake the past few days and that seems to really be helping, along with replacing a formerly carb-heavy lunch with things like salad with chicken breast or chicken and veg cous cous. No clue if that is what has got me off my plateau but the small changes seem to really have helped. Good luck in the coming week everyone!

    April 10th: 76kg
    April 24th: 76.2kg
    May 8th: 76.1kg
    May 22nd:
    June 5th:
    June 19th:
    July 3rd:
    July 17th:
    July 31st
  • mrswestmoreland
    mrswestmoreland Posts: 27 Member
    Ok. today is the first day of me taking extreme measures. I'm following the emergency plan found on the website. There are several emergency and permanent plans listed, byt i'm following the one titled 20 lbs in 3-4 weeks. I love the site but haven't tried any of his suggestions. This will be my first time. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • shellypoo7
    shellypoo7 Posts: 56 Member
    How is everybody doing? It seems that some are getting frustrated with this weight loss thing (SMILE) - well add me into the bunch! I've lost one pound but I really seems like more to me. Maybe my weight is shifting, but I don't feel as heavy as I did a week or 2 ago. I have been sick so my appetite hasn't been too good - which I guess is a good thing for me for now!

    I have a question for you all - are you having regular bowel movements (I hope that's not too personal)? You do know that plays a big factor in your weight loss because you need to expel the foods you're eating on a regular basis! If you're not - try eating at least 1-2 salads a day and I promise you - that will help you GO (SMILE)!

    Enjoy your day all - and stay motivated!
  • mrswestmoreland
    mrswestmoreland Posts: 27 Member
    I woke up this morning and the scale read 239.8. So I wanted to take this time and say bye the the 240's. They were like a bad boyfriend that I allowed to stick around for too long. I'm so happy to see you go. 220's watch out, because here I come.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • shellypoo7
    shellypoo7 Posts: 56 Member
    I woke up this morning and the scale read 239.8. So I wanted to take this time and say bye the the 240's. They were like a bad boyfriend that I allowed to stick around for too long. I'm so happy to see you go. 220's watch out, because here I come.

    WTG!!!!!!! Congrats on that!
  • mrswestmoreland
    mrswestmoreland Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you thank you thank you :)
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    I woke up this morning and the scale read 239.8. So I wanted to take this time and say bye the the 240's. They were like a bad boyfriend that I allowed to stick around for too long. I'm so happy to see you go. 220's watch out, because here I come.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    hehehe love it well done to you
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    April 10th: 193.2
    April 24th: 190.8 cool thats not to bad
    May 8th: 187.8 oooo 3lb not bad
    May 22nd: 186.2 only a little this time, still lost so am happy
    June 5th:
    June 19th:
    July 3rd:
    July 17th:
    July 31st

    good luck to you all
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    April 10th: 136
    April 24th: 133 (3lb loss)
    May 8th: 130 (3lb loss)
    May 22nd: 128 (2lb loss)
    June 5th:
    June 19th:
    July 3rd:
    July 17th:
    July 31st: GW 115

    Loss in 6 weeks: 8lbs
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds to be at 196.0 ! Total of 40 pounds for me to have lost so far ! I am wanting to loose at least another 10 before 2nd week of july when i go to the beach ! we can do this !
  • shellypoo7
    shellypoo7 Posts: 56 Member
    I have been so motivated by you all.....I have made better efforts to find ways of working out - something I hardly ever did in the past. Even something as simple as walking to the local grocery store instead of driving.....I took my daughter to the park and children's farm where there are hills and nice walking trails. I think that's why I'm starting to finally lose a little weight. I'll be excited if I can get under 185....I can't remember how long ago that was. I'm doing it though.

    2 POUNDS LOST! (and hope to never be found again)
  • shellypoo7
    shellypoo7 Posts: 56 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds to be at 196.0 ! Total of 40 pounds for me to have lost so far ! I am wanting to loose at least another 10 before 2nd week of july when i go to the beach ! we can do this !

  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Well these last two weeks have been a little bit of a struggle with finals and getting use to being home all day. Gained .6 lbs but I have lost 1.25 inches in my waist so I am not complaining!! Hope the next two weeks goes better...need to get into a better workout routine. Best of wishes to all of you for the next few weeks!!
  • mrswestmoreland
    mrswestmoreland Posts: 27 Member
    Ok. woke up this morning at 237. That's 4 lbs since last weigh in. I will be on vacation through June 19. No internet where I'm going. So I may miss posting my weights for the 5th. But i will keep track and post. I am not planning on gaining in this trip, wish me luck! About a week ago I got this short hair cut that I was craving, but was waiting until my face was smaller and I went shopping this weekend and brought 4 sexy dresses. Not at goal (not even close) but that didnt stop me from feeling sexy. It did so much for my confidence. So my advice for this week is don't wait to you are where you want to be to do something nice for yourself. Be happy with the now "you". Attitude does a lot for the outlook you have on life. I'm loving me.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    April 10th: 244
    April 24th: 244
    May 8th: 241
    May 22nd: 237
    June 5th:
    June 19th:
    July 3rd:
    July 17th:
    July 31st:
  • How is everybody doing? It seems that some are getting frustrated with this weight loss thing (SMILE) - well add me into the bunch! I've lost one pound but I really seems like more to me. Maybe my weight is shifting, but I don't feel as heavy as I did a week or 2 ago. I have been sick so my appetite hasn't been too good - which I guess is a good thing for me for now!

    I have a question for you all - are you having regular bowel movements (I hope that's not too personal)? You do know that plays a big factor in your weight loss because you need to expel the foods you're eating on a regular basis! If you're not - try eating at least 1-2 salads a day and I promise you - that will help you GO (SMILE)!

    Enjoy your day all - and stay motivated!

    Yep, regularly.... that has never been an issue with me though. I do think my weight is shifting as well even though I am not losing. I tend to do a lot of cardio and it focuses mostly on my legs. A personal trainer that i know said that i am probably gaining more muscle in my legs and that's probably why the scale is staying put for me. i don't know... but I will take any excuse right now. LOL
  • I woke up this morning and the scale read 239.8. So I wanted to take this time and say bye the the 240's. They were like a bad boyfriend that I allowed to stick around for too long. I'm so happy to see you go. 220's watch out, because here I come.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Good going Lady!
  • April 10th: 193.2
    April 24th: 190.8 cool thats not to bad
    May 8th: 187.8 oooo 3lb not bad
    May 22nd: 186.2 only a little this time, still lost so am happy
    June 5th:
    June 19th:
    July 3rd:
    July 17th:
    July 31st

    good luck to you all

    Hey Lou, a little is still good :-)
  • April 10th: 136
    April 24th: 133 (3lb loss)
    May 8th: 130 (3lb loss)
    May 22nd: 128 (2lb loss)
    June 5th:
    June 19th:
    July 3rd:
    July 17th:
    July 31st: GW 115

    Loss in 6 weeks: 8lbs

    Nice losing! That's great!!
  • I have lost 3 pounds to be at 196.0 ! Total of 40 pounds for me to have lost so far ! I am wanting to loose at least another 10 before 2nd week of july when i go to the beach ! we can do this !

    That's great!
  • I have been so motivated by you all.....I have made better efforts to find ways of working out - something I hardly ever did in the past. Even something as simple as walking to the local grocery store instead of driving.....I took my daughter to the park and children's farm where there are hills and nice walking trails. I think that's why I'm starting to finally lose a little weight. I'll be excited if I can get under 185....I can't remember how long ago that was. I'm doing it though.

    2 POUNDS LOST! (and hope to never be found again)

    Good for you Shell. Keep up the good work. I am debating giving up bread and sugar for the week and seeing how I feel. Maybe i can do just from Monday through Friday and gauge how my body feels.
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