Support/Accountability for 300+ gals (sorry guys)

This group is for gals weighing 300+

The group is here for support of one another, for motivation, for inspiration, for weekly challenges, and weekly weigh-ins.

If you are interested in being a part of this group there are only a few requirements which are:

~~ your current weight when joining must be at least 300

~~ you must be willing to share a little bit about yourself (vulnerability is what will help you succeed)

~~ you will be required to weigh in weekly and post your weight and amount of loss or gain

~~ you will be asked to join in on weekly challenges (to the best of your ability, we do not expect perfection)

~~ you will be asked to set weekly personal goals

From my own experience I have learned that the more I stay in touch with others on this journey, the more accountability I have and the more I push myself. As noted above, we do not expect perfection. There will be times that each of us struggle, there will be times that each of us fall, but being here for one another is key to our success. No one said losing weight would be easy, if it was there would be not overweight people in this world. All I ask is that you be willing to do the above list and do this to the best of your ability. We will all be on different fitness levels and have different capabilities, but we will all be on the same team fighting for the same goal and will all some day receive the same prize.

If you would like to join please introduce yourself using the following format and also please "friend" me so that I can stay in touch with you.


Name: Tami
MFP start date: Jan 19, 2011
MFP start weight: 375
current weight: 334.8
goal weight: 150
#1 reason to lose weight: I have been overweight all my life and want to "feel" how it is to be a "normal" weight


  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    i don't know if i can do the challenges and such because i'm already on a pretty set regimine for myself but friendwise i am over 300 (started at 322 on site 327 offsite) and plan to be under 300 by mid may. :) so if its support you all need i'm here. unfortunately i already participate in challenges.


    oh... and i'm addicted to food in general but especially salt. sodium is the bane of my existance (and my joints)
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I would like to join.

    Thank you for the offer....

    MSF start date: Feb 2011
    MFP start weight: I started before my start date here at it was 410
    Current weight: 351
    Goal: 150
    #1 reason too loose the weight: I am married to the most amazing man. I have 6 gorgeous kids and two grandchildren. I want to watch them all grow up. No I need to watch them grow up. I have been overweight since an abusive marriage almost 20 years ago and I believed and was told I would never be successful because I am fat, after being force fed (literally) into obesity. I had to prove I could succeed as a fat girt and I believed I had no will power. Till December 2010 when I quit smoking after almost 24 years and two packs a day. Now I have proven a fat girl can have money and marriage and happiness and I have proven that I have will power. I no longer have a need to hold onto the weight and I need it gone.

    I got so excited yesterday. My husband got our pool ready and clean for the summer and so went for our first evening swim. After getting out and washing the chlorine off I was able to wrap a beach towel completely around myself and tuck it in the top. I cried, Brian lost it, he was so excited. I walked around our bedroom for an hour with the towel wrapped around me. It was something I seen my daughters do all the time, and I forgot how good it felt.
  • nicolej216
    Count me in What a great way to start this off Thanks .
  • webbstace
    webbstace Posts: 17
    Would love to join in :)

    Name: Stacey
    MFP start date: Feb 16, 2011
    MFP start weight: 316
    current weight: 302.5
    goal weight: 180
    #1 reason to lose weight: My family! I have a wonderful husband who loves to be outside and can rarely keep up with him. I have 3 beautiful daughters and a baby boy who I want to set a good example for and keep up with. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember (back to elementary school). I don't want my children to face the same struggles I have. I also really just want to feel good about myself!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome ladies and thank you for joining the group. I am so excited about this! I have been on here since January and feel it is time to "pay it forward" so that is the reason I started this group. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have often times felt all alone on this journey and get so tired of being the fat girl in my circle of friends and being the fattest person no matter where I go. This is the year for change! We will do this!!

    First I want to say congrats to every one of you for starting your journey. The day you began your journey you did the best thing you could ever do for yourself in this lifetime! Taking that first step is hard and it is hard to admit "I have a food addiction, I have a weight issue, I need help" or whatever your personal issue or problem is. For addicts stepping out of denial is the first step in their recovery and I believe it is the same with us that are overweight. Once we "admit" that we have a weight problem, we can take the steps to correct it.

    nicolej216 and bobbiesox can I get your current weights please?

    Bobbiesox, I completely understand about having yourself on a tight regimine and already being in challenges. I am in two other groups with weekly challenges and weigh-ins. So if you do not participate in all the challenges that is fine. Moral support is always appreciated!

    For this first week, I would like to get ideas from all of you as far as what day should be "weigh-in " day, what kind of challenges you would like to see us do, and any other ideas you may have. I don't want anyone to get bored or feel out of the loop in this group. If you have a specific challenge you would like the group to do I would like to try to incorporate that in. The ideas I have for challenge include calorie burn challenges, weight loss challenges, percentage loss challenges, water drinking challenges, exercise challenges, and motivation challenges.

    This first week our challenge will be to all lose something this week. It can be weight, denial, a favorite fattening food we give up, etc. Whatever you want to "lose" this week in your personal journey. Please post what you plan to "lose" and then at the end of the week (or whatever weigh in day we decide) we will post again on the progress of our loss.

    Have a great day everyone. I am hoping to see more new faces on here throughout the week!

  • SimplyDeLish
    I'm in!

    Name: Donna
    MFP start date: March 27
    MFP start weight: 333
    current weight: 326
    goal weight: 187
    #1 reason to lose weight: To live life to the fullest (and not have to wonder if my butt will fit in the seat!)

    Anyone who's in the challange - feel free to friend me. I'd love the mutual encouragement and support!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I forgot to add sorry on mine that name is Kjarlune. said like Car-lynn but everyone is welcome to call me KJ.....

    I have a thought of weigh in being Sunday??? it is a end of the week. A typical day off to end and begin...Just a thought.

    I would like to lose a pound or two, but also my yoyoing in my sleep and work out patterns. I have gotten so frustrated by things I have read everywhere that I decided to let math do it's thing. So now I have calculated by eating amount, protein etc..Now I need to get my sleep schedule and life schedule under control so I can work out the same time every day. Or at least as much the same time as possible.. *grin*

    Just wanted to share too...I recently bought Now Eat This diet cookbook with Rocco Dispirito....Not going to lie GREAT FOOD.. I am currently drinking the Green Tea Watermelon Super punch......OMG!!!! LEt me know if you want the recipe and I will post it.... Absolutely amazing and it uses matcha green tea the super green good for us esp with a lot of weight loss... I think this will become my morning get up and go shake....only 176 Calories...*grin*
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hi KJ, Sunday sounds good to me. I weigh myself everyday, but only log it once a week on this site so any day works for me that works for everyone else.

    Welcome Donna, glad to have you on board with us!

    I have logged everyone's current weight into a spreadsheet and after weigh-ins every week I will attempt to post it so you can all see it. It will be a great motivator to keep us moving in the right direction :).
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well I'm off to get my mile in for today. It was raining hard this morning, but is now sunny so I'm talking the dogs out for some exercise. Talk to you all later!!

    Oh and before I personal goals this week are to burn 500 calories daily (3500 for the week) and to lose 3.5 pounds. I am graduating the 30th of this month (with an Associates Degree) and want to be down to 320 by then. So I need to lose 14.8 pounds between now and then to do this. I guess I'd better get off here and get moving!! Have a good day all!!
  • kayjay7171
    kayjay7171 Posts: 23 Member
    HI glad to see this group started! I've been on this journey since May 1st 2010 but didn't find out about and start MFP until August 15, 2010. When I started my journey last year I was at my all time heaviest (525) lbs. Gee....I can't believe I just posted that. Don't get me wrong, I've been extremely over-weight my entire life but never to that extent. I was to the point where even walking was a big chore. My poor husband had to drop me off in front of the store because I couldn't make it across the parking lot. Once inside I could only last maybe 5 minutes before searching for a bench to take a rest. I had to use the handicap stalls in the bathroom (very embarrassing), and of course we always had to request a table at restaurants because there was no way I was fitting in a booth. It was pretty much a culmination of all these things plus some others that made me decide enough was enough! I felt like I was merely existing instead of living.

    Anyway, so I started my "healthy living" on May 1, 2010 and there's no going back EVER! So far I've lost 196 pounds and I feel SO much better! Booths are no problem now although I've cut out eating out almost entirely! As for walking....I now walk 3 miles 4 days a week and do strength training at the gym on the other days. I will also be doing my first 5K on April 30th and I can hardly believe it! Every day comes with its share of struggles and temptations but I'm in this for life and I know that I will never look back!

    MFP Start Date: August 15, 2010
    MFP Start Weight: 423 lbs.
    Current Weight: 329.4 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 1-anything!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome kayjay7171....and congrats on your amazing success!! you are an inspiration!

    Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been on here sooner today. TOM decided to come visit today and I just have not felt good. Haven't done any exercising today because of the cramps, migraine, and fever that hit me this morning. But at least I have NOT given in to any temptations for salty or sweet foods like I would normally do. I was up 2/10 of a pound this morning, but at least I know why :(

    Hope everyone is doing well today and on track for your weekly goals and our next weigh-in.

    Today's Food for Thought ~~ only you can control the amount of food you put in your mouth

  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good morning all. Hope you are all having a superb Saturday. Don't forget that tomorrow is weigh-in day!! Are you all excited about it? Has everyone been keeping up on their goals? I am excited to see and hear how everyone has been doing! Gotta run....have to go to work.

    Today's food for thought: YOU are the one who chooses the outcome of today. It's YOUR choice.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Good morning all. Hope you are all having a superb Saturday. Don't forget that tomorrow is weigh-in day!! Are you all excited about it? Has everyone been keeping up on their goals? I am excited to see and hear how everyone has been doing! Gotta run....have to go to work.

    Today's food for thought: YOU are the one who chooses the outcome of today. It's YOUR choice.

    I have been teaching using that exact statement for years now...*grin* Life is good....I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow....LOL my water has been down this week and I went to a medieval feast tonight and drank....crap...
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I too am not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. I am not feeling my best today and did NO exercise as a result of it. But we shall see what Mr Scale has to say in the So long as the numbers do not increase I will be happy!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well girls, today is weigh-in day. I hope everyone posts their updated weights, can't wait to see the losses and the progress. I am at 332 this morning so I am down 2.8 pounds since our group started. I am amazed at that since I am dealing with TOM and have not exercised much over the last couple of day.

    Today's Thought: We can't change the past, we can't predict the future, but we can make necessary changes for today.

    Have a great day all!!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I am without question retaining water . Up 2 pounds. Feel very swollen...It is amazing how fast water will hold on.....I did almost take a break this week....I only went and did my laps twice and way less time than normal...I to be totally honest spent way too much time on my computer...So it is time to cleanse again. Tomorrow morning I start my regiment of swimming for 1 and half to 2 hours in the morning....Water jog at night...Then Tuesday 1 and half to 2 hours morning, water jog at night....At least 5 times this week but would love to do all 7 days....Major water intake..... How did everyone else do this week???

    Great job Tami....
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Well KJ it looks like you and I are the only ones still in here. No one else has checked in with posts or weights. I will sending them all a msg to check on them to make sure they are doing okay.

    Sorry to hear about your weight gain.....but water weight tends to hang on a few days then disappear so I'm sure that scale will be headed downward here soon :). Hang in there, don't get discouraged. This too shall pass!

    Have a good week. Talk to you again soon!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Great Group Idea...

    I would love to be a part of this group, I think that the support would be great! I have to be honest though, this is the first day that I am even reaching out for support from others beyond my best friend. So, to post everything... well, it seems like a big step for me. I admire all of you for your willingness to be so open.

    Here's what I do feel comfortable with so far:
    Started a new program on 12/06/10, weighing less than I thought I weighed.
    Started MFP shortly thereafter
    Current "official" weight loss = 50 pounds!! :happy:
    Goal weight = I don't really know, would love to be at 199 or less, eventually

    If that's enough to begin with for a week or two, then I am happy to be a part of it... I know that it's one step at a time, one day at a time. I also know that honesty and accountability are important. Just need to get a little more comfortable first.

    Congrats on all you have done so far... could be a very motivating group! My goal for this week is to STAY ON TRACK... I have had a few mental blocks over the last 2-3 weeks. So, no excuses, no pity party... just STAY THE COURSE! The measurable goal - I hope to hit my calorie goal every day this week (which includes eating enough and not just not too much).
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    lombrica welcome, welcome, welcome!! You are absolutely welcome here! And as for giving more that when you are ready. No rush, believe me I understand. Until 2 months ago I was ashamed and embarrassed by my weight and thought I would never be able to publicly display it. Then one day I decided you know what it doesn't matter what others think about it and it doesn't matter who knows. I am doing something about it and that is what matters. That was when I was finally able to post my stats. Please do not feel like you have to in order to be in this group. The day will come when you will be comfortable in doing so and until then just post what you feel comfortable with.

    I wish you the best in this journey. If you need motivation, support, friendship this is the place to be. And if you want to talk or vent without publicly displaying it feel free to send me a private message. You have taken a huge step by posting in this group and admitting that this is a big step. Again welcome.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone!! Good job on all the losses and to those of you who are struggling remember that they say slow weight loss is the way to do it to make it a lasting change.

    I only have a sec as I have a meeting I have to go to, but wanted to give my update before I go. I am 2 pounds from being the lightest I have been in 8 years. I only have 1 friend who has ever seen me at the weight I am now. It feels great to be getting rid of this stuff.

    Everyone keep up the good work. Remember hard work pays off in the end. And whatever you do, don't give up!

    Today's food for thought: "To make lasting changes, you've got to believe that what you're getting is loads better than what you're giving up" ~~ Cynthia, Nutrition Counselor for Prevention Magazine