Support/Accountability for 300+ gals (sorry guys)



  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    The weigh in part isn't what I'm trying to change. I can't change the starting weight to reflect where I was a few months ago. If I can't change it tomorrow (my first official MFP weigh in), I'll give tech support a yell. :happy:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome clover to our little group. Good job on your loss so far. Keep up the great work!

    Okay ladies....I think we need to start doing our challenges. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Weigh in day is Sunday so I suggest it be early early before eating any Easter dinner :).

    My goals this week were to burn 3500 calories, drink 96 oz of water daily, and not skip any meals. I have done good except for today on drinking the water. I just did not get enough in. I think it was due to being on the go all morning and afternoon and working on finals this evening. But tomorrow is a new day and a clean slate so I will be sure to get the water in.

    How is everyone else doing on their personal goals this week?
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    My main goal for the week was to get out and walk, but the weather was uncooperative, so I've been working the Wii, but it's hard to find time for that, too. Still, i lost 2.5 this week, so I'm happy. Any my ticker updated, yay!

    This coming week's goals: walk OUTSIDE (even if the weather is garbage), drink my eight glasses of water per day (also easier when it's hot), and make good choices at our family dinners this weekend (maybe I'll bring a green salad so I can avoid the scalloped potatoes & potato salad).
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have failed at my goals badly this week. I have been too stressed with finals and work I guess, And to top it all off my husband has been distant and irritable the last couple of days which has never happened in our 1 1/2 yrs together so that has had me worried and even more stressed.

    I went to the doctor yesterday and had blood drawn to see if it may be candida that I am dealing with. I won't have the results back for over a week, but it will be good to know. I did the saliva test and it showed positive; however, it is said that it is not always reliable or accurate. So we will see.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Thanks IdahoGirl for helping to get us all "on track" so to speak! :smile:

    ... can I just start off by saying, it struck me as funny this morning when I found myself excited to be meeting a "mini-goal" and suddenly realizing that I am happy about being at below a weight that most people start off way below and would be horrified at being?!? Funny though, not sad... I am happy to be working my way down...

    I weigh-in on Thursdays, so I like starting new goals on Friday. After my weigh-in this week (which was fabulous) I did make a choice that was probably not great, but wasn't horrible either... anyway - it makes me think that my goals need to change on Thursday night. I mean -- not even I want to screw up my goals the same day that I set them! ha, ha, ha. :laugh:

    GOALS - Apr 22 - Apr 28
    ** Stay the Course (I have to stay focused on doing this every, single day)
    ** Start to Exercise. Just START. I'd like to exercise purposefully 3 days this week.
    ** Water, Water, Water... No Diet Pepsi at all this week!!

    So, I am currently debating about going for a walk or going to do some lap swimming at noon. I have a rotator cuff injury, so the Physical Therapist at work told me that swimming would be the best thing I could do for my shoulder. Little does she know, that it would completely fit with what my life changes have been, lol. I love swimming... but I have 2 worries with it... First, I don't know the pool at all. I worry about my weight, with my shoulder and not knowing about the ladders at the pool. I'd hate to have a problem getting out of the pool. I don't know why THAT'S in my head, but it is and I can't seem to let it go. But public pools MUST have to have a ladder that can hold, right? Second, while I haven't ever had an issue wearing a swimming suit before, none... even at 58 pounds heavier... now, I find myself having loose, hanging skin and I worry about going and having someone there know and see me. :blushing: I know that the reason behind it is sillly... I still don't want people to know that I am doing this. I fear failure... I absolutely am petrified by it. That coupled with the one single day that people noticed and gave me compliments started a 3 week stall for me... And well, I just worry. So, I am guessing that the walk with win over, but... I haven't completely put it out of my thoughts yet. I have a couple of people that have asked if I would join them for a water exercise class at this same pool... they go on Wednesdays. I figure if I go and check it out by myself (for the purpose of the ladder) then maybe I can also start going to the water exercise class a couple times a week?!? If it helps my shoulder to heal then I will have many, many more options for exercise and activities as I lose weight.

    OK, wow... that was a long paragraph. :laugh: Didn't really know how much I was debating that all in my head. Thanks for "listening!"

    GOOD LUCK AND GOOD WISHES to all of you this weekend... anyone worried about Easter?
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    UPDATE... I went swimming, it was wonderful! Now, I am tired... but it feels really, REALLY good to be tired!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    lombrica ~~ I am so proud of you!! You are taking giant steps in your journey and if I was there in person I bet you are smiling at the accomplishment. It is always hard to be seen by those we know, especially when we are doing this and don't want anyone to know. But taking that step is freeing and you have done it!!

    I am going to give you a compliment and it will NOT stall your progress because you will NOT allow it are an inspiration to me. I love reading your posts and your accomplishments in this journey. Believe me, I understand that accepting compliments can be and is difficult. I struggle with this as well. I have beat myself up so much in my life and then I have had others in my life who have as well so it is hard at times to feel deserving of compliments. But I know now that I am worth it and that I deserve it. I know it, but I don't always accept you. But please know that you do inspire me and that you do deserve the compliment. You deserve every positive word someone sends your way.

    Have a blessed day and a happy Easter!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Thanks idahogirl71!! I'll take it. :laugh:

    Plus, that served as a BUMP!
  • staceydewey
    I would like to join the support group - Thank you for the help and the accountability - good luck on the journey!

    Name: Stacey
    MFP start date: Jan 2011
    MFP start weight: 349
    current weight: 327
    goal weight: 125

    #1 reason to lose weight: I have been overweight all my life and want to "feel" how it is to be a "normal" weight !!!!! (I could not have said it any better - hope you don't mind)
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    UPDATE... I went swimming, it was wonderful! Now, I am tired... but it feels really, REALLY good to be tired!

    Swimming is my favorite hun, and you will be surprised. When I go every day for an hour or two a day people recognize me because they are swimming beside me. Someone usually men look at me and say great job..For me that is motivation. For you it might not be....I am so glad you went and faced your fears...

  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Stacey welcome....

    Great job girls....

    I had a crappy week and I am not going to lie I have had two crappy weeks....I did a cleanse and it screwed me up so bad!!!!!!!!!!!! because it was intense I have not been able to work out for two weeks and I HATE IT!

    So I took myself off the cleanse and am now kicking my butt to get back up and going.....I am going to drop my carbs in a big way. Not because I am trying something new but because the Candida and possibility of a leaky gut is just too noticeable to me to not pay attention..

    I have really been struggling and that just is not like me.. I think one of my issues is that I read on here all the time and it messes me up. Everyone has a express opinion. NO add more carbs, eat your calories back, if you try something new it is a fad and you will gain it all back.... I was feeling so crappy physically that I allowed myself to fall into this vortex of negativity and I just could not get out of it.....

    So my challenges this week was not met....and this is what I am doing about it.....

    I have found two pics of exactly what I Want to look like when I am done and they are going on my fridge... I have created sayings that now sit on my fridge...and little reminders...I am going to hypnotherapy to get past my abuse crap.....because this is the only area my past effects me with...

    I have come to the conclusion it does not matter what I try or what I do if I stop I will gain all my weight back.....I am giving myself a break in the head but not a break in the body....

    Menu plans are being done, work out schedule is being followed...I have spent this whole time saying I want to loose weight and that isn't the truth.. I need to lose the weight....We all need too...See the Universe gives us everything we need, but we don't always get what we want....

    So today is a begin again for me.....I am leaving the house right away to go swimming....As soon as my chalean gets here I will do that every night...My carbs will come from Veggies and a little fruit....I will not be eating back my carbs...

    This week my goal is to consume my water every day, burn 1000 calories a day for 5 days, take my supplements and feel better....

    hugs all have a great week...
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Stacey ~~ welcome to our little group. I am glad you want to join.

    KJ ~~ I'm sorry to hear about the cleanse having a negative affect on you. But I am glad to see that you are ready to begin again. With everyday we have the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. The important thing is to not focus on the past, but rather on the future. We are here to support you and will be here to celebrate with you as you take each step toward you goal.

    Lombrica & Kimmer ~~ how are you ladies doing? You are in my thoughts today.

    I made it through Lent with no dairy and no chocolate and am happy with that. I am at 327.2 for a total of 4 pounds lost this week. I wanted to be down to 325 by Easter, but so long as I am down I am happy with the progress. I am at the same as I was yesterday, but that is okay. I was really worried about increasing my calories from the 500 I had been doing. I was glad to see that eating ham for Easter dinner did not cause me to bloat from the sodium.

    I only burned 2541 calories this last week so I fell a little short of my 3500 goal. But I am happy to say that I only have 1106 to burn this week to meet my 10% increase from last month. I am excited as I know I will be able to do that!

    Food for thought ~~ don't eat based on your emotions and don't base your emotions on what you eat
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    HELLO Everyone! Hope your Monday went well... mine has been OK, didn't get out of work very early due to needing to prepare for being on vacations... so didn't do much for exercise and I am mad about that. I did walk around doing shopping so I put it in. I really wanted to go swimming tonight though, when I knew I wasn't gonna make it, I thought that I could still get in a good brisk walk, but... it was already getting dark and chilly. So, I am gonna have to be OK with my walking while shopping.

    Unofficially and expectedly, as I step on the scale it's not moving or has gone up a little. I started exercising this week (my week is Friday to Thursday) and I know that it initially goes up. But I am not happy about that. In the past, I quit exercising to keep the numbers going down. I am not doing that this time. I am going to go through this and hopefully bust through it to really, really lose a good number. Luckily - I am going on vacation (well, maybe lucky?!?) and will not have a weigh in this week. I plan to stick as much as possible to my plan, and I know that I will get lots of walking in while I am gone... So, I am trying to keep the faith so that I stay the course!

    It's late and I'm tired... but I will get back to you all a little more later on...

    Welcome to the newcomers.

    Idahogirl: glad to hear that the numbers are all working out, the upped calories AND the calories burned!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    lombrica ~~ don't be hard on yourself about not getting in a swim, especially if you are busy preparing for vacation :wink:
    and I am glad to hear that you are not going to give up on exercising. Old habits are hard to break and I think they are even more so when we see the scale stop or increase (at least it is for me).

    ~~update: I had a good day today. Day #2 of eating 800 calories rather than 500. I have always thought 1000 calories seemed like nothing and now here I am only eating between 750-800 and have no desire for anything else. My tummy felt a little on the hungry side this evening, but not enough so to desire more food. I do wish I could have had a chocolate bunny for Easter, but I decided it just was not worth giving up my 45 days of being refined sugar free. I did give in yesterday and today and drink a diet soda, but am not going to beat myself up for it. Yesterday's was diet rite which has no sugar, no sodium, no calories. But today I had a diet coke which does contain sodium. I was still way under my allowable sodium intake so I am okay with that.

    Still waiting to get my lab results back from last week. I should have them Wed or Thurs. I am anxious to find out if I am dealing with Candida or not. If so it will be an easy fix and a possible solution to my walls I hit in this journey.

    Have a great day everyone. I will check back in later!

    :heart: Tami
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    ~~I am so nervous about Saturday and graduation. I have never graduated before as I was home-schooled through junior high and high school. The closer it gets the more nervous I am becoming. I want chocolate so bad to help me through this, but have determined not to give in to the craving or desire. I have had no refined sugar in my body for 47 days and don't want to give that up. So I am finding ways of keeping busy that do not include overeating (boy have I gotten a lot of reading done lately). Other than life things are going well. I am fluctuating between 1.5 pounds again so the numbers have not reduced any, but at least it's just a fluctuation and not a gain. I am okay with that now. I am not going to reach my graduation goal weight, but I am also okay with that. Today I am exactly 7 pounds from it.

    On the work side of life, I have applied for a management position in the company I work for. If I get the position I will have to move to Phoenix, AZ. I have never lived outside of Idaho so this would be good move for me, but would put me farther away from my family. That will be HUGE if it happens, but my hubby and I have been talking for over a year now about moving for a change in our lives. There are of course pro's and con's to the position as with any change in life. I should know by next week and if I do get it I will be flying to Phoenix for 3 weeks training.

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Oy, this was a rough week. I was ignoring Easter candy (though I hardly made really healthy choices over the weekend, and it's been raining a lot this week--bad for walking). Then yesterday went straight to hell in a handbasket. I did not eat one healthy thing all day, and went to town on the candy. I didn't so much fall off the wagon as do a swan dive from it. I'm glad I'm ONLY up three pounds this week.

    So today is a new day, I'm going to make some oatmeal for breakfast, get lots of fruits & veggies today, and do my best to get out and walk, if it stops raining a little bit.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Can I join?
    Name: Anna
    Age: 32
    MFP start date: December 2010( I think)
    Sw: 343
    Cw: 328.8
    The reason I want to lose weight is because I am sick to death of being tired all the time, of feeling like people are staring at me and judging me when I go out in public. I had gotten down to 320 in Feb.2011 but then I got stressed and fell off the wagon. I gained about 10 pounds and have lost almost 2 of those pounds back. I am dedicated to getting to my goal weight. I can do this.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    kimmer ~~ good for you for not falling off the wagon. And for picking yourself back up.. Yes today is a new day. We all have our times that we stumble on this journey, but by not giving up you will succeed!!

    Anna~~ welcome to our group!! Glad you joined. I am glad you are back on your journey. I understand the frustration and stresses of doing this. It seems that sometimes it is easier to just go back to old habits where we are comfortable. I think anyone who has ever tried to lose weight has gone through this. Best wishes to you on this journey!

    Update~~ my lab tests came back and they were negative for candida so that is a relief. It seems that every 2 weeks my body decides to plateau. I am okay with that now. I have decided that I am not going to stress over it anymore so long as I do not gain over 2 pounds. I am currently fluctuating with 1.2 pounds. Up, down, up, down. But as long as its those numbers it's all good. It is freeing to finally be accepting of it instead of stressing and panicking over it.

    Tami :heart:
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    ~~I am so nervous about Saturday and graduation. I have never graduated before as I was home-schooled through junior high and high school. The closer it gets the more nervous I am becoming. I want chocolate so bad to help me through this, but have determined not to give in to the craving or desire. I have had no refined sugar in my body for 47 days and don't want to give that up. So I am finding ways of keeping busy that do not include overeating (boy have I gotten a lot of reading done lately). Other than life things are going well. I am fluctuating between 1.5 pounds again so the numbers have not reduced any, but at least it's just a fluctuation and not a gain. I am okay with that now. I am not going to reach my graduation goal weight, but I am also okay with that. Today I am exactly 7 pounds from it.

    On the work side of life, I have applied for a management position in the company I work for. If I get the position I will have to move to Phoenix, AZ. I have never lived outside of Idaho so this would be good move for me, but would put me farther away from my family. That will be HUGE if it happens, but my hubby and I have been talking for over a year now about moving for a change in our lives. There are of course pro's and con's to the position as with any change in life. I should know by next week and if I do get it I will be flying to Phoenix for 3 weeks training.

    Hope everyone is having a great day. Keep up the good work ladies!!

    I def know one perk...gorgeous houses for 30 grand....*huge grin* great job...don't be nervous...