Support/Accountability for 300+ gals (sorry guys)



  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Today marks the start of week two for me, so new goals.

    Start eating more vegetables, pay closer attention to my carbs to get the number down, add some exercise to my week.

    Right now my weigh in day is Thursdays in the hopes of it helping me to get through a day off, which is harder for me to stay in control because it's less structured, so we'll see on Thursday how I've done.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Familiar- Sounds like you have a very sensible approach. Glad to see that you're adding more veggies you can't go wrong with all the vitamins and fiber they give you YUM! Maybe you'll meet your first mini goal this week?
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    hi ladies ~~

    How is everyone today? I am doing well. I gained 5 pounds over the weekend, but expected that to happen during the "bulk up" phase of the plan I am on. But this morning I was down 3.6 of those pounds so at least I'm now headed in the right again :). Now if I can just get down below the 325 mark I would be happy, happy, happy. This will be my 3rd time approaching 325 since I began this journey in January. Thursday is 120 days on this journey so I am really hoping to be below that number by then!!

    Have a great evening ladies!!

  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    More bike shopping today. I've found the one I'm going to get. I may have it this week. WOO HOOOOOOOOOO! And next week I can call to see if my grant for the gym membership went through.

    I've been doing better at filling in my food journal, but still not where I need to be. I'm going in the right direction. I've noticed that I'm pretty full from eating so much fiber- I target about 40 grams a day.

    I'm excited to be able to start doing weekly weigh ins... I've been saying I'm 320 but who knows who much I really am.. Could be 340 for all I know.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    You go Missjules!! I am happy for you that you will be getting the bike. And I bet when you do finally step on a scale you will weigh less than you think :). Wouldn't that be a nice surprise?!?
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Name: Kristin
    MFP start date: May 2, 2011
    MFP start weight: 362.4
    Current Weight: 361.4
    Goal Weight-150-175

    I have a lot of different reasons for wanting to lose weight, my main reason is my health...I will be 26 years old on May 25th and was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes two years ago as well as High Blood Pressure...and told that I have bad cholesterol...I have been overweight all of my life...I cant even remember when I weighed under 300lbs I am noticing the older I get that my weight is a big problem for me and I feel like I dont fit in with normal society because of my weight issues I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and be able to enjoy my life while Im young because I feel like old age and wrinkles are right around the corner for me (I know i can be a bit dramatic) but I just feel like I need to stop putting this off and focus on me and getting myself healthy so that i can live a long healthy life and hopefully inspire those around me on the way! I look forward to working with all of you on this journey!!!!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Happy, happy Wednesday all -- and welcome Krispy!!

    OMG I am so exited today!! I am finally past my 3 1/2 week plateau and below 325!! Yeah!!!!!! I won't post my weight until tomorrow though since tomorrow is day 120 of my journey. But I think you will all be surprised at the loss in the last 48 hrs. I know I was!! I am still striving for 315 by the 28th for my daughter's 16th birthday. I am so wanting to be able to say I weigh what I did the day she was born. I know that 16 yrs ago I weighed 315 and 8 yrs ago I weighed 329, but I never weighed myself in between so I don't know exactly how long ago it was that I weighed what I weigh today. Somewhere between 8 and 16 yrs ago, that I do know.

    Tonight will be interesting - I am going to a taco salad potluck with some friends. I can't eat any of those foods on the program I am on so will be taking my own food. The hardest part will be passing up the diet soda. The only things I miss are diet soda and milk.

    Well I need to get out there burning some calories!! My week's goal is 500 a day for a total of 3500.

    Have a great day all!! Chat with ya later.
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I would love to join.

    MFP start date: May 3, 2011
    MFP start weight: 350 (I started become healthy in the beginning of the year and my weight was 387)
    CW: 346
    GW: 140-130

    I just really want to start being healthy, and being over 300 pounds is not. I want to get rid of all these medical problems cause by my weight.

    Oh and my name is Destinee:happy:
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Welcome Destinee!

    So starting this Sunday I would like to start incorporating a weekly any ideas would be great. I would like to do an exercise challenge such as burn 3500 calories the first week and expand from there ... so if you are up to it let me know, if you aren't quit there yet we can one will be left out no matter what your activity level is :).
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'd like to join! Whatever weight in day is fine with me. This is a great idea!

    Current health problems:
    PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome)
    Vitamin D deficiency
    Foot and back pain
    Swelling of feet, ankles, and calves

    SW: 353 lbs on 5/11/11
    CW: 348 lbs on 5/18/11
    GW: 230 lbs (my first really big goal)

    Current BMI: 57.9 (ugh)

    Down 5 lbs so far in 7 days! :)

    I'm ready to DO this!!!!!! My reasons are...if we're being be able to even HAVE a sex life with my that we can start a family soon. But I don't want to be pregnant and be the weight I am now, so --- it's GOTTA COME OFF!!!!! :)
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Back on track after Florida for a week, and I'm down 2 pounds to 298.5. Since I'm working outside the house very little right now and the kids aren't back until Memorial Day, I'm going to really work on being super focused and as on track as possible.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Kimmer- Woot woot. Out of the three hundreds. Sweet!

    Welcome Ali and Destinee

    Tami- Can't wait for you to post your weigh in! I think it's going to be 323! As for the 3500 calorie challenge starting Sunday that sounds FABULOUS to me. It would break down to just 500 calories a day which should be attainable for most of us since for most of us big girls a one hour leisurely walk burns more than 400 calories. I'm in and super excited for my first MFP challenge!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    oh and I almost forgot... SOMEONE ordered a helmet, bike lamp, reflectors and bike lock online this morning... any guesses who that someone might be??? I used up all of my gift certificates that I won from using swagbucks but it was so worth it.
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi everybody! I am definitely up for the challenge...I've only been using this site for 2 weeks and mainly just been tracking my foods trying to get serious with that before incorporating exercise...everyday it gets a little easier and I get more and more motivated and believe I can actually do this! So starting next week with an exercise challenge I think would be great! and welcome to everyone thats just joining!!! :)
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    oh and I almost forgot... SOMEONE ordered a helmet, bike lamp, reflectors and bike lock online this morning... any guesses who that someone might be??? I used up all of my gift certificates that I won from using swagbucks but it was so worth it.

    Hey, I bought a bike from Craigslist last week! Will be my first bike ride in over 10 years... Should be interesting. I got reflectors and a bell too! LOL I plan on getting up early to bike before work...I need a new seat though, which is why I haven't started yet. :)
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Hey Ladies -- good morning to you all!!

    Welcome alimiller - glad you have joined our little group and congrats on your weight loss so far!

    Welcome back kimmer and good job on the 2 lbs and leaving the 300's....I am anxiously awaiting the day I leave them!

    missjules - good for you girl!! That was a great way to spend your amazon points!!

    krispy - I am excited for you to start incorporating exercise into your program. It can be a bit intimidating at first, especially for us bigger gals, but don't get discouraged.

    Updates: Our "official" weigh in day is Sunday, but if you weigh on a different day and only weigh once a week then feel free to post your updated weight/loss on the day you weigh in. Our rules are bendable here to include everyone. Starting Sunday we will be having challenges. We will start out easy and work our way up. So starting Sunday we will strive toward burning 3500 calories in the first week. I would encourage each of you to post your calories burned each day. I know for me that makes it easier to stay focused on it.

    My news: I am SO excited. Today is day 120 on my weight loss journey and I am down a total of 53.2 pounds!! I beat the scale and finally made it below that dang 325 that kept glaring me in the face. 3 plateaus later and Mr. Scale is befriending me yet again. Monday I weighed in at 330 and today I am 321.8

    I want to say that when you hit a wall or reach a plateau, dig deep within yourself to find the psychological reason your body has shut down to weight loss. For some it may be a need to change the way you are eating while for others it may be within. But whatever you do, DON'T GIVE UP!! Waiting for the plateau to end is well worth the wait!

    Have a great day all! Talk to you all again soon.

    :heart: tami
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey Ladies -- good morning to you all!!

    Welcome alimiller - glad you have joined our little group and congrats on your weight loss so far! me Ali. :wink:

    And congrats, Tami, on beating that damn plateau!!! YAY! :flowerforyou:
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I have another group as well.. but i would love to join this one too!!!

    Name: Laura
    MFP start date: April 4, 2011?
    MFP start weight: 401
    current weight:: 367.2
    goal weight: 190 for now will revisit this number later into my goals.
    #1 reason to lose weight: I have been overweight my entire life, i want to change my health for the better, i want to be a good example and be around much longer for my young children.
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    hey some new peeps...hello and hugs all...glad to see everyone is doing good....
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Tami: big high five on breaking 325!

    I love the calories burned challenge. This week, my goal is to get an hour's walk and an hour on the Wii every day (I usually break the Wii into two sessions). This is a great way to help me stay on track, thanks!