The 17 Day Diet



  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I have been having cramps in my legs, and hands, anyone have this problem?
  • kated930
    kated930 Posts: 132
    I am wondering if hummus is allowed on cycle 2, does anyone know? It's made from chick peas (garbanzos) which the book says we can have, just not sure about the other stuff in it!
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    Hi Everyone,

    I am on day 5 of cycle 1 and I have kind of an odd question....I noticed today that my gums are very sore. Has anyone else had this happen? I am thinking it may be all the vinegar?

    Also, has anyone else cheated? Today is a birthday in the office and I was the one to bring in the treat. The request was for brownies. So far I have not had even a bite. But I am really considering having just a small portion of one. Anyone else do this?
    Oh, unfortunately I've cheated. It's all this darn Easter candy we have in this house. I gave in yesterday and had a cadbury caramel egg--and enjoyed every bite. Didn't even feel the guilt. I'm a sugar addict and I hadn't had any since Monday so I figured it was a bit of an accomplishment waiting that long. I decided that every four days or so I'm goign to have a very small sugary treat to reward myself if I keep to the diet!
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    Hi Everyone,

    I am on day 5 of cycle 1 and I have kind of an odd question....I noticed today that my gums are very sore. Has anyone else had this happen? I am thinking it may be all the vinegar?

    Also, has anyone else cheated? Today is a birthday in the office and I was the one to bring in the treat. The request was for brownies. So far I have not had even a bite. But I am really considering having just a small portion of one. Anyone else do this?
    Oh, unfortunately I've cheated. It's all this darn Easter candy we have in this house. I gave in yesterday and had a cadbury caramel egg--and enjoyed every bite. Didn't even feel the guilt. I'm a sugar addict and I hadn't had any since Monday so I figured it was a bit of an accomplishment waiting that long. I decided that every four days or so I'm goign to have a very small sugary treat to reward myself if I keep to the diet!
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    I am also doing the 17 day and would like to become a part of this group. I was reading through some of the post and you all are doing really well. My sister and I are doing it and we are doing well too. We just started back on Tues 4/26 because our church went on a 21 day fast. Good luck to all of you.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    I have been having cramps in my legs, and hands, anyone have this problem?

    Check your potassium and sodium levels. If you are working out a lot, you could be burning through them faster than usual.
  • bp1140
    bp1140 Posts: 24
    I am joining the challenge! I will begin on Monday.
    PLEASE add me as your Friend!!!

  • pnutz121779
    Can anyone suggest a yogurt that doesn't taste so um...yogurt-y?? I HATE yogurt like HATE IT. I gag before it even gets near my throat.... I need to get some more food in to get some more calories in and thought that was a good way (i'm taking a probiotic pill instead of eating the probiotic food).

    Fage Greek Yogurt is a lot better then regular fiance hates yogurt too and actually likes the Fage. If you are really that disgusted by yogurt try to get some kefir and make fruit smooties or chocolate smoothies with a sugar free chocolate pudding cup, just make sure you add a packet or two of truvia, and if you use the fruit remember that is one of your two fruit servings. Sauerkraut is also a probiotic that you can have with dinner....yougurt isn't the only choice for the probiotic servings. Hope this helps. :)
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    Hey, not sure if this is everywhere cuz I am in Canada but I LOVE the Source fat free yogurts, there is a box of Moca, Caramel cream, strawberry parfait and Raspberry chocolate and they are all amazing, be careful if you do go for these ones thou, because they are only 35 cal, so we eat 4 of them during the day, they are only 3.5 oz and we are suppose to have 12 oz a day. I know I have plateau now on day 9 of Cycle 2 and I think it is because my calories are a little too low, I am going to try and eat a bigger meat protion and eggs for breakfast too. I don't think I should come to a stop like this because I have cut all the crap out and no cheats or junk at all.
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    Are you drinking all your water? I know when I was on a fat burner and would not drink enough water it would cause major cramping and numbness.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    If you are having trouble w/yogurt a few suggestions for you:

    - don't forget about sauerkraut: really yummy sauteed w/mushrooms and onions
    - Breakstone LIve-Active Cottage Cheese: I was looking for it in tubs, but finally found it in single sreves. It tastes like normal cottage cheese, so if yogurt is not your thing, that might work. I love cottage cheese over fresh berries @ this time of year.
    - I've also been making Kefir smoothies: Kefir w/green tea, frozen mixed berries and a bit of stevia for breakfast, or Kefir/yogurt blended with fresh lemon juice, stevia, and ice cubes for dessert. Great way to get in your probiotic servings w/o really noticing.
  • krispysimp
    krispysimp Posts: 2 Member
    Question ladies and gents! I am very interested in trying this 17 Day Diet. BUT I'm very active already (at least 3 days of 2 hour+ roller derby workouts). Are you allowed "exercise" calories?
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Question ladies and gents! I am very interested in trying this 17 Day Diet. BUT I'm very active already (at least 3 days of 2 hour+ roller derby workouts). Are you allowed "exercise" calories?

    You really don't even need to count calories, in fact, I find I am very full on a lot less calories. He also doesn't recommend exercise for the first 2 cycles other than an easy 17 minute workout.

    I am still counting though because I do exercise and want to make sure I am @ least hitting about 1600 on those days. I feel great otherwise, but I can definitely feel the lack of starchy carbs on my runs: I'm good for about 3 miles or so, then I completely run out of gas. But my body should be adapting and I'll be adding starchy carbs soon, so I'll figure out the best way to structure my workouts then.
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!:smile:
  • krispysimp
    krispysimp Posts: 2 Member
    Question ladies and gents! I am very interested in trying this 17 Day Diet. BUT I'm very active already (at least 3 days of 2 hour+ roller derby workouts). Are you allowed "exercise" calories?

    You really don't even need to count calories, in fact, I find I am very full on a lot less calories. He also doesn't recommend exercise for the first 2 cycles other than an easy 17 minute workout.

    I am still counting though because I do exercise and want to make sure I am @ least hitting about 1600 on those days. I feel great otherwise, but I can definitely feel the lack of starchy carbs on my runs: I'm good for about 3 miles or so, then I completely run out of gas. But my body should be adapting and I'll be adding starchy carbs soon, so I'll figure out the best way to structure my workouts then.

    Can I ask what cycle and what day you are on? I'm thinking about starting this Monday and am actually injured at the moment, so maybe by the time I start RD training again I'll be through the hard part?
  • kbean33
    kbean33 Posts: 50
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Question ladies and gents! I am very interested in trying this 17 Day Diet. BUT I'm very active already (at least 3 days of 2 hour+ roller derby workouts). Are you allowed "exercise" calories?

    You really don't even need to count calories, in fact, I find I am very full on a lot less calories. He also doesn't recommend exercise for the first 2 cycles other than an easy 17 minute workout.

    I am still counting though because I do exercise and want to make sure I am @ least hitting about 1600 on those days. I feel great otherwise, but I can definitely feel the lack of starchy carbs on my runs: I'm good for about 3 miles or so, then I completely run out of gas. But my body should be adapting and I'll be adding starchy carbs soon, so I'll figure out the best way to structure my workouts then.

    Can I ask what cycle and what day you are on? I'm thinking about starting this Monday and am actually injured at the moment, so maybe by the time I start RD training again I'll be through the hard part?

    We did 8 days, but took a step back Easter weekend, so day 13. We are going to through to next Friday. I had a good break in my training schedule, and could afford a few crappy workouts, so that's why I decided to start now. Need to get crackin' w/training for a sprint triathlon soon though.
  • Ktylerw
    Ktylerw Posts: 36 Member
    I have the book and i'm going to start reading it. I want to do this diet, but i am intimidated. i guess i don't have confidence in myself to not cheat. I was doing so well with hcg and then gained the weight back. I binge, its really hard to have a balanced diet. i either go all or nothing. any suggestions? i heard that the book really transforms the way you think about food and health, so maybe this will help me.
  • forgiven4life
    I have the book and i'm going to start reading it. I want to do this diet, but i am intimidated. i guess i don't have confidence in myself to not cheat. I was doing so well with hcg and then gained the weight back. I binge, its really hard to have a balanced diet. i either go all or nothing. any suggestions? i heard that the book really transforms the way you think about food and health, so maybe this will help me.

    There are going to be times where you want to cheat, but I can tell you for the most part, eating clean will diminish your cravings significantly. I really do love healthy food and I have enjoyed eating this way immensly. I really could see myself eating this way for life. The book really does transform your thinking about food and eating. Don't be intimidated, really! You CAN do it! You have a lot of people here for support as well.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm in europe .. I havn't see the book in the shoppes but saw esp of Doctors where this doctor was on. Interesting ... I read little about the plan since it sparked my curiousity ... I could only read pretty general outline but it says on phase 1 you can 2 yoghurts fat free ... why is this? I have read low or no fat products are worst then the full fat. I eat only real full fat dairy products ... so does this mean if I tried this diet I won't not succeed?