


  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    Im the same! I can appriciate a guy if hes good looking/ got a great body (im not fickle honest!) but i can actually fancy girls more! And yes im with a man!
    Because girls are all yummy and squishy...just sayin'.

    I wont reply with what i was gonna say :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    If he doesnt mind going to the gay clubs!:laugh:



    Gay clubs round here are a great laugh... dont have to worry about pervy blokes :bigsmile:
    I thought "pervy" and "guys" went together like..."pervy and guys"

    Which is why we go to the gay clubs as they can perv at each other and we just get to have a laugh!!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Im the same! I can appriciate a guy if hes good looking/ got a great body (im not fickle honest!) but i can actually fancy girls more! And yes im with a man!
    Because girls are all yummy and squishy...just sayin'.

    I wont reply with what i was gonna say :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    Booo! Wimp
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    Im the same! I can appriciate a guy if hes good looking/ got a great body (im not fickle honest!) but i can actually fancy girls more! And yes im with a man!
    Because girls are all yummy and squishy...just sayin'.

    I wont reply with what i was gonna say :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    Booo! Wimp

    Yep thats me!! (wouldnt wanna say anything that could incriminate me!)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Im the same! I can appriciate a guy if hes good looking/ got a great body (im not fickle honest!) but i can actually fancy girls more! And yes im with a man!
    Because girls are all yummy and squishy...just sayin'.

    I wont reply with what i was gonna say :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    Booo! Wimp

    Yep thats me!! (wouldnt wanna say anything that could incriminate me!)
    Because everything on the interweb is the troof!
  • xerinx2011
    xerinx2011 Posts: 222
    Im the same! I can appriciate a guy if hes good looking/ got a great body (im not fickle honest!) but i can actually fancy girls more! And yes im with a man!
    Because girls are all yummy and squishy...just sayin'.

    I wont reply with what i was gonna say :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    Booo! Wimp

    Yep thats me!! (wouldnt wanna say anything that could incriminate me!)
    Because everything on the interweb is the troof!

    It is isnt it?? Its true that im gonna die from everything i do surely?? Dont take away the one thing in my life thats true!! Its just not fair :sad:
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    My very first concert was Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. I tell people that it was Lollapalooza '94.

    Mine was Billy Ray Cyrus. I do not share this info with anyone! :blushing:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    SInce my divorce, I have been meeting strange men at online dating sites for "sexting" only type relationships. No physical contact, only exchanging phone numbers, Does that make me a "slut" if there is no actual contact?
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    SInce my divorce, I have been meeting strange men at online dating sites for "sexting" only type relationships. No physical contact, only exchanging phone numbers, Does that make me a "slut" if there is no actual contact?

    Not in my book. :bigsmile:
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I still have love notes from old girlfriends.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I am a fountain drink sip stealer! :devil:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I once imagined the person I was sleeping with was Hugh Laurie (Dr. House).


  • rizorw
    rizorw Posts: 67 Member
    I just tried to learn the Thriller dance by watching the video. I actually did okay. the choreography isn't difficult, but looks impressive in a group setting.

    It's actually very impressive in a group setting! When one of my friends got married 2 years ago, she organized the bridal party and a few others to do the dance for everyone..they rehearsed for weeks and when it was time, it looked awesome!

    My friend is getting married in September. All of us co-workers are talking about getting together and doing a dance at her wedding. Just to be funny. I think we can do this one!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    SInce my divorce, I have been meeting strange men at online dating sites for "sexting" only type relationships. No physical contact, only exchanging phone numbers, Does that make me a "slut" if there is no actual contact?

    Nope. I don't believe in sluts anyway.
  • farmingtonmom
    farmingtonmom Posts: 44 Member
    I still have love notes from old girlfriends.

    I am happliy married and just found out my ***first*** boyfriend passed away 8 years ago. I looked around the house and found all his love notes he gave me and pictures of him.
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    My husband and I had sex in our home while it was under construction but no one was around (I hope :)) We have sex outside all of the time (in the woods) It is so exciting!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Confession #2:

    I danced for years and hated my college dance team. I tore my hamstring October of 2009 and had to quit. The injury sucked, but I was kinda thankful for it because it gave me an "out" to quit the dance team without actually quitting.
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    Confession: becoming fat made me super-creative in the sack! ;)


    I know, right?!

    Oh and I used to work in a maximum security prison.

    Did you learn any of that in the prison? :bigsmile:

    EW. Just...EW. They tried though. To woo me. One of them would make toilet paper roses and "paint" them with Skittles. THEY LOOKED REAL. Also, when I was doing rounds, every time I walked by this guy's cell, he would start singing, "Heyyyyyyyyy thereeeeeeeeee Lonely Girl, Lonely Girl...." Every time. He's sing the whole damned song (VERY beautifully). There was a guy named "Merlin" who drew portraits of me, and they looked like ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS. The wasted potential made me so sad. I don't know what they in particular did to get in there, but they were talented, and they could have gone far in their lives if they made better decisions. I know that much is true.

    Then there were also guys who would ask if they could smell my hair. Oh, and the guys that would just stare at me from their cells and *kitten*.

    They'd get jealous over me. They would be protective of me. I can see where some women would get into trouble in this situation. I really can. But not me. I got pregnant a few months into that job (NOT BY AN INMATE), and they expected me to continue to work in the housing units. I quit. I have about a billion stories from there. I wrote a zine about it called Odd Job.
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    I have to have my volume for EVERYTHING in intervals of five.
    Or I can't breathe.

    Me too. Sometimes odd numbers are okay though, mostly 13 and 17.
    I hold my breath when I'm around people I don't know. (Malls, Supermarkets, etc) Just until they pass by.
    I know. That's a weird one, but I've been doing it since childhood.

    Are you a germophobe?
    It's the happiest shame I have...but...I met my husband AT THE WAL-MART.

    i met my husband at "the wal-mart" too!

    Was one (or both) of you working there, or were you shopping, and dropped something in the aisle. And then he picked it up for you, and then your eyes locked. You stammered, "Th...thank you." And then lovey music started playing, and suddenly, you were fantasizing about running toward each other on a sunny, white-sand beach?
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Oh, here's a fun one. We could get some judgmental mom action goin' on:

    I was on MFP today and forgot to pick my son up from swim practice.

    I once left my sleeping son on the pew at church. I didn't realize he wasn't with me until I got home. I was mortified!

    This isn't really a confession of mine but something very similar happened to me when I was a little girl. My parents, my sister and I all went to the mall one day and my parents took separate vehicles. I've always been a reader and oftentimes I would wander off to the closest book section, sit down and read until one of my folks comes to find me. This day was a little different as each one of my parents though that the other had me and proceeded to return home while leaving me, blissfully unaware, at the mall. It wasn't until they both returned home (about 10 miles away) that they realized I was still at the mall. Interestingly enough, I didn't even realize they had left me until they returned to pick me up. :laugh: