SIXERS Spring into Action--Week 5



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    1. Stay within my calories (M, ___, ___. ____,
    2. No Late Night Snacking. (M, ___, ___. ____,
    3. Burn 3500 calories this week (M 450, 475, not gonna happen now.
    4. Weigh everyday and keep a log (M, Tu, W, ___, F - VERY BAD WEIGH IN

    Well, in addition to have raging cramps, HUGE weight gain (9 lb), I am now officially out of exercise commission for the next week due to plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and a sprained ankle. But it is amazing how much work crutches take. I even have the blisters on my hand to prove it. Keeping up with my family, not so easy. Spring break all next week and my anniversary date with hubby today, and I'm on crutches, can't fit in my pants, and feeling like, well you know. So I'm venting But this too shall pass. Just a momentary hiccup in a roller coaster ride.

    I hope you all have a wonderful, warm, sunny, active weekend. Burn a couple of extra calories for me :)
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    lula....get it all done at once and than nothing can go haywire for a few months. feel better. wrap wash clothes or hand towels around the crutches. rest. cause you don't sit in front of the tv anymore. so you are moving and finding things to do.
    beky...washing cars can be good exercise you are bending (toe touches) twisting at the waist, it goes on. make a workout out of it.
    kisten...isn't this time of year great.
    everyone else....enjoy some out door exercise this weekend. it could be just hiking, playing a game, something to move ya.

    afm....went to gym. these two women come in and they were next to me on treadmill. i am doing my C25K and they kept looking at me. i could read their minds thinking how can she be running at her weight. only they did treadmill 15 mins and kept getting off and on. ok, them type. one should not have been wearing the pants she had on. on the machines they were thinking how big and bad they were. i did double their weights. and to top it off they don't wipe their machines. so i am wiping before i use. i have seen them once before in there and they did the same thing. why do those people go to the gym? they go and wonder why they aren't losing any weight sitting at some restaurant eating lunch. there is no effort. i shouldn't judge. just orated today. son problems again. only about 6 weeks until he moves. he got a new job, so hope working normal hours and he won't be here. but, than he will be at night. DH and i will miss that.
    oh, and now my doggie can't see out of his good eye. the cataracts have taken over. vet said not worth the surgery. we don't have that kind of money anyway. so we have to help him around now.

    off to the shower, later
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning!

    Cathy...sorry to hear about your frustrations at the gym...hate that! And I'm SO sorry to hear about your puppy! ((BIG HUG))

    Lorna...hope your foot/ankle recovers fast! But enjoy your anniversary date!'re doing great!

    Shanell...busy mommy!! Don't you LOVE playing that role?! I do!

    Everyone else...HELLO!

    AFM: Had a good night last night. Been working myself hard this week so decided to walk last night instead of run. Still burned over 200 calories. Then did my shred-level 10 done now! YAY! Gonna stick with level 2 for a works the abs SO well!!

    Oh! And it's official...I'm going on vacation to Canada to visit family and friends on May 14th with my mom and Kadence! I can't wait!! BUT...I'd like to lose a little more before I I have some incentive!!

    Plan today:
    B-Kix, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Turkey, 1 oz. cheese, lettuce and mustard on light whole wheat, baby carrots, and light yogurt
    D-Chicken and rice bake, some green veggie
    S-??? Maybe a glass of wine!

    JM Shred day 11-level 2
    --it's currently raining and cold so probably no run or walk this evening.

    Have a FANTASTIC day!
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    Cathy. I am SOOO sorry to hear about your pup! Hugs. Ugh... some people at the gym s*ck... that's why I elliptical at home now...:happy: I always felt like I was being judged... I just wanted to walk right over to some of those girls and tell them to work out or get out... hmmm... don't worry about them you are doing great!!!

    Kristin. Keep up the GREAT work!

    afm. this week just keeps getting worse... :grumble: i have no motivation... I want it, but just can't seem to stay on track... going to take it easy for a couple days and try to work my way back into things slowly... I haven't been drinking my water, exercising or eating well... yup. it has been bad... bad bad.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just have to share...went shopping over lunch and ended up buying a dress in a MEDIUM in the JUNIORS section!?!?! I am thrilled!! Haven't done that in forEVER!!!! YAY!
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi all!

    Cathy - sorry to hear about your pup! :( Also, I know what you mean about those women at the gym! I used to be one! Haha - I would go and work out for a few minutes never really having a routine and wondering why it didn't work! However, I DID/and still DO clean my machines every time I work out in a public place. :)

    Kristin - Yay for incentive! :)

    Mlek - You'll find your motivation (it's in there somewhere!) :)

    Lula - YUCK! I hate injuries like that. It's like you get sent into a downward spiral :(

    As for me - Hubby, son and I are headed to VA to visit a friend from HS for a WEEK. Yay! We leave AFTER I walk a 1/2 marathon (possibly in the cold, cold rain). Yuck - why do I do this to myself?? :) Haha. I'll be checking in though because I am bringing laptop on the road, and I'm insistent that I will keep up my marathon training AND my diet while on vacation. We'll see how that goes! One can dream.... :) Talk to you soon!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    1. Stay within my calories (M, ___, ___. ____, F
    2. No Late Night Snacking. (M, ___, ___. ____, F
    3. Weigh everyday and keep a log (M, Tu, W, ___, F, Sa to come later )

    Who knew you could burn so many calories and build so many muscles using crutches. They should make a race out of it. I was ALL over the place. Lots of walking, hopping ALL day. At one point, we had 5 minutes to get to a ferry and was doing the three-legged run. My 55-year-old fit uncle was actually huffing and puffing beside me to keep up. But you should see the blisters on my hand. My hubby says it looks like I got a bad burn as I have three huge blisters. But we had a blast yesterday on our "date". Got home after 1 am and here I am working at 3 am. So come 9 am, back to bed for me. My husband said with everything I did yesterday, it was like running on my hands and my upper body is SOOORRRREEEEE!!!!!!

    jmiller - I hope you and your family have a blast with your friend.

    Kristin - Awesome success. You are an inspiration.

    mlek - Keep your chin up. Each day is a wonderful new beginning (thank goodness)

    Cathy - Sorry to hear about your frustrations. And sorry to hear your littlest member of the family is having a rough time. He has a wonderful mommy :)

    Okay to work. Thank you for keeping me company this morning ladies. Have a great and wonderful weekend!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    quick stop by for me. ate out last night the worst cheeseburger possible and onion rings. scale showed it this morning.
    today. a scentsy show at my house, book sale, have to go get an order from another consultant, DH isn't feeling well. i am sooo tired, don't know why. it's very humid here today. need to clean the house. so i am heading for the vacuum right now and shower and heading out the door.


    ps. i better burn some calories today. LOL
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Sorry to hear about those blisters! Great job on the workout :-) Give yourself a break if you need it!

    HEY Sixers just checking in to say hiiiiii!

  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi! Just checking in from VA! :) BAAAAD eating all weekend. Good will start tomorrow (I promise!) :wink:
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    kristin! thank you for moving me up :-)

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals!! Happy Monday!

    Had a wonderful and productive weekend!! Saturday we went and got some stuff for work we're doing in our house this summer...also got a new hammock for our backyard. Did some yard work, took down christmas lights (finally), went out for a lovely lunch, did my shred, and watched a movie! Then yesterday I did my shred, went for a fun, cleaned and did laundry, organized my desk, made a wonderful dinner, and had lots and lots of fun with my daughter! GREAT weekend!!!

    Plan today:
    B-Kix, skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Green salad, baby tomatos, cucumber, spritzer dressing, light yogurt
    D-Broiled Tilapia parmeasan, couscous, and green beans
    S-Fat free frozen yogurt-wildberry swirl

    JM Shred day 14-level 2 (gonna stick with level 2 probably for another few days, then onto level 3!
    Maybe a run, but it's supposed to rain again and it's pretty this is for sure just a "maybe"

    Have a FABULOUS day!!