What's so horrible about carbs?



  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    . You really have to pay attention to how your body behaves and responds, not just go along with what everybody else is saying.

  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Carbs are fine... in moderation. Just like everything else.

    Just like cocaine, heroine, gasoline..... hmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe not!

    Sorry - I don't mean to be a jerk - this everything in moderation line makes me angry. There are a lot of problems with carbs. But first, you have to look at where they're coming from.

    Veggies are carbs. Most of us know that I assume - but surprisingly, some don't. They are.....

    Gina - I was going to go through the whole thing, but I just don't have the patience to say it all yet again.

    Don't eat grains folks. There's abundant information out there if you'd like to see why, or you can just trust me. Or you can call me a jerk. I don't care really.

    Read these things before you keep feeding yourself insulin-spiking grains.







    So... According to all this, our ancestors who ate grains should of died 100's of years ago... It's no wonder humans don't exist anymore! Oh wait...

    Besides, isn't paleo dieting also know as a caveman diet? Eating food that our ancestors ate to which they thrived on? I mean... How does that make sense at all?
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Carbs are not bad! They are the energy that makes us go.

    However, too many carbs can get stored as fat. Also, carbohydrates require water to digest and process, and thus cause us to retain water.

    Eating a diet rich in complex carbohydrates (whole or sprouted wheat, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains) is your best option for losing weight, feeling full, and having energy.

    Not if you're insulin resistant it isn't. So here, as elsewhere it depends on the type of person who's on the diet.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Carbs are fine... in moderation. Just like everything else.

    Just like cocaine, heroine, gasoline..... hmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe not!

    Sorry - I don't mean to be a jerk - this everything in moderation line makes me angry. There are a lot of problems with carbs. But first, you have to look at where they're coming from.

    Veggies are carbs. Most of us know that I assume - but surprisingly, some don't. They are.....

    Gina - I was going to go through the whole thing, but I just don't have the patience to say it all yet again.

    Don't eat grains folks. There's abundant information out there if you'd like to see why, or you can just trust me. Or you can call me a jerk. I don't care really.

    Read these things before you keep feeding yourself insulin-spiking grains.







    So... According to all this, our ancestors who ate grains should of died 100's of years ago... It's no wonder humans don't exist anymore! Oh wait...

    Besides, isn't paleo dieting also know as a caveman diet? Eating food that our ancestors ate to which they thrived on? I mean... How does that make sense at all?

    The whole point is that we all eat to much carbs (sugars) from processed foods.... just go back 100 yrs before all the processed foods came along.... people werent as obese as we have become in recent years!!! And the only reason we are living longer has everything to do with all the doctors and medicine we have now and nothing to do with the way we eat so dont try to compare the two!!! Do your research and see for your self, no one is saying stay away from carbs completely but instead to make sure they come from the right place (fruit, vegs and very little to no grains)!!!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I agree with (some) of the PP's - carbs seem to be the latest culprit that "make us fat". We know now that low fat eating doesn't necessarily equal weight loss and I'm sure it is going to be the same conclusion with low carb eating at some point.

    My opinion is that the overly refined carbs (white flour, sugar, corn syrup etc) and snack foods packed with these carbs plus low quality fats ARE pretty horrible, whereas brown rice, potatoes, fruit etc (in other words carbs which aren't so processed) don't do me any harm.

    To me this isn't just about the carbs, it's about the amount of processing that happens to a food (or "edible food like" substance as Michael Pollen would say) before it gets in my mouth that is the issue.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Carbs are fine... in moderation. Just like everything else.

    Just like cocaine, heroine, gasoline..... hmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe not!

    Sorry - I don't mean to be a jerk - this everything in moderation line makes me angry. There are a lot of problems with carbs. But first, you have to look at where they're coming from.

    Veggies are carbs. Most of us know that I assume - but surprisingly, some don't. They are.....

    Gina - I was going to go through the whole thing, but I just don't have the patience to say it all yet again.

    Don't eat grains folks. There's abundant information out there if you'd like to see why, or you can just trust me. Or you can call me a jerk. I don't care really.

    Read these things before you keep feeding yourself insulin-spiking grains.







    So... According to all this, our ancestors who ate grains should of died 100's of years ago... It's no wonder humans don't exist anymore! Oh wait...

    Besides, isn't paleo dieting also know as a caveman diet? Eating food that our ancestors ate to which they thrived on? I mean... How does that make sense at all?

    The whole point is that we all eat to much carbs (sugars) from processed foods.... just go back 100 yrs before all the processed foods came along.... people werent as obese as we have become in recent years!!! And the only reason we are living longer has everything to do with all the doctors and medicine we have now and nothing to do with the way we eat so dont try to compare the two!!! Do your research and see for your self, no one is saying stay away from carbs completely but instead to make sure they come from the right place (fruit, vegs and very little to no grains)!!!!

    So complex carbs are worse than simple carbs? I find that hard to believe. I'm not saying carbs are good.bad, I'm saying they have a place in our diet. Both simple and complex.

    (I do more research on this than you think.)

    Grains were part of diets long before us. I'm pretty sure they are not bad for you.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Carbs are fine... in moderation. Just like everything else.

    Just like cocaine, heroine, gasoline..... hmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe not!

    Sorry - I don't mean to be a jerk - this everything in moderation line makes me angry. There are a lot of problems with carbs. But first, you have to look at where they're coming from.

    Veggies are carbs. Most of us know that I assume - but surprisingly, some don't. They are.....

    Gina - I was going to go through the whole thing, but I just don't have the patience to say it all yet again.

    Don't eat grains folks. There's abundant information out there if you'd like to see why, or you can just trust me. Or you can call me a jerk. I don't care really.

    Read these things before you keep feeding yourself insulin-spiking grains.







    So... According to all this, our ancestors who ate grains should of died 100's of years ago... It's no wonder humans don't exist anymore! Oh wait...

    Besides, isn't paleo dieting also know as a caveman diet? Eating food that our ancestors ate to which they thrived on? I mean... How does that make sense at all?

    The whole point is that we all eat to much carbs (sugars) from processed foods.... just go back 100 yrs before all the processed foods came along.... people werent as obese as we have become in recent years!!! And the only reason we are living longer has everything to do with all the doctors and medicine we have now and nothing to do with the way we eat so dont try to compare the two!!! Do your research and see for your self, no one is saying stay away from carbs completely but instead to make sure they come from the right place (fruit, vegs and very little to no grains)!!!!

    So complex carbs are worse than simple carbs? I find that hard to believe. I'm not saying carbs are good.bad, I'm saying they have a place in our diet. Both simple and complex.

    (I do more research on this than you think.)

    Grains were part of diets long before us. I'm pretty sure they are not bad for you.

    Again its more about the processed foods!!! Ive done a lot of research on this too! In general we have come to rely on these kinds carbs too much. Its all about finding a balance and for me having (most) of my carbs come from vegs & fruit with a little grains seems to works best!!! Im trying to cut out processed all together because if all the nutrients have been striped away what purpose do they serve other than empty calories??? Yes grains were part of our diet and have been for years but not the processed grains that are being feed to us by the food industries today!!! Now im not saying i never have these things but im working on staying away from them more and more everyday!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    In a nut shell, they can be stored as fat. (Just like proteins)


    They are burned really easy though, plenty of cardio and you shouldn't really worry about it. Unless you are over 100 off or so

    From the website (First paragraph explains it very well):

    Overeating on carbohydrates is a major cause of excessive weight gain. A common misconception is that eating fat makes one fat. However, most weight gain today is due to overeating on refined sugars and, to a lesser extent, eating complex carbohydrates in excess.

    Let us explain why people believe that eating fat makes one fat, and why it is not true:

    1. Carbohydrates provide four calories (energy units) per gram, while fats provide nine calories per gram. This leads many doctors and health authorities to think that fats make you fat, but carbohydrates do not. However, our bodies easily convert carbohydrates to fats through the action of insulin and other hormones.

    2. Eating carbohydrates increases insulin secretion, and decreases zinc, magnesium and other vital minerals. This can contribute to weight gain and many other diseases. Eating high quality fats does not increase insulin secretion as much.

    3. Breads, pasta, fruit and sweets can also alter neurotransmitter levels in ways that cause a calming effect. This can be addictive for some people, leading to overeating on these foods. Dr. Robert Atkins, MD, a cardiologist in New York City, did quite extensive research on this subject. Although he was scorned for years, his research has been shown to be valid.

    Thank God! someone with intelligence!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    In a nut shell, they can be stored as fat. (Just like proteins)


    They are burned really easy though, plenty of cardio and you shouldn't really worry about it. Unless you are over 100 off or so

    From the website (First paragraph explains it very well):

    Overeating on carbohydrates is a major cause of excessive weight gain. A common misconception is that eating fat makes one fat. However, most weight gain today is due to overeating on refined sugars and, to a lesser extent, eating complex carbohydrates in excess.

    Let us explain why people believe that eating fat makes one fat, and why it is not true:

    1. Carbohydrates provide four calories (energy units) per gram, while fats provide nine calories per gram. This leads many doctors and health authorities to think that fats make you fat, but carbohydrates do not. However, our bodies easily convert carbohydrates to fats through the action of insulin and other hormones.

    2. Eating carbohydrates increases insulin secretion, and decreases zinc, magnesium and other vital minerals. This can contribute to weight gain and many other diseases. Eating high quality fats does not increase insulin secretion as much.

    3. Breads, pasta, fruit and sweets can also alter neurotransmitter levels in ways that cause a calming effect. This can be addictive for some people, leading to overeating on these foods. Dr. Robert Atkins, MD, a cardiologist in New York City, did quite extensive research on this subject. Although he was scorned for years, his research has been shown to be valid.

    Good post here..........

    I would like to add.....

    Also, foods such as grains, beans and legumes inhibit the absorbtion of calcium and can also leach calcium from the bones due to phytic acid..........

    Also the casein in dairy causes inhibition of calcium absorption.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I agree with (some) of the PP's - carbs seem to be the latest culprit that "make us fat". We know now that low fat eating doesn't necessarily equal weight loss and I'm sure it is going to be the same conclusion with low carb eating at some point.

    My opinion is that the overly refined carbs (white flour, sugar, corn syrup etc) and snack foods packed with these carbs plus low quality fats ARE pretty horrible, whereas brown rice, potatoes, fruit etc (in other words carbs which aren't so processed) don't do me any harm.

    To me this isn't just about the carbs, it's about the amount of processing that happens to a food (or "edible food like" substance as Michael Pollen would say) before it gets in my mouth that is the issue.

    Pick up the books Why we Get Fat and Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. He does a very good job of explaining why starches, grains, beans and legumes are not as good for us as we are told they are...............
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Also Dr Akins died of a heart attack. I think he was right about carb control, but the high fat food? Not so much.
    When I was pregnant back in 1978 Dr. Atkins had just came out with his diet plan. I was gaining a lot of weight and
    my OB told me eat low carb. I picked up the book and ate Hot dogs and bacon most of the time. I'm lucky my son was born healthy.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Carbs are fine... in moderation. Just like everything else.

    Just like cocaine, heroine, gasoline..... hmmmmmmmmmmm.... maybe not!

    Sorry - I don't mean to be a jerk - this everything in moderation line makes me angry. There are a lot of problems with carbs. But first, you have to look at where they're coming from.

    Veggies are carbs. Most of us know that I assume - but surprisingly, some don't. They are.....

    Gina - I was going to go through the whole thing, but I just don't have the patience to say it all yet again.

    Don't eat grains folks. There's abundant information out there if you'd like to see why, or you can just trust me. Or you can call me a jerk. I don't care really.

    Read these things before you keep feeding yourself insulin-spiking grains.







    You are awesome.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Also Dr Akins died of a heart attack. I think he was right about carb control, but the high fat food? Not so much.
    When I was pregnant back in 1978 Dr. Atkins had just came out with his diet plan. I was gaining a lot of weight and
    my OB told me eat low carb. I picked up the book and ate Hot dogs and bacon most of the time. I'm lucky my son was born healthy.

    Atkins DID NOT die of a heart attack.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Also Dr Akins died of a heart attack. I think he was right about carb control, but the high fat food? Not so much.
    When I was pregnant back in 1978 Dr. Atkins had just came out with his diet plan. I was gaining a lot of weight and
    my OB told me eat low carb. I picked up the book and ate Hot dogs and bacon most of the time. I'm lucky my son was born healthy.

    Atkins DID NOT die of a heart attack.

    On April 8, 2003, at age 72, Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice while walking to work, hitting his head and causing bleeding around his brain. He lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, where he spent two weeks in intensive care. His body deteriorated rapidly and he suffered massive organ failure. During this time, his body apparently retained an enormous amount of fluid, and his weight at death was recorded at 258 pounds. His death certificate states that the cause of death was "blunt impact injury of head with epidural hematoma".
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451

    Pick up the books Why we Get Fat and Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. He does a very good job of explaining why starches, grains, beans and legumes are not as good for us as we are told they are...............

    These are great reads!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Also Dr Akins died of a heart attack. I think he was right about carb control, but the high fat food? Not so much.
    When I was pregnant back in 1978 Dr. Atkins had just came out with his diet plan. I was gaining a lot of weight and
    my OB told me eat low carb. I picked up the book and ate Hot dogs and bacon most of the time. I'm lucky my son was born healthy.

    Wow, way to go listening to the media.

    He slipped on ice whilel walking to his office and suffered a brain injury.

    And the Atkins books I read none of them say to live on Hot Dogs and processed bacon. They specifically state to purchase non-processed, fresh meats and organic vegetables if it is within your budget.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Carbs are fine... in moderation. Just like everything else.

    I don't believe in the "everything in moderation". I feel it is an excuse to NOT change a persons way of eating.

    The only carbs that are fine are those from vegetables and fruit.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Also Dr Akins died of a heart attack. I think he was right about carb control, but the high fat food? Not so much.
    When I was pregnant back in 1978 Dr. Atkins had just came out with his diet plan. I was gaining a lot of weight and
    my OB told me eat low carb. I picked up the book and ate Hot dogs and bacon most of the time. I'm lucky my son was born healthy.

    Yes, you beat me to it: SOME of his research has since been confirmed. Dr. Agatston's nutritional research is often mocked because of the popularity, but I do believe that the principles of the South Beach Diet will hold up in the long term.

    Despite the first food pyramid, it is looking like most people should not make grains the foundation of their diet, which, between breakfast cereal, sandwiches and pasta, most Americans have done.

    It is also hard to compare ourselves to our ancestors, who did not have access to high fructose corn syrup and who, in most cases, were hunting, farming or working manual labor.
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Again its more about the processed foods!!! Ive done a lot of research on this too! In general we have come to rely on these kinds carbs too much. Its all about finding a balance and for me having (most) of my carbs come from vegs & fruit with a little grains seems to works best!!! Im trying to cut out processed all together because if all the nutrients have been striped away what purpose do they serve other than empty calories??? Yes grains were part of our diet and have been for years but not the processed grains that are being feed to us by the food industries today!!! Now im not saying i never have these things but im working on staying away from them more and more everyday!!!

    I completely agree with this!! I've been really working to eliminate processed foods and I feel much, much better for it - and when I have things like bread I make sure it's as clean as possible - few ingredients and low GI. I get plenty of carbs, but I completely agree that they can easily come mostly from veg and fruit and a smattering of low GI grains (basmati or wild rice, quinoa, etc.)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Also Dr Akins died of a heart attack. I think he was right about carb control, but the high fat food? Not so much.
    When I was pregnant back in 1978 Dr. Atkins had just came out with his diet plan. I was gaining a lot of weight and
    my OB told me eat low carb. I picked up the book and ate Hot dogs and bacon most of the time. I'm lucky my son was born healthy.

    Wow, way to go listening to the media.

    He slipped on ice whilel walking to his office and suffered a brain injury.


    And the Atkins books I read none of them say to live on Hot Dogs and processed bacon. They specifically state to purchase non-processed, fresh meats and organic vegetables if it is within your budget.

    My Bad. I just looked it up and it was a brain injury. I still think he was wrong about eating high fat though. Just my opinion