*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Week #15 Discussion 4.15.11



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    My question for you ladies this week is how do you deal when certain life situtations get in the way of your healthy lifestyle.

    My problem seems to be I do so well for like a month or two and then something in my life changes or something is going on where I take a few days off and it spirals into a week or two messing up what I worked so hard for. In the process of moving so I have been super busy for exercise and eating out way to many times because of the time crunch (they moved up closing date). Monday through Friday seem to be where I excel the best and then the weekend comes and I have so much stuff to do I can't find time. Something I hope changes once I am all settled in the new house (currently live with mom 4 days boyfriend 3). Will be moving into a new house with boyfriend full time (WA-HOO EXCITED!!!!).

    Also, my boyfriend joined MFP and it has been great so far because I really have extra support now. He has always supported me but now that he realizes what certain things are higher in calories he really is making great choices for dinner. So I am really happy for him and can't wait to continue my weight loss journey with him.

    Great question...I will admit it is hard. And I totally know how you mean how one day of not exercising turns into a week! That is honestly why I push myself to do it everyday.....at least some kind of activity. But sometimes what helps is I think about for everyday I don't exercise...that puts me 1 more day away from my goal.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I want this trip to be as stressless as possible. If its stressful, its only because I conjured it up myself, not because of something anyone else did.
    Exactly! Only YOU can let outside circumstances make you stressed, or get the best of you! Blaming others is easy. I gotta work on reacting less to my family as well.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hi gang! I'm happy to report that my changes that I'm making this week are working for me. I feel good and I'm eating clean. For once, I'll be happy to report my weigh in this Friday. :bigsmile:

    ETA: OH, and I made my first goal!! Now I just have to make that hair appt.

    Wonderful job girl! Way to find out what workds for you and sticking with it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Hump Day ladies! Well I am feeling ok today, however, I think I am starting to come down with something. I have a headache, and I am just feeling like a cold is coming on. I am going to keep chugging my water and take some medicine when I get home from work...hopefully my son will cooperate and take a nap, so that I can also. But when I wake up, I am still going to workout. I don't want to give myself an excuse to stop. So I won't unless it is too unbearable. All these changes in weather can really screw your system up! Grrrr.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I want to keep my stress level down. Stress eating is never good!
    Fantastic Leela! I wanted to comment that, (in avoiding all spoilers) in tonight's Biggest Loser episode, one of the contestants that fell below that line had been completely stressed out all week (ok... that's a bit of a spoiler, sorry!) and I was betting that s/he would fall below because of that! Stress can stop weight loss, no doubt about it. Even if there is no stress eating involved. You're body can just cling to it (weight) in times of stress.

    Brandy... That new hair is gonna make you feel awesome! I'm overdue for a hair cut, party because of money, and partly because I want to keep it long enough to put in a ponytail for the summer...:smile:

    I totally agree on the stress making your body hang on to the weight. Thanks for not spoiling TBL for me because I am going to watch it tonight online.:happy:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Steph that's so true. its like stress causes the body to shut itself down and keep on the weight that you probably would have normally lost under the same circumstances without the stress. I want this trip to be as stressless as possible. If its stressful, its only because I conjured it up myself, not because of something anyone else did.

    "Life is 10% what happens to you; and 90% what you make of it." --Unknown. We can not change peoples or many irriations in life but we can for sure change how we react to them or it. I am behind on trip you are taking but keep in mind you are in control of you and your reactions to events. If you keep it positive as much as you can hopefully this will make stress less likely. Have a good trip.....:-)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Well I am feeling ok today, however, I think I am starting to come down with something. I have a headache, and I am just feeling like a cold is coming on. I am going to keep chugging my water and take some medicine when I get home from work...
    Try and get a good full night's sleep. It seems like everyone, here and that I know in person, is tried lately. Time to reboot!
    "Life is 10% what happens to you; and 90% what you make of it." --Unknown. We can not change peoples or many irriations in life but we can for sure change how we react to them or it.
    I love that Mollie. Thanks for posting.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I want this trip to be as stressless as possible. If its stressful, its only because I conjured it up myself, not because of something anyone else did.
    Exactly! Only YOU can let outside circumstances make you stressed, or get the best of you! Blaming others is easy. I gotta work on reacting less to my family as well.

    And the best thing about being stressed today is that I didn't give it to eating. I played a game with my daughter, took a few deep breaths and dragged myself back to zumba even though I know I had plenty of things to do. I am going to destress with a nice long soak!
    Thanks for the support this week. I know it will really make the difference on the scale!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    OMG! I cannot seem to break out of this slump I have been in & it feels awful! I keep hyping myself up to workout and eat right & then I find an excuse or am just too lazy to workout :embarassed: . I am still 177, so I have maintained but I feel so yucky! After working out and eating right my body is in a funk...You know after you stop working out for a few days you just feel "heavy"? That's how I have felt for a month.

    This has happened to me before. I have lost weight & then just stopped and gained it all back. I really, really, REALLY dont want that to happen so I have to just start again. I feel like it is so hard & I know its not. It's all mental.

    I have been thinking about my Mom alot lately, which is very unusual for me. She left myself, my brother & my father about 13 years ago. I could see or speak to her if I want to but I feel so betrayed and upset with her. How can you just get up one day, pack your things & abandon your family?! :mad:

    I think its because I have a child of my own & I would never, ever leave her. I couldn't walk out the door and never look back. So I just feel mad all the time about that lately. Maybe that's half of my problem. Mentally I am all over the place. My dedication to a better ME is sidetracked because of my past...OR maybe it's an excuse.

    Ughhhhhh!!!!! I am hoping April 18th will bring a fresh new start for me. Only I can bring it.

    I grew up with a simalar situation, my mom left when I was 5 years old. She gave custody to my father, and for a long time we didn't see her often. Later on we did the every other weekend thing, but I never bonded with her. Its a hard thing to deal with. After some thearpy and some talks with my mom, I now know that what happened was about her, not me. Her depression at the time was so bad she didn't think she deserved us, or that she wanted to be around. (if you can find a Dr. that does REM therapy I would sugest going.) It has helped me more than I can say.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm also stressed becuse I quit smoking this week - I am officially 3.5 days smokefree!!! - I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment alone as I have tried in the past and trust me - it is not easy, just like this eating healthier and exercising journey - all one step at a time!!!

    I quit smoking 6 years ago it is very hard. These are some tips that helped me

    Buy gas at the pump.. avoid goin into the gas station if at all possible.
    Don't buy another pack, If you do cave to a cig, bum one, that way you only have 1 to smoke not 20 (That and you'll start feeling guilty about bumming so many and stop.)
    Also if you bum one, smoke a kind you don't like. (It makes it so the experence is bad and not as rewarding.)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    down 1.6 I hope to keep it off while I'm on my trip!
  • forgiven4life
    down 1.6 I hope to keep it off while I'm on my trip!

    Have fun on your trip!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    down 1.6 I hope to keep it off while I'm on my trip!

    Have a great time girl! U deserve it!
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi ladies! Since starting this challenge, I'm afraid to weigh in. This has been an very hectic week for me, so much personal things going on, I had to move among other things. I've made some poor choices in food because I haven't had time to cook though I managed to stay within my calories range. It feels like I've gained 5lbs but I'm hoping not.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for April 20, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    View permanent weight loss as a process, not an event.

    Most great achievements are the result of hard work and a designated plan of action. As they are often time consuming, progress is made in small, purposeful steps.

    The same is true concerning permanent weight loss. It's not just going to happen. Through a process you create and execute, you are infinitely more likely to succeed in all your endeavors. Save the "events" for birthdays and celebrations, and view permanent weight loss as a process of making a plan, and then, each day, doing the next right thing.

    Action for the day: Today, simply do the next right thing. Whenever you have a decision to make, whether it's what to eat or what to do after work, do the next right thing.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hi ladies! Since starting this challenge, I'm afraid to weigh in. This has been an very hectic week for me, so much personal things going on, I had to move among other things. I've made some poor choices in food because I haven't had time to cook though I managed to stay within my calories range. It feels like I've gained 5lbs but I'm hoping not.
    bettyboop... Totally understandable! Try not to be hard on yourself because you have a life! Things will happen, and you'll get through them, as we all do. :wink: One off week doesn't even matter in the grander scheme of things. And it's also very unlikely that you'll have gained 5 lbs, and in the very unlikely event that you did, it would probably be more of a sodium/water retention issue that could be fixed with a good sweat, and many cups of water. :flowerforyou:
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks Steph! You're right it's not 5, just a pound. My body just feel so heavy.