I'v given up...



  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    I kind of agree, no one in their right mind would eat this kind of food if they were actually serious about their health let alone weight loss. I'm out!

    Key word "right mind" - If this is an actual real person's story, which I'm skeptical, this person definitely needs professional help way above and beyond MFP. I'm out too!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Stop making excuses.
    Stop blaming other people.
    YOU shove the food into your mouth.
    YOU eat all that unhealthy food.
    Start eating healthy foods on a regular basis.
    Start exercising on a regular basis.
    Stick to a healthy "diet" for months, not days or mere weeks.
    Stop being negative.
    If you aren't serious, don't waste your time or others until you are.
    If you are serious about it and just can't control yourself, then you may need help.
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    With dieting you have to be strict and stick to it. If you are jumping from one diet to another then you are obviously not doing it properly.

    Choose one... for example "myfitnesspal," and stick to it. It takes time.. you've got to control what you eat and exercise... and you will lose weight.

    Don't give up!!
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I'M WITH YOU!!! THIS IS TOO RIDICULOUS TO BE REAL - this "person" has yet to even say a weight or a goal weight and just "I think" for height - TROLL is likely correct and wasting everyone's time when they could be helping and encouraging REAL PEOPLE with REAL ISSUES and REAL QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS. NO ONE really eats all that crap, even the worst junk food junkies I know don't....
    Secrecy happens to be a hallmark symptom of most eating disorders. The OP does need more help than a message board is able to provide. But yelling, ranting, and declaring "Troll" do not help either. Nor does declaring someone "not a real person" and her problems "not real issues". Feel free to offer support or find another thread to follow, simple.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'v made another post...
    i mandged to convince my fionce to let me get one of the beach body exercise videos..
    and i need to re-evaluate how many calories i eat, and im open to suggestions.
    because today i WILL be uping my calories to a sensible number..

    This is the link to the new post ->>..

  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    There's no need to insult people or become aggressive. This person obviously needs help and encouragement.


    listen to what people have told you. If you really do want to lose weight, get fit, and feel happier about yourself then start from today...

    Count your calories, exercise, and complete your diary on a daily basic. Weight yourself at the end of the week. Don't binge, treat yourself when you have earnt the calories... by exercising.

    Walking is the easiest of exercises... so do that.

    If you are serious, then listen to what people have told you.

    Good luck!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    The 5000 calories yesterday that you consumed, and none of them were heatlhy calories

    I ate moslty fruits, vegs and nuts, with chicken breasts and pinto beans for one year and lost 120 lbs...you can do it, just stay away from that Easter candy you devoured yesterday........candy isnt your friend hun...........Lloyd
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member

    Your post made me sad.
    You sound so defeated.

    Girl, please don't give up. You are a good person and worth a little TLC.

    I am not a psychologist but your special man may be subcosciously afraid of losing you if you get fit and trim.
    He may subconsiously be trying to keep you a little chubby because of this fear.
    Find ways to assure him that this will NOT happen.

    Kindly and lovingly ask him to find other "gift" to make you "happy" instead of chocolate and KFC.

    I hope you will give a healthy lifestyle one more try.
    You are worth it girl.

    Hugs & Prayers
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Your post made me sad . You can loose weight do it for yourself and not anyone else ! I have lost 31 pounds so far and have 70 some more to go and it is hard some days but the support that you recieve on myfitnesspal is going to get you through the hard days !
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Seriously you dont give any of your changes a chance to work.

    Change you food entries to breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.

    allot yourself 1300 calories and log every last morsel that enters your mouth (food and drink)

    If you exercise eat at least half back

    Cut the crud from your diet, if you really crave it then exercise and earn the calories for 1 piece a day.

    Tell your fella what will make you happy long term is to drop a dress size (not a temporary hit from chocolate) and that you'd like him to support you. Then go shopping together. If you need a shopping list ask on the board for people with a 1300 calorie allowance and an open diary to give you a shout so you can see exactly what sort of things to be eating. I'm not saying it has to be 100% clean but it does have to be a lot cleaner than what you are currently eating.

    Do this for 6 whole weeks...if there is still no change come back and post again asking for help. Doing it for less than 6 week just isnt giving your body time to catch up with changes.

    Oh and weigh...you've been sketchy on what you weigh but you obviously do know to say that you haven't lost anything. What is your BMI..if its within or near normal it will take longer...1/4 of a pound a week and less would not be unusual
  • phy40
    phy40 Posts: 260 Member
    Giving up is to EASY! Everyday is another opportunity to get it right, whatever " it" is. Hang in there. Winners never quit and losers nevers win. Somethings in live come to make us better and not bitter. This journey will make you better.
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    I get real happy when I eat chocolate also ... the problem is .. I love it so much that I have to eat all of it so .. end results is I have been eating NONE ... but crave it ... Just had a chocolate whey protein shake .. good .. but not the same .. wonder if we have become addicted to certain foods ...
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    @ StrongHeart

    thank u for ur kind words.

    d/w i'v decided everyone else cant be wrong.
    Im going to eat more, and with that.. hopefully i wont end up binging a couple of times a week.
    also im going to exercise less.
    i'v been exercising about 600 calories a day on average.
    and with my new diet change, i wont be able to eat that many calories left.

    im hopeing over all i'l be much healthier!
  • SarahLovesCheesecake

    Honestly, I'm starting to think you are a troll. This is too ridiculous to be real. And your spelling? Atrocious.

    Ditto, well said...
  • SarahLovesCheesecake

    PMSL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • marilynchapman
    marilynchapman Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up as the only one that loses out is YOURSELF, I have been on diets most of my life but finding this site has been a great help. Its FREE, you are not alone and best of all it makes counting calories easy when it saves every thing. Start from now an belief in yourself, you are a worthly person and let no-one say any thing else. You have a great deal of support, use it and be happy.:happy: