He is married :(



  • I asked this because I wanted your opinions... nothing more. You don't know me there is no need for any negative comments towards me.
    It'd be like walking into a room full of women and saying "Should I shag a married man??" with a bull horn and expect everyone to just give standing O's or high five your *kitten* for considering it. Maybe go to the Humane Society's blogs next and ask if you should, or should not leave your puppy out in the rain. Negativity breeds negativity.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    So not sure why I am writing this here. Just would like a little advice I think. I do know right from wrong but the feeling is so fricken strong.... haha that could be a song!

    Here's the picture. I have liked this dude since I was 14 I am now nearly 21 and he is 30 we are really close friends too, but age doesn't matter to me. We have always had a 'thing' but didn't go further than kissing because of my age. We would always meet up and hang out, we had a great relationship (not official) but would get on so well and it was clear there was always something there. He recently got married and things aren't going well with his wife. I am seeing him next week for the first time in a couple weeks. I want him so bad but obvy he is married. What should I do because my body says go for it and instigate something but my mind knows it's wrong. She would never find out and I know he wants something to happen. Ah I sound so terrible and like a homewrecker.

    please don't hate me these feelings are genuine :(
    I have been the one who has gotten hurt- the worst feeling in the world and I would NEVER wish it upon ANY not even my enemy. Think as if you were her- or it was your husband. Don't be selfish. Just remember others have feelings too. If it is meant to be they will split up in time and he will come to you. So wait, don't risk it over someone else's heart.
    I am not judging you so I want clarify that ;) I just want you to think from another prospective. I understand the heart is a difficult thing to deal with... from all sides. That's the truth!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Just have to say that when I was 19, I dated a 32 year old married man. He told me his marriage was unhappy and they hadn't had sex in more than 5 years. I had sex with him twice.... ranking up there in the most unsatisfying moments in my life. All 3 inches of him - no exagerration. our "relationship" ended and guess what.... a couple weeks later he had some other young thing to flirt with.

    Looking back, I realise he took advantage of me. But if you had asked me then...... I probably would have told you that he was an amazing guy.

    Do yourself a favor and don't let yourself be taken advantage of.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Well what more can I say that hasn't already been said ...it's a wrap....yell cut...check the gate
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Please can we remember to act in a respectful way with each other. If you have been insulted then please report it to a moderator. If you reply in a similar manner you will also be insulting others which is not acceptable on the MFP forums. Nothing wrong with debate, but please keep it civil. Some threads may now be edited to remove any insults.

    Thank you.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Just to point out, you posted this on a public forum, you can not choose what people say in their responses to you, you opened the door and people with different opinions answered, stop whining about negative comments. Positive and negative comments will happen on the best of threads.
This discussion has been closed.