30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Done another day of the Shred!!!! Started at level 2!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    L1D2 finished! Is it crazy to say that today felt a tad easier than yesterday??? It could just be in my head, but either way I'll take it! I am combining it with the C25K program 3 times a week -maybe more if I feel like it. I REstarted the c25k yesterday and thought it would be tough because I was sure that I lost all progress I made by not running for a month. Well.....It wasn't a cake walk but I felt pretty darn good when I finished...I actually thought "Wow, I have missed this." Which is crazy because I was sooooo nit a runner a few months ago!!!

    Feeling good- Keep it up :happy: :happy: :happy: and happy shredding!!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm in serious need of motivation! I have the DVD and am trying sooooo hard to wake up before work to do the workout, but my bed seems to convince me to stay and sleep a bit longer. Anyone else feel like a slacker? I have a few weddings/ vacations coming up in the next couple months and so no time like the present to get my butt in gear.

    YES!! I tried to get up this morning to workout and just couldn't either. I am going to try tonight, but won't get home until after 9. I just need to do it!

    I have absolutely no motivation to wake up early before work and do it - I want all the extra time to sleep as I can. So I force myself to do it soon as I get home! just an idea
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I completed Level Day #3 today - I kind of agre it is getting easier... my arms are so sore right now that the strength section kills me

    FOr those of you pushing your start days back, or skipping days just try and get the shred in morning noon or night - any chance you get. its only 25-27 mins, make the time for it. (not trying to sound rude or anything just want to give you that push that we need sometimes - I'm sure I will need it sooner than later!)
  • sparkle327
    Plan for the week:
    04/20 - Day 7 L2    Complete 04/20
    04/21 – Day 8 L2   Complete 04/21!!!
    04/22 – Day 9 L2
    04/23 – Day 10 L2

    @sundinsgurl - you make a good point about it only being 25 minutes. I am really going to try to stick with it especially since I really want to see results.m
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Did L1D4 this morning, and Week 1 Day 3 of C25K this afternoon. Getting up at 4:40am to do 30DS is a killer, but it's the only time I don't have an audience. Once the kids are in bed at night, I'm wiped out! Think I need to take measurements tonight because the scale has actually gone up about 1/2 a pound. Depressing!!
  • FitToFab
    FitToFab Posts: 47
    Day 3 done!! so much sweating by the end..
  • SJazzy
    SJazzy Posts: 3
    I would like to join as well.......I've been slacking and snacking way... too much
  • sparkle327
    04/20 - Day 7 L2    Complete 04/20
    04/21 – Day 8 L2   Complete 04/21
    04/22 – Day 9 L2   Complete 04/22!!
    04/23 – Day 10 L2
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    Another bad day... was planning on doing the DVD last night, but ended up having to go pick my husband up downtown. Only was going to get 6 hours of sleep and I defiantly need my 8. I have stop making excuses and JUST DO IT! I am doing good with eating my 1200 calories so I am still losing weight, but want to get the toning results that everyone who has done the DVD speaks of.

    Is anyone else struggling to find the time? Are you just getting less sleep to make sure you get your workouts in? I know "they" say how important getting a good nights rest is.

    Thanks for any advice... I need it!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level 1 - Day #4 complete!!! wohoooo burned a much higher number this morning, must have been because I did it first thing when I got up as opposed to after having done my other exercise and working all day. Instead of 105-109 I burned 130 cals.

    Also, I made a calender for the 30 days - and planned out the next weeks of exercise. And its nice to see which day I will be on which level

    ak248902 - Glad to hear that you are stil loosing weight :) Some days will be more jam packed than others but its about planning the
    time that you will do it the night before so that you know you will get it in. I havent been compromising my sleep at all
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    I had to miss yesterday I'd done too much cycling and could barely move my legs lol Anyways back to it first thing this morning Day3 Lvl1 done .... forgot how much I enjoy level 1 I can really see how much fitter I am this time around.

    Keep at it everyone :drinker:
  • Fehleesha
    Got done with day 5 today and I no longer hate jumping jacks haha. So far so good. Keep the good work everyone :)
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 done... didn't have a chance to log in yesterday but did (finally) complete day 1... I'm on my way... just a few days behind everyone else.

    ak... the only advice I can give you is to get to bed as early as you possibly can. My days a SUPER hectic. I work full time, have two very young kids and my husband travels for his job so I am on my own a lot. If I don't get up and work out before my kids are up I just not going to work out... I can plan on doing it all I want, but the reality is that it just won't happen unless my husband is home with the kids and I can go to the gym (which I try to do at least twice a week).

    Things happen and I end up being up too late and when that happens, my mornings are shot because I need the sleep too... totally get your frustration.
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 done today, managed a few full on push ups yay!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Made it through L1 Day 6 this morning. It was nice not to have to get up at 4:40am to do it! Couple more days and moving onto Level 2. Oh my!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed Level 1 - Day #5 :) Wohooo half way thru level one
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Did my shred this morning after I came home from the gym!!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Did L1D7 this afternoon after Easter brunch. Gotta say I'm getting a little bored... Wondering if I should step it up to Level 2 a little early?? My motivation is waning!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed Level 1 Day #6 :) I can feel it getting easier which is AWESOME!! I can make it all the way through the strength training parts without taking any breaks anymore. I still can only manage 10 push ups than switch to knee ones, but I used to have to take breaks in the shoulder press and front raise part too.

    This was the first time I left the shred so late (after 8pm), plus it was a Sunday and a night after drinking so I was feeling very lazy. But I survived my first weekend and am still successful thus far: 1/6th of the way complete