30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Good luck with the move :drinker:

    Day 9 Level 1 done perfect start to my Saturday, the scale's not budging but the tape measure is I am losing inches nicely!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    L1D7 done! Getting close to L2... not sure how I feel about that....
  • sparkle327
    I slacked today. I got caught up with Will and Kate this morning :blushing: . Then I got too busy with the family to hit the work out. Now I am just plain too lazy to do it. I am going to get up tomorrow morning and get back on it!

    Complete Day 4 Level 3: I spoke too soon last night. We put the kids to bed and I completed Day 4 Level 3 Friday night. Yay for me! That took real motivation.

    Complete Day 5 Level 3!!!

    I actually think Level 3 is easier than Level 2. Maybe I am just a little stronger now. You ladies let me know what you think when you get there.
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    I actually think Level 3 is easier than Level 2. Maybe I am just a little stronger now. You ladies let me know what you think when you get there.

    Hmmm....Isn't that funny.... I think Level 2 is easier than Level 1! I chalked it up to gettin stronger. :wink:

    I haven't yet decided if I'm going to do my 30DS. I've done 12 days in a row, and I hate to skip a day. But I went on a 5 mile/1600 ft elevation gain hike today and I'm TIRED!!!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    L2D3 Done! :) I noticed one of my wrists is getting sore from all the moves in plank position. Not sure what to do about that...
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    L1 D8 done...
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Day 10 Level 1 done! Wow that was an effort today soooo tired but just had to get it done.

    Hope everyone's managed to do something today be it shred or whatever just keep going :bigsmile:
  • parisianskies002
    I am on my 5th day of the Level 1 Shred tomorrow! I only started it last week and l can already see the benefits.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    With moving and unpacking I was too exhausted to get my shred in yesterday :(:sad: I really didn't want to skip ANY days!!! But I got right back to it this morning Level 2 Day #3 complete. I might do it again tonite than I will be back on track and #4 would be complete, so than it would be Day #5 tomorrow. I will post again tonite if I get it in.

    The move went GREAT - weather was sunny, nothing went wrong :) I just feel like my life is a mess right now, boxes everywhere, I do have to say we have gotten A TON unpacked, so thats makes me very happy. Still lots to do, but we dont get cable till Friday so we will have plenty of time to get it done this week. - Someone in my building has unsecured internet so I am using that till Friday when ours gets set up.

    chryciw - my right wrist is also getting sore from the planks. I havent figured out waht to do about it either, I am going to try focusing on evenly distributing my weight a bit more, or even a little more to the left to strengthen the other wrist and give my right one a bit of a break.

    parisianskies002 - I am also seeing a difference from this shred, I think I am a lot more toned. The place I see it the most so far is my arms probably because I rarely did any strength training before

    hyperstitch - way to get the shred in today despite being so tired, Good for U!!!!

    As for the debate Level 1 being harder than level 2 - I have to agree thats its because we are getting stronger :):):) For this level so far I have only been using my 3 lb weights but I think I will be using 5lbs for some of the exercises tomorrow. Still a few more days before I can get to Level 3 and see if thats easier than level 2 - I hope it is :)

    Happy Shredding!!!!!
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Day 6 Level 3 complete!!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    L2D4 Done! I decided to wait until tonight to do my shred to give my wrists a little break. What I discovered is that it's much more difficult for me to find my motivation at 8:00 pm than it is at 4:40 am! Not sure how my body will feel 1st thing tomorrow morning when I jump into day 5!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Finished Level 2 day #4 - those squat thrusts are killer!!!

    I have noticed that its way more difficult to muster the energy to get it in in the evening as well!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    L1D9 complete.... this morning. didn't shred yesterday. Woke up with a killer headache... my head pounded everytime I moved an inch... jumping jacks were definitely out of the question.

    Hit the treadmill when I got home from work. doing the video when my children are awake and my husband is away is IMPOSSIBLE. My 4 year old likes to try to do the excercises with me, which is cute but not helpful (her jumping jacks are especially amusing). Then she fights with me over the weights because she thinks she can lift them. Then she decides to pretend to be the "teacher" and hovers around me like Jillian hovers around "the girls". She usually gives the whole thing up about 1/2 way through, but by then my 18 month old has wandered in and wants to be held.

    I decided not to chance a non-productive workout attempt and just run for as long as I could... burned 300 calories and did a full 10 minute mile without much effort for the first time since I was in high school (I've been comfortably running a 12 minute mile for a while now but was afraid to step up the pace.) 30 day shred is definitely helping my endurance.

    Tomorrow level 1 will be completed. I am a bit worried because Wednesdays and Thursdays are the hardest days for me to get in my workouts in the morning... have to leave the house at 7:00 am and need to get up extra early to work out... haven't made it for the past few weeks... wish me luck!
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 done phew! Took a rest day yesterday but didn't actually rest ended up doing some serious work outside painting and cutting down trees for 11 hours ughhhhh

    Level 2 the level full of planks ... this is going to be a long 9 days for me but determined to stick to the 10:10:10

    Good going guys :wink:

    Sparkle you're nearly there seriously jealous!

    Sundinsgurl glad the move was a success and all went well.
  • sparkle327
    sparkle327 Posts: 98
    Day 7 Level 3 complete!! This group is really helping me. When I finish level 3 I am going back to Level 1. I was so inconsistent on that level. I started and stopped several times over the last couple of months.
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Level 2 Day 5 done! 1/2 way there :)
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    finished L2 D5 (recovering from stomach bug, so about 80% of full effort) and i can see such an amazing difference in my shoulder definition! as much as i want to die while doing squat thrusts, all those moves are really creating a change. i never thought to take arm measurements when i started, but fortunately the visual is pretty clear ... well, hello tricep, so nice to see you here!

    keep up all the hard work everyone!
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
    I am back... had a rough past week. I went to Miami with my husband for a business trip that he was taking. Took my DVD and weights with me but only did it once. I tried to do it a few hours after I ate and what a bad idea it was. Made it through 20 minutes and thought I was honestly going to throw up!

    So I completed L1D5. I really need to sit down and plan out each day and when I am going to work out.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Level 2 Day 1...hmmm.....not sure what I think about this level yet. It's tough, that's for sure! But I am super happy because I took my measurements and am down about 6.5 inches!!!!!! Woohoo!!! Granted, it's mostly .25 and .5 inch losses, but it's all over my body, from my neck to my calves!! It definately motivated me to get back on a good eating plan and tackle level 2.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Level 2 Day #5 complete!!! Wohoooo HALFWAY done the SHRED!!! Feels incredible!!

    I can see definition for sure as well!! Pain is gain