30 Day Shred - April 19 to May 18



  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Finished D6L1 yesterday, will do D7 today. It was the easiest it's been!

    Actually I was thinking - "Wow, this is getting easier!"

    And then I had an epiphany
    no, the workout is NOT getting easier...I AM GETTING STRONGER!!!! I know it's really nothing but a play on words, but if I think of it like that it is such a motivator! If I say that the workout is getting easier, then it is all about the DVD...BUT, if I say I AM GETTING STRONGER, then it acknowledges my accomplishments and it really makes me want to keep getting stronger, not just keep doing the dvd until the 30 days is over. I dunno, does that make any sense to anyone or does it just make sense in my little old head?? Either way, it works for me!

    Happy shredding!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    As for all of us who have memorized Jillian's every word and would rather punch her in the nose than hear her say it one more time...this is what I do:

    I make a new playlist everyday on my computer that is about 25 to 27 minutes long and I use all fast paced music that I can jam to and sing along with. Then I turn down the TV either all the way or to where I can barely hear it and blast my playlist. That way I can change it up and not get bored and I can also sing along when I feel like my muscles are going to DIE!!!!!

    I don't know if it would help anyone else but it takes my mind of the pain and also drowns out Jillian!! Much love Shredders!!
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    As for all of us who have memorized Jillian's every word and would rather punch her in the nose than hear her say it one more time

    Good idea! There are a few things on each level that she says that get me .... my daughter is never about when I work out so I generally just cuss her out lol

    Level 1 Day 6 done, I really do enjoy this level, as this is my second go at the shred I remember level 2 and am hoping I can take it on this time :ohwell:
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    I have gained about 3 pounds and am only on day 6!! Well, TOM is right around the corner, so I am sure that has something to do with it, but still....

    i had this *exact* phenomenon, in fact i started reading this thread to get a peek into some other peoples experiences. i also read another thread and it appears that a small weight gain in the beginning is pretty common.

    i completed 10 days of L1 in a row, took yesterday off and start L2 today (and, i must say, looking forward to the change in routine). i admit that i am a little frustrated with the gain, but i know my body is already stronger after the first 10 days, so i'm sure it will be worth it by the end of the 30 days. i guess i just have to let go of the "number" and switch my focus to the shape of my body.

    keep up all the good work ladies, watch those muscles get strong!!!
  • sparkle327
    Day 2 Level 3 - Complete!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I definetely try to ignore Jillian's words - yes I have memorized them lol The music on to drown her out is a Great idea!!! So happy to be done Level 1 Day#9 - only one more!! and YES I do feel that I am getting stronger :):):) I guess thats the positive about doing the same workotu everyday u do see/feel a change in yourself.

    I too am very nervous for Level 2 as I do remember this one being more difficult. But we just have to remember that Level 1 was hard for us on day #1, 2, and 3 as well - but we KNOW it does get easier as we get STRONGER!!!!

    So proud of all you shredders - we are doing friggen AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 done! I don't think I like doing it at 8 30 PM!!! Definately more tired, but I refused to skip!!! HAve an appointment tomorrow for my 5 year old at the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor in the neighboring town first thing in the morning, so it will be interesting to see when I get that one in....hopefully before it gets too late!

    Great job shredders! HAve a super day!!!
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    L1D6 done WOOO HOOOO!!!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Survived Level 2 Day 1.... woo hoo! Actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Definitely more complicated moves, but nice to have the change! :)
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    Bad day yesterday... actually it started with staying up too late on Tuesday night... slept through my snooze alarm and by the time I was actually awake enough to realize my alarm was going off (I'm not sure how I push the snooze alarm multiple times without waking up) I missed my window of opportunity and had to get straight in the shower... no working out.

    Today I was just too darned lazy to get up... I am going to the gym after work to hit the eliptical and do some weights and I think with that in the back of my head I decided that I was better off getting the extra sleep...

    Of course, now I feel horribly guilty for skipping two days in a row.... and i know I am going to the gym tonight but the plan was to also work out in the morning... and I did not follow the plan... and am now 2 more days behind schedule...

    Lesson learned? I cannot stay up past 10:00 and hope to effortlessly get out of bed and workout at 5:00 am. It's just not going to happen. Have I already learned this? Many times... I am hoping one of these days it sticks!
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 done! I don't think I like doing it at 8 30 PM!!! Definately more tired, but I refused to skip!!! HAve an appointment tomorrow for my 5 year old at the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor in the neighboring town first thing in the morning, so it will be interesting to see when I get that one in....hopefully before it gets too late!

    Hope everything went ok at the doctor today and you're able to get your shred in.

    Day 7 Leve 1 for me done woohoo!
  • dlhenry511
    I'm in. Was going to start earlier in the week, but have been spending most of my time at the gym so this is perfect! Good luck to all!
  • dlhenry511
    I am the same way with "gaining" on the scale and have to stop obessing about the lbs on the scale and focus on inches lost and how things are fitting me. My trainer is a big advocate of this and is helping me feel better about not move things on the scale but loosing it on the body! Good luck and stay strong. Sounds like you are doing fantastic.
  • sparkle327
    Day 3 Level 3 complete!

    I am the same right now with slow loss. I am getting ready to shift to' zig zagging' my calories. I found a site that calculates the calories for you. I will use MFP to track. Basically you take the same amount of calories you would normally eat during the week but you eat a different amount of calories on a given day. Rather than eating the same amount of calories every day.

    We will see if that helps. I am feeling great about the shred and my level of activity. So I am trying not to get discouraged by the plateau that I have hit. I am just going to push thru til the end!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed Level 1!!! Wohooo Day #10 is donzoooo Onto Level 2 tomorrow, I am ready for the change as well - but it will be tough

    I weighed in this morning, first time since Day #2 of the shred, and I'm up .7 lbs. It is VERY frustrating to see a gain. But I know I am not the only one, like I've seen others mention on here that they too experienced a gain. Just cant give up - I can tell my arms are more defined as well as my stomache, so its not all about the scale number I do realize that. Just need to stay motivated :)

    Love having this thread on here, it motivates me to get the workout in so I can come here and post that I completed it each day
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    12 days in a row!!! Did L2D2 today! Hope the rain holds off, so I can get my C25K in this afternoon. :)
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    L1 Day 6 done.
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 done, I know I keep saying it but wow I seriously love this level.
  • sparkle327
    I slacked today. I got caught up with Will and Kate this morning :blushing: . Then I got too busy with the family to hit the work out. Now I am just plain too lazy to do it. I am going to get up tomorrow morning and get back on it!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed Day #1 of Level 2 -whewww what a difference from level 1! Definetely a challenge - I had to take a break on some of the strength training but I know eventually I will be able to stick the whole minute.

    For some reason on the double jump ropes (skipping) my ears popped? Very uncomfortable, I might just stick to regular skipping. The cardio is defnetely more hard core, but again with time Im sure it will get easier

    Like hyper_stitch mentioned, I too really liked Level 1!!! lets hope I grow to like this one as much. My calorie burn so far in this level is about 30-40 cals more than level 1.

    I'm moving tomorrow, so I'll have to get up a bit earlier to get it in before I start lifting boxes (up the stairs cause we live in a basement right now) than up a flight of stairs cause we are moving into an apartment! That will be another workout in itself. hopefully I am able to move Sunday to get Day #3 in LOL