

  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Natalie,

    It si so hard to fit exercise in, but try wearing a pedometer and see how far you are truly walking- probably more than you think.

    A few of my neighbors and i started walking at 5:30 am- it was great to get it out the way, but i am not a morning person, and who wants to be up at 5:30 in the summer when you don't have to be!! Maybe early am will work for you? don't you do al kinds of exercise dvds, so weather should not be a factor?

    Good luck working this one out, and let us know your answer!!
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I can say, happily, that I dragged myself to the gym even when I didn't feel like going. It has been unseasonably HOT here! When it is so hot..uhhh...I don't feel like doing anything. But when I think "Oh, I don't really want to." I think 1. I will have to eat less (never a good option) and 2. I don't want to slow the weight loss (not a good option either).

    I have been staying within my calorie range, and I have been making more attempts to bake "diet" and low-cal. Not with good results...I think I am going to stick with the full calorie version, and just settle for much less of it. Case in point, I deceided to to make Peach Bread from a WW recipe. I made one last week-awesome-from a Taste of Home receipe. Did I say how awesome it was? Needless to say the WW was a DISASTER. How can one make bread without butter? I read the recipe 3 times to make sure I got it right-no butter.

    I made my boyfriend Rice Pudding, and consider it an act of will power that I have not had more than a spoonfull. Quality control, right? To satisfy my sweet tooth, I settled for the new frozen yogurt place that opened up down the street. Very good. I got peanut butter, of course.:love:

    I have a question for you all...what do you do if you can not find nutritional infomation for the restaurant you are going to? Do you just not go? We have this awesome Vietmese place down the street. I always order the Pho soup, because I figure it must be healthy (if one ingnores the salt content, but isn't restuarant food always salty?) But I am not sure how to account for it on MFP. Any ideas?

  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Hey Natalie,

    It si so hard to fit exercise in, but try wearing a pedometer and see how far you are truly walking- probably more than you think.

    A few of my neighbors and i started walking at 5:30 am- it was great to get it out the way, but i am not a morning person, and who wants to be up at 5:30 in the summer when you don't have to be!! Maybe early am will work for you? don't you do al kinds of exercise dvds, so weather should not be a factor?

    Good luck working this one out, and let us know your answer!!

    I have a pedometer... somewhere. I should look for that this weekend. I know I walk a lot during the day... I know that with working four days this week, I hardly sat at all during the day.

    I wish I were a morning person and could get up and exercise at 5:30 a.m. Unfortunately that early morning sleep is the sleep that I value the most. My plan is to be home no later that 5:15 each afternoon, and exercising by 5:30. I want to do 45-50 minutes each day. And yesterday was just one day since June 23 that I didn't exercise at all. So I guess that's not bad. Do you guys exercise every day? Or do you take a day or two off?

    I just returned from a 2 mile walk... I may go for another walk after dinner tonight. I am making turkey pepperoni pizza on whole wheat crust and salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing for dinner. YUMMY! It's somewhat "healthy" junk food night. :happy:

    :drinker: Happy Friday everyone... Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Oh my.... my day started with an innocent phone call at 10am, and went completely downhill from there :grumble: Family came up from downstate, on the way thru to see friends further along, as we decided to do lunch at the Casino. Mind you, Ezzie and I never go there unless it's because family or friends are in from out of town, and want to go. the food is always good, but trying to make the most of the calories there is a chore. Anyeays, we have lunch (about 1,000 cals for me, but I knew I was going to go workout this afternoon), then we have to run errands. :frown: Crappola! :angry: Each and every place we went to took just waaaaaaay to long, and we *finally* pull back into the driveway at 5pm. :noway: So, no I didn't get to workout, and I'm pretty bummed about it. :mad: After I log lunch, YIKES! I only have 600 cal for the rest of the day, oh no! :explode: So, I decide that thre field next door neds another cutting, and happily burned almost 1,000 cals (or lunch) and feel much better. But arrrgggg... it still was a grind of a day! :ohwell:
  • Hey Natalie,

    I exercise six days a should always have that one day to rest...or do mild exercise. I've been brutal about it lately as I know when I get back in school I'm not going to feel much like it..however I work in a high school that as a weight room and a pool. I can see me doing the weight room, but not the pool when the kids are there....I fear that beached whale look in front of a bunch of savvy NYC black could cost me. My plan is to leave school at my contracted time (that NEVER happens), carry my clothes with me and head right for the gym. If I go home first I'm doomed.

    Don't give's slow and steady wins the race right? Think about that old yarn about the Tortoise and the Hare...I think I'll post that on my scale :bigsmile:


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    To all my fellow's to a terrific school where we feel professionally satisfied while honoring time for ourselves!!

    Several years ago I started running with some kids in my class on the school track...(elementary) on days when I did not have meetings. Our goal was to run/walk three miles. Once they were able to run 3 miles, we practiced a 5K course that begins and ends at our school. Several of my students (8-10 year olds) ran the race day 5K scholarship run that I co-organized each year.

    Many parents have thanked me for this sense of accomplishment their kids have felt achieving their running goals. For me, I get to some exercise in before school even ends for me while nurturing relationships with my students.

    I guess my point is all matter what route we take!

  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    soup78...i hear and beer does go hand and problem is I never seem to want it to end!!

    That was exactly my problem the other night.....I just wanted the fun to continue :wink:

    After a day of recouping and moaning:ohwell: ......I cleaned house yesterday, from top to bottom and left to right - oh yeah, I did it all! Scrubbing bathtubs and toilets, vacuuming and dusting (along with moving the furniture and dusting the baseboards, too)...Whew! I even swept and cleaned up the front and the back deck! I felt like a rock star! :smokin: Then I decided to grill up some cajun chicken ready for my man when he got home, yum! A very productive day, if I do say for myself!

    Gonna go for a bike ride later.....tomorrow is the state fair, ahem, where I WILL be good!

    Have a great weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    It's such a beautiful day today... 80 with clear skies, sunshine, and very low humidity! I just finished a fast 2.5 mile walk. I'm about to jump in the shower and head to a friend's house for a cookout. It should be relatively healthy... grilled chicken, grilled potatoes (no butter or sour cream), salad, and a some pinot grigio.

    Hope you are all having a great day!
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    Great day so far......first of all the sun is shining after several weeks of daily rainshowers.

    I ran a very hilly 5 mile with my best friend...all along a beautiful lake. I felt great!

    Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    New thread in fitness and exercise.... GENERATING RESULTS 3

    see you there!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Am I too late for the GENERATING RESULTS 2 thread?


    Guess I'll go find the GENERATING RESULTS 3 thread now...
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Am I too late for the GENERATING RESULTS 2 thread?


    Guess I'll go find the GENERATING RESULTS 3 thread now...
    where is it?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Am I too late for the GENERATING RESULTS 2 thread?


    Guess I'll go find the GENERATING RESULTS 3 thread now...
    where is it?

    I'm still looking. The search feature on this site is...uh...less than robust.
  • DriRose
    DriRose Posts: 28 Member
    Make one!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Am I too late for the GENERATING RESULTS 2 thread?


    Guess I'll go find the GENERATING RESULTS 3 thread now...
    Go read Generating Results 1 first, you don't want a bunch of spoilers!
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