Beachbody coaches, I will not be 'friending' any more of you



  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Funny you mention this ... Im new here this week and was bombared (okay about 5 beachbody coaches) contacted me.
    I thought they were being really nice at first, then the messages came about shakeology, so I googled.
    Had no idea what it was until I looked it up and prompted deleted those pretending to be my FRIEND just to prey on people ...

    that's pretty insane actually :/

    i have a few on my friends list and don't have any issues with them
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Funny you mention this ... Im new here this week and was bombared (okay about 5 beachbody coaches) contacted me.
    I thought they were being really nice at first, then the messages came about shakeology, so I googled.
    Had no idea what it was until I looked it up and prompted deleted those pretending to be my FRIEND just to prey on people ...

    that's pretty insane actually :/

    i have a few on my friends list and don't have any issues with them
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    First I must say I was intrigued by this post because before reading it I had NO IDEA what "Beachbody" even was.
    After reading the thread, I came to a distinct conclusion,
    This thread has served to bring the products and company to the forefront and seems like a very ingenius way to market a product, while in the guise of NOT marketing the product.

    My complaint was and still is with the blatant abuse of the rules of this site by a fairly large number of BeachBody coaches. I never said a word about the products themsleves. Other people decided to go there.

    You can always report any post that you feel is 'advertising', and you should. Otherwise, this site will become unusable.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    I've also involved in an MLM company - There are benefits to a proper MLM setup.
    Are there any benefits to anyone other than the product producer? From my experience (and I've seen a few. My wife is a sucker for a sales pitch), the downsides far outweigh any perceived benefit.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    On a previous post, one of them was going on about having "progress photos of herself" that show that its worth the money and the product.. She implied that she had proof that it pays to have a coach and the products.....

    I replied, and I still stand behind my post, that if you work out , eat sensibly and stay focused, you wont need to $pend the money to buy $hakeology, or what ever the name is

    I ve lost 120 lbs working out, watching others who work with trainers ,and "using" their tips and information on what exerise to do. Im not the professional here, but I can see my results in the mirror. Most peope here dont have an extra 100 an hour for a trainer, or a beach coach, much less, all the money for the products

    the proofs in the pudding

    I do 3 hours of cardio a day, and 45 mins of medium strength training, ( my age is 56) got rid of my bronchiodialotor for exercise induced asthma, dont use ANY meds for blood pressure, and I did it all the old fashioned way.....Good healthy eating and working out......and I did it all in 14 months...........Im sure Ill get ragged on, but for the people who are trying to lose 50, 75 ,100 lbs, it can be done, without padding $omeone$ pocket........Lloyd
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    I've also involved in an MLM company - There are benefits to a proper MLM setup.
    Are there any benefits to anyone other than the product producer? From my experience (and I've seen a few. My wife is a sucker for a sales pitch), the downsides far outweigh any perceived benefit.

    Avon is a MLM...Tupperware and so many other "home based" companies.... everyone gets a cut, how small of the cut you get depends on how far down the food chain you are....

    I do 3 hours of cardio a day, and 45 mins of medium strength training, ( my age is 56) got rid of my bronchiodialotor for exercise induced asthma, dont use ANY meds for blood pressure, and I did it all the old fashioned way.....Good healthy eating and working out......and I did it all in 14 months...........Im sure Ill get ragged on, but for the people who are trying to lose 50, 75 ,100 lbs, it can be done, without padding $omeone$ pocket........Lloyd

    so very proud of you & happy for you!!
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    pinkmoon,they have an older woman in my area who drives a pink Cadillac, looks like Dolly Pardons grandmother and has Mary Kay stickers all over her car...........bizarre.................Lloyd

    there a older lady here too that drives one and her makeup look scary just plain scary. an she squirts her eyes like she looking for another sucker all the time. creepy..........................
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've also involved in an MLM company - There are benefits to a proper MLM setup.
    Are there any benefits to anyone other than the product producer? From my experience (and I've seen a few. My wife is a sucker for a sales pitch), the downsides far outweigh any perceived benefit.
    I can' t speak for all other types, but a usual set up is.
    Person D is under Person C.. Person C under Person B - Person B under Person A.

    If Person D sells something.
    All 3 people A, B, C will get a %. Say for arguments sake C get's 5%, B gets 2% and A gets 1%

    Compared to Person D buying something from a product producer which is already marked up 50-100%.
    and then they try to do their own markup of another 50-100%.
    They only make money from their sales, and the company makes the rest of the money.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    What is beachbody? I must be really unpopular as I haven't had anyone like that befriend me!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    lol..give it a few minutes..after I read this post I got my first...."we can help buy shakeology" message.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've also involved in an MLM company - There are benefits to a proper MLM setup.
    Are there any benefits to anyone other than the product producer? From my experience (and I've seen a few. My wife is a sucker for a sales pitch), the downsides far outweigh any perceived benefit.

    Avon is a MLM...Tupperware and so many other "home based" companies.... everyone gets a cut, how small of the cut you get depends on how far down the food chain you are....
    Avon is NOT a MLM company. Check your facts first. I know other home based companies are.

    My mom used to sell Avon, and I know of other ladies who sell Avon. I like to use this example, and people can make up their own minds after wards.

    So Lady A sells Avon.... she has 100 customers. Makes money each month buying product from the Avon company and selling it back to their customers.

    Lady A has a girlfriend that works in an office building. (Lady B) Lady B has 20 customers at her office building that she gets orders for Lady A.
    Lady A makes money off those 20 customers as she buys and sells back a product to them. She probably will give Lady B a discount, or free gifts for getting those customers each month.. (Lady B does have to take the avon books in, take the orders and collect the money for Lady A.

    Seems good so far. Now this is the difference from an company that is setup with MLM and one that isn't.

    Lady B decides she wants to become an Avon Lady. Lady A helps her get all the info, helps her register. All that good stuff friends will do.
    Lady B now is buying products from Avon, and selling to those 20 customers at her office building. She is making money per month.
    Lady A now receives ZILCH.. NOTHING.... ZERO - Her sales dropped from not having those 20 customers.
    Sorry I heard they get a $20 referral bonus, and that's it.

    if Avon WAS a MLM company then Lady A should get a % of sales that Lady B sells going forward.

    What incentive was there for Lady A to help Lady B become an Avon lady... to get the $20 referral? but lose out on the monthly amount she was bringing in prior?

    Agree? disagree? discuss?
  • draxiba
    draxiba Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not a coach nor planning to be one.. but definitelly I like bb products. I'm doing turbofire now and it totally works FOR ME!. I think not every coach is as you say.. I've found a lot of them and they're becoming my friends o at least giving advice just because I asked and up til now, they haven't tried to selll me anything. So, I think it's not ok to say they're all like that.

    you may watch this video i think it's very funny and she's right.

    blessings for all of you.
  • CoachKaren
    CoachKaren Posts: 90
    WOW.....WOW...I AM a Beachbody Coach, and a Certified Personal Trainer (ACE, NASM, ISSA MASTER CERTIFICATION, AFAA, NSCA) with a full time client load of 27 that I train one on one. So to the person who said something along the lines of "why would i take advice from someone who doesn't know what they are talking about?" I'd be really carefully about generalizing. And someone ALSO said that the before and after pictures arent real. I beg to differ as I was a before and after in the TurboFire infomercial. I have PERSONALLY meet these people. They are as real as you and me. I have HYPOTHYROIDISM. What that means is that I can put on 8 pounds in 3 days while working out and eating clean, with or without meds. TurboJam, P90X, Insanity and SHAKEOLOGY, took my from a miserable, weak, 240 pound, 38% body fat mom and wife to a Strong, independent , 157 pound, 14.7% bodyfat mom and wife. Beachbody programs was the catalyst that made me go back to school and get my new career. It fueled my passion for wanting to be able to help other. Once I became a Certified PT, I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. Why? Because MOST people can't afford to pay me my half hour an hourly rate. And not everyone that wants my help lives near me. So through Beachbody, I can reach more people. And I have not friended ANYONE on here. I do Online Boot Camps, and I encourage them all to use this site to track their food, since I require them to keep a food log.
    Myself and a lot of other BB Coaches help people with all different types of programs, Beachbody or not. Don't jusge a group of people, based on your experience with one. there over 50,000 BB coaches, and because you had a bad experience with one, you have to bash the entire organization of Coaches? That would be like me saying that all people on MFP are ignorant and uninformed, simply because I read YOUR post.
    And FYI: NO it is NOT a pyramid scheme.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Never heard of "Beachbody coaches" though I have heard one of the exercise DVDs mentioned often on here. Don't believe in paying good money for expensive meal replacements that do nothing to break poor eating habits. Never been solicited by them either, probably because it's obvious that I'm the sort of person who would give them short shrift.

    Besides, I prefer the "B*tchbody coach" plan:
    Make healthier food choices.
    Don't make a total pig of yourself.
    Get up off your fat backside and move.

    Anyone who wants to pay me for "B*tchbody coaching" them, just send me a message*. Maybe I'll make my fortune! :bigsmile:

    *Note to moderators - Joke!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just got into coaching myself. I decided that I loved my results from P90X and Insanity, and I love the community of not just here, but beachbody and FB. So I decided to try it myself. I am sure some coaches are in it for the money! And some push products like there is no tomorrow. But in my personal experience, it's very few. Most coaches are really there to help people! Making some extra money on the side is a nice bonus. And if they can make a career out of it, more power to them!

    I've sent messages to people who are new to programs, or asked questions on the forums. I will not push a product on someone though. (Just because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me) If they want it, I will give them the info. If not then so be it. But some of you make it sound like saying "no thanks" is a huge inconvenience. And all coaches are evil.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Hmmm I haven't had any issues with Beachbody coaches. I guess I'm lucky!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I just got into coaching myself. I decided that I loved my results from P90X and Insanity, and I love the community of not just here, but beachbody and FB. So I decided to try it myself. I am sure some coaches are in it for the money! And some push products like there is no tomorrow. But in my personal experience, it's very few. Most coaches are really there to help people! Making some extra money on the side is a nice bonus. And if they can make a career out of it, more power to them!

    I've sent messages to people who are new to programs, or asked questions on the forums. I will not push a product on someone though. (Just because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me) If they want it, I will give them the info. If not then so be it. But some of you make it sound like saying "no thanks" is a huge inconvenience. And all coaches are evil.
    Holy resurrected thread. Let me guess. Did a search for "Beachbody"
  • Talako
    Talako Posts: 79 Member
    I just got into coaching myself. I decided that I loved my results from P90X and Insanity, and I love the community of not just here, but beachbody and FB. So I decided to try it myself. I am sure some coaches are in it for the money! And some push products like there is no tomorrow. But in my personal experience, it's very few. Most coaches are really there to help people! Making some extra money on the side is a nice bonus. And if they can make a career out of it, more power to them!

    I've sent messages to people who are new to programs, or asked questions on the forums. I will not push a product on someone though. (Just because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me) If they want it, I will give them the info. If not then so be it. But some of you make it sound like saying "no thanks" is a huge inconvenience. And all coaches are evil.
    Holy resurrected thread. Let me guess. Did a search for "Beachbody"


    They can't turn it off.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    *Looks around. "Now where did I leave that dead horse?"
    It is right here...deadhorse.gif

    hahahahaha. That's rad! :laugh:
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just got into coaching myself. I decided that I loved my results from P90X and Insanity, and I love the community of not just here, but beachbody and FB. So I decided to try it myself. I am sure some coaches are in it for the money! And some push products like there is no tomorrow. But in my personal experience, it's very few. Most coaches are really there to help people! Making some extra money on the side is a nice bonus. And if they can make a career out of it, more power to them!

    I've sent messages to people who are new to programs, or asked questions on the forums. I will not push a product on someone though. (Just because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me) If they want it, I will give them the info. If not then so be it. But some of you make it sound like saying "no thanks" is a huge inconvenience. And all coaches are evil.
    Holy resurrected thread. Let me guess. Did a search for "Beachbody"

    The thread is not that old. It was actually the first or 2nd one listed. And I searched Beachbody coaches. I was looking for a certain thread.