Exercise Pet Peeves: What are yours?



  • nicshaw95
    nicshaw95 Posts: 60 Member
    My pet hate is watching people talking and laughing during my workout class. I don't mind a few jokes and comments but for to people to actually have a full blown conversation during the class, I feel, is so rude. I find it also extremely distracting!

    Another one of my pet hates is having a OTT energetic person working out in front of me. I mean there's energetic and there's energetic. To make matters worse, her form during the exercises are wrong. I just feel like I want to go up to her and slap her!
    Maybe it's just me, but I find it extremely annoying and distracting. No one normal has energy like that- that's either showing off to the instructor or drug induced!!

    Plus wedges get on my nerves too!

    I seem to be moaning quite a lot, so I'll stop now,
  • Lpfeifer419
    Despite following all local laws and road etiquette, I hate the looks I get while out for a walk or bike ride! It's a cross between confusion and disgust. I swear there is only a small handful of people that exercise in my town, and the ones looking at me are always the ones who are very overweight.

    I hate that the fitness center I work out in never has cleaning solution! Can you say, ewwww?

    One last one :wink: I hate how the Wii Fit acts like it's in pain when I step on it...:grumble:
  • techie30
    techie30 Posts: 82 Member

    Crotch sweat: I mean, why do I need to feel like I peed myself while exercising.? Is that much sweat down-there really necessary?

    Wedgies: How can a piece of fabric get so far up my *kitten*-crack? Someone needs to invent cardio-proof undies, they'd make millions.

    And for the ladies; Malfunctioning Sports Bras: They all suck and don't ever keep the girls where they need to be, they consistently result in unnecessary flying facial projectiles (you know what I mean), no matter how fancy or expensive they are. I'm thinking of resorting to duct tape from now on.

    What are yours?

    OH MY GOSH, I just laughed so hard I almost peed myself! So true, all of it!
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    SWEAT IN MY EARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • techie30
    techie30 Posts: 82 Member
    My pet peeve is the woman (there's always one or more of them) who get dolled up for cardio class. You know what I mean! That woman wearing 5 lbs of makeup, hair did :smile:
  • Lpfeifer419
    SWEAT IN MY EARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Totally agree! How my ears can continue to produce THAT much sweat will forever remain a mystery!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Can't stand it when I get all the way to the gym...I actually win the fight against Lazy Me who wants to go home after work insted of the gym....only to find I did not pack any socks in my gym bag....or a shirt....
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    There are signs all over the gym saying not to rest between sets on the machine itself so that others can use it while you're resting. Sure enough, though, there are always people sitting on the machines resting. They hog the machine for their gazillion sets. Very annoying!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I hate when people, men and women, stand right in front of the free weights while they lift. They block the entire rack so no one else can get to the weights. Yesterday there were two girls doing squats right next to each other, right in front of the rack of weights! I mean really can you not take 2 steps back so others can get weights off! GRRRR! I am so considerate at the gym so I think rude people really bug me!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Can't stand it when I get all the way to the gym...I actually win the fight against Lazy Me who wants to go home after work insted of the gym....only to find I did not pack any socks in my gym bag....or a shirt....

    Oh yeah that completely kills my motivation b/c by the time I get home and get whatever I've forgotten and then get back to the gym I've lost almost 30 minutes!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I hate doing planks after my forearms get all sweaty. It's hard to hold the position when my arms keep slipping out from under me. I ended up having to give up the padded mat and do them gym carpet instead.

    That happens to me too!

    I now put my elbows on my towel.

    Its amazing how much you sweat when doing the plank.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    My shoelaces ALWAYS come untied while I'm on the treadmill.. no matter how tight I tie them! It drives me CRAZY because I have to pause and tie them so they don't get stuck on the treadmill and pull me down lol I've had this problem since pre-school.. my shoes are ALWAYS untied lol

    I use the tiny dinky gym at my apartment complex and it only has 2 bikes so I like the one with the seat back attached (keeps my back straight!) but it has no place to put my ipod and iphone so I have to gently rest my ipod on the handles and then hold my iphone.. annoying.

    When my water bottle won't fit in the holder!
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    The fact that I've had the same songs on my ipod for a year and I HATE about 75% of them! I also hate how my earphones won't stay in my ears, and the ipod strap I have seems to be made for a man with 30" biceps!

    MEEE TOOOO. I'm just too lazy to load new music on mine and my earphones NEVER stay in my damn ears, even the 'sports' ones with the ear clip thingies don't stay put and always come flying off. Sigh... so lame.

    Try YurBuds...they are the BEST $20 I ever spent because they neverrrrr fall out even when I'm running and my ears get all sweaty.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I'll never understand when someone hops on the elliptical, goes hard for 3 minutes, can't take it any longer and gets off. I see this all the time. That's going to get them nowhere!

    If you want my machine, fine...but don't stand there 4 feet away staring at me....cause chances are I just started and you're only going to waste your precious gym time waiting around and I'll probably take even longer just because I know you're waiting and you're annoying me. Just like at the parking lot waiting for my spot.

    Also doing the same thing on the weights....they do 10 really fast realize how hard that was and exhausted they are, get off and go do something else.

    Either educate yourself or stay off.

    If you are chatting at the gym on cardio...you're not working hard enough, shut up or get off.

    I get so irritated lol

    I hate it cause my ears get plugged and my lips get all dry and blech.
  • TurboJenn
    TurboJenn Posts: 64 Member
    Moving Comfort bras sold by REI are AWESOME!

    Def can't stand women who put on make up to sweat (actually I pity them).

    I am all for the anti wedgie undies.

    My biggest pet peeve is when I miss a work out due to my own laziness.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Mine is kind of a hate but a love at the same time.

    I hate when I'm trying to do pushups and my dogs think that they should come over and lay underneath me. I love it because it gives me the motivation not to fall down on them.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    My pet peeve would bother some people. Mine involves watching other people do an exercise with seriously bad form. Watching a teenager do a behind the neck pull down at the gym. It all just freaks me out. I want to run over to them and tell them that they can injure themselves with that exercise. Anyway, it's a pet peeve of mind. Maybe I need counseling for it. :tongue:

    Like this? Saw this at my gym and my friend filmed it haha
  • milehighcritic
    People who leave their workout bags anywhere on the floor. It can get crowded in a gym and I hate tripping over another person's gear. Buy a lock and put it in the locker.

    People who wear the same workout gear every day. I see this one man three or four times a week. He wears the same green Triumph T-shirt and red workout shorts . Yuck.

    Sweat running into my ears while running. Ipod earbuds will keep falling out of my ears.
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    I'll never understand when someone hops on the elliptical, goes hard for 3 minutes, can't take it any longer and gets off. I see this all the time. That's going to get them nowhere!

    If you want my machine, fine...but don't stand there 4 feet away staring at me....cause chances are I just started and you're only going to waste your precious gym time waiting around and I'll probably take even longer just because I know you're waiting and you're annoying me. Just like at the parking lot waiting for my spot.

    If you are chatting at the gym on cardio...you're not working hard enough, shut up or get off.

    I get so irritated lol

    OMG--meeeee tooooo!! I HATE HATE HATE when people get on the treadmill right next to me and act like we're in the last 100 yd stretch of a 200 yd dash!! oh, and it seriously irritates me when people drop the weights and whole gym shakes...seriously, if you cant SET THEM DOWN, then maybe its a bit too much for you...
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member

    Wedgies: How can a piece of fabric get so far up my *kitten*-crack? Someone needs to invent cardio-proof undies, they'd make millions.
